
Jan 11, 2012
So, a couple months ago my dad found my condom stash that I use with my bathmate.

At first, he wondering why do I have so many condoms, he thought I was using them to masterbate. Well long story short the only I could explain what I was doing with them was to show the X40. It seems that my dad is familiar with pumps. He told me that he has been to sex shops and has seen some up to 200$.

At the end, my father does not approve on what I do. He has told he wishes for me to stop. I have told him I am being careful and with no disrespect, I will keep on doing this. That was about it. We haven't talked about it since then.

Now... school wise. In my mandarin class there was this cute little Asian girl. We sat right next to each other. One day I decided to look at her during class time. And wouldn't you know it. She was staring right underneath my desk at my bulge. Since during that time I would always pump before going to class. So this made me feel proud and happy. So one day I decided to wear my jeans that shows of my bulge even more. And since I go commando it shows off even more. So I waited for her to look and when she did I decided to stand up. I had my book open and pretended I was reading it when I was looking at her. I had my front body facing her. I felt soooo happy. Her eyes got bigger and she did this "Oooooooh" movement with her lips. I would have tired to get her in bed, but she had bf, and I personally don't like messing with girls that are taken. During the rest of the semester I noticed she would be staring at my crotch a lot. One time I even noticed her licking her lips.

Now work wise. I have noticed a gay guy watching me there when we walk by and say hi....

Now then one time I took a picture of my dick inside the bathmate. I looked massive since I was in there for a while. Like a dumb ass I left the phone on a desk and went back to work. I was doing cashiering that day. So moments later I get approached by the co-worker. She avoids eye contact with me and lets me know she left the phone at customer service. Then it pops in my head. I go to get the phone when I'm off. I sit in my car with my heart racing and open the phone then poof. The 1st thing that it shows is my dick inside the bathmate. It was very awkward for a while walking past her. The blow wasn't so bad due to the fact shes a lesbian.

So yeah... Those are some stories...
Damn, that's rough. You could put a lock on your phone. And why is your dad acting like he found a stash of drugs instead of condoms and a pump? What's so dangerous about that? Maybe he's concerned about the well-being of his son's penis because he wants to make sure he'll have grandkids someday :)
Damn, that is some story you got there...

Your dad's reaction is normal- just like my dad's reaction to me PE-ing. He is really interested in it (since he wants to enlarge his penis), but as I told him- PE is just NOT for him (cause he is the most inconsistent and unserious person I know, he wants results in a week or two time and has problem dedicating that much time to something). Ever since I told him that I PE- he's ok with it, he is supporting me, but just can't stop warning me how I can injure myself. That is why he does not know that I have a Hanger, A Penis Pump and a Fleshlight. I guess it is normal for him to be worried (as you father). PE can be dangerous when not done with caution, especially with the intense exercises such as clamping. He is just uneducated, I advise you to tell him you no longer do it and just do your thing. :)

About the girl looking at your bulge- damn, that's so sexy! Her licking lips is what would probably make me MAD if it was me who she was cheking on! This must have been a massive confidence bosster! I can only wish for you to have a lot more "confidence boosters" such as that one! That really makes you see that PE pays off big time!

About the pic on your phone- WHAT? She opened your pic archives and she looked at your pics? She should not do that as the phone is yours, not hers.... But I see your point, I would feel awkward as well- proud to have shown off my huge pumped size and a bit ashamed to have someone see me like that... PE is considered TABOO and people are just too close-minded to accept it as something normal. Keep up with the gains, next confidence bosster I hope would be some chick screaming out how big you are while you fuck her! :)
Just tell that heffer that you had submitted some picks to a contest to be a BM model on a adult commercial. She would just think that you're in the adult industry. Iam serious.
Old post but funny:

A Bad Day In The Life of a Obsessive Complulsive that Penis Enlargement's

I am new to this forum but I desided that I would share the posts over at Penis with everyone here....I am a 35 year old....I suffer with extreme OCD (Obsessional Compulsive Disorder) and BDD (Body Dismorphic disease) Alot of my problems center around my penis....No matter what I think I see it most of the time wrong...What I mean is my measurements are 9.60 x 6.5 and I cannot see it the right way....It is part of this disease...IT SUCKS....For those of you who know me and have been with me on my huge Penis Enlargement journey will get a laugh out of this....My therapist says I should make fun of my disorder...So HERE GOES....

Ok...This is a typical bad day in my life of Penis Enlargement....I was telling Jen (my girlfriend) about it last night and she started laughing hysterically and said I should post it ....

I am still suffering with 2 ingrown hairs at the base of my unit...So yesterday morning I thought I would just not Jelq. to avoid and pain....So I do my regular stretching routine and go to work....Now to understand this you have to realize I work with my family...My Father, My Brother, and My Ex-Wife, In a large building connected to a house that my sister and her husband live. I am just sitting at my desk doing my work (I work on a computer in a very private office) Now my family knows I have extreme OCD and just kinda brushes off my strange behavior...after all they have dealt with it my whole life....My Ex-Wife on the other hand is more suspicious of my odd behaviors and will ask me what I am up to...Now I already decided that I was NOT GOING TO JELQ. but then I came across a picture on the net of this Women who goes by the name of Scarlett....Now I love ghetto bootie with a passion and she is the quintessential picture of GHETTO BOOTIE....So of course I am looking at her and my cock starts to get hard. Then I start obsessing about jelqing and the size of my penis. I am thinking If I don't jelq. I am going to shrink and lose all my gains...etc...etc. and to add to the obsessive mix I see the size of Scarletts Ass and I start thinking my newly shrunk penis would be pathetic against her huge cheeks....So I am sitting at the computer with my half hard cock and a bunch of new obsessions that will not go away until......I GO AND JELQ...

I head to the upstairs loft of our building....This area used to be an attic and was converted into a small office with a private bathroom....This is the place I Jelq when I am at work....Now if anyone has read anything about my problems, the worst possible thing for me is heat...When I get hot a associate this with an attack. Well it is like 140° in this bathroom and I am already starting to sweat and get fustrated. I reach under the vanity and I am out of Vaseline....So I proceed to put my clothes back on my completly soaked body and head back done stairs in a frantic hunt for a lubricant....then I remember that my sister is gone out and she has a 2 year old so I figure there has got to be some Vasoline in her house. I go in and find a fresh container sitting in the baby's room...I feel to guilty to take the whole jar so I grab a handful and head back through the shop...

I bump into my Ex-Wife, vaseline in hand, completely sweating...I must have looked like a big perverted psycho who just got finished wacking off....She gives me a look that supports my theory and I head back upstairs.

I make it to the 140° bathroom, fully dressed with a huge glob of vaseline on my hand. At this point I realize that I have a tight long sleeve shirt on and in order to get it off I have to park the handful of vaseline somewhere....Sweating my ass off I find a piece of plastic bag and wipe it on that so as to get on dressed. Vaseline is a really fun lube cuz it stays on your skin like FOREVER....I have O.C.D. so I have to wash my hands before I can get undressed so I don't infect my clothes with this greasy substance....

FINALLY...I get clean and undressed...My clothes are completely soaked with sweat and my cock is now in frustration mode....Totally Fucking Soft...Yay for that....I muster up enough lustful thought to get some blood back in it and strive to get a decent 1000 jelqs so my ever shrinking cock would be big enough for the enormous cheeks I saw on my computer screen....I decide that looking at my penis would not be wise as I was in a huge anxiety attack and I was positive my penis was now 2 inches....but the funny thing about O.C.D. is I cannot just not look, I HAVE TO LOOK...So I Do....Then I have to see it the right way...and I did...Then I see my shoe laying on the ground and I start getting obsessed about the size difference between my cock and my shoe....Mind you my shoe is over 12" so my obsession that my penis is shrunk is now a living reality in the grand scheme of things. I am now sweating bullets, staring at a shoe and practically I just drop my penis and I hear SPLASH as my penis drops into the toilet aside from being disgusted I start to feel a bit better because I know the distance to the water (YES I HAVE OBSESSIVELY MEASURED EVERY TOILET I FREQUENT) The distance of 9.5" to the water gives me some temporary reassurance that my penis has not shrunken....I thank God for this wonderful Jelq session and start my hot wrap.....There is only one tiny hand towel....No soap....My clothes are soaked...I am lubed up like the dickins'. So now I realize I have to make it down stair to the other company bathroom....

I throw on my sticky clothes, now covered with vaseline and make my way past the Ex-Wife into the bathroom in the front office. Now I have already made myself see my penis in a good way...and I was still feeling happy about the toilet adventure...So I decided to NOT LOOK AT IT...cuz I might see it wrong and that would ruin my day....So I decide to wash with the lights out....I have to get up on the vanity and wash myself in the sink. This was going pretty well until I realized my penis did not reach the bottom of the sink....As hard as I tried I could not touch that fucking sink bottom...I figure the sink must be deeper than my measurement and decide that I will just forget about this.....YEAH RIGHT....I am finally dressed, clean sitting at my computer...and I am trying so hard not to think about it....but it burns in my head between every fucking though....HOW DEEP IS THE SINK......Finally in a fustrated rage I grab one of the many measuring devices that are skattered about our shop and head for the bathroom, past the Ex-Wife, with this big ruler in my hand....Do ya think she thinks I am alright?

Well it takes me a very long time to measure...I finally measure the sink it is only 7.5" to the bottom.....An instant hot flash...Now I am really obsessing....This means my penis is like 6"....I am ready to cry again....I am thinking it must have shrunk....I mean I was sure 1/2 hour prior that my penis was 9.5" what happened? My OCD is very tricky and will play these games, so in order to find out what the problem was I have to get completely undressed and get back on the vanity and measure the distance of my penis base to the point of the sink that it did not reach....This is when I realized that I have an ass that prevents my penis fom starting at the top of the sink....I am actually quite a bit higher....2" to be exact...I do the math and I finally come to the final theroy that I did not shrink....

Now I feel happy...Everything is right.....and I can continue with my day.....I LOVE Penis Enlargement
Your ex must've had some thought there, yea? LMAO! I've read that story before, really funny! :)
Zambrodom3;620540 said:
Your ex must've had some thought there, yea? LMAO! I've read that story before, really funny! :)

A day in the life of an man that does PE with OCD:) Yeah my ex-wife was very suspicious:)
doublelongdaddy;620544 said:
A day in the life of an man that does PE with OCD:) Yeah my ex-wife was very suspicious:)

But HOW??? HOW can you obsess over it SO much when you are 9.6 x 6.5? That's a HUGE size!!!
Zambrodom3;620561 said:
But HOW??? HOW can you obsess over it SO much when you are 9.6 x 6.5? That's a HUGE size!!!

Size makes no difference when fear sets in, just like we can imagine a create wonderful realities we can do the same with awful ones. So many different roads to take and taking the wrong one can lead to my story.
doublelongdaddy;620726 said:
Size makes no difference when fear sets in, just like we can imagine a create wonderful realities we can do the same with awful ones. So many different roads to take and taking the wrong one can lead to my story.

... A really sad post this is! Don't say that! You, I believe, are one of the best things that has happened to the history of male improvement! Cheers!
Zambrodom3;620737 said:
... A really sad post this is! Don't say that! You, I believe, are one of the best things that has happened to the history of male improvement! Cheers!

Thanks Zam, you always bring a smile to my face!
DLD My mind works in a similar way I get the idea that my penis could get really short if I stop exercising I live in a nightmare ..I measure I get shorter I get apparently bigger.pfff fucking mess
doublelongdaddy;620899 said:
Thanks Zam, you always bring a smile to my face!

But please DLD, STOP looking down on yourself! You are someone of absolute great value, someone who helped me, youknowme, smerc, shortdick, grow4me AND EVERY single brother in MOS. It would take me days to just write the nicknames of all the brothers you have helped to improve, to be more confident, to bring harmony to their lives, DLD- you made them better men to their wives and better people!!!! Take a look at the size of MOS- it is HUGE. We have so many people visiting and reading the threads. You have helped every single person that has visited MOS. You are a source of inspiration! So- next time you look down on yourself- keep in mind that your opinion does not matter- it matters that to ALL OF US- you are a hero, you are inspiration, to ALL of us- you are what we all needed to become better men! We owe you a lot and love you very much. One day I can't wait to meet you in the Holyoke residence! CHEERS!! :)
Zambrodom3;620971 said:
But please DLD, STOP looking down on yourself! You are someone of absolute great value, someone who helped me, youknowme, smerc, shortdick, grow4me AND EVERY single brother in MOS. It would take me days to just write the nicknames of all the brothers you have helped to improve, to be more confident, to bring harmony to their lives, DLD- you made them better men to their wives and better people!!!! Take a look at the size of MOS- it is HUGE. We have so many people visiting and reading the threads. You have helped every single person that has visited MOS. You are a source of inspiration! So- next time you look down on yourself- keep in mind that your opinion does not matter- it matters that to ALL OF US- you are a hero, you are inspiration, to ALL of us- you are what we all needed to become better men! We owe you a lot and love you very much. One day I can't wait to meet you in the Holyoke residence! CHEERS!! :)

:) Wow, this really made me feel better....I sometimes get lost in my depression, it is so beautiful to have reminders of the good work I have done. Without this forum and you guys behind me I don't think I could ever make it through my depression, I love you guys with all my heart!
doublelongdaddy;621087 said:
:) Wow, this really made me feel better....I sometimes get lost in my depression, it is so beautiful to have reminders of the good work I have done. Without this forum and you guys behind me I don't think I could ever make it through my depression, I love you guys with all my heart!

When you feel depressed and lonely- just look back and I will be there, right behind you, supporting you! :) Much love and respect!!!!!!
Zambrodom3;621096 said:
When you feel depressed and lonely- just look back and I will be there, right behind you, supporting you! :) Much love and respect!!!!!!

Damn, i'd hate to have that convo with my dad. You've made great gains though!
lightlyfried;687430 said:
Damn, i'd hate to have that convo with my dad. You've made great gains though!

I have always shared the tools and exercises I have come up with and the things that work in PE with my family and friends. Never any embarrassment. I grew up in a house where we ran around naked so maybe that has something to do with it.
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