German Stallion

Super Moderator
Jun 4, 2003
I really don't know how to title this thread. I have thought a long time about this so I am going to jump into this and see how it comes out. I have noticed that men with a long flaccid schlong seem to come out lower than some of us who come out higher. I know that surgery to lengthen the penis is mainly cutting the suspensory muscle. The reason some don't have to have this done and have a natural longer penis is because they are put together different. I am an example of I am talking about. My "behind the balls penis" comes up, rather than going down. I have stretched BTC mostly to pull that suspensory lig and allow a longer flaccid hang. When I hang heavy weights, I have a longer flaccid hang as a result. I also have a high lot. What does this mean. Perhaps in a certain genetic or race the point of exit of the penis is just naturally different from some other race or genetic makeup. That might account for the differnce in flaccid hang of a black man over a white. It also might account for the easy that some gain. It might not be that the penis is any longer but rather the way it exits the body or where it exits the body. Pictures decieve but it does appear that those with a noticeably longer penis exit lower. What do you think? Perhaps some of you can write this better, but this is the thought anyway. GS
GS, that is essentially the biggest piece of the LOT theory, is the point of exit for the shaft. This exit point will determine which angles will work most efficiently for the individual. Very good post, and I have to think that it might not necessarily be a racial issue just as an individual inheritance issue. What is the make-up of the fathers structure? What is the genetic lineage on the mother's side? This would appear to be a much more direct correlation than to assume it would be a racial difference. I believe it's safe to assume that the individual inheritance would have the biggest influence.
I agree that it is not the race issue/black/white but rather the structure of the individual. We are all put together differently but those that have a lower exit have a greater possiblity of being longer. Skinny dudes also see to come out lower. Us heavier fellows...well, enough said. :) GS
German Stallion said:
I agree that it is not the race issue/black/white but rather the structure of the individual. We are all put together differently but those that have a lower exit have a greater possiblity of being longer. Skinny dudes also see to come out lower. Us heavier fellows...well, enough said. :) GS

To me this sounds like lig potential unless im living in a fantasy or theory world.
German Stallion said:
those that have a lower exit have a greater possiblity of being longer.

This sentence is wrong. It's not about possibility. If two men have exact same penis (inner + outer) lenght, then the guy with less of an S-curve (hence lower exit point) will have more penis on the outside of his body.

You keep hanging BTC, there's still more "easy lig gains" for you.
Chi said:
This sentence is wrong. It's not about possibility. If two men have exact same penis (inner + outer) lenght, then the guy with less of an S-curve (hence lower exit point) will have more penis on the outside of his body.

You keep hanging BTC, there's still more "easy lig gains" for you.

It is not meant to be a wrong, Chi, it is just a statement to mean that if you are doing Penis Enlargement you will have some easy gains. Agreed that it is perhaps worded incorectly, but not a point for arguement. GS
I think it's a good point that you made GS about the lower exit point. I think what you're meaning to say is that with a lower exit point there is a larger flaccid hang, because there is more ligament length and thusly more "inner" penis is pulled outside of the body because there is not the inhibition of the penis from the ligaments being tight and up into the shaft of the penis.
Yup, Million, that is what I meant to say. I have thought a lot about this and I am convinced this is the issue. So, it is more how we are built that if we have a long flaccid. The mixup in various nationalities and how someone is "constructed" is really the issue. I have been doing a lot of ads and hanging lately and pulling that suspensory lig and my flaccid is getting longer and longer. I doubt if I will ever get where some are that have a lower exit point. As you view the long schlong guys, they mostly come out a lot lower. It almost looks like some of them come out WAY lower than I can even imagine. I am working on lowering the exit point! GS
I whole heartedly agree with you GS. If you can lower your exit point, which means pulling the ligs as well as a portion of the inner penis outside of the body, then you will have a longer flaccid hang. Using an ADS as well a method like hanging BTC, Vac-extender, or vacu-hanger would work wonders at this. I'm going to purchase a vac-extender here in the next month or so and I'm going to use it as an ADS as well as to stretch at 3 different angles (SU, SO, and SD).
GS this is correct and I am glad you brought it up in this post as I have written about it in other threads.

I like you noticed that the longer flacid penis' had a lower exit point and smaller ones were usually situated high in the pubic region.

Bib covered this very clearly where he demonstrates that all of our penis' come from our anus area, run along our groin and then are secured via ligs to our pubic bone and swing upward into a S curve before it exits the body.

Obviously the higher the exit the more penis is attached to the pubic bone, so the S is more extreme. This can easily take 2 inches of length. (use a string or rope as a demonstration to see how much lenght is taken up)

Someone posted a picture in "Picture Proof", titled the "biggest I've ever seen" of a "shemale" with a massive penis, and the exit point is very, very low. In looking through the site the photo came from (no I'm not gay) I was amazed at the huge amount of well hung shemales, and most of them had low exit points. I know most of the shemales have their dick straped BTC for most of the day, and I got to thinking that over time this all day BTC stretching has maybe brought their exit points lower to give such a high number of hung shemales.

I also think that first 1/2 to 1 inch newbie gain usually comes from the BTC stretching as it is the easiest point to get early gains.
GS, I didn't mean to argue, just trying to contribute with this discussion.

Anyway, I see we all agree on the basic physiology of this, but I'll tell you, I already lowered my exit point a lot, got my "easy lig gains", and I am barely average now. So I don't think a low exit point can be directly related to a bigger dick or flaccid hang.
The most important thing will be how much dick you actually have on the outside, and this involves primarily how big your dick naturally is, and secondarily (is that a word?) how low your exit point is, assuming what we think about it is correct.

I have a naturally small dick, and I've already expressed the most I could of it. I've even managed to stretch (here I mean grow) some more inner penis (and increased my LOT slightly) and then again stretched my ligs some more.

So that is another interesting point. After stretching my ligs to the point where I had no s-curve and a low exit point, I managed to increase my LOT (from 6 to over 7) and a get a pseudo s-curve again. Of course I hit those ligs again and now I'm back at 6 LOT. It's the hard way for me now.
Chi said:
GS, I didn't mean to argue, just trying to contribute with this discussion.

Anyway, I see we all agree on the basic physiology of this, but I'll tell you, I already lowered my exit point a lot, got my "easy lig gains", and I am barely average now. So I don't think a low exit point can be directly related to a bigger dick or flaccid hang.
The most important thing will be how much dick you actually have on the outside, and this involves primarily how big your dick naturally is, and secondarily (is that a word?) how low your exit point is, assuming what we think about it is correct.

I have a naturally small dick, and I've already expressed the most I could of it. I've even managed to stretch (here I mean grow) some more inner penis (and increased my LOT slightly) and then again stretched my ligs some more.

So that is another interesting point. After stretching my ligs to the point where I had no s-curve and a low exit point, I managed to increase my LOT (from 6 to over 7) and a get a pseudo s-curve again. Of course I hit those ligs again and now I'm back at 6 LOT. It's the hard way for me now.

I understand Chi, so, how much did you gain, or grow your inner penis? I still working on getting the exit lower and getting rid of the "S" curve. The agreemetn is that most men who have a long schlong, have a low exit point. This might not be a revelation to most but sure makes me understand this more. GS
German Stallion said:
I understand Chi, so, how much did you gain, or grow your inner penis? I still working on getting the exit lower and getting rid of the "S" curve. The agreemetn is that most men who have a long schlong, have a low exit point. This might not be a revelation to most but sure makes me understand this more. GS

It's really hard to say becouse when you have a high LOT and stretch at low angles most stress is taken by ligs and outer penis (and ligs stretch easier and faster) but when you have a low LOT and stretch at high angles, stress is taken by both inner and outer penis.

What I'm saying is that you could assume that at first my ligs got stretched far more that what my outer penis grew, but when I stretched at high angles I can't be sure how much of my gains were from inner and how much from outer penis growth. BUT I definately grew some inner penis. I'd say between .25 and .5 of my lenght gains are from inner penis growth.
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