Jun 3, 2003
Well it has been about 6 weeks now that I have done these Bathmate Hardcore Stretching and I have made some observations and possibly gains in erect length (will measure in 2 weeks). What I am noticing and wanting feedback on is the type of gains I am visually seeing.

1.) Base Girth: I am seeing a huge change in the base girth of my penis. Almost as if internal penis is being pulled out. Very thick and dense.

2.) Erection Angle: This is a rather odd change since my erection angle has always been above 9:00, since training with these stretches I am noticing my angle going up even further...sometimes in a standing position it is better than 11:00.

3.) Expressed Length at Base: It seems that there is this new girth gain at the base is adding length by a change in fat pad. Hard t explain but it is almost as if the girth gain at the base is actually new penis being exposed. I am hoping this is a change in NBP length (have to wait until I measure).

4.) Orgasms: There has been a huge change in orgasm. I will feel it coming on and when I start to get off it starts very mild and builds up over at least 30 seconds and when it happens it seems to last much longer.

5.) Type of Soreness: It is odd because I rarely feel any soreness but these stretches are bringing major fatigue to my base and all surrounding tissue.

Can anyone relate to these things since trying this exercise? I can't be alone with this as all I am doing now is these stretches for length work.
doublelongdaddy;381188 said:
Well it has been about 6 weeks now that I have done these Bathmate Hardcore Stretching and I have made some observations and possibly gains in erect length (will measure in 2 weeks). What I am noticing and wanting feedback on is the type of gains I am visually seeing.

1.) Base Girth: I am seeing a huge change in the base girth of my penis. Almost as if internal penis is being pulled out. Very thick and dense.

2.) Erection Angle: This is a rather odd change since my erection angle has always been above 9:00, since training with these stretches I am noticing my angle going up even further...sometimes in a standing position it is better than 11:00.

3.) Expressed Length at Base: It seems that there is this new girth gain at the base is adding length by a change in fat pad. Hard t explain but it is almost as if the girth gain at the base is actually new penis being exposed. I am hoping this is a change in NBP length (have to wait until I measure).

4.) Orgasms: There has been a huge change in orgasm. I will feel it coming on and when I start to get off it starts very mild and builds up over at least 30 seconds and when it happens it seems to last much longer.

5.) Type of Soreness: It is odd because I rarely feel any soreness but these stretches are bringing major fatigue to my base and all surrounding tissue.

Can anyone relate to these things since trying this exercise? I can't be alone with this as all I am doing now is these stretches for length work.

I can relate with several of these. I dont concentrate too hard on the these stretches only because I cant keep a good suction when I do it. I think because of my chubbiness (fat pad) right there, but I do tug in different directions a few times every time I use the Bathmate.

The base of my EG is the largest it has ever been at 5.25" thats permanent whether I use the Bathmate or not.

I havent learned about erection angle yet Im not sure where Im at there.

My orgasms have become a lot like your explaining. I only let myself completely cum 1 time a week sometimes twice. It feels like my own penis cant believe Im letting it cum, at first its a hot burn almost like its going to hurt really bad, it starts to cum like a water faucet, and then I have the most Intense ejaculation that feels more like I just shot up instead of shooting out if you get my idea. Its like painful but before it hurts it feels amazing.

And finally I have been really sore lately but I also hang and do really intense stretching for 50 min daily.

I really like these stretches because I always want to get the most from my time during exercising and getting to pump and stretch AND even kegal is a strong combination.
Thanks Turn, I feel like I am going crazy with this and I hope others can contribute. It is like new length gains are coming from the base only doing these...kind of like Expressive stretching but more so. Like I am pulling internal penis away from the internal base and it is manifesting at the base of my penis. The soreness I do feel is perfectly around my base and it goes deep to the pubic bone. It seems to be dispersing my fat pad to, as if my fat pad is being replaced by erectile tissue. Very cool in every way but I am so new to this. Maybe we are on to something here.
I've already mentioned in several posts in a few threads that my orgasms have changed since using the Bathmate in general.

The stretches I do are the ones you have in the routine. One I do in particular, where I stretch towards my naval so it really hits the inner penis is like Expressive stretching for hitting the inner penis and is what I think could be doing something with both length & the orgasms as the PC muscle resides in the area between the anus and balls. That area as you know is under allot of stress with the stretching.

All in all I see changes like you DLD but I haven't been hitting the stretching routine precisely like you have and so cant compare 100% but will adopt this routine into my current Bathmate one and see how that goes, which I'm confident will be positive and productive.

What is happening here is the sheer force from the vacuum is gripping the penis so well, that when we stretch its just bringing out all that inner hidden tissue that we so desperately crave to expose and is often VERY hard and PAINFUL to target I can tell you that from past experiences but with the Bathmate its not so. Orgasms are made more stronger because they are working against resistance with the vacuum sucking on the penis and when one kegels its working against it.

Seeing changes in my whole size right now and have been doing so for weeks but its starting to manifest more now and I can rest for days between sessions to check and its all still there. My erections are more solid as well. The stretches have for me, you don't mention this with yourself but for me have created a slight upward curve which is welcomed.
Thank Red, it is so hard to follow every thread that I miss some of your words but it is good you are experiencing the same thing. I am feeling growth in places I have never felt until doing these. I am convinced I am building new, thick, length at the base. It is like cock is being put in place of my fat pad:) Anyway, I think some other guys should start doing these and keeping a journal.
the second i get some spare cash i am not doubt purchasing one of these, this benefit alone is great not to mention the girth gains it will give.
do you stay erect the whole time in the Bathmate while doing these stretches? or once you enter it erect or semi the pump keeps your dick like that? i would imagine styaing erect for logn periods of time in that thing would be impossible in the shower.
ownd;381503 said:
the second i get some spare cash i am not doubt purchasing one of these, this benefit alone is great not to mention the girth gains it will give.
do you stay erect the whole time in the Bathmate while doing these stretches? or once you enter it erect or semi the pump keeps your dick like that? i would imagine styaing erect for logn periods of time in that thing would be impossible in the shower.

It really depends on what I am doing. When doing Hardcore Bathmate Stretches I stay 100% erect by using 50 mg of Viagra (purchased HERE). I want to be as hard as possible while doing these stretches. When doing teh Bathmate Girth Blasters I go into the chamber 100% erect but usually it subsides to somewhere in the area of 85% erect.
I've been going in completely flaccid in my Bathmate sessions and I have been experiencing the same great results that DLD is talking about. I haven't had any of the expressive length type gains that he is mentioning in point 3, at least that I am aware of. For every other point, I have noticed the same results.

I am also doing these stretches while wearing a condom. I poked a hole in the reservoir to allow the water to fill it and to prevent the condom from breaking.This also allows the condom to stick or cling to your shaft. I notice a good session of pressure as I pump up, and it lets me know that there is resistance from the condom. I adopted that idea from Red's Boa Constrictor using a condom rim around the base of the glans and the idea of a compression vest in weight lifting. As long as I pump up slowly to max pressure in 10 minutes, then stretch for the other 10 minutes, I never get fluid build-up or the donut. Either way, it seems to be working really well for me. I attribute the growth indicated below in bold to these stretches and my overall routine.
Bathmate, ripping out new length gains:) This is a violently viable exercise:) After I am done I feel like my innards were ripped from my body and jammed into my penis:)
qwerty2;381651 said:
I've been going in completely flaccid in my Bathmate sessions and I have been experiencing the same great results that DLD is talking about. I haven't had any of the expressive length type gains that he is mentioning in point 3, at least that I am aware of. For every other point, I have noticed the same results.

I am also doing these stretches while wearing a condom. I poked a hole in the reservoir to allow the water to fill it and to prevent the condom from breaking.This also allows the condom to stick or cling to your shaft. I notice a good session of pressure as I pump up, and it lets me know that there is resistance from the condom. I adopted that idea from Red's Boa Constrictor using a condom rim around the base of the glans and the idea of a compression vest in weight lifting. As long as I pump up slowly to max pressure in 10 minutes, then stretch for the other 10 minutes, I never get fluid build-up or the donut. Either way, it seems to be working really well for me. I attribute the growth indicated below in bold to these stretches and my overall routine.

Great news and some new ideas
I've noticed since venturing into the stretches that my base girth is also thicker and I have to agree with DLD on the inner penis part. I've also seen imporvements in the orgasms being more intense and in duration, the soreness is not bad and tolerable but you defintely feel like you had a good workout afterwards. Anymore all my wife has to do is see the reuslts right after a workout and she wants it right then and there so I guess its working lol
ownd, i am selling a blue X-40 model if you're interested. i've outgrown it. pm me if you're interested.
stretcharmstrng;381775 said:
ownd, i am selling a blue X-40 model if you're interested. i've outgrown it. pm me if you're interested.

What a happy thing, OUTGROWING:)
Whilst you have the Bathmate on, have you guys tried tugging on it, much like jelqing the Bathmate? Feels like a tug on the inner penis, around the base. Feels like a great stretch for the inner penis. I do this whilst doing kegels.
jseses;381871 said:
Whilst you have the Bathmate on, have you guys tried tugging on it, much like jelqing the Bathmate? Feels like a tug on the inner penis, around the base. Feels like a great stretch for the inner penis. I do this whilst doing kegels.

That is what this whole thread is about:)
so i sthe only way to do the hard core stretches 100 percent erect, im just worried i wont be able to maintain that erection the whole time, what angles do you hit and for how long?
ownd;381951 said:
so i sthe only way to do the hard core stretches 100 percent erect, im just worried i wont be able to maintain that erection the whole time, what angles do you hit and for how long?

To get the intensity you do need to be 100% erect. Generic Viagra helps me big time.
doublelongdaddy;381188 said:
1.) Base Girth: I am seeing a huge change in the base girth of my penis. Almost as if internal penis is being pulled out. Very thick and dense.

2.) Erection Angle: This is a rather odd change since my erection angle has always been above 9:00, since training with these stretches I am noticing my angle going up even further...sometimes in a standing position it is better than 11:00.

3.) Expressed Length at Base: It seems that there is this new girth gain at the base is adding length by a change in fat pad. Hard t explain but it is almost as if the girth gain at the base is actually new penis being exposed. I am hoping this is a change in NBP length (have to wait until I measure).

4.) Orgasms: There has been a huge change in orgasm. I will feel it coming on and when I start to get off it starts very mild and builds up over at least 30 seconds and when it happens it seems to last much longer.

5.) Type of Soreness: It is odd because I rarely feel any soreness but these stretches are bringing major fatigue to my base and all surrounding tissue.

Can anyone relate to these things since trying this exercise? I can't be alone with this as all I am doing now is these stretches for length work.

I noticed my erection angle is a little bit higher, my erections are stronger, and my orgasms last 1 or 2 seconds longer than before, plus I can cum more frequent (but I dont last as long which led to an embarrasing performance after picking up a girl in the club). In how far that is related to the Bathmate stretches I dont know.

Over the past 2 weeks (holidays) I only did light sets of SJ+Bathmate Pump every second day, yet my length remains at top, as it was before.
Last night when I was doing my stretches with the Bathmate, I started with a bit of a twist back and forth on the straight down pull. Nothing too big, just about an inch or so to the left and right. Could really feel a surge in the intensity. Anyone else doing something similar?
md680498;382101 said:
Last night when I was doing my stretches with the Bathmate, I started with a bit of a twist back and forth on the straight down pull. Nothing too big, just about an inch or so to the left and right. Could really feel a surge in the intensity. Anyone else doing something similar?

I pretty much go in every direction I can, constantly pulling on the tube. The intensity is amazing. I really never thought that a pump could bring length gains but the Bathmate has that on lock. Truly amazing.
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