
Jan 18, 2004
I've had the Bathmate for almost a month now and not once have I been able to keep it on for over 8 minutes without severe discomfort bordering on pain and sometimes pretty painful feelings in my nuts. I got frustrated and looked to see if others had that experience and the best piece of advice I heard was to wrap off the balls, and begin pumping erect so that there's a clear delineation between the sac and shaft. That took me from 2 minute sessions to 8 minute sessions and it's still a pain in the ass.

Literally not once have I been able to go past 8 mins because the pain is extremely uncomfortable.Even then I'm managing pain. The feeling is akin to being kicked in the nuts. Even though I begin pumping with the base of the pump clearly away from my nuts and the nuts are wrapped it slowly starts pulling the skin above the sac as time goes along and eventually pulling a bit of the sac with some of the stringy things that you have in your nut sac. And although it never gets to the balls the balls are pulled so tightly against whatever I wrap them up with due to the pull of the pump that they feel squeezed up as shit. If you're wondering if my nuts reside high on the shaft thats not the case which is why I'm so confused as to why this is happening. Due to this I can't even move when I use it because if I do that it might put pressure on the nuts and it might cause more pain. I've tried wrapping with a hair band and even ace bandage and it's all the same.

Secondarily and of less importance is the fact that for me it's literally impossible to use outside the bath. I've literally tried a million ways but the pressure is never the same as if I begin pumping with my lower body suBathmateerged in water. Even then If i try to get out of the bath and move, the Bathmate moving around causes me more pain in the nuts so I end up chillin in the water for alll glorious 6-8 minutes of it.

Dunno how you guys are doing it but I'm close to the end of my wits with this thing.
I feel your pain, I had the same issue, and sometimes still do, but I have managed a system the works pretty well for me. I’m also a %100 in bath user, I don’t see a problem with using it outside, just don’t have the privacy to use it outside of the bathroom, so why not run a bath. So this is what I do…

SuBathmateerge myself in the bath, I bring in my laptop for some �naked people movies� (no volume, sad) I spend about 3-5 minutes warming up, I tug up on my shaft and down on my sack, this helps with getting my erection going, and also loosens up some of the skin. When I apply the Bathmate I put one leg up, and leave the other at a slightly bent angle (usually my right leg) with my left hand I reach under my left leg and get a good hold on the top of my sack, adjust my balls in the sack and give a good tug to pull them down and out of the way. Once that’s taken care of I apply the Bathmate with my right hand, and give a few good pumps while keeping a downward pull on my sack. At this point I will lie back and get comfortable, I will briefly release my sack and set the timer, throw on something to watch on the computer etc… after my hand goes right back to my sack and I keep a comfortable downward tug/pull, especially when I go to pump again. This is the only way I find I can avoid the ball strings getting tugged in, and when I’m doing 10 minutes sets, I only have stay in that position for 10 minutes then I will stand to do some jelqs.

I do get the strings pulled once in awhile, when this happens I’m able to identify this right away and I release the pressure and reapply the Bathmate, there’s a sweet spot when placing the Bathmate, sometimes I get it perfect sometimes not, but keeping a hand on your sack with hopefully help
I have none of these issues and I am trying to understand why you are. When you are using outside the bath are you still putting water in the chamber? How much hang do you have in your scrotum? If this is not enough hang there may be some of the pressure directed to the scrotum, which could make things ache a bit. Have you done any scrotum stretching? The Testicle Health Massage and Stretch are brilliant with increasing hang. What I would suggest is that you do teh Testicle Health Stretch and Massage as your warm up to the Bathmate. There is always a temporary gain in scrotum hang and penis hang after that warm up which should give you the space and comfort to alleviate this problem.
I know the exact feeling that you're talking about. That dull kidney, killed in the balls feeling. I used to get that with cockrings but after awhile I think your body gets used to it and that feeling goes away. You know figure skaters when they're first learning to do those crazy spins, they get fucking dizzy just like anyone else! But over time they get used to it. Beautiful adaptable machines, our bodies. Keep pumping, you'll be fine. Try repositioning your legs and such, putting one up or something. But for the most part, I think you've just got to get used it.

Unrelatedly, I got my Bathmate today and did my first session. HOLY CRAP. The expansion! And I'm a clamper baby, I thought I knew about expansion. I only went a few minutes too, just to try it out! Who knows the kind of expansion I might get with a full session. But that fucking amazing pump gave me an extra quarter inch expansion in girth on top of clamp expansion when I clamped after I pumped. Just amazing. This thing is amazing.

There was a thread not too long ago on �other PE site� (those rat bastards) titled Moist Heat is Secret Ingredient or something. And I'm telling you, it is. Cold water can cause shrinkage (Seinfeld) and hot water can cause some massive fucking expansion. Wet heat is the secret ingredient baby! I do think that there is merit in cold cool-downs. The science is all there and athletes have been using cold forever. But I'm going to stick with the Bathmate and Clamp and Manual Exercises, only with heat for a month, and if I don't gain, I'll try the cold cool-downs. But damnit baby, I'm fucking gaining. I. Am. Gaining!
I'd say you either need to get used to the pressure on the balls or get em out of the way...either stretch em out permanently or pull down on em every time you pump. I've permanently stretched mine out and I still have to have a little downward pull for comfort every time I pump. And I can't get enough suction outside of the tub either but that's ok. Can't do alot with a pump hanging off of you anyway...
You can also do what I do and push the balls inside the tube at the 10 minute stage, does them lots of good. With persistent use your balls will get used to it and the discomfort goes, I had the same thing when I started .. grit your teeth and get on with it.
I can't seem to get the balls in there they just don't fit with my dick at the same time. It might be that you can do that with the X-40 but i definately can't do it with the regular one and im only 5.25 of girth.
I have the same problem but mostly it's not the balls,
it's the foreskin that gets pushed into the top of the Bathmate
and when Im done I get the "donut effect" if you guys know
what Im talking about?

Also I have another problem. And that is overtraining with the Bathmate.
My penis gets darkened, and the morningwood is weaker, and the erections
when I try to masturbate(without coming), are much weaker.

Do you guys have a good plan for gaining as fast as you can without
Bathmatefan;379777 said:
when Im done I get the "donut effect" if you guys know
what Im talking about?

I do get donut effect but it went away very fast. You should try DLD Bathmate Girth Blaster and repeat the process for three times if you haven't try it out.
I tried it but I got overtrained. Anyone have an idea to how I should
make the session less intense or shorter to not get overtrained. But
at the same time get maximum growth?
kawai123;379780 said:
I do get donut effect but it went away very fast. You should try DLD Bathmate Girth Blaster and repeat the process for three times if you haven't try it out.

YES, the DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters are genius with fluid retention but the actual exercise in conjunction with the Bathmate brings solid girth gains much faster.
I tried DLD girth blasters yesterday and woke up with a blue penis with
little erection. My erections are very weak now.
What I did was cycle between Bathmate and kegels and that
seemed to work. Just that it might have been a little too much.
Im gonna try a couple a minuntes with Bathmate and then a couple
of minutes with jelq and then a minute or two with Bathmate.
Does that seem like a good plan? Or should I rather use the Bathmate
every other day?
Bathmatefan;379869 said:
I tried DLD girth blasters yesterday and woke up with a blue penis with
little erection. My erections are very weak now.
What I did was cycle between Bathmate and kegels and that
seemed to work. Just that it might have been a little too much.
Im gonna try a couple a minuntes with Bathmate and then a couple
of minutes with jelq and then a minute or two with Bathmate.
Does that seem like a good plan? Or should I rather use the Bathmate
every other day?

It is a very intense routine and I would suggest taking it slow at first and work up to a more and more intense session. 1 day on 1 day off will be the best plan of attack for you as you are getting good fatigue (this is why your eq may be off). There is no rush but there is a learning curve. Be gentle with yourself.
Thanks, that was good advice. How long sessions should I start with,
and is it ok to start erect in the Bathmate, or will that compromise
my gains?
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Bathmatefan;380236 said:
Thanks, that was good advice. How long sessions should I start with,
and is it ok to start erect in the Bathmate, or will that compromise
my gains?

I would follow the routine in my signature to the is that good. I enter the Bathmate totally erect and in a minute or two I subside to semi.
I've been getting this type of pain, not the testicles, but the plumbing attached to them. The pain lasts for hours after Bathmate use. Even if after continued use you eventually don't feel the pain anymore, it feels like I might be doing some internal damage.
Honestly i think you guys are pumping it way to hard, i have had some of the same experiences, but thats when i like REALLY pump it,

Penis Enlargement is a marathon not a 100meter run race.
Baba_Booey;387311 said:
I've been getting this type of pain, not the testicles, but the plumbing attached to them. The pain lasts for hours after Bathmate use. Even if after continued use you eventually don't feel the pain anymore, it feels like I might be doing some internal damage.

What you are feeling is fatigue and it will last for hours after a workout.
If I was feeling pain in the actual penis I would consider it productive fatigue, but I'm feeling it in an area that I'm unintentionally affecting.
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