
Nov 25, 2003
Crazyeds Pump Guide

Being a pumper myself, I would like give everyone who is here or will be here, that is interested in pumping to have the basics of pumping laid out for them. Pumping is a large part of my routine, and has been for close to a year now.

The things you will need for pumping.

1. At least a decent pump, to be safe you will need a pump with a gauge, IMO this is a must.
2. You will need lube, lube creates an airtight seal, use the lube of your choice.

3. A big shower towel and a small hand towel. Use the big towel to put on your chair, and the small towel for lube clean up reasons during the sessions.

4.And of course a stiff dick.

Purchasing a pump, where to begin? Get a pump with a gauge(you must know how much pressure you are putting on your penis), and one that seems well built. (LA Pumps, Kaplens) Just some examples. What size of tube will you need. Get one that is snug enough not to suck your balls into the tube, but allows you room for growth. The table below tells us the exactly how thick you can get in each size tube. So for example if you are 6in in erect girth you would be fine to go with the 2.25in tube, because you will expand in the tube and most likely get beyond 6.25in of pumped up girth. But if you are 5.5in of girth stick with the 2in tube, the 2.25in will be too big and you will have problems getting a seal and your balls will get sucked up into the tube.

1.5in Tube size 4.75in Girth
1.75in Tube size 5.5in Girth
2in Tube size 6.25in Girth
2.25in Tube size 7in Girth
2.5in Tube size 7.75in Girth
2.75in Tube size 8in Girth

Personally I have 3 sizes of tubes. I have a 2in, 2.25in, and a 2.5in tube. The first tube I bought was the 2.5in tube. It was way too big. Then I bought a 2in, and a 2.25in at the same time. I have not used the 2.5in tube for a long time now.

I like to start off in the 2in tube for the first set, and pack the tube fully. Then any other set is done in the 2.25in. For those of you who can afford this, I would recommend that you get 2 sizes. One tube you can pack fully after a couple of sets. And one that you need to grow into. Now this is not a must, though I feel that taking a 2 tube approach aids in post workout size.

Now that you know what size of tube you need it is time to preach safety! Yes it is true that pumping can be dangerous. However it is also true that pumping can have dramatic positive effects on your erection strength and size. Two things that can ruin your sex life with pumping is too much pressure, and too long of time in the pump without the replenisHydromaxent of fresh blood. To avoid any erection problems never go above 10hg and do not exceed 20mins in the pump non stop with out a break. Now 10hg is a high dangerous pressure especially for newbies, and for a lot of vets. Newbies don’t go above 5hg in the beginning. Vets if you must go to 10hg I would recommend that you do it no longer than a set of 5mins.

If you pump at too high of a pressure, or over do it on your timing you can or will get a massive amount of blood spots, blisters, a nasty looking donut, or even worse a ruptured blood vein that causes erection problems. Avoid the donut as much as possible, leave that up to the extreme pumpers O.K.
Low comfortable pressures, and limit continuous long durations in the pump. Remember this and you should never have a problem

Now it is time to pump. Get your pump ready for use. Put some lube at the inside base of the tube, this will enable an airtight seal in a pump that fits your size. Next get semi erect or fully erect, lube up your glans and shaft with a thin layer of lube, but not your scrotom. Insert your dick in the tube, gently press the tube against your pubic bone, and be sure as much of your scrotoms skin is pulled away from the pump as possible. Then carefully pump your way to your desired pressure. You don’t want your testicles to get sucked up into the pump.

New guys to pumping should take it slow at first, until the penis gets accustomed to the pressure the pump puts on the penis. For the first week pump every other day for 10mins at 3hg. This will condition the dick for future pumping sessions. The second week you can go ahead and beef it up some (pun intended) Go every other day 2 sets at 10mins at 3 hg. Week 3 now you’re basically ready to go to a full 3 set workout at 3hg every other day. Week 4 do the same as week three but raise the pressure to 5hg. After week 4 you should be conditioned to do pretty much what you want with it as long as you remain conscience of your penis’s stress handling abilities.

While you are inside the tube you will want to remain erect, �naked people movies� is a great way to do this. Also you will want to do kegals and you will want to milk the tube up and down slightly. Milking for me is the most efficient way for me to remain erect in the pump. Milking the tube is basically griping the tube and trying to pull it away from the base of your penis, only shift the tube about a ½ to 1 inch up the shaft. As you will notice that milking the tube causes the pressure to increase and then go back to where you had a steady even pressure. So don’t pull up to high or hard, two things could happen, your pressure will go up really high, or you will lose your airtight seal.

Between sets you will want to either do your choice of manual exercises, or edge. This will ensure that fresh blood is supplied to the penis every 10 to 15mins or so. IMO this is very important if you would like a pump to assist in the growth of your penis. You will notice that after a pump session that you will hang thicker and fuller throughout the day. You will after time notice that your flaccid hang is always feeling heavier, looking longer and feeling thicker. The same goes with edging between sets. You will feel the difference in your erection.

So to sum it all up a productive workout should involve the following.

1. Safety
2. The correct size tube, and tubes.
3. Being erect as possible for the duration of the workout.
4. Proper execution
5. A fresh supply of blood going to the penis every 10 to 15mins.

Looks like that is it! If I left anything out let me know!

Wow, thanks for this, Ed. I've been becoming more and more curious about pumping since i'll be getting a mitivac anyway to use with BTC Killer's new hanger. What particular brand of pump do you use, personally, and what kind of gains have you seen from this?
going4nine said:
Wow, thanks for this, Ed. I've been becoming more and more curious about pumping since i'll be getting a mitivac anyway to use with BTC Killer's new hanger. What particular brand of pump do you use, personally, and what kind of gains have you seen from this?

Your welcome. :)

I have a Kaplan pump, not the best pump but it has a gauge and gives the post workout fatty I like to have! I really am not a fan of the tube because it is tapered. Smaller at the tip, and thicker at the base, it has giving me an even more tapered dck than I already had. I'm natrually thicker at the base.

Gains- With pumping it is very hard to keep track of your gains, this could be a downside of pumping. Your size especially girth will vary day to day when you throw pumping into the mix. Pumping is a great addition to a regular routine. It assists in erection strength as well and temporay .5in increases in girth for sex. Yes 1/2in extra for sex. Put it this way my erect mid shaft girth can be 6in or all the way up to 6.75in depending on the day and how recently I have pumped. My flaccid seems to keep on getting heavier, thicker and longer. Flaccid is 6 x5 to 7 x 6 once again depending on how long ago I have finished a pumping session.
I just looked at his site (down as of this posting), and he does offer non-tapered cylinders. Is it just me, though, or do they seem a little highly priced?

If you had it to do all over again, what would you buy? I know you mentioned a better flaccid gain, but how about erect length changes?
The girth on that is unreal though. It does look fake. Look at the circular discoloration around the top of it. A half decent photoshop.
Excellent. I'm only working on length for another inch or so (I'm 7.5"bpel), then I'll be hitting girth hard. Do you still do anything with the hose clamp?
going4nine said:
Excellent. I'm only working on length for another inch or so (I'm 7.5"bpel), then I'll be hitting girth hard. Do you still do anything with the hose clamp?

Cool! Pumping is a great addition to a manual girth routine,

as far as the hose clamp? Its been about 6 months since I've pulled it out the closet. Since I began pumping I've had a really hard time trying to put on the pipe insulation. >:(
crazyed27 said:
Cool! Pumping is a great addition to a manual girth routine,

as far as the hose clamp? Its been about 6 months since I've pulled it out the closet. Since I began pumping I've had a really hard time trying to put on the pipe insulation. >:(

Hmmm, have you tried using sweatshirt material? I think if you wrap that about 3 times you should get the same thickness and similar elasticity as the insulation. If I remember, there's a pump/clamp routine in RedZulu's clamping guide. You might want to take a look at that.
YO CRAYED!!! I have been looking at the pumps at from awhile now. If I was going to get a pump, I probrably would get it from them because they have cylinders for targeting certain gains out of your pumping session. They even have a cylinder that is made for strictly length gains that not only pumps you up, but also give your ligs even more of a workout. Check it out and let me know what you think CRAZYED.HOLLA BACK!!!
KingD said:
YO CRAYED!!! I have been looking at the pumps at from awhile now. If I was going to get a pump, I probrably would get it from them because they have cylinders for targeting certain gains out of your pumping session. They even have a cylinder that is made for strictly length gains that not only pumps you up, but also give your ligs even more of a workout. Check it out and let me know what you think CRAZYED.HOLLA BACK!!!

Good link KingD!

I like the idea of the thick wall tube. Also I like the option that you can get a tube that is up to 16in long! These pumps look like they are definintly a good product. They look way better than a Kaplan!

Thanks for the info bro!
Great thread, my routine is pumping followed by constricted exercises.
It works really well, and I suggest that anyone who also has a extender like a vimax, goes into that after a pump session because it seems to stretch it further than it would do normally. Pumping was something I used to be against at pride penis forums, but it was early days and I wasnt so educated back than and you heard lots of bad stuff about it all. I can say hand on heart that if you do pumping safe like crazy has outlined, than you won't have any issues and when done alongside maunel work it works a treat. Just head over to �other PE site� and see advocet8 routine, he used pumping and manuel methods to great success.
crazyed27 said:
Good link KingD!

I like the idea of the thick wall tube. Also I like the option that you can get a tube that is up to 16in long! These pumps look like they are definintly a good product. They look way better than a Kaplan!

Thanks for the info bro!
Hey Guys,

I can attest to the quality of the thick walled tubes from Vacutech. I've had my two tubes (Both 10") for over 10 years now and they rock. I've had some decent length gains with them and they continue to be a part in my regimental 4 month jelq + pump routine I started in July 2005.

Can't say enough good things about them. I'll be buying an 11" x 2.25" in the next few months.
Yo GrowthSpurts!! Does that thick wall cylinder focus on the ligs like they say it does on the site?
Crazyed, thanks for all the info, this is great ! I would like to add pumping, but have a question about tube sizes. My dick is real wide, 2.25'' after an hour of clamping, but it's only about 6.75" in circumference. So I have a lot of width and not much depth. Do you think a 2.5'' tube would work to get me started ? That would give me about 1/8" clearance on both sides.

Thanks for the help !

KingD said:
Yo GrowthSpurts!! Does that thick wall cylinder focus on the ligs like they say it does on the site?
KingD, I think it's a combination of finding the right sized tube width and a proper regime like Crazyed posted. When the dick is packed wall to wall, you get a good stretch feeling as the dick has nowhere to expand but in the length direction. Hope that makes sense.
He ED, great post thanx.

I have recently purchased a 2 x 9 tube (6" circumference) i am currently at 5.3" girth <~~ base..... is that a good starting tube for me, i never pumped before.
Crazyed, some good advice.

I've pumped on and off for years. I currently use a cylinder with 2.25" id and am thinking of moving up to a 2.5" id cylinder. I can fill the 2.25" for the first 3 inches. What I am wondering is, does the pressure on the base of the penis caused by expanding to the limits of the pump put pressure on the arteries feeding the penis, thus limiting blood flow and further expansion and growth??

Kegals while in the pump are great eh! I think edging outside the pump until you are ready to blow then slipping the pump on, pumpin up to about 5hg and doing some kegals is a great way to pump extra blood into the penis. Pumping imo is possibly more productive than squeezes. It is less traumatic to the penis and you get more blood in as well. Of course, I combine a bit of everything into my routine.
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