CrazyDudeDenmark email (this is the level these people are at)


Jun 3, 2003
The lengths these people will go to is sad. This is an email I just got.

From: Pxxxxx <>
Date: Tue Jun 10, 2003 4:30:30 PM US/Eastern
To: DLD <>
Subject: Re: High Res
AttacHydromaxents: There is 1 attachment

I just compared the different pics of you to see if my
fear was right. When you put the 12 inch pictures on
your website I had a feeling that you has modified the

I have made a picture where there is 3 pictures put in
one picture for comparison and to me it looks like the
latest pictures (the number 2 and 3) are fake. Look at
the bloodvein that goes across the penis and you vil
see it is in three different places. Picture one is an
older picture, but the picture 2 and 3 are new and
were posted the first time on your own site.

I am really sorry DLD, but I think (and thats just my
feeling, backed up with the very little proof I have)
the lastest pictures claming 12 inch are fake.

Will it be allright for me to post this picture af peforum?
Well DLD, I was going to keep this one to myself.

I do believe I am allowed to have my own idea about your latest pics.
And also go ahead and post the two pictures I sent you.

I would also like you to remove my email-address from the posting, that is not fair.
Originally posted by CrazyDudeDenmark
And also go ahead and post the two pictures I sent you.

I would also like you to remove my email-address from the posting, that is not fair.

I'm uploading the picture now. I will also be uploading a video of me measuring too this evening.
Here is his detective work:
Can't read the fine print...

For what it's worth, Jen looks happy :)
Originally posted by RB2
Can't read the fine print...

For what it's worth, Jen looks happy :)

It is the same text as the email
Jealous are we?

Well maybe, but I am happy that DLD posted the picture himself so I did not have to feel that I did something wrong. DLD, I just think there is something funny about those picture, and instead of showing it to everyone, I sent you a personal email, partly to see your respond and also to see if you would post better quality pitures.

For the record I am looking forward to the videomeasurment, and I do hope I feel ashamed when you have posted the videomeasurment.

I would still like you to remove my email add. in the first post.
Originally posted by CrazyDudeDenmark
Jealous are we?

Well maybe, but I am happy that DLD posted the picture himself so I did not have to feel that did something wrong. DLD, I just think there is something funny about those picture and instead of showing it to everyone, I sent you a personal email, partly to see your respond and also to see if you would post better quality pitures.

For the record I am looking forward to the videomeasurment, and I do hope I fill ashamed when you have posted the videomeasurment.

I would still like you to remove my email add. in the first post.

Bullshit, your last email said this:

"I do not know, maybe I am a dramaqueen, but your all
right with me posting my picture? Including this one?"

This sounds like you were making a threat
Yes it does appear that the vein on picture number 3 is further away from the head of the penis. But how can you question it being 12 inches?

You yourself have the vein being nearly as close to the head in picture 2(flaccid 12 inch stretch) as it is in picture 1 (probably 9.5-10 inch erect). The vein might be a little further from the head in 2, but there have also been 2+ inches of growth since then. Some of that could have come from between the head and the vein, with the rest coming between the base and the vein.

I think you yourself proved it is 12 inches by having picture number 2 in there
Originally posted by Inspecta
I think you yourself proved it is 12 inches by having picture number 2 in there

And this is why I was more than happy to do his dirty work for him
I've never seen seen so many people in my life be So obsessed with ones Dick Size as allot of People are with DLD's Dick.

Whether he has 12" 10" or 4" why does it matter to so many people? Even if you think we over hyped it on the Pay-site (which we didn't) whats the big deal? Is it really going to change ones life?

We are here to Practice Penis Enlargement not to Suck DLD's Dick.

I am going to open a section on our Pay-Site for Members to Pay an extra Fee to get DLD's big Dick shoved up their Ass. Then they can see if its 12" or not in Person. As a matter of Fact, I think we are going to still Produce those DLD Dildo's for the people who are so into his fucking cock.

Stop Obsessing with DLD's dick Please. Its Sickening to my Stomach.
Originally posted by Jaz
I've never seen seen so many people in my life be So obsessed with ones Dick Size as allot of People are with DLD's Dick.

Whether he has 12" 10" or 4" why does it matter to so many people? Even if you think we over hyped it on the Pay-site (which we didn't) whats the big deal? Is it really going to change ones life?

We are here to Practice Penis Enlargement not to Suck DLD's Dick.

I am going to open a section on our Pay-Site for Members to Pay an extra Fee to get DLD's big Dick shoved up their Ass. Then they can see if its 12" or not in Person. As a matter of Fact, I think we are going to still Produce those DLD Dildo's for the people who are so into his fucking cock.

Stop Obsessing with DLD's dick Please. Its Sickening to my Stomach.



PS: Sorry, no offense to anyone, but I thought that was funny.
I tell you one thing , before DLD opened up MOS sites everyone was praising him ,now they are trying to shred him. No one single person made all the exercises up . Every site i have been to has had the same exercises listed just different names put in front of the exercise . But i have seen the same exercises listed on all the sites i have been to that carried the same name from one site to the other ...and they have been the DLD exercises .If they are trying to say now that they are rip offs , then why didn't they speak up earlier and say HEY THESE EXERCISES ARE OLD SO -N - SO POSTED THESE WAY BACK WHEN !! But none of this stuff came up until just a few days ago . Now the only sites i have been to that are not bashing DLD and trying to discredit him are this site (MOS) and pridepenis.I could care less if the exercises are called the LITTLE Penis EnlargementCKER PULLER STRETCH or the JIMMY THE CRICKET JELG , I thought we were all after the same thing ,to enhance our penis. I guess these guys may have just lost site of this for the time being, but i hope all of this soon dies down and everyone gets on to the pecker pulling . Well have a good day .......

You know that if you keep handling it with as much sincerity as you have been doing, this is just going to be another Moment in Western Penis Enlargement History defined by your involvement in it.

These guys are going to realize how trite their preoccupation is, and then they will start to feel "a bit lost". They already look dumb from the flaming that they started in Penis EnlargementForums, even though there are moderate people coming to mediate the argument.

In CrazyGuyDenmark's case, I think that his admiration for you is the most preeminent motif. In addition to his concern with the photos themselves, he is clearly taking your cue in the mode of "analyzing them". I think he himself may want to be "analyzed".

Anyway, you rock. This is only going to propel you further in notoriety and credibility. Believe it.
Yeah CrazyDudeDenmark
you sad ****** just a sick ****** DLD will BLOW you away.
Just a pathetic jelous hermit, get a life ya sad weed.

You are clearly wanting DLD status and size, but its never gunna happen to you.
Stop finding little things to dig with, get a life and a job and find time to do better things like treat ya girl, drive the car, look after the kids, have a drink etc etc not keep looking at DLD's veins, tho' might I add they are impressive, you must not get to mad about it as it shows weakness on your part.


Ya are history.
DLD is a legend now **** ***.
Fuck if he only knew how hard it is to get bigger he wouldn't say a word..Most people will never understand PE ever..just my opinion...

I have realized that getting to ten inches myself would be hard really hard have no idea how but I'll get there someday hope is not too late when I'm old..

Definitely lotta people feel curious about D penis size... how he got that big n shit...

When I'm 10 x7 id be the happiest guy on Earth at least for a couple of weeks lol...
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