
Jan 22, 2024
Hey all so I’ve been wearing a cock ring post Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine for girth. I refresh the blood every 15 minutes as been advised here. It’s really difficult to refresh the blood (by taking off the ring getting hard then putting it back on) when I’m at my girlfriend’s house. So I was wondering if I can wear the cock ring for a longer period of time say one hour without refreshing the blood without risking injury? Any advice would be heaps appreciated, cheers fellas
Hey all so I’ve been wearing a cock ring post 5x5x3 routine for girth. I refresh the blood every 15 minutes as been advised here. It’s really difficult to refresh the blood (by taking off the ring getting hard then putting it back on) when I’m at my girlfriend’s house. So I was wondering if I can wear the cock ring for a longer period of time say one hour without refreshing the blood without risking injury? Any advice would be heaps appreciated, cheers fellas
No stick to 10 minutes.
Cutting off blood for to long and you risk developing Deep Vain Thrombosis (you don't know if you have it). Old blood will clump together, and form blood clots, these blood clots can dislodge and travel to your brain, heart lungs, where your veins are smaller, and this will create problems in your future.
Cheers mate, ok so should I wear the ring for 10 minutes then jelq some fresh blood in and put it back on and repeat? Whats your cock ring routine when you reach the 10 minute blood refresh mark, jelq? Get hard? Shake?
Thanks again, it’s appreciated.
Cheers mate, ok so should I wear the ring for 10 minutes then jelq some fresh blood in and put it back on and repeat? Whats your cock ring routine when you reach the 10 minute blood refresh mark, jelq? Get hard? Shake?
Thanks again, it’s appreciated.
You can do that.
I do not use a cock ring.
Sometimes I wear one a little bit after session. But personally I do not want blood trapped in my penis. I use my penis elongation wrap, if I want to keep the expansion for longer.
I must say that the after session cockring use also annoys me. Taking it on and off. I do wonder though. I've never worn a cockring that could keep me at near erection for very long. I've always had a problem of too quick drainage. And so I usually couple cockring usage with heatpad and a vibrator. Isn't this keeping the blood flowing? Does that logically make sense? If the cockring isn't tight enough to keep blood in penis, is it really pooling? The cockring I normally use has inner diameter of 1 3/8 inches and my base is over 2 inches diameter. It's a fat silicone cockring, quite stretchy.
I must say that the after session cockring use also annoys me. Taking it on and off. I do wonder though. I've never worn a cockring that could keep me at near erection for very long. I've always had a problem of too quick drainage. And so I usually couple cockring usage with heatpad and a vibrator. Isn't this keeping the blood flowing? Does that logically make sense? If the cockring isn't tight enough to keep blood in penis, is it really pooling? The cockring I normally use has inner diameter of 1 3/8 inches and my base is over 2 inches diameter. It's a fat silicone cockring, quite stretchy.
It's probably not pooling then.
The important thing I believe is to make sure the blood are recirculating. 🙂

If you look at my penis elongation wrap, it practically do the same as what you are doing with your cock ring. If you loose sensation/it's getting numb, it's to tight having on multiple hours without removing it.
I think we have different post 5 x 5 x 3 post workout and I want clarity. There are many out there including my self that wear "as a grower" a cock ring over balls and shaft for 1-3 hours after our routine. I don't have it so hard that I would need to refresh every 15 min. Just enough to keep it plump after a pump, there is for sure enough blood coming in and out.

If we are talking about 2 different things, please let me know.
Hey all so I’ve been wearing a cock ring post 5x5x3 routine for girth. I refresh the blood every 15 minutes as been advised here. It’s really difficult to refresh the blood (by taking off the ring getting hard then putting it back on) when I’m at my girlfriend’s house. So I was wondering if I can wear the cock ring for a longer period of time say one hour without refreshing the blood without risking injury? Any advice would be heaps appreciated, cheers fellas
15 minutes is a pretty long. As brother SIM said, go down to 10 minutes.

By the way, don't take the ring off. Squeeze the blood out of the penis using your hands inside your pants. LOL. It's pretty funny to run away every 10 to 15 minutes to remove the ring. Refreshing is just that, refreshing. Just get new blood in. The ring can stay in place.
I think we have different post 5 x 5 x 3 post workout and I want clarity. There are many out there including my self that wear "as a grower" a cock ring over balls and shaft for 1-3 hours after our routine. I don't have it so hard that I would need to refresh every 15 min. Just enough to keep it plump after a pump, there is for sure enough blood coming in and out.

If we are talking about 2 different things, please let me know.
As long as the grower cock ring allows blood to flow in and out without the "constriction", where no new blood can come in. The more the blood volume can replace, the better. The biggest worrying factor is the blood clotting when the old blood stays for too long. My wife's and my own alarm bells sound off the moment we hear anyone's blood pools for 5 minutes or more. 10 minutes or more, we go into a frenzy. She works in hospitals and emergency rooms. I used to work in surge fields. Blood pooling was and still is one of our worst nightmares because of the clots formation. They are internal landmines.
As long as the grower cock ring allows blood to flow in and out without the "constriction", where no new blood can come in. The more the blood volume can replace, the better. The biggest worrying factor is the blood clotting when the old blood stays for too long. My wife's and my own alarm bells sound off the moment we hear anyone's blood pools for 5 minutes or more. 10 minutes or more, we go into a frenzy. She works in hospitals and emergency rooms. I used to work in surge fields. Blood pooling was and still is one of our worst nightmares because of the clots formation. They are internal landmines.
This is one reason I only stayed attached in the chamber of LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, for a maximum of 13 minutes.

3 minutes for warmup on the first set, and the rest of the sets (had only 2 per session) I was attached for 10 minutes.

After each set I removed all the wrapping on my penis, and then sat and massaged my penis in front of a car interior heater, to restore all the blood flow. This also reduced the fluid retention AND the discoloration in the glans. I was afraid of Deep Vein Thrombosis is I was attached for to long.

This short impulse stretching also allowed me to stretch harder and gain faster then most.
Thanks for everyone’s input. My cock ring is the fat doughnut type and not very tight, also I apply heat and massage my cock when using my ring and take asprin. Doing all this I think I could extend the time to 15 minutes before recycling the blood? But I’m not sure and don’t want to be hero and injure myself. I find it mentally exhausting recycling the blood and getting hard every 10 minutes, I currently hang for 1 hour and twenty minutes in the morning, wear my ads throughout the day, then do my 5x5x3 then cock ring blood cycling for 3 hours,
It’s full on so if I could extend the 10 minutes to 15 or more that’s be a big relief especially for nights I’m with my girlfriend.
Cheers guys.
Thanks for everyone’s input. My cock ring is the fat doughnut type and not very tight, also I apply heat and massage my cock when using my ring and take asprin. Doing all this I think I could extend the time to 15 minutes before recycling the blood? But I’m not sure and don’t want to be hero and injure myself. I find it mentally exhausting recycling the blood and getting hard every 10 minutes, I currently hang for 1 hour and twenty minutes in the morning, wear my ads throughout the day, then do my 5x5x3 then cock ring blood cycling for 3 hours,
It’s full on so if I could extend the 10 minutes to 15 or more that’s be a big relief especially for nights I’m with my girlfriend.
Cheers guys.
What is the dosage recommended for C₉H₈O₄ (Aspirin)?

You guys refer to baby Aspirin, for reducing blood clotting, but what is the dosage plan here?

@Day. can you post a picture of your cock ring?
Thanks for everyone’s input. My cock ring is the fat doughnut type and not very tight, also I apply heat and massage my cock when using my ring and take asprin. Doing all this I think I could extend the time to 15 minutes before recycling the blood? But I’m not sure and don’t want to be hero and injure myself. I find it mentally exhausting recycling the blood and getting hard every 10 minutes, I currently hang for 1 hour and twenty minutes in the morning, wear my ads throughout the day, then do my 5x5x3 then cock ring blood cycling for 3 hours,
It’s full on so if I could extend the 10 minutes to 15 or more that’s be a big relief especially for nights I’m with my girlfriend.
Cheers guys.
Yes you can but I don't recommend it. Do be very careful. Monitor for any possible odd feelings. If 10 minutes is exhausting, you can space it out. 10 minutes on, release blood by squeezing it all out, rest for 5 minutes, or even 10 minutes, and push blood back in. As long as you can get your blood to keep your penis elongated and expanded for 60+ minutes (when possible), it's for your benefits at the end.
What is the dosage recommended for C₉H₈O₄ (Aspirin)?

You guys refer to baby Aspirin, for reducing blood clotting, but what is the dosage plan here?
It doesn't have to be daily dosage. Only on days you're being aggressive with PE, especially any constriction, restriction, or inflammation inducing routines. Long intense pumping is one, exceeding total of 15 minutes. Long period of LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging stretching is another one, exceeding 10 minutes. Hanging is a must. You are creating a semi constriction between the glans and the shaft because of the tug and anti-tugging.

Lowest effective dosage is 51mg for an adult to provide blood thinning effects. Some physicians will suggest 71mg instead based on weight. Max dosage to be called the baby aspirin is 85mg.
It doesn't have to be daily dosage. Only on days you're being aggressive with PE, especially any constriction, restriction, or inflammation inducing routines. Long intense pumping is one, exceeding total of 15 minutes. Long period of LengthMaster stretching is another one, exceeding 10 minutes. Hanging is a must. You are creating a semi constriction between the glans and the shaft because of the tug and anti-tugging.

Lowest effective dosage is 51mg for an adult to provide blood thinning effects. Some physicians will suggest 71mg instead based on weight. Max dosage to be called the baby aspirin is 85mg.
This have never been talked about here in such details. This is important to know about.

So 85 mg can be taken I suppose from time to time.

I wish I knew about this when I was using LengthMaster 3, but I believe I will be fine, since I only stayed a maximum of 13 minutes inside the chamber and used MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY after sessions.
This have never been talked about here in such details. This is important to know about.

So 85 mg can be taken I suppose from time to time.

I wish I knew about this when I was using LengthMaster 3, but I believe I will be fine, since I only stayed a maximum of 13 minutes inside the chamber and used MOSRED after sessions.
Correct. 85mg is considered as the upper bound of aspirin for daily usages. I have a few bottles of 71mg and one 85mg. They are used for days we sit quite a bit, especially long trips. Sitting for too long will also create unintentional blood clots without knowing. This message campaigns was broadcasted all over the medical related info channels for a few years. Ladies and gents that cross their legs all the time, the message was focused on them quite heavily. Cases of males and females coming in to the emergency rooms with blood clots were diagnosed, but no definitive answers. For a long while it was unclear until it was observed by a specialist in the medical field who spotted it, as she suffered from it herself. Baby aspirin became the standards for preventing blood clots as low dose blood thinner without harming the body like the larger 200mg+ doses.

The side benefits are reduction of inflammation and fever reducing due to accumulative inflammation. Funny enough, fluid build up and tissue breakage during intense pumping causes inflammation and the baby aspirin helps to reduce inflammation and fluid retention, and boost blood flow. Coincidental discovery in the PE journey.
What is the dosage recommended for C₉H₈O₄ (Aspirin)?

You guys refer to baby Aspirin, for reducing blood clotting, but what is the dosage plan here?

@Day. can you post a picture of your cock ring?
Sure SIM I will attach some images, I got my doughnut cock ring from AliExpress for only $5AUD it’s 21mm In diameter and is so much more comfortable and I believe a lot safer than the standard thin ones.

I cut a 300mg aspirin in half and take half (150mg) every few hours around my girth section of my routine, I’m not sure if that’s the most effective way to go about it but is what I’m currently doing. Thanks Oldandliveley for the asprin recommendation.


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Correct. 85mg is considered as the upper bound of aspirin for daily usages. I have a few bottles of 71mg and one 85mg. They are used for days we sit quite a bit, especially long trips. Sitting for too long will also create unintentional blood clots without knowing. This message campaigns was broadcasted all over the medical related info channels for a few years. Ladies and gents that cross their legs all the time, the message was focused on them quite heavily. Cases of males and females coming in to the emergency rooms with blood clots were diagnosed, but no definitive answers. For a long while it was unclear until it was observed by a specialist in the medical field who spotted it, as she suffered from it herself. Baby aspirin became the standards for preventing blood clots as low dose blood thinner without harming the body like the larger 200mg+ doses.

The side benefits are reduction of inflammation and fever reducing due to accumulative inflammation. Funny enough, fluid build up and tissue breakage during intense pumping causes inflammation and the baby aspirin helps to reduce inflammation and fluid retention, and boost blood flow. Coincidental discovery in the PE journey.
I will get some If I can.

I think everyone should watch this video below, they will get an insight of the seriousness of it all.
There have been guys on here that have been attached into the chamber of LengthMaster 3, for to long without even realizing why this may be a problem.
10 minutes is a good guideline as you say.

I cut a 300mg aspirin in half and take half (150mg) every few hours around my girth section of my routine, I’m not sure if that’s the most effective way to go about it but is what I’m currently doing. Thanks Oldandliveley for the asprin recommendation.
Cut it down even more to a quarter. 150mg is still pretty high. Too much for too long can hurt your stomach.
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