
Sep 3, 2014
Hi guys, I'm curious about the devices used in tandem with the PE exercises - the all day stretching devices seem like something I'd be interested in, and of course who doesn't want a BathMate, right?

Only thing is, they're reeeeeally pricey, don't you think? I totally get that it's a worthwhile investment once you see results - would I pay those sums for a bigger dick? Yes. But how do they determine the retail price of these things? I look at some of these gadgets and see ten bucks' worth of plastic, tops, but they double that and stick a zero on the end! I mean no offence to anybody who makes, sells, or buys these devices - and I apologise for my perceived ignorance - but what's behind that retail price? Are you paying for the materials and manufacturing, or the research and development, or is the price set to trap us poor desperate guys into parting with what is a considerable amount of money, for something you can't put a monetary value on (a bigger penis, better sex life, increased self-esteem etc)?

Again, this is a genuine innocent question and not designed to piss anyone off; if it angers or upsets anybody, I apologise!
Proverbs 11:24
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Don't be afraid of buying products through matters of size, we have the most absurd discounts! Remember it also helps the brotherhood when you do, you are grateful to have this family yes?
The high prices is most likely to offset the cost of production for the devices.

There's the cost of equipment, molds, manual labor, advertising, etc.,

Some things are ridiculously overpriced though, and it's usually spare parts or accessories, but that may also go into trying to offset the production costs of the main product.
Yes i agree with you,if you're reffering to Phallosan forte , it's way too expensive,you can find much cheaper alternatives just as good as the original PF...

The other devices like SG , Bathmate , are quite cheap , i think 200 $ for a SG is a good price , the SG is amazing.Bathmate is also pretty cheap.
Spamjavelin76;657622 said:
Hi guys, I'm curious about the devices used in tandem with the PE exercises - the all day stretching devices seem like something I'd be interested in, and of course who doesn't want a BathMate, right?

Only thing is, they're reeeeeally pricey, don't you think? I totally get that it's a worthwhile investment once you see results - would I pay those sums for a bigger dick? Yes. But how do they determine the retail price of these things? I look at some of these gadgets and see ten bucks' worth of plastic, tops, but they double that and stick a zero on the end! I mean no offence to anybody who makes, sells, or buys these devices - and I apologise for my perceived ignorance - but what's behind that retail price? Are you paying for the materials and manufacturing, or the research and development, or is the price set to trap us poor desperate guys into parting with what is a considerable amount of money, for something you can't put a monetary value on (a bigger penis, better sex life, increased self-esteem etc)?

Again, this is a genuine innocent question and not designed to piss anyone off; if it angers or upsets anybody, I apologise!

I have been using a big padlock ADS with a little sports prewrap for 8-12 hours a day and loving it plus its dirt cheap ;)

and of course get a bathmate, if you have a wife/girlfriend they are going to love your manhood even more and talk about it like its some crazy �naked people movies� dick.

good luck bro, let us know what you decide
every time i buy a device i have to pay double the price b/c of the taxes in my country. but i still buy them all... i am desperate.
also right now .....i feel money is not the main problem.......the size is........if i change this size i can earn double the money i have.....CONFIDENCE......

if you guys have money and think ur penis size is a big problem in ur life...then go ahead and spend it.......its worth it for a better life.....u can earn it again
Well the world is full of products for everyone. For the rich, medium and poor. It's what you wanna buy as per your pocket. Search Ali express you will get your answer .
Well the world is full of products for everyone. For the rich, medium and poor. It's what you wanna buy as per your pocket. Search Ali express you will get your answer . But some products are expensive for the are one of the kind like PF.
The grand master master_mind has spoken ! Listen carefully kids !
Thanks for the replies gentlemen, much appreciate your feedback. I don't have a lot of spare cheddar - the cost of one of these gadgets would feed my family for three weeks so I can't justify the expense. I will look into the ghetto style ADS thread and see if I can gain any creative ideas for a home-made stretcher. As for the Bathmate, I would love one but will stick to my air pump until I can spare the change.
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You can easily made a homemade ADS , let me find the thread and i will post it later. Also the VLC is pretty cheap and it's a great ADS.
templnite;657623 said:
Proverbs 11:24
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Don't be afraid of buying products through matters of size, we have the most absurd discounts! Remember it also helps the brotherhood when you do, you are grateful to have this family yes?

And if you can't afford a device there is always the monthly contest, right templnite? :)
^Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed

Yes I won a tool just for remembering my brothers have needs just like i had one time. All you need to do is be versed in PE things to offer hope for men which come from the same place you did. I'll never forget where I come from brother its one of my biggest motivators.
templnite;657848 said:
^Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed

Yes I won a tool just for remembering my brothers have needs just like i had one time. All you need to do is be versed in PE things to offer hope for men which come from the same place you did. I'll never forget where I come from brother its one of my biggest motivators.

Did you go for the bathmate templite?:)
Of course, you know pumping is key for my training.
templnite;657904 said:
Of course, you know pumping is key for my training.

Awesome choice!
doublelongdaddy;657769 said:
And if you can't afford a device there is always the monthly contest, right templnite? :)

Ah, I'm a noob, I have nothing much to offer the forum aside from tedious questions and some creative wordplay at the moment! Although if you saw my dick flaccid, you'd probably give me a BathMate out of sheer pity. Once you got done laughing, that is....
lol dont be so hard on yourself you seem pretty intelligent
Heh heh, you said 'hard on'!
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