
May 31, 2013

Should I do a bundled stretch session before jelqing and one before stretching?
I'm going to incorporate jelqing :) It seems that my smooth muscle is holding me back in the length department.
I had a 2,5 week break, but now i'm going continue my routine

*All stretches will be performed in the LengthMaster*

My routine would look like this:
Bundled stretches 1 minute left & right - 6 sets
Newbie stretching routine

Bundled stretches 1 minute left & right - 6 sets
Jelqing with organic coconut oil. 200 strokes. 2 second strokes. This is from the newbie routine.
So the first two weeks I will be doing 200 jelqs, and after that I'm going to increase the amount of jelqs, or should I increase the intensity? What's more efficient?

This will be more beneficial to gaining I think. One needs to train both tunica and smooth muscle :)
Bundle stretching should happen at the beginning of every girth and length routine. Recently I have heard of a couple of Brothers who are doing all stretches Bundled, which I think there lays much potential.
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