Jun 3, 2003
Do you think Penis Enlargement should be available and accessible to everyone or do you think it should be kept in secret among the select few that know about it? If you fear it being public knowledge explain why. I will reserve my thoughts until I hear some of yours.
keep it private!!!!! supply and demand. i want to be above average so im more of a catch to women. i would be more desireable. if everyone Penis Enlargemented, the average would be like 8 inches. i think you catch my drift.
I believe that Penis Enlargement should be kept under wraps as much as possible. Think about it, why do we all get into Penis Enlargement in the first place? Because we don't want to be average (or for some of us, below average). If the more people found out about Penis Enlargement then they would become larger, and then the "average size" would become larger thus making all of us no longer "big."
The fact is that most of the general public is lazy. Even if everyone knew about Penis Enlargement they would probably not bother with it once they figured out it isn't a magic pill.

Let's see maybe it will look something like this....
100% of men in the world know.
80% actually look into it.
60% Think it is hogwash.
40% ACtually start until they figure out it is work.
5% Keep doing it after a few months.
1% Says wow this is great I am actually gaining.

Lol. That means that the people who persist will be the ones that are the largest!

Oooh, I forgot. Maybe the 40% join MOS and DLD gets his mad rewards. :)
Private. The whole point, in my mind, is attempting to either become a superior man, or make-up for where Mother Nature cheated you a little. There would be no benefit in these areas, for a guy like myself, if every man was doing Penis Enlargement. Those few that were born with 9", which I would be thrilled to obtain through your methods, would get a 12" that I once again couldn't compete with. Plus, if everyman improved his penis health, sexual stamina, etc., the world might have enough of an increase is sexual activity that it would result in accelerating overpopulation. ;) Last, you deserve to make a buck from this. Those that are serious about Penis Enlargement should pay you for the incredible amount of work you've done here. I consider what I paid for MOS access to be a good investment that I have yet to regret, and I haven't touched the surface of the methods you teach.

All things considered, keep it within our little community.
I would say keep it private. Questor you are right, I post on Bodybuilding.com and their is a sex forum, and someone posted about Penis Enlargement, and someone posted a link to Cheeky Cherry and �other PE site�. But people still didn't believe it and loads were saying that Jelqing doesn't work because your penis isn't a muscle and that you will lose erections. They also said stretching will damage the ligaments permantly, I did want to post and tell them how wrong they all were but then I realised I was the lucky one to actually know that this works and that their are no side effects like that.
Originally posted by Questor
The fact is that most of the general public is lazy. Even if everyone knew about Penis Enlargement they would probably not bother with it once they figured out it isn't a magic pill.

Let's see maybe it will look something like this....
100% of men in the world know.
80% actually look into it.
60% Think it is hogwash.
40% ACtually start until they figure out it is work.
5% Keep doing it after a few months.
1% Says wow this is great I am actually gaining.

Lol. That means that the people who persist will be the ones that are the largest!

Oooh, I forgot. Maybe the 40% join MOS and DLD gets his mad rewards. :)

This guy has hit it dead on or, damn close to it. People are lazy by nature. Especially the male species ;) Anyone here ever been to a Network Marketing Pep Rally?? I've been to a few (then I saw the light thankfully!) and, it's amazing....you can get a crowd of 50,000 people all excited and hyped up about all the money they can make if they 'just' go and "recruit an army" of people to "join their business" and such. Everyone is excited...theyre all making "life changing decisions" ....they're all telling their upline about how theyre getting right to work on "building their business" when they leave and, go home. 24-72 hours later.....99.99999% of them have done nothing. 50,000 people who were so excited about becoming wealthy....and, maybe 5 of them actually got busy doing anything. It's just human nature. Real motivation comes from within. Penis Enlargement IS already public knowledge. Tons of infomercials for pills, radio ads for pills, spam emails (my mom loves hearing how she can add 3 or 4 inches to her penis)...every adult site you 'stumble' across has penis enlargement site links....how much more public could you get? Besides the President getting on the air and saying "My fellow Americans....Penis Enlargement works! I do it myself, and the first lady has never been happier!" I've said this and so have many others....it's like exercising. Any of you remember the "Health Craze" of the 1980s'??? Everyone was excited about getting healthy. People were exercising like never before nationwide....shoe manufacturers were coming out with new, innovatave running shoe designs...hell, there were even TV show series totally about exercise (Fame)! Guess what? A decade later we're still the most obese nation on the planet per capita. Even if Penis Enlargement were somehow made easy one day....to the point where all you really had to do was swallow some magic beans....there would still be those men...great numbers of them...who wouldnt do it. Not the ones who were truly satisfied with their sizes....they do really exist.....but, the ones who were frustrated and disgusted with having a small or average penis....hell, you could pour the pills in their mouth for them and theyd still spit the pills in your face and declare you crazy because their doctor said this stuff doesnt work. Anyway. My whole point before I got off on this wild rant was that, no matter how Penis Enlargement progresses...no matter how much it's advertised to work....it's WORK...thats the big secret of Penis Enlargement....W-O-R-K!! People hate doing anything even resembling work unless they HAVE TO DO IT to survive.
As one of my female friends said: "My husband prefers to buy me a new dress rather than try to last longer than 5 minutes in bad". I think it's a good motto .

I believe we are minority and it will stay that way.

Every men heard about the gym or jogging and.... most men look like shit.

I believe that any male INTERNET user at least once got a Penis Enlargement spam.

My vote is: keep it private (sorry less income for DLD ;) ).
Most of us put an effort to find this place and most men who want to have bigger dicks will find it anyway.:)
Another thing that I've never understood thats closely tied to this type of debate....you wouldnt believe how many times I've seen guys argue that Penis Enlargement should be "kept secret"...LOL. It's so funny, they act like Penis Enlargement never existed in other parts of the world before the internet...they must think Al Gore invented that too. But, I've never understood why so many of you seem so hung up on the whole "well if everybody knows about it...everyone 'might' start doing it". How many times do you have to hear it? No matter how public this stuff ever becomes...it's JUST LIKE EXERCISE....so few subscribe to the stuff. Sure thousands of men have paid for and continue to pay for enlargement paysite memberships....but, even so....so few of them actually do anything with the money theyve spent. I believe most of them "try" it for a little while...some of them quit...probably a high percentage....with no gains due to lack of effort and commitment rather than the exercises not working....some of them ...also a high percentage no doubt....hang around on the paysites' forum bragging about gains they never make...again because most likely, they never or very rarely do any exercises....I dont understand that crowd either....I mean who gets off on bragging about something they dont have? Then, you have the others ....the rest....who you see occasionally who not only give up after very little effort....BUT, they ALSO, have the nerve to come back around griping about how hard they tried, how dedicated they were...how they did every exercise to the T....and, still made no gains...and demanding a refund because they were scammed. It takes all types. I'm not worried nor have I EVER worried about what all the other guys are doing. I'm here for ME. Not to be bigger than Joe Smith because I heard he might have a bigger penis. Stop worrying about every one else and the about Penis Enlargement "becoming mainstream" as I've heard some other goofballs fretting about. It's never gonna happen. Penis Enlargementriod!
HELL NO!! Keep it private. I would not want all of the world's guys to have bigger penises. Then I would have to increase my goal to 13 inches, and I dont want to do that!
Couldn't agree more on the idea of how it's like any exercise and most men are too lazy to do that. Hell, it's noon and I've only gotten out of bed once, to go get something to drink. How's that for laziness?

I do try to keep up with stretching exercises before bed every other night and all though, anyone who is too lazy to do a few mins of that deserves to be small.

I think the biggest fear here is that there will be a pill that actually works, and works almost instantly, with no other exercise. I'm talking 2-3 inches in a week. There are pills that will work over time with exercise, but it's this magic, instant pill that would be the death of NPenis Enlargement.
I don't think that just because Penis Enlargement could become common knowledge that everyonne is going to jump into the same boat for a ride. Think about how valid the statements of Stillwantmore and Questor are. There is nothing closer to the truth about the attitude of the majority towards Penis Enlargement. I mean SHIT MAN!!, think about it... even here on this board or over at �other PE site� there isn't a week goes by when I come across threads from guys saying shit like "I need help to get motivated", or "I don't have the time for that kind of routine", or "It sounds great but I don't have the privacy". And let's read between the lines a bit here... "Ive tried Penis Enlargement off and on over the the last "however long" but I gave up because I wasn't getting any gains". How many of these guys have really committed themselves to a daily routine and how many apply the intensity required to make gains? How many are prepared to fuck around with different routines until they find one that works for them? Penis Enlargement is not some fly by night stroke your dick and it will get bigger bullshit, it's a way of life that you have to commit to- both body and soul, otherwise for the most part you just end up wasting your time, get frutrated, start thinking negatively about it and that it doesn't work and give it up. I think that this is especially true today with the society we live in, I mean when is the last time that you or someone you know didnt "want it yesterday"? People today run short on patience and perserverance. I think this accounts for a lot of problems in society today. I think that at least 8 times out of 10 that if people can't have it now then they'll pass it by. Think about it, take a pill and your dick will grow, no exercise,no pumps. This is pretty much what these pill manufacturers are stating. We all know its bullshit, but how many of you didn't stop at least for a moment and think how easy that would be? Hell, how many of you actually got sucked in? These companies are simply taking advantage of the way society thinks and these fuckers are making a killing doing it! Todays society simply put is I want it now, I want it the easy way, and I don't want to have to work for it. I really believe that for these reasons we can drop the insecurities, which is all crap anyway, about Penis Enlargement going mainstream and the "new" average being 8". You also have to think about the attitude some of us were raised with towards our penis. I and probably some others were told growing up that masturbation was wrong, if you play with it or stretch it you will hurt yourself for life or the classic which many still believe, you are born with what you have and that's all your going to get. So before you go and say we have to keep Penis Enlargement a secret I hope you consider what I have said.
B1nzen48 and StillWant More are so dead on with their comments. Tell the whole planet about it, who gives a @#$#!! People will either laugh or try it for a week and then, have to say this, like 98% of the populace out there, will give up because it is not instant.

BTW, this applies to all areas of life. Why do people not achieve their goals, whatever they may be, financial, fitness, relationships, etc. They do not Penis EnlargementRSIST. Plain and simple. It it was easy, all of us would be rich, have a huge shlong, be in the best relationship, etc. It takes WORK, and people are inherently lazy.

Myself, I have worked on and off for 6 months, mostly OFF. Despite the fact that I have no erect gains yet, I am definately hanging better and the morning "wood" is almost scary! I KNOW the erect gains will come, I just have to get serious now. These threads really help, because I realize that I am falling into the TRAP.

Keeping it secret LOL. These techniques have been around, in their most basic forms, for hundreds of years. What, men didn;t have dicks in the 15th century??? It is just that the Internet has made this all available.

Just my humble opinion,

Originally posted by blackandwhite
Keeping it secret LOL. These techniques have been around, in their most basic forms, for hundreds of years. What, men didn;t have dicks in the 15th century??? It is just that the Internet has made this all available.
Spread of info, dude. Most of us wouldnt ever bring the idea up with friends, it'd be kinda strange. The anonymous nature of the net makes it much easier for people to be open about it all.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Tons of infomercials for pills, radio ads for pills, spam emails (my mom loves hearing how she can add 3 or 4 inches to her penis)...every adult site you 'stumble' across has penis enlargement site links....how much more public could you get? Besides the President getting on the air and saying "My fellow Americans....Penis Enlargement works! I do it myself, and the first lady has never been happier!"

LMFAO!!! StillWantMore U R 2 FUNNY!!!!
Good Idea about the President...I'm gonna put you down with the MoS Marketing Team:D

PS. I Think SexyJen is Working on the DLD Clit Blasters for the Ladies. So Pretty soon you will get that Spam too!!!
Penis Enlargement is not a secret. There is enough Spam and ads on the Internet.

As far as telling the world, what does that mean?

DLD, are you considering doing an info-commercial?

I agree. Most guys will scoff, a few will try it, and even fewer will stay with a program long enough to see results.

When growing up, do you recall how many guys wanted to play guitar in a band? How many of those guys bought a guitar and amp? Then, how many of those learned more than a few notes? How many actually had enough commitment to stay with it, joined a band and played shows?

A man is penis is a touchy subject. At some-point, a major TV Network, then a governmental agency will challenge claims made by Penis Enlargement pill manufactures and pay sites.

Imagine, a Network putting it to a challenge, with an investigative report, using volunteers. A couple Networks have already done breast enlargement investigations, plus hair restoration.

It is likely, that there are MOS members willing to prove it.

I suspect for most, Penis Enlargement is a very private issue.

If someone wants to give his personal account, go for it.

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Yep, guys who "try Penis Enlargement" dont get results. Guys who make comments like "man that sounds great, I just cant afford to pay for access to that site...I really want a BIB hanger, I just cant afford it" What the hell do you mean you cant afford it?? If you have any form of income comming in....you CAN afford whatever sort of Penis Enlargement help you want. The key is the WANT part of that last sentence. I've gone so far as to literally tell guys in the past in chat rooms....YES YOU CAN afford it. You just dont want it bad enough. If you truly want a bigger penis for example...$40, $50, $90, or $120 should not be an issue to you. If you cannot honestly scrape together $40 --$120 in a whole MONTH of your life, there's something seriously wrong with your financial situation...or your priorities are tied up somewhere else like Twinkies and, or Cigarettes. What all this really boils down to...why men do or dont buy into a program or a hanger or, commit to a routine..free or not....is DESIRE. If you want something badly enough, there's always a way to get it.

Again, dead on with your comments. People in general, just do not WANT ANYTHING BAD ENOUGH. I'm building an Internet marketing business on the side, I will work on it late at night when I know full well I will be getting up early to go to my office first thing in the morning. WHY? Because I want it bad enough, to walk away from what I do right now and dictate my own life. I want it so it allow me to pursue my real passion which is to become a full time stocks/options trader.

All this is not to bore everyone with what is important to me, but to show that people will always make excuses not to really go for it. Tell the world about Penis Enlargement, SHOUT it from the rooftops, still will not make a difference.

I agree with what you've said, for the most part, but I think you take the point a little too far. You seem to think that only about 1% of men would really pursue Penis Enlargement long enough to make gains - I doubt it would be that few.
Yes, exercise does exist, there are many gyms, and most of the population is still overweight....but a fair number of guys are really built also. And most guys probably care more about their cock size than their bicep size....if you were to poll 10,000 men & ask them, "20-inch arms or 10-inch penis?" I bet most would take the latter - but few believe they can actually change their penis size.
If natural Penis Enlargement were laid out, in detail, for the general public, I believe a lot of guys would stick with it. Not 90%, not 70%, but a lot more than just 10%. And Penis Enlargement gains could be made with as little as a 30-minute session every other day, and about 10-15 minutes of stretching on the "off days" - if even all that time. A guy could make dick gains, if he trained with intensity, on as little as 2 hours per week. I think the biggest obstacle, as DLD has said, is faith. Many guys quit because they ultimately think it's too good to be true...they haven't seen gains yet, so they cease to believe, then they cease to train.
But if the medical community certified it, I bet at least 25% of men, if not more, would be busy building bigger weinies. And some of the fast gainers might add an inch or 2 in a matter of months. Suddenly, 8" might become a lot more common for women - to the point where some are actually expecting 8" - or they're disappointed.
If all the men knew that it worked most would try but never get anywhere with it.

Look at some of the dedication of people like SS4jelq, and YGuy. They did everything but saw no gains for a long time! And after 3-4 years they finally got gains. Who has that type of dedication? I say only about 1% of the population.

I am in this for me and my wife. I have always been self-conscious about it. My wife says I am fine. I think when she sees it at my goal of 8.5x6.5 she will be like wow, what did I ever do. :) Therefore I don't care who knows about Penis Enlargement, I have a goal and that is for me, my wife, and noone else.

People are lazy, to quote a great televangelist "Don't just sit there, do something." ;)

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