
Jun 17, 2014
Hi DLD. How are you. Hope you are fine.

Mine is 5 inch when erect and my flaccid one is very small. May be 6 cm. I am doing PE for the past two years, not consistent and mixed routines.

I need length 0.5 inch to 1 inch is my goal. So for length i want to do stretching. I am not that much rick to buy extender or anything. Currently i am doing newbe routine.

My doubts are
1)how to know that my routine is working for me
2)How frequently check my measurements whether current routine working for me or not
3)Is increase in BPFSL makes us gain length
4)Am i have to do both jelqs and stretching daily
5)what about rest days

Which stretches are better for length. Am i have to put more intensity for better gains or less intensity

Kindly answer my questions. Sorry for my bad english. Hope you understand. Thanking you in advance for your valuable reply. God bless you
I had the same queries and was very doubtful and had no idea what to do but with the advices from the brothers here i have already gained nearly an inch in a week with DLD newbie routine in the link below

looking at your goal you will gain that easily. So do that routine religiously and you will be on your way for a bigger penis.

1 & 2 . Firstly make a measurement of your BPEL, BPFL, EG, FG, then after doing the newbie routine for a week then take measurements again to see. I didnt even feel the need to take measurements after a week as i could see and feel i had gained already.

3. Isnt that a obvious answer i guess ??? well if there is increase in bone pressed flaccid length then there is gain in length . If you mean regarding erect then they will show up slowly.

4. Separate your length and girth workout in the day. Do length in the morning and girth in the evening. If you do them together then length should always be before girth in a single session.
Regarding length or stretching it is adviced by everybody to do it every single day as when you are fatigued and stretch the ligaments that time the gains come faster too. But personally being somewhat a newbie myself inspite of doing PE for a year and realizing i did nothing compared to the newbie routine here...... i do take breaks of a day or two in a week and will do so for a month to avoid any kind of injury or over training as there is a very thin line between them. Then you can do it everyday after a months conditioning.
Regarding jelqing it depends on you erection quality (EQ). If you feel your EQ is going down due to fatigue then you can take a day off and resume the next day. Also do read about Slow Squash Jelqs for faster gains in girth . It is a bit of intense exercise which you can begin a bit later if u want

5. like i said rest days depend on you.

Expressive stretching

also begin with low intensity when you begin your length workout and then gradually increase it after a set or two of stretching in every direction

pogzee;627109 said:
I had the same queries and was very doubtful and had no idea what to do but with the advices from the brothers here i have already gained nearly an inch in a week with DLD newbie routine in the link below

looking at your goal you will gain that easily. So do that routine religiously and you will be on your way for a bigger penis.

1 & 2 . Firstly make a measurement of your BPEL, BPFL, EG, FG, then after doing the newbie routine for a week then take measurements again to see. I didnt even feel the need to take measurements after a week as i could see and feel i had gained already.

3. Isnt that a obvious answer i guess ??? well if there is increase in bone pressed flaccid length then there is gain in length . If you mean regarding erect then they will show up slowly.

4. Separate your length and girth workout in the day. Do length in the morning and girth in the evening. If you do them together then length should always be before girth in a single session.
Regarding length or stretching it is adviced by everybody to do it every single day as when you are fatigued and stretch the ligaments that time the gains come faster too. But personally being somewhat a newbie myself inspite of doing PE for a year and realizing i did nothing compared to the newbie routine here...... i do take breaks of a day or two in a week and will do so for a month to avoid any kind of injury or over training as there is a very thin line between them. Then you can do it everyday after a months conditioning.
Regarding jelqing it depends on you erection quality (EQ). If you feel your EQ is going down due to fatigue then you can take a day off and resume the next day. Also do read about Slow Squash Jelqs for faster gains in girth . It is a bit of intense exercise which you can begin a bit later if u want

5. like i said rest days depend on you.

Expressive stretching

also begin with low intensity when you begin your length workout and then gradually increase it after a set or two of stretching in every direction


Thank you pogzee for your valuable reply. You gain 1 inch in a week. Oh my god you are awesome. You are very lucky dude. what is your routine. are you circumcised or uncircumcised. How you stretch your penis. brief me if possible. What are your observations. How much time you spent on daily. How much you intensity you put while stretching your penis. sorry for many questions. God bless you. Happy gaining dude
Toreach6;627121 said:
Thank you pogzee for your valuable reply. You gain 1 inch in a week. Oh my god you are awesome. You are very lucky dude. what is your routine. are you circumcised or uncircumcised. How you stretch your penis. brief me if possible. What are your observations. How much time you spent on daily. How much you intensity you put while stretching your penis. sorry for many questions. God bless you. Happy gaining dude

No MoS is awesome thats making me awesome lol
my routine is the DLD newbie routine only. I am circumcised and and have lots of skin growth already so DLD made a few changes in his routine and gave me to follow but i added few more exercises from MoS only. its posted at my thread

i do length in morning
10 mins of stretching every direction possible.
5 mins rotary cranks
5 mins DLD blasters or A stretch
10 mins stretching every direction
5 mins expressive stretching
then i ACE traction wrap all day and re-wrap every 30 mins

evening girth
basically i jelq for about 20-30 mins .
i keep doing a few slow squash jelqs in the middle because they require alot of arm strength so i do them whenever i can . I also wear a cockring so the blood is trapped and then i jelq making more pressure for expansion.
5 mins of erect bends because i have to correct my bend
100 quick kegel and then 50 kegels for 5 seconds hold with 2 second gaps
then i leave the cockring on for like 20-30 mins and then do the warm up .its still advisable by many people to wear it for longer period of time for faster expansion.
Finally i wrap again till i go to sleep.
I personally dont prefer wearing a wrap at night because i get a lot of boners at night and i dont wanna risk it. But many out here do wrap at night so its your choice.

Regarding intensity PM Zambrodom 3 as he had written an article about it.
but what i do is when i stretch my penis to the right i put a finger at the base to the left of my penis and you can feel the ligaments being stretched. I think you should use alot of intensity but not all the strength you have inorder to avoid any injury and you are a newbie.

Ask as many questions dude. even i ask alot of . thats what where here for right ? to help eachother:)
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Toreach6;627081 said:
1)how to know that my routine is working for me

Some of the first signs you will notice are an increase in erection quality (harder erections), a more vascular appearance to the penis due to increased blood flow (more veins appear), possibly some stretch marks as the skin stretches, an increase first in bone-pressed flaccid stretch then an increase in erect length and girth.

Toreach6;627081 said:
2)How frequently check my measurements whether current routine working for me or not

I would check your flaccid-stretched bone-pressed length every week too make sure stretches are going well, I also suggest you measure girth after each routine to make sure you are getting good temporary expansion and I would do a official measurement of erect size once every 3 months.

Toreach6;627081 said:
3)Is increase in BPFSL makes us gain length

Yes, this is the first place you will see gains.

Toreach6;627081 said:
4)Am i have to do both jelqs and stretching daily

This is up to you and how your body responds. I like to keep the girth session separate than the length routine as I feel they each take their own unique focus. If doing everything each day is too much for you you could set up a routine that allows for a day off here and there or you could do length and girth on separate days.

Toreach6;627081 said:
5)what about rest days

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.

Toreach6;627081 said:
Which stretches are better for length. Am i have to put more intensity for better gains or less intensity

For now I suggest you stick with the Newbie Routine stretches, many men make their best gains here so I would try this first and see where you can get. As time progresses you can work into more advanced stretches but doing this too soon could mean missing out on gains that are possible with the basic stretches.
Don't make this harder than it has to be (that's what she said), just find a routine that works for you and measure once a month. Also if you are going to just use your hands I highly recommend you add jelqing to your routine if you aren't already doing it.
Zambrodom3;627211 said:
Pogzee- you gained an inch in a week??!!??!? PLEASE, share your secrets! LMAO! :)

Here is the Zambrodom3 length thread ( ). There are many more interesting threads coming out, I am just waiting for LIGHTNING to accept the article(s) so I can post them here on MOS. There is some pretty interesting stuff I think. :)

Yes please share! You realize being able to or or you gained almost an inch in a week would lead to a lot of money in your pocket.
doublelongdaddy;627159 said:
Some of the first signs you will notice are an increase in erection quality (harder erections), a more vascular appearance to the penis due to increased blood flow (more veins appear), possibly some stretch marks as the skin stretches, an increase first in bone-pressed flaccid stretch then an increase in erect length and girth.

I would check your flaccid-stretched bone-pressed length every week too make sure stretches are going well, I also suggest you measure girth after each routine to make sure you are getting good temporary expansion and I would do a official measurement of erect size once every 3 months.

Yes, this is the first place you will see gains.

This is up to you and how your body responds. I like to keep the girth session separate than the length routine as I feel they each take their own unique focus. If doing everything each day is too much for you you could set up a routine that allows for a day off here and there or you could do length and girth on separate days.

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.

For now I suggest you stick with the Newbie Routine stretches, many men make their best gains here so I would try this first and see where you can get. As time progresses you can work into more advanced stretches but doing this too soon could mean missing out on gains that are possible with the basic stretches.

Thank you DLD for your valuable reply. Okay i will separate my length and girth routine

Day1 : only length
Day2: length morning and jelqs at night
i will follow like this.
I will let you know. How it is going. I should reach 6 inch this is my goal. Hope you in touch with me to make me gain.

I have another 2 doubts, DLD0

1)What's the point of gaining BPEL instead of NBPEL. Because NBPEL only matters for intercourse. Mine is 5 inch NBPEL and 5.5 inch BPEL. My lot is at 6
2)I did only length routine some days and only jelqing for some days. While only stretching what i observed is. After stretching my penis shrinking to very small. I am not getting good hang.
But while only jelqing i got rock hard erections and good flaccid hang. why is it so, i don't know. Brief me if possible

God bless you
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boohoohoo;627206 said:
Don't make this harder than it has to be (that's what she said), just find a routine that works for you and measure once a month. Also if you are going to just use your hands I highly recommend you add jelqing to your routine if you aren't already doing it.

Hai boohoohoo yeah i like jelqs. What i observed in jelqing is after jelqing my penis is so healthy, rock hard erections. any way thanks for your reply boss. Happy gaining
Zambrodom3;627211 said:
Pogzee- you gained an inch in a week??!!??!? PLEASE, share your secrets! LMAO! :)

Here is the Zambrodom3 length thread ( ). There are many more interesting threads coming out, I am just waiting for LIGHTNING to accept the article(s) so I can post them here on MOS. There is some pretty interesting stuff I think. :)

Hai bro. so, what will you suggest me high intensity stretch or low intensity
LOL....... my routine is posted above in this thread . I only added a few more exercises and maybe are not in the newbie routine. I guess i have been doing light PE for like a year so my penis was only waiting to get some intensity that would pull it out or make it grow quickly.
But now i guess i will have to take a break for 2 weeks because of this stupid lump that is causing me problems or else i would have made those gains permanent this month.
Toreach6;627230 said:
Thank you DLD for your valuable reply. Okay i will separate my length and girth routine

Day1 : only length
Day2: length morning and jelqs at night
i will follow like this.
I will let you know. How it is going. I should reach 6 inch this is my goal. Hope you in touch with me to make me gain.

I have another 2 doubts, DLD0

1)What's the point of gaining BPEL instead of NBPEL. Because NBPEL only matters for intercourse. Mine is 5 inch NBPEL and 5.5 inch BPEL. My lot is at 6
2)I did only length routine some days and only jelqing for some days. While only stretching what i observed is. After stretching my penis shrinking to very small. I am not getting good hang.
But while only jelqing i got rock hard erections and good flaccid hang. why is it so, i don't know. Brief me if possible

God bless you

DLD i have asked two doubts. Kindly look into that and answer my questions. Thank you
Toreach6;627363 said:
DLD i have asked two doubts. Kindly look into that and answer my questions. Thank you

The reason we look to FSBP for gains is it is the first place they show up. It also gives you the most accurate measurement to track gains as it does not depend on erection quality.

Most men will have shrinkage after stretching and this is the reason we suggest using an ACE wrap to keep the penis elongated. The longer you can keep the elongation the faster to becomes permanent. Every man experiences a greater flaccid size after girth because so much blood has been forced into the penis.
Hi DLD. How are you. Hope you are fine.

Mine is 5 inch when erect and my flaccid one is very small. May be 6 cm. I am doing PE for the past two years, not consistent and mixed routines.

I need length 0.5 inch to 1 inch is my goal. So for length i want to do stretching. I am not that much rick to buy extender or anything. Currently i am doing newbe routine.

My doubts are
1)how to know that my routine is working for me
2)How frequently check my measurements whether current routine working for me or not
3)Is increase in BPFSL makes us gain length
4)Am i have to do both jelqs and stretching daily
5)what about rest days

Which stretches are better for length. Am i have to put more intensity for better gains or less intensity

Kindly answer my questions. Sorry for my bad english. Hope you understand. Thanking you in advance for your valuable reply. God bless you

If you still haven't gotten to your dream size it's time to buy the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging brother.
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