Psychology body image


Jul 3, 2019
Hello everyone,

This is my first time posting here so bare with me. I spend a lot of time at �other PE site� but it seems as though they dont offer very much on this topic, or moral support for that matter. OK here goes. I was born with a 5-6 inch erection, i use that range because if I was truly fit id be around right at 6 or 6.25, and if i was fat...well i was 5.... or less. Anyhow, when I was a teen i was never packing but always believed id grow a bigger one by the time I was an adult, and it even seemed like it was still trying to sprout in my early to mid 20s. But alas it did not and I had alot of perception issues around it. Not to mention that if you are lets say 5.5 inches, some women will be ok with it but others swear its small.
Now at this point I've done some PE and Im in the 7-8 inch range, and I have to admit that its a good feeling on the one hand. But the fact that I wasn't born this way makes me feel enormous amounts of shame.... its hard to get off now even because its like you weren't born with this so your a looser. I figured it would be easier to get over this but it hasn't been. And I wanted to know if any of you had any advice or could share similar experiences. Im going to go until i feel comfortable with my dick. But yeah im kind of suffering right now and any input is helpful
Hello and a warm welcome to you from the UK :)

You feel as though you're a cheat because of the size gains, not having that size from the start.

Ask yourself, would you still be as happy as you are now, if the original size was in place?
Do you often feel ashamed or guilty when you have achieved something in life?
Does some family or religious beliefs make you feel like that?

Just look at the positives of gaining, in that the size you are now is large, and you have done very good to get where you are now at.

It doesn't matter what others think, what matters is how you think! forget about any family morals, or anything you were raised with around guilt, or shame ... no one apart from you will know about the growth, and look at it like this.

If you was a champion sprinter, would you feel ashamed because you can run so fast? before you trained, and were dedicated, at one time as a toddler you would have been all over the place :)

Please dont beat yourself up about this ... I know its easy me saying this, but write down on paper all your positives, forget the negative ... look at the positive stuff, focus on things that need altering, dont see them as negatives, but mere obstacles that can, will be overcome.

Tell yourself that you have not cheated, that all you have done is exercised your penis to make it larger. Would you feel guilty and ashamed if you went the gym and trained for larger arms, or become better at running? I sincerely hope not.
Welcome my friend and I can understand everything you’re going through as I have gone through all of it. Your best place to spend some time to get back that confidence and to feel better about yourself I really suggest you go to the mental penis in large meant section and read through some of those posts, they will bring great relief to anyone suffering with any type of issue.

I think I know what you are going through....
I was 5.5 erect and now I am 6.5 erect after doing PE for 7 months....
It feels good to have a bigger dick than your previous self....

Anyways, what you need to realise is that not all men are born with big dicks. Not even �naked person�. Some �naked person� are born with longer penis but not wider penis. i.e. Every �naked people movies�star that you see has worked on his girth. So you don't need to be ashamed of anything because even the "pros" has worked for their dicks.

Now, as far as initial size of penis is concerned, it is all in the genetics. You cannot blame your genetics. Your genetics is what makes you, YOU. Even a slight change in genetics can make you a girl(cwl). So don't be ashamed of your genes. Be proud of it.

I myself was in this kinda situation. I was afraid of intimacy and talking to women. I used to envy those "studs" who can talk to women without hesitation. I used to envy their confidence and good looks. Even worse, I used to get jealous whenever I heard that somebody had sex more than one woman(just the way you envy them for their already big penis). But envying them does not solve anything(Learnt it the hard way).
This is the time of your life when you are going to focus on others instead of yourself. You are going to focus on what other people have accomplished instead of focusing on yourself. So my advise for you is to forget about somebody elses body image and start working of your own. If you do not like something about yourself, change it "for yourself".Nobody is going to be with you in your end other than your body and soul.
That's why we all look for these forums...

You have gained all those worries from the past are dead already
welcome Vic (and thank you for sharing what I can only imagine is a very painful realization). All of us carry some kind of 'baggage' and we try to cope with these deeply felt feelings as best as we can (and perceive some better than others), but ultimately you feel the way you feel. I can equivocate why you shouldn't have these thoughts, but it really boils-down to you having to do your own work. There are no short-cuts or quick fixes, there are real/valid reasons for why you feel this way and you're going to have to 'grind' your path forward.
I continually struggle with the insecurities of inadequacy (although much less since I'm in the 95th and 99th percentiles now). PE is a very powerful 'drug' that requires an equally powerful mind in order to fully realize its 'magic'.
Perhaps some 'self-talk' exercises, but in the end only you know you and only you have the tools
You have some real live here Vic! ❤️ So glad you opened up to us ❤️
You have some real live here Vic! ❤ So glad you opened up to us ❤
Thank you DLD, ive seen your videos on youtube and I like your intelligent delivery of the information. This is something that has been crushing my soul . Its surreal to have a bigger penis. I used to dream of being 10 inches as a kid thinking alot of the �naked people movies� vids had 10 inchers, it wasn't until my 20s that i slowly started realizing that they were more around 7.5'' alot of them. and that that 5.6 inch measurement i was forcing as a teen wasn't the completely inept statistic i thought it was. My perception when i looked down at it was that it was small as hell and that most of the other boys were surely 6.5 to 7 inches because that was "average" . I didn't learn that that wasn't the case until i stared reading more penis forums and realizing that the vast majority of guys were around my size. I don't think my mind actually ever accepted this. I can recall measuring it obsessively and getting about 5.6 inches and sometimes 5.25, and going " that fucking sucks..., then raising the measurement to my eyes up close and seeing that 5.5 seemed much bigger up close than it did when i looked down... all sorts of shit.
I order for anybody to succeed, one must accept his/her weaknesses
You accept the fact that you lie in the average category just like us
Now it's your time to change that.....
Change your penis. Change yourself.
However, NEVER EVER FORGET where you started

With that said, Happy PE:)
Hello everyone,

This is my first time posting here so bare with me. I spend a lot of time at ? but it seems as though they dont offer very much on this topic, or moral support for that matter. OK here goes. I was born with a 5-6 inch erection, i use that range because if I was truly fit id be around right at 6 or 6.25, and if i was fat...well i was 5.... or less. Anyhow, when I was a teen i was never packing but always believed id grow a bigger one by the time I was an adult, and it even seemed like it was still trying to sprout in my early to mid 20s. But alas it did not and I had alot of perception issues around it. Not to mention that if you are lets say 5.5 inches, some women will be ok with it but others swear its small.
Now at this point I've done some PE and Im in the 7-8 inch range, and I have to admit that its a good feeling on the one hand. But the fact that I wasn't born this way makes me feel enormous amounts of shame.... its hard to get off now even because its like you weren't born with this so your a looser. I figured it would be easier to get over this but it hasn't been. And I wanted to know if any of you had any advice or could share similar experiences. Im going to go until i feel comfortable with my dick. But yeah im kind of suffering right now and any input is helpful
Thank you DLD, ive seen your videos on youtube and I like your intelligent delivery of the information. This is something that has been crushing my soul . Its surreal to have a bigger penis. I used to dream of being 10 inches as a kid thinking alot of the �naked people movies� vids had 10 inchers, it wasn't until my 20s that i slowly started realizing that they were more around 7.5'' alot of them. and that that 5.6 inch measurement i was forcing as a teen wasn't the completely inept statistic i thought it was. My perception when i looked down at it was that it was small as hell and that most of the other boys were surely 6.5 to 7 inches because that was "average" . I didn't learn that that wasn't the case until i stared reading more penis forums and realizing that the vast majority of guys were around my size. I don't think my mind actually ever accepted this. I can recall measuring it obsessively and getting about 5.6 inches and sometimes 5.25, and going " that fucking sucks..., then raising the measurement to my eyes up close and seeing that 5.5 seemed much bigger up close than it did when i looked down... all sorts of shit.

Wrote an article you might want to check out that really help me with my own body dysmorphic issues. It’s called “is everything really what it seems“

I have other studies I’ve done that I’ll find it and also post for you many of them you’ll find in the mental PE forum,
I have other studies I’ve done that I’ll find it and also post for you many of them you’ll find in the mental PE forum,
Thank you sir. much appreciated. I can swear that the 5-6 inch range seemed progressively larger the more i got into my 20s due to "perception" with your physique its one thing, with your penis its another ball game all together and it sucks lol. thank you
Thank you sir. much appreciated. I can swear that the 5-6 inch range seemed progressively larger the more i got into my 20s due to "perception" with your physique its one thing, with your penis its another ball game all together and it sucks LOL. thank you

Don’t worry on these things too much as you’re with the brotherhood down in your size will be changing. You can get as big as you desire and you can forget about all the past unless you want to slay vengeance on an old wife of yours LOL
REVENGE!! I want to slay a girls pussy hole asap?? I'd move on n let her know she's not supposed to mess whit me
Don’t worry on these things too much as you’re with the brotherhood down in your size will be changing. You can get as big as you desire and you can forget about all the past unless you want to slay vengeance on an old wife of yours LOL
lol, never been married thank goodness,....but first more than anything i need help with ED as pe has been affecting my full erections. are there any good articles on here for supplementation?
LOL, never been married thank goodness,....but first more than anything i need help with ED as pe has been affecting my full erections. are there any good articles on here for supplementation?

There's a forum section about supplements:

You've received good help here from several Brothers, I don't have much to add.
Just thinking of the genetics aspect; I would truly treasure the gains you've made. Not being born with a certain size but been able to exercise into it, I put much more value on that. Just my point of view. :)
There's a forum section about supplements:

You've received good help here from several Brothers, I don't have much to add.
Just thinking of the genetics aspect; I would truly treasure the gains you've made. Not being born with a certain size but been able to exercise into it, I put much more value on that. Just my point of view. :)
i appreceate your advice, thank you. yeah im still getting used to this stuff. well get there
i appreceate your advice, thank you. yeah im still getting used to this stuff. well get there

?? If you run into a snag just ask any question you desire, nothing is stupid.
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