Does Penis Pumping increase lenght?

If your erect girth packs the cylinder then length gains can be more prominent.
Pumping targets more girth gains in my experience. The size of the cylinder has a lot to do with the progress, if your penis starts hugging the walls of the cylinder then length gains can and likely will occur.

Best of gains to you!
You always gain a certain degree of length from doing girth work and you also gain a certain degree of girth doing length work.

I have ALWAYS believed this to be true. So much debate regarding this topic.

Length AND girth routines compliment each other ALL AROUND. Once I started to mix it all up, as opposed to doing length only work (much like leg day), I really started to notice real gains.

You wouldn't think from looking at it, but one hand washes the other in PE.
I have ALWAYS believed this to be true. So much debate regarding this topic.

Length AND girth routines compliment each other ALL AROUND. Once I started to mix it all up, as opposed to doing length only work (much like leg day), I really started to notice real gains.

You wouldn't think from looking at it, but one hand washes the other in PE.

Excellent response!
Thanks everyone for giving me feedback.
Has anyone experience with DLD Hardcore Pump Stretches?
I have ordered a budget penis pump with 1.85'' cylinder. I have 5.1'' girth.
Is it ok? I read the guide and thought to have a little bit narrow cylinder to target lenght more as I read.
Basically I have 0.78'' of extra space.
Let me know.
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I have ordered a budget penis pump with 1.85'' cylinder. I have 5.1'' girth.
Is it ok? I read the guide and thought to have a little bit narrow cylinder to target lenght more as I read.
Basically I have 0.78'' of extra space.
Let me know.

Sounds fine. Interesting to hear of 1.85" cylinder. Just follow the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine or a variation of it for best expansion.
And yes, a narrow cylinder can target length gains. Some men buy a cylinder close to their erect girth and pump for length.

The pump stretching is great as long you have a good seal, so take it easy at first.
The pump stretching is great as long you have a good seal, so take it easy at first.

The seal is the key...If you use the cylinder seal provided with the MOS MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System, make sure to condition it first by placing it on a pipe to "open it up" and use water-based lube to keep it malleable. If not, it will rip if you try to do stretches or making the cylinder go up and down to increase pressure.
Thanks everyone for giving me feedback.
Has anyone experience with DLD Hardcore Pump Stretches?

DLD hard-core stretches are very powerful as long as you have a very powerful pump. My experience with them has been awesome as has many other brothers here. If you look at the original thread you’ll see much support for it.
Sounds fine. Interesting to hear of 1.85" cylinder. Just follow the 5x5x3 routine or a variation of it for best expansion.
And yes, a narrow cylinder can target length gains. Some men buy a cylinder close to their erect girth and pump for length.

The pump stretching is great as long you have a good seal, so take it easy at first.

Is it the 5x5x3 the monster girth workout?
5x5x3 is what's mentioned in the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory. It's a great pumping protocol. Less fluid retention and other issues when you go with 5x5x3 or a variation of it.
Take care, it's best to go through the SRT instructions several times.
I can't recall it being touted as monster girth workout even though it does cause girth expansion.
In short, yes you will gain length as a side effect of the girth you make and visa versa. The best way to understand this is to read through this thread:

I experienced a lot of lenght growth in 3 years, even when using a tube that was too large for my size.
I was 15~17cm before, and I grew to 19~21.5cm when not pumping (in cold days it can go back to 18cm), and 23~24 when pumping.
I only gained 2.2cm in girth, I think.
But I think that it totally depends. Different people's body react differently (chemically and phisically) when pumping. Maybe if my body reacted in another way, I could have no lenght gains, but my cock could be THICC, packing all the internal tube's cincunference. XD
It's hard to be 100% sure about this.
And after pumping use bundled stretching, BTC if possible, and a stint in an extender.
Answers to this I put in another thread but I’ll repeat it here. The byproduct of girth will always be a slight degree of length while the same is true in the other way. But it’s far better to do specific exercises that will bring the best outcome. If you’re looking for length do length exercises and if you’re looking for girth do girth exercise.
Yes it can produce permanent length gains, but use different methods alongside the pumping to cement the gains, such as stretching, SSJs.
You only need light pressure, those that go high will only get fluid which is temp and not permanent.
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