
Oct 19, 2003
To start with I have been a member for so many years but have not been on the forums for most of them. I have not done any PE for most of this time and now wish I would have. I am 47 years old and my ED seems to be getting worse quick, I am lucky to even get a half erection any more and I haven't found much to make it better. I don't know if its all stress related but I have a feeling most of it is. I also have performance anxiety which might be causing this and know I have to get my mind right again. My wife is Bi-polar and has no desire for sex at all except a handful of times a year. She says has no interest but I also know she was abused by a ex husband at one time. I cant even get a decent erection when I masturbate which is really a killer. I recently started taking meds for high cholesterol and know this could also be causing my problems but I still think most of it is in my head. I was told in my early years by a gf that I have a small penis and I think this is haunting me to this day, the reason I joined MOS. I do not have a lot of free time due to working long days so its hard to do any lengthy routines. Sorry for the formatting, just trying to get things out and see what advice others can offer.
My Brother, I feel for you big time and your suffering is great in this. I do not think we are ever given more than we can handle and when we can no longer handle it we look for help...You found it! Bi-Polar is a terrible disorder, one I suffered from for years. I can imagine what you have to deal with in that respect, but I hope you Love supersedes your patience with her. I would "gently" give the advice to try a different medication. Most SRI meds will cause lack of sex drive but there is one that does not, and the is Wellbutrin. The combination of Wellbutrin, Serequel, Klonopin and Lamictal saved my life! I have been in the hospital every year for over 14 years, the past two year I have not gone nor needed any type of help, the medication cocktail I gave you changed everything for me. So this is only a suggestion and one that may bring both of you closer together.

As far as ED goes, you are way too young for this to be a physical issue. It is most likely, as you stated, a mental issue. There are many ways to deal with this and I will post the ones we suggest that have helped many men beat this. Question, are you ever able to get a 100% hard erection in any situation? Let me know that while you look over these different methods of lasting longer and to gain a harder erection.

First to gain a harder erection a few things should be done. The best method to beat this is PE itself, when all methods of a good routine are employed erection quality is the first thing people notice. In a solid routine you would be practicing Kegels which are the best way to increase erection quality. I would also suggest investing in some Viagra to use in sexual situation, including masturbation. This will help you regain your confidence and it will also awaken your penis and give it some time to play :) Also with Viagra you can practice edging which is a two fold exercise, it will increase erection quality and also help you last longer.

Here are some of the practices to help with premature ejaculation:

Becoming in touch with your orgasm
There is a very fine line between cuming and about to cum. making this distinction is the first step in having more staying power.

Identify your brink of orgasm
You will want to identify the fine line that separates cuming from about to cum. During this period pay special attention to what brings you almost to orgasm. What are your thoughts? How long does it take to get there? Keep Track of this information for future reference. The goal here is to paint a mental picture of your orgasm and identify just what brings you to this brink and what you can do to stop it.

Breathing to Reduce Excitement
Simply taking a deep breath at the brink of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.

Breathing to Reset Orgasm
When you feel that you are getting too close to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset will happen automatically with no pause.

The Squeeze Techniques
When you feel close to your orgasm completely stop, pull out, take a deep breath and apply one of these two squeezing methods. One method usually works better for men than the other so try them both.

at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the OK grip squeeze the base of your penis and squeeze until the urge has faded.

at the brink of orgasm stop, take a deep breath. Using the forefinger and thumb squeeze the top and bottom of your penis just below the glans until the urge to orgasm has faded.

DLD Push
The DLD Push is a technique to prolong orgasm and remain erect after orgasm. This method involved a hard reverse kegel right at the brink of orgasm. It takes some practice but once it is mastered 4-5 orgasms are possible.

Reverse Psychology
A great technique that seems to work very well for me is the Reverse Psychology method. Previously to having sex I convince myself that I am going to have problems ejaculation.

I hope this has helped you and if there is any questions or concerns please just ask!

yep but being in a constant state of suffering is a quite terrible thing,Its ok to have tough times every now and then,but living in permanent pain can turn into an unbeareable situation...:O

luckily we have your advice D, you have gone trough and you have been able to take those obstacles over..We all have to do the same.
I appreciate all the help. Mt wife is not on any meds except Xanax right now. She has been through so many of them and most didn't help. I am glad that she is not too bad and has not been to the hospital in years. I love her more than anything and I know all will be well. With erections, I rarely have a full one. I would guess maybe once a month with masturbation but even that doesn't do it any more. I agree that it is mental but I guess its deep down and its hard to shake the thoughts in the back of my head. I have a few changes for the new year and hope that they will work along with your advice. I don't think its my wife, mostly thinking bad thoughts about my penis and not being big enough. I so much appreciate the help, only place I have ever spoke about my problems.
Impact;719426 said:
I appreciate all the help. Mt wife is not on any meds except Xanax right now. She has been through so many of them and most didn't help. I am glad that she is not too bad and has not been to the hospital in years. I love her more than anything and I know all will be well. With erections, I rarely have a full one. I would guess maybe once a month with masturbation but even that doesn't do it any more. I agree that it is mental but I guess its deep down and its hard to shake the thoughts in the back of my head. I have a few changes for the new year and hope that they will work along with your advice. I don't think its my wife, mostly thinking bad thoughts about my penis and not being big enough. I so much appreciate the help, only place I have ever spoke about my problems.

I am so happy that you have such great love for your wife, I admire that greatly. I also give you great credit, as well as your wife for suffering these issues with grace. These things the fertile ground of growth and change for the better. I have one thing that I would like you to try to see if it helps with your erections, Viagra. Viagra is nothing to fear nor is there any type of dependency. It is effective for all men who use it that do not have physical ed. Physical ED is very rare and happens only in certain situations, usually age is a factor when the penis is not used for some time. Viagra will at least release you from the torment of impotence. With this clear from your mind you will have a better angle of trajectory into making the relationship much better.
Munto;719559 said:
Viagra is anything but safe:
viagra - Search Results

Let me rephrase this, I have taken Viagra for more than 14 years and have never had any adverse affects. In addition I have never heard of anyone in the Brotherhood having any issues whatsoever and we are talking about 100's of men. I also would not put my faith in those articles without thorough reading and understanding of their positions. I assume you have done this already?
doublelongdaddy;719744 said:
Let me rephrase this, I have taken Viagra for more than 14 years and have never had any adverse affects. In addition I have never heard of anyone in the Brotherhood having any issues whatsoever and we are talking about 100's of men. I also would not put my faith in those articles without thorough reading and understanding of their positions. I assume you have done this already?

Pretty much, and I decided because of that, that Viagra isn't something I would want to ever use long-term.
Do I want to try it once or twice? Maybe, not sure, haven't had the opportunity yet
Munto;719840 said:
Pretty much, and I decided because of that, that Viagra isn't something I would want to ever use long-term.
Do I want to try it once or twice? Maybe, not sure, haven't had the opportunity yet

For me it made PE effortless, I could keep an erection for hours. The only side effects I experienced were a shift in my vision where things took on a blue tone but extremely subtle. I also good flushed cheeks. Lastly I got euphoria, my favorite part. And of course I got ROCK hard erections.
The only side-effect that I've noticed is the tips of my fingernails on my two pinky fingers and my right index finger tend to split, (not down the middle but across the top...almost as if the nail has layers and the top two separate)...kinda weird, but nothing dramatic
doublelongdaddy;719878 said:
For me it made PE effortless, I could keep an erection for hours. The only side effects I experienced were a shift in my vision where things took on a blue tone but extremely subtle. I also good flushed cheeks. Lastly I got euphoria, my favorite part. And of course I got ROCK hard erections.

mmm seems that viagra can really take men to a whole new level of sexual enjoyment!!:cool:
LONGERDICK7+;719895 said:
mmm seems that viagra can really take men to a whole new level of sexual enjoyment!!:cool:

Shorty that's not the aditude we promote at mos anymore. Plz lel act modly and stop being so �naked people movies� or step down from the position and hand over the mod command station
Munto;719986 said:
So do you think it's mandatory for girth like the 5x5x3 to be the most effective?

I think that the BathMate 5x5x3 routine is the best girth routine available. It can also be adjusted for lighter or heavier sessions by adding time or sets or subtracting the same. I think it should be the routine all use for girth gains as it is most effective.
doublelongdaddy;720282 said:
I think that the BathMate 5x5x3 routine is the best girth routine available. It can also be adjusted for lighter or heavier sessions by adding time or sets or subtracting the same. I think it should be the routine all use for girth gains as it is most effective.

And do you think taking Viagra before a 5x5x3 session is necessary to make (the most) gains?
Munto;720498 said:
And do you think taking Viagra before a 5x5x3 session is necessary to make (the most) gains?

It is very helpful as it brings effortless erections. If you go this routine you do not need to take a huge amount. 25mg will be plenty so you will get 4 uses out of every 100mg pill making it very affordable.
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