
Nov 22, 2009
So, I've been thinking. How fast do cells divide? Is wearing an ADS for one hour, ten times, any less (or more) effective than wearing it for 10 hours once?

Let's do some math. ;)

Let's take a flaccid penis that when fully stretched out is 4 inches in circumference. (Pretty typical I'd say)

For the sake of argument, let's say that this flaccid penis is 8" long (bone-pressed) when fully stretched out. (Probably a bit longer than average, but it makes the math easier)

The area of this penis in cross-section is 1.27 inches. (squared)

Now, let's assume (although I'm sure this is wrong) that the size of a corpus cavernosa cell is equal to the average size of a human cell. (10 micrometers)

In inches (for the metric challenged) that is 0.0003937 inches. (roughly)

This is the width, of course. Therefore the cross-section area of this cell is 0.000000155 inches squared.

If this is true, then in a cross-section of a flaccid stretched penis there are 8,193,565 cells in a cross-section of your penis.

Now, let's pretend, even though this is probably not true, that corpus cavernosa cells, when stretched, are twice as long as normal. After all, your penis is almost twice as long stretched as it is flaccid.

So, in an 8 inch penis, there are 10160 unique cross-sections, bringing the grand total to 8,324,786,893 cells in the penis. (8 billion is a lot!)

Now, why do all this math? Read on...

Let's take the claims about the typical ADS, like the FastSize Extender, and assume they're valid. They claim you can gain an inch in about 1000 hours of wearing the extender. (or 4 months of 12 hours per day, etc.)

1 extra inch would be 1270 new rows (cross sections) of cells.

So, basically, we're talking 1 row of cells per hour. Now, I could easily be off by a factor of 10 here, but if all these assumptions were true, this has interesting implications.

You can't have "half" a cell division. Either the cell divides or it does not. If cell division takes one hour, then theoretically wearing it for less than one hour is pointless.

Unfortunately, If I'm off by a factor of ten on the size of a corpus cavernosa cell, either it only takes 6 minutes, or it takes 10 hours. If the latter is true, there's no point in wearing it for LESS than ten hours. If the former is true, wearing it one hour a day for 10 days is just as effective as wearing it for 10 hours in one stretch.

One final flaw in my math. It's not like all the cells suddenly divide after one hour. It's probably more likely that those 10160 cells that divide in one hour do so continuously, based on whichever cells are feeling the tension currently.

If THAT is the case, wearing the ADS for even ten minutes would be beneficial...

But what if the tissue has to be under strain for a certain amount of time before it divides? And what if the amount of tension has to exceed a certain level for cell division to occur? Also, when is the tension too much, and likely to result in scar tissue forming, or other problems?

Knowing the answers to all these questions would help a lot.

I've been using the FastSize for 2 hours a day (in 2 one hour sessions) for about 300 hours now, over the course of 7 months. During that time, my BPFSL has gone up about 0.3". It's hard for me to say exactly, because I measure more accurately now than when I started.

Anyway, that rate of increase is actually quite consistent with the FastSize claims. (According to their schedule, I should have gained exactly 0.3")

Now, as depressing to me as it is that it has taken 7 months, it's comforting to know that their claims are about right on the money... for me at least. I assume it has a lot to do with intensity as well.

What I'm wondering though, is whether it's really necessary to use the stretcher at high intensity, or if cell division would occur with any amount of stretch. Am I punishing my penis unnecessarily by trying to exceed my BPenis EnlargementL?

Ok, /rant off.

Very interesting Tom. I wonder if we have any doctors in the house who could help out here.
Not sure if you'll find some help in these: (I just did a google search for cell division stretching)

Stretching Epithelial Cells Using Mechanical Means

Way too Medically Technical for me to bother

In one of those pdf's I read something about cells multiplying inside of two hours...not sure which one. I'm too tired to look back through them.

Also you have the whole skin restoration area. I know they stretch bones by breaking them and then indreasing the length of the break as it fills in with repairative tissue. But I think that is a whole different ballgame.

I wonder if they could actually stretch the bone by using mechanical tension alone?
There's also the fact that deformation is fought by the system. Cell division can occur but also be re-absorbed. It takes a lot of time to create permanent change.
Deformation is the key to pe. More later:)
No offense intended, but this sorta talk always made my head spin. I also wondered, why not just quit thinking about the ''why's and how's'' of Penis Enlargement and DO IT?? I have seen SO MANY MEN spend countless hours on theory-crafting over the years, when they could have just been DOING Penis Enlargement. It's NOT rocket science, really. It's skin and tissue. Both stretch permanently when consistent resistance over time is applied. Stretch or squeeze hard enough to feel it, hold it for as long as possible until you need to switch grips, repeat. Every time I have applied these simple concepts, consistently, I have made gains. Period, end of story. I really don't get why it's so hard for so many men to figure out.
Maybe because it's human nature to make things complicated. We are a very curious species and are questioning everything, there is no simple thing in our world. But I agree, if people learn to just accept the things they are, there is no more "barrier" between them and really awesome gains. On the other hand, not many folks are knowing the "secrets" of Penis Enlargement and that makes Penis Enlargement more mysterious and more susceptible for questioning. I kinda understand when somebody gets mixed up with this funny "cell division" thing, especially if the manufacturers of the extenders support their commercial with these pseudo-scientific facts. The human thinks "Ah, so that's the secret! Cell division! Sounds complicated, that must be it!" and eventually, in best case, buys the product ;).
I see your point, stillwantmore, but, well, in my case it's different. I AM doing Penis Enlargement, and I have been doing it constantly for almost 9 months. I can't do Penis Enlargement 24/7, so I post on here in the meantime. ;)

Mostly, I posted my thoughts on the extender/cell division topic because there really isn't nearly as much concrete information about how to get gains from extender use as there is with manual stretches. I feel like to some degree the jury is still out as to whether ADS's really work at all if you only use them for a couple of hours at a time... and to me that's worrisome.

I've invested 300 hours in the extender at 2 hours per day, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm wasting my time. I can't invest more time than that because of work, and because, frankly, it starts to really hurt. ;)

I honestly don't see how anyone wears an extender for the 8 hours per day they recommend unless a) they're using virtually no tension, or b) they're masochists.

If all that matters is that you get sore, I question why one would use a device that took 8 hours to make you sore, when I can get sore after 30 minutes of manual/assisted stretching. Which is what made me think of the cell division. If manual stretches work on pulling the penis out, and all-day stretchers function on a totally different principle, ie cell division, then there really is a value in using an ADS. If they work on the same principle, I see no point in the ADS at all, because then it's just a much more time-consuming way of accomplishing the same thing.

Mostly, I was just thinking aloud to try to decide where to go from here. After 7 months of 2 hours a day in the extender, I'm just plain burnt out on the routine.

In any case, I've already decided. I'm switching to a new routine: Manual stretches one day, Bathmate/jelq the next day, possibly taking the third day off. If nothing else because I need a change of pace.... but also because I'm starting to see the negative effects of wearing the noose for hours each day. I sometimes wear it for 4-5 hours at a stretch on weekends... get it? At a -stretch-? :p

Anyway, even with a break and heat every hour, it seems to negatively affect circulation and penis health. Also, it might be my imagination, but it seems like white scar tissue is building up where the noose puts pressure on the penis.

I honestly don't see how anyone wears an extender for the 8 hours per day they recommend unless a) they're using virtually no tension, or b) they're masochists.

If all that matters is that you get sore, I question why one would use a device that took 8 hours to make you sore, when I can get sore after 30 minutes of manual/assisted stretching.

Pretty much my own thoughts. If you're one of the guys who cannot wear an extender for more than you are able to...I say drop it for now. 7 months is plenty of time to evaluate this device in my opinion...unless there's a magical 9 month window? ;)
Extenders make me think of limb stretching. You have probably seen those metal stretching frames used to make legs longer...if not look up ''leg lengthening'' on the net. Similar concept, but much more tension used and it's applied differently of course. When much less tension is used, much MUCH more time is usually needed to see results. Take hanging weights for another example. Men can use 5 pounds and it will feel ''intense'' for a couple months until the penis gets used to the pressure of the hanger. Fact is though, 5 pounds is not much resistance at all. Hands can pull with 50+ lbs easily. SURE, only for 30-90 seconds at a time usually, but do multiple sets and it adds up fast. With a hanger, you use a hard, rigid, unforgiving object that focuses pressure in a small area on your penis. This is where the ''intensity'' in hanging weights comes from mostly. How many men have I seen though, hang weights for months and then YEARS and get very little in return?? MANY over the course of damn, about 11 years of being around our community now. It's too hard for most men to progress with weights in a manner that will allow continued gains past the newbie stretch phase.

With stretching, it's so much easier to apply much more resistance. Plus, you can do leveraged stretches like the A-stretch, pipe stretches, ''Power Assist'' stretches, LengthMaster stretches and so on.

I don't know what help this reply is to the OP, but I just wanted to add some more thoughts of my own. I feel like continuing to use a Penis Enlargement method that does not work for months and longer is the epitome of insanity per se. Isn't that how the saying goes?

Yep, Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Hey, Still, I appreciate your endorsment of manual stretching over weights, and I understand your reasoning. You recommended the same to me recently. But man, I've tried and I just can't do manual stretching. It is f#&!ing excruciating. All the pressure of the pull bears down on the tip of my penis and after 2 or 3 pulls, is discolored and would probably look horrible if I continued. And terribly painful. I've tried different grips, wrapping, different locations to grip ect. Nothing works. I have no choice but to to resume hanging and then applying the extender. If this proves to be ineffective, then perhaps it's time to throw in the towel. The only other option I can think of is maybe getting a Bathmate. Some of you guys have been doing stretches while in the Bathmate, which I think translates into erect stretching. Is that even safe? If so, there may be some value there.

But for me, I simply cannot do manual stretching.

Fillerup, I posted on this recently, and maybe it'll help you: Try assisted stretching. I've found that both the extender and the phallosan work great for assisted manual stretches. By 'work great', I mean, 'less pain with more intensity'.

Basically, I strap in to the extender at low tension, then pull on the extender in various directions. It's kind of hard to do the sideways stretches, but up, forward and down work great. The phallosan on the other hand is perfect at any angle, especially for sideways and between-the-cheeks stretches. The only downside is that you frequently have to readjust the vacuum level, and sometimes have to stop in the middle of the routine to put the condom back on if you lose vacuum while stretching. However, this gave me by far the best stretch. It evenly distributes the stretch along the shaft, and actually puts most of the pressure on the ligaments & inner penis, since essentially you're reducing tension on the exposed part of your shaft. The vacuum also puts a stretch on the head itself, something that you absolutely can't do with any other method.

If it hurts to do assisted stretches with the extender, try the condom wrapping method: stretch out a 6" length of tubular gauze and put it on like a condom. That should completely get rid of any friction from the noose.

Not only that, but this alleviates the hand-cramping and issues with discolored head that you can get from regular manual stretches. I only do regular manual stretches as a low-intensity warm-up now.

PS I've completely given up on the Phallosan as an ADS now. Keeping the head under partial vacuum all day is just a bad item(tm). I'm more than a little concerned that using it (as directed) has caused some permanent injury to my penis.
I really hope you're wrong about the 10 hour theory, tom...I just bought the SizeGenetics.

I can't see why it wouldn't work though from what i have seen so far.
I have been using the phallosan when i sleep for 6 to 8 hours a night for about two weeks now and i think it's a great tool for an all night sleeper ADS,I'm not sure about the cell division theory tho,But i wake up with Bathmate like results and fatique on my tunica,I think the phallosan is an amazing tool to have.
And thanks for the recommendation.
Theory is theory, don't change what is working for you because of theory. Until something has become an axiom it is still theory. If I followed Bibs LOT theory I would not have made the last 2" gain I made.
One hour sessions is a good target, try to get as much of those sets throughout each day. Keeping it on much (1.5hrs is manageable also) longer is almost impossible at 1200g of tension, since you really start too feel it after awhile....
Ty to get in to at least 4 hrs 4*1hrs each day, then yor progress will be faster, throw in some manual stretches as well, especially just prior to a set, and you will gain faster.
For me I have to say my best gains came at 1200g of traction, higher traction didn´t speed up the gains, only made the sessions shorter.
hey man, if you have 2 hours a day to devote to your ADS, in my opinion that time would benefit you WAY, WAY more if you used it doing manual stretching and erect work.

Shit, you could do 30 min. manual stretches, 30 erect work(jelqs, clamping, etc.), and then slap on the ADS for an hour.

i guarantee you get a routine like THAT going, you will see some positive changes down there QUICK!
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