Does Having a bigger dick make you more attractive?... I think so? Here's my reasoning...


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
So, ever since i've been aware of size and everything having to do with sexuality, PE, ect... I've always wondered if dick size makes a man more attractive... Here's the thing, i know there's so much more to what sparks attraction, and i'm not in anyway talking about relationship contentment... I'm just looking directly at whether or not having a bigger dick makes you more attractive to women.... or dudes if that's what you're into. (But i like chicks, so don't takes offence to me only referencing the opposite sex for the rest of this post.)

Anyway, my questioning came from this, back in my teens i partied like crazy, seen the craziest shit, been involved in the craziest shit... Hell, i spent my 19th bday in a threeway with some hot ass stripper messed on blow, me and my bro picked up at the club. LOL (no homo)
But my point is, i was active out there, lots of girls, lots of fun... so i got to hear a lot of talk, sometimes more than i'd like.
But what always caught my attention was how girls would talk about a couple dudes i know, one of which was not the best looking by any means. They where both my bro's back then, and i know these chicks weren't lying because obviously having the giant dicks they did, they felt the need to whip them at out every and any party! LOL (Who needs game when you can just jokingly whip your dick out at a party?) lmfao xD

I remember my bro (the not so good looking one) never having any pussy, until he finally got laid... all of a sudden i'd see girls secretly flirting with him, laughing at his dumbass jokes, and more and more he was getting laid? ...By hotter and hotter chicks!
Now, the reason it is important to note that they where getting hotter, is because if you know anything about hyergamy, monkey branching and mate selection... You know for a fact that women only select upwards, in every way, wealth, status, and especially looks... this is why you see the chart showing ( women) fat ugly 3's, still gunning for (men) 8's, 9's and 10's.

Ok, so i'm talking to this girl one night, not a party but like 10-12 people drinking listening to some tunes, and i'm on the porch, and another girl that my buddy has already smashed comes out, they start talking about getting some jokingly, but i pipe in for shits and gigs asking who she's eyeing, this girl was feeling me, but she was also feeling my buddy, the other chick pop in and starts talking about his dick, to which the girl i'm talking to says ''so i've heard''. tbh i was kinda like wtf? most women aren't THAT open, but she going on encouraging this chick to basically smash my buddy.
Anyways, long story short, now i'm intrigued, the chick i was originally talking to ends up leaving and i'm left talking to the chick who slept with my friend. So i just start making slight comments to see if i can pull anything out of curiosity... i think i said along the lines of '' he must have been the best fuck you've ever had or know how to work you like a beast''
She's replied '' Nah, he just has a really big dick, i mostly rode the fuck out of him, it was so good.''
So basically, he didn't have to do shit, he wasn't super handsome and he had no game... and somehow, hot ass chicks that even i, myself have to spit a little game to get in bed, where hitting him up???

I started to think of it like this, and tell me what you guys think, am i right or wrong with this logic? here it is...

When you see a cutie, her face is hot, but she doesn't have a developed ass and she has flat chest... Of course you'd have sex with her and enjoy it, you could easily fall in love, what ever... we all know there's a lot more to love.
But i'm talking about straight lusty desire... Now i know you've all seen the girl with a face that just isn't all that! But she has a rack and curves that could almost get you nutting in your pants...
I think this is the same thing going on... women are very cerebral, thinking about a a big cock penetrating their tight pussy really gets them off, to the point where some women who've never experienced orgasm will get off for the first time with a guy who has a big dick.
Also, to the point where (and i have another example of this with another one of my buddies) ... if a guy, regardless of looks, has a big bulge, women, even some wayyy out of his league will find themselves aroused and interest in the guy.

Ok, so example 2, my boy I'll call him J, he's a good looking dude, so never had problems getting girls, but he went to a different highschool and lived up until grade 11 in the city over... Anyways, he comes to my highschool, and gets decent attention from women for the first months or what ever... doesn't get laid or anything.
Now the thing that's important to mention here is J dress like a black dude, don't forget this was like 2007, white boys heavy into hip hop... so he always had baggy shit on, he looked good tho, and it was in... but around mid year, he switches up his clothing because he starts sk8ing again, he still looks kinda like hip hop so it wasn't the change in clothes, but this mf had a bulge just popping out his shit, i remember all the dude laughing about it the first time he showed up in tight pants. LOL (Probably out of their own insecurity)
Anyways, shortly after this switch, the saaaame thing starts happening, this mf starts banging EVERYONE... i mean it, like every hot chick in school. I was pretty blown away to say the least, i thought i did well... nope, not that well.

And that brings me to my point, that not only does having a big dick make you hotter once girls hear it around the way... Having a big dick which makes a big bulge also (and tbh even more so) will massively bring womens attraction and arousal.
Women look, they notice, and having a bulge is enough to get women who otherwise wouldnt have been interested, now considering smashing you all night.

My last example ill just mention now that i think of it, is just another one of my buddies, same thing, he was good looking dude, never got laid before but girls where ALWAYS flirting with him, he had the bulge, smashed one girl... boom, this dude is slaying everyone.

And i have a couple other friends that supposedly are packing, a couple ugly mf's, and they still pull hot ass women regularly...
All i'm saying is, having a big bulge, is the same as when you see a chick with big beautiful rack and a round ass... and that word gets around, and women will want you just to try it out. So in effect, it definitely raises your status to attractive is some form....

Size Does Matter: Women Find Large Penises More Attractive - "We've found that penis size did influence a man's sex appeal, and it was just as important as height, which is a well-known factor in male attractiveness."

Penis Psychology Expert Explains What Makes Big Dick Energy a Real Thing - i just threw this one in because i think it's a good read on the psychological effects having a big dick can make a man more confident, and men who were born packing tend to be more confident in overall situations, even though they may have never realized this.
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My honest opinion... you need to hang out with more respectable adults.. hehe.

Substance OVER hype..

My honest opinion... you need to hang out with more respectable adults.. hehe.

Substance OVER hype..

I was a teen dude... and this is a PE forum, i don't need the moral authority! I'm asking a simple question, does having a bigger dick make you more attractive to women is some sense? i think it does, based on the numerous reasons i stated.
All I can say is women talk... ALOT......

It is no surprise that if a women had sex with a big dick, she is going to tell her friends about it. Actually brag about it.

But in my case, I do not want a women to sleep with me just because of my looks. I want her for me. My entire personality.

Getting sex in this world has become easy. Every 5th woman you meet is horny and just want you for your dick. It is even easier for a guy like me to get laid(I am kinda good-looking;). Also I am a virgin, so chicks dig that). So, I can either have sex like apes and bang every woman who is just horny or I can just take my time and wait.

Big dick does not make you actually "desirable". It just make you look like a fuck toy whom people assume is going to be good in sex.
Weird. I have lived in cities, as well as country, and I haven't been around all of these fluid swapping horn dogs. Must be the crowds you surround yourselves with. Big difference between girls, ladies, and women.

Very interesting actually, as I have seen and done so much in my 36 years. Celebs, average Joes, rags, riches, and I haven't experienced this "underworld" of hypersexuality.
Women are also highly competitive and once one of them have deemed a guy 'worthy' (for whatever reason), there's a swarm toward him.

Often having a big d!ck equates to being more confident, and this confidence can overcome lack of attractiveness in the eyes of women.
The thing is that, women like these only wants sex and nothing else from guys.
I would rather stay a virgin than have sex with anyone of these women. But that is just my choice. Everybody is master of their own fate.
For real mi G!! Shit, I haven't been intimate going on 9 years. I can pop off with my hands. No need to risk infection of any type from a community piece from the deck of CHANCE. This ain't Hasbro, and like Serani I don't play games.

My outlook, intelligence, humbleness, and confidence in those things is what makes me attractive. If your eyes drop from contact more than twice, YOU AIN'T LISTENING GAL!
For real mi G!! Shit, I haven't been intimate going on 9 years. I can pop off with my hands. No need to risk infection of any type from a community piece from the deck of CHANCE. This ain't Hasbro, and like Serani I don't play games.

My outlook, intelligence, humbleness, and confidence in those things is what makes me attractive. If your eyes drop from contact more than twice, YOU AIN'T LISTENING GAL!
You go @TuffDong

I personally don't think women or men find a person more attractive due to penis size.

It's likely the person was more interested in casual sex, as "studies" suggest, size comes into play when a fuck is all that matters.
Weird. I have lived in cities, as well as country, and I haven't been around all of these fluid swapping horn dogs. Must be the crowds you surround yourselves with. Big difference between girls, ladies, and women.

Very interesting actually, as I have seen and done so much in my 36 years. Celebs, average Joes, rags, riches, and I haven't experienced this "underworld" of hypersexuality.

I agree with you, if anything it's men that often have the more intense interests in cock size compared to any female.
The thing is that, women like these only wants sex and nothing else from guys.
I would rather stay a virgin than have sex with anyone of these women. But that is just my choice. Everybody is master of their own fate.

Having a larger cock can be useful if you just sleep about, and those types of females are more inclined to want larger size in that environment, just like people take more risks when on holiday, doesn't mean it's always like that.
Having a larger cock can be useful if you just sleep about, and those types of females are more inclined to want larger size in that environment, just like people take more risks when on holiday, doesn't mean it's always like that.
But what about having a big dick and still be in a monogamy...?
Now that is something that makes you worthy......8-)
Well, in that case allot more important things come to mind, and the wife, long-term GF would be more concerned in the next house extension over the cock, but everyone has their own opinion on this, just mine.
Exactly... a cucumber would be a females best friend if it provided more than mere pickling.
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