
Jan 11, 2011
Just curious as I started to dedicate a consistent hanging routine in again mixed with everything else. Im doing 4 sets of 10 minutes after stretching.
Definitely. You don't have to start so high though. I used to "hang" SO/SD with SG using 1200-1500g setting for hours, but in my opinion, it was only after I switched to hangling around 2500-3000g (5.5-6.6lbs) BTC I started to get significant gains. I think the key point for me was hanging BTC. I used to hang 2-4 hrs with SG almost daily and now maybe 2 hours hanging BTC with VLC.

I hope you get your VLC issues sorted because it's a great way to start hanging with a bit more weight than what is possible with SG.
Fifteen pounds is a dangerous starting weight, but definitely a gaining weight.

You must let the other softer tissues adapt to hanging before the weight goes up that high. Start at 2 pounds and add 1 pound per week.
I hung 10 lbs for a month then stopped for awhile. I started up again at 10 lbs for a week then moved to 15 the last week. I'm finally feeling fatigue but only at the base. Im going to stick with 15 until I am positive I can handle more which probably won't be awhile that's why I was wondering if 15 will even do anything
We can all handle 10 to 15 pounds for a while. But gaining with hanging is a 3 to 6 month process. You're better off increasing the number of sets versus increasing the weight. At some point the weight will take its toll if you move too quickly.

Ten pounds is enough to gain with if: 1) you hang enough sets, 2) if you use angles.

Fifteen is certainly plenty for gaining. However, four sets at 10 minutes isn't really enough to do any good. For that low time to have an effect you'd probably have to be hanging 30 to 40 pounds. (Which I do not recommend.) It would be better if you increased your set time to 20 minutes. Eighty minutes per day is enough to get something going, but expect at least 6 months before any serious gains can be realized.

Also, you don't have to feel fatigue to be gaining. Fatigue is a sign that often takes weeks to accumulate until you really feel it. I would suggest any immediate feeling of fatigue is really mild pain and not what hangers describe as fatigue.

What are using for a hanger? What positions are you doing? One more thing: I wouldn't recommend doing anything other than hanging during a hanging routine. You have to be careful to not wear out the attachment point skin.
Thanks for the info. I'm using the LengthMaster to hang and doing btc and straight down. What else is there? Well I'm already using up so much time doing other things I don't know if I can go 80 minutes. My routine is 5 minutes LengthMaster stretching then 10-15 minutes hanging followed by 1 hour sizegenetics. I guess I can bump every set to 15-20 min. And take time off the sg
Do you have any advice on wrapping too? I'm using silicone and weather seal but if there's somehig else more comfortable I'm down to try it out
I've tried many things but now use THERABAND exclusively. It's pretty easy to come by. Cut it in 1-1/2" by 15" lengths. Wrap in a Barber Pole fashion using 1/4" spaced turns starting about 1" behind the glans.

Other angles include "off to the left" and "off to the right". These angles target one side of the ligaments and effectively multiply the effect by 1.5. In other words, 10 pounds straight-on is less effective than 10 pounds off-to-the-right with respect to the left-side's tissues (the right stresses the left, hanging to the left stresses the right). They'll experience 1.5 times the load since they're more isolated by being stretched harder, but your attachment point still only experiences 10 pounds. You then switch sides for the next set. This fatigues these tissues much faster than straight-on. You can use a rope to put the weight over your leg (known as OTL hanging).

So if you can't increase time (which is important for conditioning the softer tissues) you should use angles to get better results.
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I've been hanging since the beginning of October and I've already gained just over half an inch in length and about 1/4 inch in girth. I got up to hanging 20 lbs straight out and wasn't able to do a full 20 minute set. Also, the gains stopped once I got to that weight. Now my routine is hanging 5-10 lbs straight down for 2-3 sets and then hanging 10-15 lbs straight out for another 2-3 sets or until I feel like I can't hang anymore. I do 20 minute sets and I try to do this routine everyday. Just saying, this isn't like weight lifting. I think if you go too heavy too fast then your body does everything to fight the weight rather than adapting to it. I'm becoming a believer in the idea of less is more, just don't use too much less. I started hanging with 5-7.5 lbs because I've never felt anything using less than that.
I tried the over the leg thing but for some reason it doesn't feel like it's using much force. It seems my leg is absorbing most te weight. Can someone Tell me exactly how to do it. Maybe I am doing it wrong?
I actually rigged a pulley under the desk. I drilled three holes in my desktop through which I placed J bolts. The pulley hung off the J bolt. One hole was off to the right, one to the left and one in the center.
Get a piece of rope and a pulley to develop a hanging system that works for you. Determine whether your exit point is higher or lower, and depending on what exit point you have could determine if you need to hang straight up or BTC, but hanging in all angles could be the best approach. A pulley system enables you to feel the pulling of the weight so much better than a lot of other systems.

Certainly search on this forum and read about everyone's experiences with hanging, although trial and error will help you develop a routine that works for you.

Yes, 20 minute sessions followed by a 10 minute jelqing session in between each set to restore proper blood flow is a normal basic routine for most. Micro trauma to the tissues are what you are trying to accomplish, and by doing this it would be best to do more sets and start with a small amount of weight so your tissues have time to adapt. Going up in weight too fast using too high of a weight has the possibility of hindering yours gains.

Try using baby socks you buy at a department store as I have used those over the years I was using hanging routines for gaining length. They are soft and you can cut them to fit comfortable. Five to seven pounds sounds good for a starting point then going up from there. If you reach fatigue at 4 sets and that is all you usually do then you have two options which are going up in weight at small increments say 2 1/2 pounds or less , or you can add another set. Hanging for length is a long journey that can pay off if you have the time to dedicate towards your routines.

I have been Penis Enlargementing over 10 years and I can say I have gained a lot from hanging, but there are a lot of routines you can do for gaining length and girth of your unit as well. Researching multiple threads on this forum will help you develop a good routine.
I need to develop a pully system for my desk. Just be sure to how enough slack so that the weight will fall to the ground if the pully should become detached for any reason. Stakes is high.
magiksock;468407 said:
I need to develop a pully system for my desk. Just be sure to how enough slack so that the weight will fall to the ground if the pully should become detached for any reason. Stakes is high.

The length of the rope and the size of the weight would be a determining factor. You could screw the pulley into the bottom of the desk with large screw or drilling a hole with a nut and bolt to secure the pulley, or you could simply screw an I hook into the desk hanging from underneath threading the rope through the I hook so that it would be secure.
I agree. I just think you should be prepared for Murphy's law, especially when it's your dick.
magiksock;468424 said:
I agree. I just think you should be prepared for Murphy's law, especially when it's your dick.

Yes, but as informative as a forum such as this one is, and all of the members who have been using Penis Enlargement for years it results in problems being brought to a minimal amount.

Trial and error is a given for many doing Penis Enlargement as every long time Penis Enlargement user have had problems, but continuing on with a good Penis Enlargement routine brings gains over time.
If the pulley falls, there would be more concern for the weight hitting your feet. The hanger would immediately start losing tension.

But either an Eye Bolt or a J bolt of sufficient stock can hold hundreds of pounds. Be sure to invest in a decent pulley. Cheap pulleys stick and can keep the weight from working 100%. I recommend taking some time to acquire good parts and to make a good connecting rope.
Well, you might be able to bench press 180 pounds and become huge off that, but over time the weight will have less effect on your body as yo become more conditioned, the same thing applies with hanging weights from your penis.
how mutch weight is good to start with ? 2 pounds ? 4 pounds.

and then how mutch weight is added every week/time ?
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