Jun 3, 2003
As many of you know I went to Florida about 3 months ago for many reasons that you may already know but there was many other events that happened that I wanted to tell you about but currently I am without a place to live and I do not have a internet connection. I am on my families computer now, something I am able to do 2 times per week.

First the homeless portion needs to be explained. When JEN left me many other things happened around that time that led to my current situation. First my cat, MOKIE, passed after 20 years. I loved her dearly and she was a massive part of my life. Next my gerbil, HAMSTER (his name), passed after 4 years of companionship. The morning HAMSTER left me was the same day JEN left. Needless to say I was traumatized. I did some serious soul searching and I began a quest, subconsciously at best to me. I gave everything I owned away but a few simple things that meant too much to part with. I removed every wall, every closet, every drawer, every conceivable piece of mass from my home.

A month after this quest started I found myself in a house with no rooms, no walls, no life but my own and when I passed by anything that shared my reflection I did not like what I saw. I guess my own self opinion suffered so badly that I had pushed everything completely out of my life. When a man truly sees himself without the mass of acquisition it is impossible to hide from himself. I then thought that leaving this shell of a house would solve this problem.

I knew I had much to do in Florida as this is where our studios, warehouse, JAZ, and other MOS associates reside. I used this as a justification to plot my escape. I went to Florida and I worked non-stop. I shot the commercials, did the photo sessions, did the interviews, I did it all. I did so much so quickly that once again I had to face myself. With no more work, no more Massachusetts, no more stuff to hide behind I pushed away the last person in my life that was trying to help me get through this life changing event, JAZ.

I left the comforts of his luxury home in Boca Raton and went off with my books, a few hundred in my pocket, my Trio (Palm hand held computer) and one change of clothes. I was not sure what the fuck I was doing and I knew with my extreme handicaps (OCD: http://www.ocfoundation.org/ocf1010a.htm, Dyslexia: http://www.interdys.org/, and Agoraphobia: http://pages.infinit.net/drnayman/agorapho.htm) that this was going to be the most difficult thing I have ever encountered.

I say, the most difficult, but to understand how BIG that really is you need to know that I have gone through allot already. In 1999 I died for 8 minutes due to a heroin overdose. Before this I was in jail do to an event that took place in public because of the anxiety I used to have going into public. In the early 80's I was the first child in Pennsylvania to divorce his family, something I regretted ever since (I was 11 years old then) I was granted the divorce but I was also deemed incorrigible and I spent the rest of my youth in detention centers, children's homes (more like prisons) and the like. I have a complete book written already describing the first 35 years of my life and it is sad but encouraging as I did overcome but I do not want to go into every detail here as the book currently has over 100 chapters. So when I say that the last 3 weeks in FLorida were the toughest I ever endured believe me.

I spent this time as Mike Salvini. No one knew who I was, nor did they care to ask. I was scared, as scared as that 11 year old child that went out into the world years ago. In a sense I felt just as young and venerable.

I brought my notebooks, I brought the brunt of my library (books on physics, chemistry, medicine, anatomy, history, religion and psychology) My initial intentions, ones I was able to accomplish, were to prove the ALPHA BLADE systems worked. I knew from my past 8 years, on-line, that no one would listen to my results unless I had rock hard proof of my program. SOmething along the lines of turning science fiction into science fact and I can say with all certainty that the ALPHA BLADE systems passed every physical, mental and spiritual test. (more on this later) WHat I did not realize is that GOD had other plans, other lessons, other events in store.

With each passing day I sat in my lab by a pond in the woods of Florida. I spent this time reading and writing, essentially learning from the men and woman who came before me. I humbled myself and I became a student of the world. I saw many beautiful things, I saw many ugly things. I met hundreds of men and woman, equally as opposite as the previous thought. I filled over 10 notebooks, read more than 25 books and listened to hundreds of people from all walks of life. I took so much out of those 3 weeks that even today tears come to my eyes when I think of these adventures.

Eventually I found myself in Plantation Florida in a luxury apartment (ironically it sat on a massive lake in the woods:)) This is where I spent the last 4 days of my life, proverbially of course, but in my mind my life had come to an end. This is where the television show was filmed, the one found in this thread: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?p=195511#post195511

This day, the day of filming, I realized some very important things about myself, about you people, about the world as I saw it. I realized I suffered much of my life for the wrong reasons. I realized that I could not run away from myself because no matter where I went I was there. I realized that I have always been a good man, I have always tried to do the right thing but I never allowed myself the victory of loving myself. I realized mainly that once I truly loved myself, saw GOD in myself, saw the rest of the world in myself that I was a worth while human being. I went to sleep that night sad that I had wasted so much time going through what I have been through. I was at the crossroads, perhaps something every man comes to at one point in his life. I fell into a deep sleep induced by xanex, something a kind man gave me that evening to help me sleep. I assume he left after I was fast asleep and that night could have been a million years as I did not awaken until the morning.

At exactly 7:30AM ET, my cell phone rang (the night before the cell phone was malfunctioning, it could not receive calls even though every bar was viable) but promptly at 7:30 is rang waking me from my deep rest.

"Mike, I can not deal with this shit, Armand (my 11 year old son) is punching the car windows and freaking out, I don't know what the fuck to do, I had it!" Armand's mother Tierney screamed into the phone. I am not sure what happened next but like a ventriloquists dummy the words came to me with comprehension I never knew before this morning. I yelled back, "Put him on the fucking phone" Next thing I heard was "Daddy"? I then retorted with "Listen Armand, the ball is in your hands now, you can stop it right now. You can stop it and through that ball anywhere you want but when I was 11 years old I threw that ball into the darkest corner of the word and it took me 35 years to find it." I said, "It is your choice now, if you want you can change the world, STOP, THINK and RE-THROW that ball to Daddy" and right at that moment the phone went out (with full bars)

This is when I realized the most valuable lesson of my 38 years, I have a job to do, a very important job at that, I knew exactly what I needed to do and that was go home. Go back to what I had tried so hard to make disappear. I needed to take this new life, this new opportunity and all of the immense support I have built for myself and use it to change the world in my own tiny way.

My last statement to the press at the interview was this, and I hope you guys can understand.

"It has never been about the penis, it was and is about something more. If men want a bigger penis I can give that to them, they could have gave that to themselves, it has always been available. If people want a better body, I can give that to them, that is easy, look what I did in 4 months. If men people want more success in life, I can show them this too, as I have enjoyed the success of kings with my dick but it was never about these things. It was about learning to love myself and start doing the work I was meant to do"

You see I walked around on my hands thinking with my dick ever since I was a young boy. I was taught to be ashamed of my penis, my sexuality. I was taught that men can't share a meaningful relationship for fear of homosexuality. I learned that woman were huge circles of lust and I was the line of proverbial insertion. I was taught that same things many of us were taught and the results of this are obvious. Jobs that do not pay what we deserve, relationships that suffer at the hands of oppressed, shameful sexuality, believe that bigger is better and this betterment would eventually lead to happiness. I learned everything wrong and my life is a reflection of that. A reflection that started to change 5 years ago.

I was asleep for a long time but at 7:30 AM that glorious morning a woke up and I realized that I had some very important things to do, jobs I have started that were and are changing the world. ALPHA BLADE, MATTERS OF SIZE and the entire community that stands behind this mecca, that is my job and my goal, a goal I had from the beginning of this chapter of my life, a chapter that started the day I pulled on my dick for the first time. I know now, with the utmost clarity, I am doing what I was meant to do. The world is watching now, listening to us, finally and the statement I have for them is this; We refuse to take it any longer, we deserve better and we will get what is coming to us. We are proud of our sexuality and with this pride we will make better lives for our selves, our family and our friends. We will have the dicks we deserve, the bodies we deserve and the minds we deserve and with these gifts we receive we will change the world for the better.

I refuse and always have refused to take the word of the professionals as law. I live my life in the realm of opposites, my lab has always been my body and my education has always been my ears. I have already proven the professionals wrong in urology and now in biology and psychology. Are these facts, fucking right they are. Explain how I added 4" of dick, explain how I lost 140 pounds and today I am solid muscle, explain how a agoraphobic, ocd, dyslexic now sold everything he owns and only goes home to sleep. I can, they can't.

We are doing massive things here people and you all deserve a piece of this, you, like myself no longer have to ask why. Everyday they see our magic tricks but little do they know that this meta-physical magic they love to call it, trying to explain away their fears, is not magic at all. WHen fact follows fictions it steps out of the meta and becomes physical.
WOW. Awesome Mike. Just AWESOME!

This will be a must read for me several times over the next few days.

I am glad I was there to talk to you through some of this time.

I wish i had enough time to read it mike but knowing you it would o been worth it
It's a wonderful read. I hit my bottom when I was your age, Mike. And the rest has been a God-given "piece of cake." I am now the father, husband, grandfather, that my God meant me to be. I left my shame-based mind-set behind thirty years ago.

I now rejoice in my sexuality. I am a teacher among teachers. I approach my teaching with the same passion I have approached P.E. You're a teacher among teachers. I hope you never give up this calling.

Thanks, Mike, for everything you have given us, but especially for just being you.
Great read Mike, some very sound advice in there... loving the 'ball throwing metaphor'. Keep up the good work mate, big things are on the way :)
Very REAL, very DEEP man your strength motivates the masses to succeed at WHATEVER they put their minds too.you're an inspiration to us all. god bless my brotha.
Great read and inspirational as always.

This piece is pure gold:
doublelongdaddy said:
We refuse to take it any longer, we deserve better and we will get what is coming to us. We are proud of our sexuality and with this pride we will make better lives for our selves, our family and our friends. We will have the dicks we deserve, the bodies we deserve and the minds we deserve and with these gifts we receive we will change the world for the better.

Powerfull stuff
This is my first post and I have to say I feel touch by what Mike said. I have my history too, like a lot of people here.

I'm working on myself (not the dick, not the body), the mental part (which is the most difficult). I'm starting to achieve my goals, and I'm waiting for the ALPHABLADE system to start another goals for 2006.

It is easy to say but difficult to do, but sometimes we need our own "space" and of course if we don't love ourselves nobody is going to be able to love us never.

Mike, thank for your words, if you need something, let me tell you that you can count on me here.

P.S.: sorry about my writing but I'm learning english, I'm just here in USA for less than a year (learning english is cool).
Moving and inspirational.

I feel for what you have gone through Mike, I myself have Aspergers Syndrome and it 'did' hinder me in life, but I fought the devil and won on the whole but I battle with it on a daily basis, it can reveal ay anytime.

I've been hooked on the booz, found it hard to quiet at 18 when I started at 13 and drunk solid for 5 years and nearly killed myself my rotting my liver.

Failed relationships becaise of my syndrome, I didnt know how to communicate in the 'correct' as they call it, manner.

Now I'm MUCH stronger mentally than ever, and my penis is much bigger and I'm a free agent.

I mention some of my past, to explain how I understand you mike.
If only I lived in the USA I would be at your door now, two freaks together ;)

At the end of the day, you either sink or swim in this life....I was determined to swim, the channel is long and wide but I'm hell-bent on reaching the white sandy shores oneday...oneday I will be complete.

You my freind, have swam away from a deep trench that could have ended your days. Instead your stronger, and that has got you through the current.
You my freind, are on the shoreline....the sand is white and the pearls are CLOSE.
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WOW, I have to agree with everyone on how inspirational, moving, touching this thread is. Mike's words always inspire me and motivate me to keep positive about most things, and keep on going and never stop to get what you want and not letting anything hold you back. As he said he's got ocd and dyslexia but that didnt hold him back from anything. This thread has proceeded to make me think and realize about the things in my life and try to do the right things. Thats why i love this thread, its all about doing the right thing, right decisions, decision in its self, not stopping to get what you want, breaking through barriers in life, positivity, and knowing you can do anything you want to and saying with also knowing you CAN do whatever you want and let nothing stand in your way. Very powerful thread Mike. Much love man!
I guess I did not think this thread would get much activity due to the length but then again allot of this forum is about length:) Thanks for suffering my rambles and once again, listening, supporting and inspiring me to keep on keepin' on. You people are my motivation in every way.
F'n awesome post man. Just watching you self-improve/evolve over the last several years I've known you has been inspiring to me. You've been there for me as well when I felt like I had nobody else to talk to about certain issues in the past. I feel like I've done the same for you man at least a couple times. Once again, thanks so much for all you've done not just for me, but us, and everyone here.
After a long time of lurking I just couldn’t find a better place or time for my first post. Mike, you are inspiring beyond words; this community is very lucky to have a leader like you. Time and time again you bring yourself down from a very high place, a place where we see you as a legend of a man. You strip away the legend and give us the reality…a reality that is possible for all of us. The reality that we can be better, the reality that we can exceed well beyond the realm of what has always seemed impossible. Thank you.
I love hearing from the people who know me, it helps me keep things real but when I hear from people I never met before I realize something miraculous; Language, time, sexuality, race, religion or even geographic location never mattered when we share the same common life goal...something that includes our penis, among 2000 other body parts, but not defined by it.I know my work is being accomplished when I see my own brain enlargement happening to thousands of us (whether we met yet or not) and this makes every day, the greatest day of my life.1
DLD your truely an inspiration to all men!!! I know that the AB will be just as good (or even better) than MOS. I think you already have built a solid AB following because I for one am hooked !!!! I want to see What AB can do when applied to my mind, body, and spirit. I want to be in a place of a succuessful drive in all aspects of my life. I want to be in a fullfilled state of mind and I am willing to take the spiritual voyage to get there. I am sure AB will touch on(if not guide me)down these roads. I haven't even seen the site yet but, I still want to thank you for all your hard work. Know your never alone because you have more friends than you could even know.HOLLA BACK DLD!!!
KingD said:
the people who embrace Alpha Blade will get anything they want. The question ''why?'' will no longer be relevant.
Mike, I am glad you have embraced the path to self-discovery. Some people never realize the fact that they are created in the image of God, with many of the same attributes.

It takes a lot of self-sacrifice and "looking in the mirror" to get it sometimes, and a lot of people just don't have the courage to..."go down the rabbit hole".

Look forward to reading Alpha Blade.

Yeah, it's fascinating to watch people evolve in their thinking. Many start out focused solely on their penises, for whatever reason. Then as they progress, they realize that the symbolic as well as physical strength of the phallus can be transferred to real power and transformation in all areas of our lives, spiritual, psycholgical, professional, in our personal relationships, and in our relationship with a higher power.

I see the celebration of the male libido and man's sexuality as just another manifestation of the energy of God. Each of us is definitely a channel for a higher power.
dude this thread is 2 years old... why the hell would you bring it on? and I don't think any other women dumped him, he's got a huge dong now he's the one commanding stuff. lol
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