
Sep 25, 2011
Hi guys,

I've had a few months experience with extender then stopped due to uni workload. I've got back into things last year and did a stretching/jelqing/Bathmate routine for a month before I went away for a trip and dropped off in consistency. I've yet again gotten back into things and have been doing the beginner bathmate routine (warmup, stretch, 5x3 bathmate/jelq sets, edge and warm down. I do this 4-5x a week as I spend weekends with the gf.

I haven't measured again yet but have noticed the PE grade erections are back in full force and my flaccid hang is good.

My questions is that, can I be training harder? A lot of reading suggests people are doing much less work to start in order to condition themselves during their first 3 months and while I have some experience I have not been consistent for that long before.

Should I up the intensity until I start to see negative PI's or just pace myself and stay consistent for a while longer? I have the option to work from home at times and I think using the extender would be a great increase in efficiency :p.

edit: More detailed example of my routine,

~5-10min warm up with hot washcloth

~30s stretching down, down left, down right
20 rotary stretches
~30s stretching out, left, right
20 rotary stretches
~30s stretching up against stomach, left, right
20 rotary

repeat stretching circuit 3x


3x5 minute bathmate sessions with 5min sets of jelqing super sets.
edging ~20-30min, I try not to ejaculate as I've heard that hinders gains but damn is that ever hard to do.

There have been a couple days I haven't used/had access to my bathmate inwhich I substituted that time for more jelqing.
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If you train hard and happen to fall off again, you could end up toughening your penis and reduce the ability of gaining. If you can continue this process for months without a problem, train harder, if not, train consistently. Increase the intensity gradually, one wrong move and your down for a week to a month again. As long as your smart and trying not to push beyond your measures, give it all you've got man. You'll be surprised at what your penis can take.
Why do you want to increase the intensity?Do you feel like the intensity is not enough?Listen to your body.It's like going to the gym,if you feel like the weight is not enough,you add up..same with PE,if you feel like your routine is not intense enough,and you don't gain,add up intensity.

Your routine looks intense enough,you shouldn't have any problems,but the 2 days off might be a problem.Taking two days off in a row with no PE is a HUGE waste of time and it will stop your progress's like dieting for 3-4 days and then for 2 days eat least do some stretching when you take a piss,50-100 jelqs,anything.If you stop PE for 2 days in a row you will see slow progress IMO
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I see the GF on weekends, I can get a workout in Friday before I go and Sunday night if I come back so it's normally just saturday I'm out. I can do some stretching in the washroom throughout the day but wouldn't get to warm up, think that'll be an issue if I'm not doing a full blown routine?

I want to increase the intensity simply because it feels like I can. I have good PIs, frequent erections, morning erections, higher eq, just in general a more full thick longer feeling penis. My hesitation comes from the recommendations for beginners to do minimal workouts until they're conditioned. In comparison to some things I've read the routine I'm following is fairly intense and makes me wonder if I should increase, or just wait until I've completed 3months then add in the extender to boost my length routine.

I'm also taking cayenne/ginger and using EVO as lubricant during jelqing/edging to optimize my performance and recovery.
I don't think a day off is that bad, but I would throw in a jelq session which will serve as a maintaining routine that lets you keep your temporary gains. With PE you really need to be exercising fairly frequent to not lose momentum.

About intensity. If you feel like you are gonna get a better pump then by all means go for it. The most important thing like runningignus said is to always get your exercise.
ck396;667124 said:
I see the GF on weekends, I can get a workout in Friday before I go and Sunday night if I come back so it's normally just saturday I'm out. I can do some stretching in the washroom throughout the day but wouldn't get to warm up, think that'll be an issue if I'm not doing a full blown routine?

A day off shouldn't be that bad,but two,it will slow down your progress..even if you can't do the whole routine,throw in 5 min of stretching / jelqing to keep things going.

ck396;667124 said:
I want to increase the intensity simply because it feels like I can.

If you keep gaining using this intensity,why change it?It will be harder to gain later one if you use high intensity right know..stick with this intensity,and when you stop gaining or you feel like the routine it's too soft,add up intensity.
If you feel that you can take more add in a bit at a time in intensity or exercise/tool additions. I have always gauged my PE more by how much work I was able to put in rather how long I was training. I was always looking to up intensity, add weight, increase bars and tension, etc. The penis can grow used to doing the same work and start to falter in gains. It is best to keep an active routine that can be increased and interchanged at will or need.
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