
May 18, 2017
Hey guys so from what I've gathered so far I know NOTHING of this topic beyond what it is meant to achieve.
In any sense what Im looking for is the recommended ways to go about increasing both length and girth.
Unfortunately while I want to do this time is a bit of an issue with a bastard of a schedule.
So I remember someone saying somewhere about potentially doing larger/harder style reps over more so little ones.
Sorry for my bad explanation .. haha
Anyway what I'm looking for is tips and tricks and any guys who can point me in the direction of a good guide that aims
more so for harder more intense work outs to skip out on a little bit of time with the smaller repetitions ..
So far I have no items to use and will be looking to purchase some shortly based on the guide style I find and items I will
need and want to use..

If I've measured correctly I am 4.5 inch girth and 4 inch length.
Should probably also note I do have a curvature in my penis Id like to slowly remove at some point
But Im not 100% sure if thats accurate.
I remember finding something about doing measurements but couldn't find it again when I wanted to actually take them and confirm.
welcome to the brotherhood! first,get educated about PE,best place for that is SRT, this is a collective education on the topic to read it with utmost care. also,if you haven't ever done PE,start with the newbie routine,best routine for beginners as it will condition your penis for what to come and gives you good gains and it only takes 20-30 minutes. as regarding the tools,you'd want to get the lengthmaster as its the best tool available on the market for length and doubles as a hanger if you are interested in that. also invest in a bathmate,which is the best pump for adding girth and some length and it also is used to expressive stretching to bring out more inner penis. I also have a very tight schedule but I have come around to squeeze PE in between,so trust me, as hard it may seem (lol no pun intended) it is achievable. Start a thread in routines and progress to keep yourself accounted and documented,it helps a lot. I would suggest measuring again. measure your bone-pressed erect length by pressing the ruler against your pubic bone, and the bone pressed flaccid stretched length with the same concept only with flaccid and stretching your penis to the max,next it the non bone pressed which is the amount of penis you can see, this can help you identify how big is your fatpad and lose it if its excessive. good luck with everything and remember,if you need anything just ask we're all brothers here!
Right, I see.
So my size was only measured from the base in front of the testicles to the tip.
So for actual measurements I'll be taking a ruler and pressing it back till I can feel my pelvic bone so that will include the testicles in that measuring method as well?
Or do you do that and still take the measurement from the front of the testicles to the tip?
And same question for the non bone press method. Does that include testicles in that equation or is it just straight from the front of the testicles to the tip of the penis?
Thank you for the reply and answering my questions I will start looking into and reading into those methods more in depth tomorrow!
Equipment prices maybe a bit of an issue so I will be purchasing them over time but thank you for giving me the main ones to start with.
SomeRandomDude;731355 said:
Right, I see.
So my size was only measured from the base in front of the testicles to the tip.
So for actual measurements I'll be taking a ruler and pressing it back till I can feel my pelvic bone so that will include the testicles in that measuring method as well?
Or do you do that and still take the measurement from the front of the testicles to the tip?
And same question for the non bone press method. Does that include testicles in that equation or is it just straight from the front of the testicles to the tip of the penis?
Thank you for the reply and answering my questions I will start looking into and reading into those methods more in depth tomorrow!
Equipment prices maybe a bit of an issue so I will be purchasing them over time but thank you for giving me the main ones to start with.

no you measure from above the penis not bellow. from the base of the penis from above,you press the ruler till you feel your pubic bone,thats bone press. non bone press is putting the ruler just against the base of your penis from above without pressing it. you do not measure from the lower side of the penis so your testicles have noting to do with your length nor it is a factor in it,this video should help you understand
Megamike has given some great info definitely read the SRT thread and Newbie Routine thread they both are the best starting point to understand what PE is all about. Your going to come across a lot of acronyms as you start your journey this thread Measurement Abbreviations Acronyms will help you identify what they all mean. When you do measure make sure your not stopping at the soft tissue before the pelvic bone as you can get some discrepancy when doing so. With tools the LM(LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging) and BM(Bathmate) are great tools to have there is also the SizeGenetic and Phallosan Forte. Not having the tools doesn't mean you cant gain without them, with the tools you will gain much faster but as i have experienced doing it by hand with enough intensity will still produce gains. Put in the time and you wont be disappointed in the results Good luck on your journey and remember all the brother here on Mos will be there to help.
I'm also new to PE, but I would give you this tip for beginners... don't do jelqing with a full erection.. LOL. Also watch all of DLD's videos on Youtube. Read, read, read... good luck bro.
Welcome Random! It can be overwhelming when you enter the Brotherhood as there are thousands of threads and what appears to be, so much to learn. This we have made easy to get through. If you look at the Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine, read both 1st posts (and the remainder when you have a tear :)) and through these two threads you will gain a 16 year education! SRT features a workout that covers every possible way of gaining and incorporates that into a single routine. It uses much of the Newbie Routine in the beginning stages and from there brings in more and more advanced training, building on itself, bringing gains very quickly. SRT will also teach you the two most important parts of PE being gaining and healing. SRT focus's on healing in ways that compliment the gaining process allowing for things to happen very quickly.

I sugest, after reading through what we have suggested to create a Progress Log in the Routines and Progress Forum. This will allow you to give us your initial measurements, the routine you have decided on, pictures or videos if you desire, daily updates and most of all your Brothers helping you every step of the way. Also, as mentioned, I have videos all over Youtube explaining much of what you may want to learn.

Relax and take your time, do not become inundated with what seems like a mountain of knowledge, there is plenty of time to learn.
Right, I know Im like two weeks out on this, really sorry.. My boss increased over time so Im currently bouncing between work, out of work commitments monday-friday before going home to eat, shower and basically sleep because its my bed time..

Anyway just tried redoing my measurements and was looking for some advice. I will do further research on the way I'll be training but it will most likely be the newbie routine at first to get the hang before moving into SRT
Measurements are as follows,

3 inch FL
4.5 inch BPFSL
4 inch FG
4.5 inch EG
6 inch BPEL
5 inch EL

Anyway from those Im looking for maximum gains will most likely train 5 days on 2 days off as the only days I will not be doing it is when my partner is around on the weekend.
With those in mind Id like to work towards say a 9 inch erection length and a 6 inch girth. Wanna start work on a mini monster.
So any suggestions for first purchases to go about this rout would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, sorry I posted this the other night but it apparently never went through. Anyway I rechecked my measurements and Im planning to try and grow my girth and erection length.
So far my stats are as follows
FG - 3.5 inches
FL - 3.5 inches
BPEL - 6.5 inches
NBEL - 5 inches
EG - 4.5 inches

So from there with the aim of getting my girth to about 6 inch and my erection length to 9 inch what would be the best item to make a first purchase onto?
Go for the 6 first, take a deep breath than go for 7, take a deeper breath and grab that 8, take one more breath and 9 will be just in time!
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