
Nov 5, 2009
I haven't had time to hang and pump like I would like to, so I've been kicking around other ways to get some progress at work. Of course I think I (might) have an idea.

Now I usually wear the Static Stretcher Light Duty at work and that is about it. It's concealable save for making me look like my flaccid cock is about the same size as an average erect cock. For some reason all of the women there go out of their way to be nice me now. The Light Duty is mainly for flaccid gains and anti-turtling, with very slow theoretical erect gains. I want to add some weight with it to combine the Light Duty's ADS feature with an ADH. If I'm imagining this correctly the weight hanging would speed up the flaccid gains, and should have enough pull to see some erect gains. That's the theory.

In practice I'm not sure which weight to get to pull this off. It needs to be concealable and not cause a problem for urination. Slipping something on/off that takes a few seconds is fine, but anything that needs to be tied or in some way complexly attached like the tying with Penis Enlargement weights or TLC Tugger doesn't seem like it will work for this application. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, more options are always better. From the videos I saw it didn't seem like a 5 second application.

There are two general types of weights I'm considering right now. First, the Circle Device. It should theoretically be able to attach on top of the SS. Like the SS is designed to be concealable and not cause problems during urination. In fact it seems to be designed for the office lifestyle from what I've been reading about it. So that seems like a possibility, unless it won't fit over the SS.

The other idea I had was to keep using the SS like I have been, and add an Original Anchor ( or a similar device with more weight from eBay. I'm thinking this won't cause any problems from a visibility standpoint and should be less likely to slip off if it can also grip the SS.

Either of these sound plausible? Or somebody have a better idea? I'm not smoking crack even if it sounds like it. Honest.
WHy not use the SizeGenetics? It can be set light or heavy so it will serve both needs.
I had it and hated it. The noose was uncomfortable and cut off my circulation. It went from being slightly painful when using it to being extremely painful at random times forcing me to remove it immediately. If I loosened it enough to remain comfortable I would slip out and it would lose its effectiveness completely. It's not the least bit concealable down a leg of dress pants either. You can make it fit, sure, but it's very obvious you're wearing some huge plastic contraption on your cock. No one is going to mistake a SizeGenetics for a big flaccid, but with my SS the women assume I'm just huge and that's the end of it. I need to be able to remove it quickly in case of a pain emergency brought on by frequently being at work for 12+ hours, and not take 20 minutes to urinate. Being small enough so I don't have to lock myself in a stall for number one would be nice too. SizeGenetics fails on all of these counts. Not to mention that it is a traditional extender, which is not an ADS unless you really want to push the technicality of being able to wear it all day if one has enough vicodin on hand. The only nice thing I can say is that they honored the money back guarantee without much of a hassle, unlike Bathmate whom I had to beat in a Paypal dispute, then waste 40 bucks mailing it back to f$##%&@ Switzerland just to get the refund they advertised at my time of purchase.

I'm very happy with the SS as an ADS and with 50 bucks off for the �other PE site� discount I doubt you can come up with a better ADS anywhere for 100. I'm hoping someone who has used any of the ADH products out there can give insight into their office use and feasibility of combining them an ADS.
I know what you're saying about the SG and I agree.
The Light Duty is just a slightly improved Traction Wrap though. Don't see where the stretch would come from.
Have you retried your SG with the Velcro Modification?
try the velcro for the SG. it costs only a couple bucks and is MUCH better then the noose or comfort strap
3 great posts of advice. We have worked long enough with the SizeGenetics to make it comfortable for anyone willing to do the mods.
Moresize;454624 said:
Either of these sound plausible? Or somebody have a better idea?
How long have you tried the low tension approach? If you've given it several months than I think a new idea might be in order.

My personal experience with low tension is that it takes about 10 times longer to see any results. Unless you're in a position to allow the weight to hang you might find it to be a waste of time. The Circle Device is a definitely a waste of money: you can achieve this effect without spending so much. Golf weights or other weight can be wrapped into your wrap.
I've been doing this for about 8 months as my main Penis Enlargement as I'm at the office 12+ hours/day. Because the dress code is dress pants business casual to business professional I can't wear large Penis Enlargement devices and conceal them. Even what I'm wearing now is noticeable, which is acceptable because it makes it look as though I've already reached my Penis Enlargement goals. It looks like I have a huge cock, not like I'm fucking a Barbie doll. There is no way I can conceal an extender in my pants, even if I wanted to, which I don't. I got a SG, it cut off bloodflow, hurt like hell after a few hours and my gains were nothing compared to what I got hanging. If I had time to wear that at home, I would hang instead. I returned it a long time ago for these and other reasons.

With what I'm doing now flaccid, EQ and sex drive gains are fast. Erect gains are slow. Adding weight for ADH should speed up erect gains, or so is my line of thinking. Adding weight to my wrap as it is pretty much my only option for all day Penis Enlargement at this point. I also had the golf weight idea. They're too small to go over the wrap and make a 2 minute detour to the mens room take 20 minutes if I put it inside the wrap with the amount of time it takes to get that back on in a way that isn't painful and where the weights won't fall off. As a result, I'm trying to come up with more outside the box solutions. A couple hundred bucks won't break that bank if it actually works and I can use it at work.

For the sake of argument, I have no idea why people here love the SG so much beyond DLD pushing it. There is nothing I saw from it when I used it that would make me think it is anything special. Certainly nothing to justify spending $110 more than a LeLuv Slider

If I wanted to spend more than that but still less than the MOS SG price, I could get a Male Edge on eBay which would have the added bonus of easily adjusting pressure and telling me exactly how much pressure is applied. I suppose if you're an idiot you could break it, but if you're an adult you should be responsible enough not to step on it or throw it across the room for no reason. I see no reason why Supra's VLC mod couldn't be applied to either of these devices for someone who wants to go down that route.
Have you tried the SS medium? I wore that under pants and shorts for several months. I kept the tension very low but way more than the SS light could ever do. Because the SS base is cloth and elastic I didn't have to point it up or down like the traditional extenders: this helps a lot with concealment.

I also got plastic threaded rods from which allowed me to replace the black anodized aluminum rods provided. This allowed more give and provided some flexibility. Also, there was only cloth and plastic: no metal at all!

The reason I suggest this is the idea of weights at the end of a wrap just never worked for me. Usually the weight was kept from hanging by my clothing or it untied the wrap. Constant pain-in-the-ass.

One other thing: you can urinate while wearing the SS medium if you sit. This allowed me to wear it non-stop for up to 16 hours. In retrospect I should've just kept using it for a year or so. Oh well, we're all looking for a holy grail or a quick fix and sometimes the solution is right in your Penis Enlargement drawer.
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Do you have part numbers for those rods from McMaster-Carr? The rods that came with the Medium Duty noticeably stick out in my pants or my shirt if I try to wear it up. I never considered replacing the rods with something softer. I would definitely give that a try.
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