
Nov 20, 2010
as title asks, I've noticed recently via change in my routine that if I jelq prior to entering my pump, the expansion is far less.

Routine before consisted of bundled stretches and the likes, leading to:

15 mins in dry pump at no more than 4 in hg or so

10 mins in bathmate

This resulted in a really nice fat hang that lasted hours etc and to be honest, little to 'NO' edema (doughnut). The expansion was up to 1/2 inch in girth which was super nice.

I noticed that when my girth was like this, my length would shy out a bit, so I'd be a bit short and stubby if you can imagine, so I wasn't really complaining about that nor was my partner. However I wanted to try and retain as much of my gains as possible and maybe add some more length by Jelqs.

I started recently a jelq routine of 2x7 min sessions that include proper warm up and warm down using baby oil as lube.

So ~14 minutes but lets say minimum 10 depending how I feel (down there)... then my pump routine.

Results are: mild girth expansion maybe 1/4 inch if that, with noticeable doughnut effect starting out. Also the gains don't really last so it kind of sucks however the edema does remain for hours.

Have any of you guys experienced this? should I not be jelqing?

Stats are:

BPEL 7.5
NBPEL 6.5 - 6.9 (depending on level of excitement)
EG Top (4.75") Mid (5) Base (5.25)

So after pumping my girth is as follows: Top (5.5"), MS (5.6), Base (5.75)
After a couple hours or even a session of sex it'll sharing to (5.25) (5.30) (5.5) respectively

Now results are: Top (5.25), MS (5) Base (5.5)
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I air pump, and jelq but if I overdo it my expansion ends up lesser than if I stayed more conservative. Just tweak your amount of jelqs to balance out the work-load.
Jelqing should be used as part of the Pumping session. Fluid retention usually comes at between the 10 and 15 minute mark and this is not the type of expansion you want. A better way to prioritize this workout is by using smaller sessions of pumping super-settee with jelqing (or preferably the SlowSquashJelq. You can do this as follows:

5 Minutes in Pump
5 Minutes Jelqing

5 Minutes in Pump
5 Minutes Jelqing

5 Minutes in Pump
5 Minutes Jelqing

Now some men who can handle longer pump sessions may want to extend the pumping time without extending the jelqing time so something like this:

10 Minutes in Pump
5 Minutes Jelqing

10 Minutes in Pump
5 Minutes Jelqing

10 Minutes in Pump
5 Minutes Jelqing

This method will bring incredible tissue expansion with very little water retention.
I normally do ssj first before pumping. Should I pump first before doing it?
I had a few ssj +Bathmate when i first had the BM session,nowadays i only use the BM n is just fine:)
I think KINGOFGIRTH:O uses bathmates exclusively, and you know how girthy he is.
Jelqs and bathmate go together like peanut butter and jelly
acromegaly;654952 said:
Jelqs and bathmate go together like peanut butter and jelly

Yup, just like the SizeGenetics and the Phallosan go together to make the PhalloGenetics.
Hey thanks all for the advice. DLD your words were spot on. Jelqing in between sets does reduce the amount of edema and helps with expansion. It is certainly a better approach.

Regarding being prone to doughnut(s) effect, is it due to where the scrotum rests or sticks or moulds onto our shaft? For instance mine sits rather high onto my shaft nearing the middle but not exactly. This causes the scrotum to be sucked into the pump quickly and easily leading to heavy doughnut effect.

Is there a fix for this that is worthwhile? Meaning if I have to have it severed or sewn further down my shaft. Would that make pumping more fruitful? Also, the fact that this skin is attached so high onto my shaft, makes my whole penis a bit flabby. The effect that has is that when I jelq, no matter how deep in I press I carry with me an excess amount of skin. I am cut but at this rate the skin just folds onto my head etc.

Last question in case anyone has any insight: is there such thing as the stitches after circumcision to have been too tight? or healed a bit tight causing a somewhat of a dip in that area giving the penis a sort of an hour glass shape? Is it possible to actually get that skin to stretch and or rid of the stitches? I've managed to stretch that skin quite a lot and sadly no where close to making it expand girth wise rather just length.

Any insight gladly appreciated.
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I always jelq 30min. before I do my 5x5x3 with SSJ and I get great expansion in the pump. If I wont jelq before then my expansion is less. Seems that jelqing smoothens the tissues and then are ready to expand to the sky in the pump.
When I first started with PE I had an airpump and I was pumping 5min and then jelqig 5min. It was also a good option
BigThingStory;656713 said:
I always jelq 30min. before I do my 5x5x3 with SSJ and I get great expansion in the pump. If I wont jelq before then my expansion is less. Seems that jelqing smoothens the tissues and then are ready to expand to the sky in the pump.

That's a really good idea.
Demon7;656708 said:
Hey thanks all for the advice. DLD your words were spot on. Jelqing in between sets does reduce the amount of edema and helps with expansion. It is certainly a better approach.

Regarding being prone to doughnut(s) effect, is it due to where the scrotum rests or sticks or moulds onto our shaft? For instance mine sits rather high onto my shaft nearing the middle but not exactly. This causes the scrotum to be sucked into the pump quickly and easily leading to heavy doughnut effect.

Is there a fix for this that is worthwhile? Meaning if I have to have it severed or sewn further down my shaft. Would that make pumping more fruitful? Also, the fact that this skin is attached so high onto my shaft, makes my whole penis a bit flabby. The effect that has is that when I jelq, no matter how deep in I press I carry with me an excess amount of skin. I am cut but at this rate the skin just folds onto my head etc.

Last question in case anyone has any insight: is there such thing as the stitches after circumcision to have been too tight? or healed a bit tight causing a somewhat of a dip in that area giving the penis a sort of an hour glass shape? Is it possible to actually get that skin to stretch and or rid of the stitches? I've managed to stretch that skin quite a lot and sadly no where close to making it expand girth wise rather just length.

Any insight gladly appreciated.

I started PE with a very tight Circumcision but after stretching for about 3-4 weeks it loosened up. This is why I think skin stretching is important. I understand what you are saying about your scrotum and the BathMate and there are 2 things I can suggest:

1. Testicle Health and Massage Stretch found in the Newbie Routine. This will help you stretch out the connective skin at the base of the penis and the top of the scrotum, allowing for a deeper pump without the scrotum being an issue.

2. Pump Sleeve this will bring greater suction but most of all greater comfort in the area you are looking for relief.

I hope this helps my Brother.
Thanks guys for the ideas. So appreciate it.

I have a very difficult time with the SSJ's as I can never keep the erection long enough. Can't really say my eq is bad and just in case asked I kegel religiously throughout the day that my erection points at ~ 45 degrees compared to straight out like it used to few years back.

No matter though, SSJ's have never been something I can do more than one rep, let alone for maybe 10 to 15 seconds before all blood flows out. So I work on other types of girth exercises and include the pumps both air and BM for aide there.

I read on here the other day by co-incidence to try using the BM upside down. What a discovery, able to pump deep towards the 20cm mark with little to no gator bite.

As for the stretches DLD, I have been doing them particularly around the circ scar. I've managed to pull back that skin far enough to say maybe 1cm or so and can see the discolouration that formed from it, I was really stoked but sadly that stretch was not sufficient to break the barrier width wise. I will keep at it though.

Ball stretching, I will have to give it another try. Been using the pump at relatively high pressure ~ 7 to 10 hg then pull the scrotum out of the tube and aim the tube upwards to further the stretch and gotta say the burn I get on the scrotum skin there at the connective point is just killer. If I had a bone to chew on I would certainly bite through it.

Will continue with the stretches and report back. Thanks again for the advise and routine.
Demon7;656891 said:
I have a very difficult time with the SSJ's as I can never keep the erection long enough.

I know the pain...some pills for EQ would be good her..horny goat weed,titan pills..even viagra if you have the money.
Them hgw are good dick pills mane. Excellent value as well;). Good job with your kegels, it shouldn't be hard to girth with such a good erection angle because you can push down on it which engorges a little more. I have sessions when I'm absolutely raging, making it easy peasy, and others when I need to constantly re-stimulate to do a good rep. Either way I get through the session even if I need to put in more effort.
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ChilDsh;656892 said:
I know the pain...some pills for EQ would be good her..horny goat weed,titan pills..even viagra if you have the money.

Yeah, VIAGRA is the shit, nothing compares.
I'm sorry to post in this thread but I can't post threads on the forums, and I don't know why. Anyway, my "problem" is similar to the one on this thread. Long story short: I've been pumping last 5 weeks everyday at max pressure with my Bathmate Xtreme X40 getting great expansion but a fair amount from water retention. So 2 days ago I incorporated the supersets with SSJ. I have to say that water retention is totally eliminated but overall expansion is MUCH MUCH less and disappears even faster than before. So I don't know if that I'm doing something wrong because everyone is very hyped with the real tunica expansion this method creates.

Thanks in advance for the help! Great forum!
Xaoc;659674 said:
I'm sorry to post in this thread but I can't post threads on the forums, and I don't know why. Anyway, my "problem" is similar to the one on this thread. Long story short: I've been pumping last 5 weeks everyday at max pressure with my Bathmate Xtreme X40 getting great expansion but a fair amount from water retention. So 2 days ago I incorporated the supersets with SSJ. I have to say that water retention is totally eliminated but overall expansion is MUCH MUCH less and disappears even faster than before. So I don't know if that I'm doing something wrong because everyone is very hyped with the real tunica expansion this method creates.

Thanks in advance for the help! Great forum!

What is the issue when you try to make a thread? What is the error you are getting?

As far as expansion goes, you will get less expansion going with the 5x5x3 routine (BathMate/SSJ) but the expansion you get it tissue expansion opposed to water retention. So do not fear this loss in expansion. I also suggest you get 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches in before your girth and length sessions, this will pre-stretch the Tunica allowing for much more room in expansion and elongation.
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