
Jun 29, 2013
i was seeing some statistics,and even though some say it would take about 3 years for you to get 1.5 inches in length(bummer),one interesting fact i saw was that more that 60% of guys get no results at all!!,and about 1% actually lose size!,im not here to discourage no one,since im a beginner and new to Penis Enlargement myself,just wanted to open a realistic discussing about your opinion regarding this particular statistic,what do you guys think about it?,unrealistic?,exaggerated?
Well right now what you say is a claim. A statement. Your claim.

A statistic would have a large sampling of many people, evidence they actually attempted Penis Enlargement in a meaningful way, with due diligence, effort, consistency, over a meaningful amount of time... A statistic would show the bpel they started each with and ended with.

It would show who the professionals, hospital, university, govt agency, Drs are and their credentials.

It would show the exact program the participants were required to follow and explain how the study verified they did anything at all.

Writing the words "60%" is not a statistic. Its your claim.

Here on Mos we have SEEN so many member claims of gains backed up by photo evidence that we reject your claim without a moments hesitation.

If you stretch your penis in a smart, consistent, intense multiplex way it will grow.

I'm all the proof I need.
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Yeah, that statistic is either fabricated or based on appalling false data.
From all the logs I've read, I believe the only reason people don't make gains is either lack of self discipline, lack of knowledge, or both. I don't even see how this is even up for debate anymore. Penis Enlargement works.

How many people sign up for a gym memberships for their "new years resolutions" every year? How many of them make progress? Look around the gym and it's easy to see many people are lacking the knowledge to make progress. Look how many people stop going. Those people are lacking discipline.
i see,it is not my claim,i saw it,based on about 6 thousand guys,is was an internet poll,but certainly outdated,i think you got me wrong man,i posted this not to make claims,or even say Penis Enlargement is a lie,after i saw this statistic i just thought it would be a good thing to comment on,(since i myself doubted it also),there was no allegation or claim trying to be made,i just opened a discussion on the topic,ok?
Aright. So its not even a medical study?

Random internet respondents? Very reliable huh?

At least post a link.

I'd say, not even a survey of just visitors to Mos would be worthwhile.

Lets see, now about: Mos members
Who opened a progress thread
Showing their steady effort
At a Mos Penis Enlargement program
For 3+ months of steady work.

Now that would answer most of my issues with a qualified sample of people who followed a worthwhile Penis Enlargement program and showed some consistent effort over time enough.

I bet the success rate there is more like 80%, and the 20 would admit to slacking off.
There are sadly a lot of guys come here and ask questions and leave empty handed... LOL. So its gotta be a pool of folks who actually Did something.
Hmm... how to datamine the forums..?.. muahahah...
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Im betting the same percentage of people saying working out in the gym didn't work for them would be the same number. Most people quit before they realize gains because it takes time and patience in both working out and Penis Enlargement. 60% in that study could have meant they tried some pills and it didnt work or they did a few Penis Enlargement workouts and it didnt work or they got the surgery and they actually got smaller because they didnt do the "Drs recommended Penis Enlargement exercises" after the surgery.

There may be a small but real percentage of guys that wouldnt gain from Penis Enlargement even if done correctly. But most of the time Penis Enlargement doesnt work now is because guys either dont do it long enough or dont do it correctly. The bottom line is that most guys writing on these forums wouldnt spend time doing it or writing on the forum for long if it didnt work.

Yours is a good question and one that will be continually asked until the perception changes.
remek;176984 said:
[size=+2]THE Penis Enlargement Survey RESULTS:[/size]
The Penis Enlargement Survey was a survey created on The survey was advertised on the free forums of �other PE site� Place and MOS. It was opened in April, and was closed down in July – opened for nearly three months.
957 men took The Penis Enlargement Survey. However, due to “duplicated results,” and for the best accuracy only 545 of these men were able to be used in the analysis.
Below are the top 15 things the Penis Enlargement Survey found. The FULL analysis of each question is not shown, but they will be posted in-detail on a website I am creating for the Penis Enlargement survey results as soon as possible. The survey was analyzed in volume.

Disclaimer: The results are not the opinion of the author. Nor is the author stating the results are 100 percent truth. Everything below is what the data SUGGESTS, not the author, and should not be passed as facts. As with all science, multiple tests have to be completed until something becomes factual.

1. How much do we actually gain?
The average gains for men who have been exercising their penis for at least three months is 1 inch in length, and a half an inch in girth (1" X .51"). Translating this into volume*, on average the men who exercise their penises for three months or more have increased their penis size by 42 percent -- nearly half a size bigger than what they started with! [Questions 6 – 9, asking for PRE and POST stats]

2. Does Penis Enlargement work?
Out of 545 men who have performed penis exercises at least once, only 7 people (approximately one percent) believed penis enlargement does not work. [Question 3 – Do you think natural penis enlargement works?]

3. Where do you acquire your knowledge?
The two groups who gained the least were the men who acquired most of their knowledge from Matters of Size and �other PE site�.
The "middle group" was the people who acquired most of their knowledge from a combination of two of the following: �other PE site�, MOS, and the original Penis Enlargement forums
The top two gaining groups were the very few men who acquired their knowledge from the original Penis Enlargement forums and other sources;
Although the results clearly state the highest gainers were those who acquired most of their Penis Enlargement knowledge from the Original Penis Enlargement forums, and Other Sources we should not be quick in parading to "other penis exercising sites" and requesting the original Penis Enlargement forums back. The skewed results are most likely due to the highly uneven number of votes and the more time spent exercising the penis in the highest two groups. [Question 5 – Where do you acquire most of your knowledge regarding Penis Enlargement?]

4. The Masturbation affect:
The results suggest that men who masturbate less gain more. This is extremely evident when comparing the people who masturbated once a month or less (average gain of 6.22 cubic inches) to the people who masturbated a few times a month or more (average girth gain of 3.87 cubic inches). Meaning, the people who masturbated once a month or less gained 60 percent more cubic inches than the people who masturbated a few times a month or more. [Question 12 – On average, how often do you masturbate?]

5. The Ejaculation affect:
Question 19 takes the Masturbation affect one step further, suggesting it is not masturbating that affects gains, but masturbating and ejaculating shortly after a Penis Enlargement session that does. The group that ejaculated within an hour after a Penis Enlargement session, increased their penis size a third less than the groups that did not. [Question 19 - Within an hour after a normal Penis Enlargement session do you masturbate? If yes, do you ejaculate? Please select the answer that fits you best (meaning if you masturbate and ejaculate 70 percent of the time, then check "Yes, and I Ejaculate."]
In summary, the data theorizes that masturbating and withholding ejaculation might not hurt gains, however masturbating and ejaculating could.

6. The erection affect:
The majority of men who exercise their penis experience stronger and harder erections. [Question 18 – Since you started Penis Enlargement has your erections been affected?]

7. Does exercising the penis cause discoloration?
Approximately 60 percent of the people who voted experienced some sort of discoloration caused by Penis Enlargement. The majority of these people reported having a darker penis (46 percent over all reported having a darker penis). [Question 17 – After you began using Penis Enlargement did your penis discolor? – check all that apply ]

8. Does a warm-up reduce the darkening affects?
Using a warm-up does not reduce the darkening affects caused by Penis Enlargement. [Question 17 – After you began using Penis Enlargement did your penis discolor? – check all that apply ]

9. Do gains slow down with after a few months?
There is a complete correlation with more time & experience exercising the penis and more gains. No where do the results suggest gains "stall" or "die out" after a certain amount of time. [Question 2 – Approximately, how long have you been using natural penis enlargement techniques, TOTAL?]

10. Does it matter how much time I spend on a Penis Enlargement session?
According to the results, your penis will expand and grow according to how much time you put into a Penis Enlargement session. The more time spent exercising the penis, the more it will grow. However, there are obvious conditions. If you are a beginner, do not jump into a hanging session that consists of “multiple hours.” That is a path leading to 'Injury Lane.' Slowly increase the length of time you spend on your penis workout. In the end, anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, 4-5 days a week will probably give you the best results. [Question 20 – On average, how much time do you spend on a Penis Enlargement session?]

11. Do Penis Enlargement pills help?
The people who use penis enlargement pills combined with exercises gained 43 percent more cubic inches than those who do not, which suggests that penis enlargement pills do help gains. [Question 14 – Did you use penis enlargement pills during the time you exercised your penis?]

12. How do most people find out about Penis Enlargement?
The majority of men who exercise their penis learned about it by searching for it on the web. [Question 4 - Where did you first learn/hear about natural Penis Enlargement?]

13. Does exercising the penis lead to curvature?
Over 90 percent of men do not obtain a penis curve caused by Penis Enlargement. [Question 16 - Does your penis have a curve in it that was not there before you started using natural penis enlargement?]

14. Does exercising the penis lead to a change in erection level?
The majority of men do not experience or notice any change in their erection level caused by exercising the penis. [Question 15 - While Penis Enlargementing, did your angle of erection change? If yes - how so?]

15. Does a warm-up help with gains?
The data suggests that using a warm-up prior to a penis exercising routine had no connection with increased gains (opposed to not using a warm-up).
However, this does not mean we should all throw away our heating pads and infrared lamps. Using a warm-up is the safest known way to exercise the penis. Without a warm-up, there is most likely a greater chance of injuring yourself. Additionally, using a warm-up is believed to cause less bruising and skin problems. Question 13 - Do you use a warm-up before your Penis Enlargement routine?

Confusions & Controversies:
Without a doubt, the biggest confusions and controversies revolve around these two topics:
Penis enlargement pills (number 11) – Popularly believed to be a scam, having no affect on gains. The data suggests otherwise.
Masturbation (numbers 4 and 5) – This is a two-sided argument. Many men believe it affects gains, while others strongly believe it does not. The data suggests that ejaculating, and masturbation leads to fewer gains.

The best way to receive this information is with an open-mind. The data from the Penis Enlargement survey is quite consistent. Instead of everyone stating the results are wrong, wrong, wrong! We should all ask the question, where is the truth behind the Penis Enlargement survey claims? Why does the data suggest ejaculating leads to decreased gains; and penis enlargement pills help gains? After all, that is what we are all here for – to help each other learn more about Penis Enlargement.

Again, the complete survey results will be up on a website I am creating for the survey results. You will be able to download the actual data for critiquing, and who knows maybe you can find something that I missed! Or that I calculated wrong!
fidhell;555794 said:
i was seeing some statistics,and even though some say it would take about 3 years for you to get 1.5 inches in length(bummer),one interesting fact i saw was that more that 60% of guys get no results at all!!,and about 1% actually lose size!,im not here to discourage no one,since im a beginner and new to Penis Enlargement myself,just wanted to open a realistic discussing about your opinion regarding this particular statistic,what do you guys think about it?,unrealistic?,exaggerated?

That success rateis far greater than I would've guessed, and I know first hand Penis Enlargement is possible.

Substitute Penis Enlargement for anything that takes consistency, effort, and a modicum of intelligence and self-responsibility (bodybuilding or strength training for instance), and your statistics would remain exactly the same. In fact, they would probably be worse.
i was seeing some statistics,and even though some say it would take about 3 years for you to get 1.5 inches in length(bummer),one interesting fact i saw was that more that 60% of guys get no results at all!!,and about 1% actually lose size!,im not here to discourage no one,since im a beginner and new to Penis Enlargement myself,just wanted to open a realistic discussing about your opinion regarding this particular statistic,what do you guys think about it?,unrealistic?,exaggerated?

The statistics is 100% fake. We all gain differently and it depends on the device you are using, it also depends on how much intensity you are using as well and also consistency matters. People gain 1 inch in 3 months. Some do so in 4 or 5 or 6 months.
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