bigtyivier;476349 said:
LM made manual stretching intense x10fold, any plans to make a device that would make make jelqing 10x more effective then manual jelqing?

We have a new girth device coming with the 3 new products. I am really hoping to talk about it soon but I can't until the production model is met (within 6-8 weeks) This also applies to the new length device. I really want to tell everybody now but can't:( I know are a very well versed Penis Enlargement'er, I hope to impress you:)
Ronin_OZ;476364 said:
i cant wait :)

You can't wait? I have been waiting for this for 10 years:)
New girth device eh thats wicked is it going to expensive like 200$+or cheaper then that
Haha I cant wait I bet its going awesome I hope I can get some good gains with it
rochout;476418 said:
New girth device eh thats wicked is it going to expensive like 200$+or cheaper then that
Haha I cant wait I bet its going awesome I hope I can get some good gains with it

In the development of devices we do not skimp on parts, every part is the highest of quality for the best possible results and long life. With that said, my second priority is to keep pricing at the lowest possible level. I always got you guys!
bigtyivier;476571 said:
How will this compare to LM, and Bathmate?

The girth portion will be part of different ideas we have all contributed to the Bathmate, LM, PA and SG. My decision to create new devices is very dependent on my partner affiliations and their ability to come to market with a product. With that said, the second I am able to talk about it I will. The LengthMaster was my own creation and I was able to talk about it at will. The new products are going to be made "for us" therefore, the rules of advertising are dependent on the product release. I can't wait to yell the news from a mountain top, believe me!
Hey DLD,

As many I'm really excited about the 3 new devices and I will be buying all 3 devices as I have bought every other MOS device!

The new girth device sounds awesome as you stated it incorporates ideas in relation to LM, Bathmate, PA and SG.

I know you can't talk about the new devices just yet, but is the new length device going to be awesome as length is my primary traget and girth is secondary?

So if one new device is girth and the other new device is length wonder what the third new device is for Hydromaxmmmm lol?

Thanks again for all your hard work DLD!

From a forever supporter of you and MOS :)
Oh man I still can't wait for these new devices I feel like a kid waiting for his favorite video game to come out hope it won't be much longer
Most definitely sounds exciting, I reckon dld is very good when it comes to inventing ways to ply your dick out of its socket so I bet you guys the length device will be the most excitng one haha.. On another note to the op, I have been working on a jelqing device and will hopefully finish it in a month's time. Cost me quite a bit and I hope it works, if it does I will show the MoS crew how its done ;)
forSmybaby;477787 said:
Most definitely sounds exciting, I reckon dld is very good when it comes to inventing ways to ply your dick out of its socket so I bet you guys the length device will be the most excitng one haha.. On another note to the op, I have been working on a jelqing device and will hopefully finish it in a month's time. Cost me quite a bit and I hope it works, if it does I will show the MoS crew how its done ;)

What is most exciting is adding MOS devices made by MOS:) The LengthMaster and PowerAssist showed it was possible and now the new devices will expand our catalog and audiences. We deserve this and I know these new devices will pave the road to a very fun future.
forSmybaby;482176 said:
for real, but when WHEN?

I was promised the girth tool would be ready in 4 weeks and this was 2 weeks ago. I sent an email checking status but have not heard back yet. The LengthMaster should also be ready in the next month. The discoloration I am hopping to have done by July. I am still waiting on different components. Out of the 3 I am developing the discoloration device is most expensive. We are trying to find parts in different areas to get pricing down. It all takes time but at least we know it is in the works.
forSmybaby;483032 said:
Indeed good to know it is in the works

On my way to NY to meet with an affiliate on these projects, I should have great news on Sunday.
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