
Nov 21, 2005
Does Penis Enlargement increase chances of getting Peyronies? As u know a well respected ex-Penis Enlargementr has been diagnosed so I have been reading up on it and all I can find is theories that scar tissue/injuries are believed to be the possible cause of it. Each tissue deformation we do via Penis Enlargement, could be considered scar tissue couldn't it? Not trying to scare anyone, I'm just trying to learn as an avid Penis Enlargement'r (hanger, manuals, etc.) myself I'm hoping someone who knows more can set my mind at I've heard straightening one's self out (stretching) helps against Peyronies as well? Maybe someone like Supra or German Stallion knows more. Thanks in advance.
Supra got Peyronies years after quitting Penis Enlargement, so I'm not sure the connection there is obvious. Penis Enlargement also won't cause scar tissue if you aren't overworking yourself. I remember from some time back that some �other PE site� members were curious about the scar tissue = gains theory and got tested (possibly with ultrasound). None of them had any scar tissue.
Some state that the best thing to avoid Peyronies is moving blood in your penis - jelqing and edging. ;):)
Thanks guys, I appreciate the replies. Was just thinkin about this and figured some guys may know more than me about the issue to help the community. I must say tho, in response to Spinner's idea, I did read some literature that suggested it could come from injuries that took place years ago. Saw one case where the guy's girlfriend smashed his dick, got peyronies a few later and the doctor thought it was due to what happened like 2 or 3 years previous. It seems that there is a lot of mystery over this condition.
hanging and clamping helped my peyronies condition , but its still not perfect . funny thing is my doctor says i dont even have peyronies ** confused** i have bumps inside my penis and i had a bad curve
damn, thanks for the reply remiii.....makes one wonder, how much doctors even know sometimes? Seems like only a small handful really know about Peyronies
Sensible Penis Enlargement doesn't cause injuries- it strengthens the penis. Abusing Penis Enlargement exercises can definitely cause injuries- including Peyronie's.
Abusing? Care to elaborate, just curious.....I myself hang and feel that's one of the more invasive exercises but seems to be pretty safe
By "abusing", I'm referring to using high risk methods like clamping and hanging with extreme amounts of weight, and by doing things to your penis that it's just not prepared for- i.e.- doing too much too soon.

In my opinion, it's better to go the safe route to avoid injury than to "experiment" with risky procedures in the hopes of making quick gains. You should try to make small, sensible increases in intensity and volume from one workout to the next. That ensures that you're forcing progress, but that you're not risking injury to do so. You'll see that with a little bit of patience, those small increases will add up to big gains over time.

<A HREF=>Abuse your penis</A>, and you may find yourself (at the very least) out of commission for a few weeks, or (at worst) with a permanent injury that will prevent you from ever having a fully satisfying sex life. Remember- you only have one penis!
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alwaystrying;287052 said:
Abusing? Care to elaborate, just curious.....I myself hang and feel that's one of the more invasive exercises but seems to be pretty safe

yea i thought it was safe until i injured my self
I have corrected my Peyronies by doing Penis Enlargement. It is my opinion that good practiced Penis Enlargement will condition your penis so it won't be damaged by Peyronies. I don't know what Supra has done or did to cause the break that he has but as was said, he quit Penis Enlargement some time ago. As far as Peyronies happening years after you do something, I doubt this very much. Most Doctors know little if anything about Peyronies and it is something that happens and why we don't know. Many who think they have peyronies don't. A bend or twist in your penis is not Peyronies. When you get peyronies, you have a break in the CC and you actually can fold your penis at that place. The scar tissue that builds up is called Plaque. There is also another plaque that is hard and "shell" like under the skin which is really wierd. Strong erections are the key to not getting peyronies. Good Jelqing, and any exercise that makes the blood flow into and out of your penis makes it strong. Personally I don't think that any Penis Enlargement would hurt you if, like Al says, you use your head and don't overdue it until your penis is strong enough or in good condition because you have been doing some of the exercises. GS
German Stallion;287259 said:
Most Doctors know little if anything about Peyronies and it is something that happens and why we don't know.

Most doctors don't have the obligation of understanding that condition. Urologists do have that obligation.
Don't expect a cardiologist or a gynecologist to explain to you what Peyronies is.

Also, YOU know little about Peyronies, your text has incorrect information.
Krtel, I sent you a Personal message but have not heard from you, so let me reply here. I may have limited knowledge but my experience with 4 urologist who knew little if anything about Peyronies tells me what I write is true. I have seen 5 different MD's also and they tell me the same. They are sympathetic but not knowledgeable. The last urologist had never seen peyronies except in a cadaver. The knowledge base continues because many men go to a urologist and get no help...other than try this or that. They say they are sorry we have it but no cure or no reason why it happened.

I am also willing to listen to you as to the text information that I wrote. If I am in error, don't just say: YOU know little about Peyronies.... Correct, me in what I wrote. If I am in error, I am the first to admit it. I read what I wrote and will be glad to retract what is in error. Perhaps you are a urologist and can enlighten us on these things. I am being sincere, so await your reply. Forums are for the exchange of information and if need be, correction. I really do know little about peyronies. I have it, had it for over 10 years, have studied it worked with probably 50 men who have it and we together have tried to come up with some answer. Some of these men have done the whole thing, from injections, to pills to surgery. I only know one doctor who has had great results and am seeking his advice on my on going problems. As yet, I have not had success in getting information from him. So, please, may we/I hear from you. GS
my penis always had a curve and had small bumps on it since child hood . From all the doctors and urologists iv seen they said i have a normal penis and i dont have peronies

They said just because i have bumps does not mean i have peronies , Who the hell kmows how i got the bumps on my penis , most likely i was born with them
Im with German Stallion.....people should share the correct info here, we should maybe make an official Peyronies thread? As we all know yes, doctors can be great, but they can also be dumb as fuck (look at all the docs who say Penis Enlargement is a joke and don't work??). It doesn't matter what body part we are talking about, doctors can often be wrong. Period.
I have sent Krtel a private message, a personal email and no response. I don't appreciate statements by people who post who won't come back and clarify what they mean. Guess we can wait. GS
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