
Nov 10, 2003
Greetings, fellow growers! I have been considering ordering a Bathmate, as I, at the age of 61, am embarking on one last attempt at enlargement. Not that I haven't had any success, because I have, gaining a little over an inch in length and almost an inch in girth. I currently stand at BPEL: 8.5" and EG of 6". So, not too shabby for an old fart LOL. As I stated, I'm going to give this one more go, so I've ordered a Phallogauge, which is an all-day stretcher. Don't know if it will be comfortable, effective etc, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than, say Phallosan and others. Also, Just a couple of days ago, I placed an order for a Lengthmaster, and it's on it's way. I'm confident the LM will be an effective tool, and all the reviews have been excellent. But now, back to the Bathmate. First off, as some of you may have guessed, I am not new to the PE game. I think I bought my first pump back in the mid 70's, and believe me, I've tried just about every device out there. I could name a dozen off the top of my head, but I won't in the interest of brevity. Thing is, I did a lot of pumping years ago, with various models. And there were times I pumped myself up to enormous girth, 7" or more. But here's the kicker: These gains were never permanent. I attribute the girth gains I've made over the years to manual work as in jelqing, compression squeezes, clamping etc. But with pumps, even though the IMMEDIATE girth gains were remarkable, they were only temporary and mostly fluid buildup in the tissues. I could pump several days a week for months, and be really, really thick. But lay off the pump altogether, and within a week or so, I'd be right back where I started, with no permanent gains at all. I know this because I was pumping before I'd ever even heard the word "jelq," and before many of you were even born LOL. So, what would make the Bathmate different? Perhaps the hot water? I don't know. But I would like some kind of rational reasoning as to how and why using the bathmate could result in PERMANENT gains, before I shell out a couple hundred bucks for an X40.

One more question, if I may. For those of you who do use the bathmate, is it mandatory to use it in the tub or shower. I mean, I know you could use it just with air, but in that case, what would make it any different from pumps I've owned in the past? None that I can think of. The only difference and possibly key factor would be the warm water. But couldn't you just fill the pump up with warm water, apply vacuum, letting the excess water go into the sink or a bucket, and then continue your session without having to remain in a tub of water?

Any comments or suggestions would be welcome!

Warm regards
The BM products have been extremely effective for me (I have an X40 and Goliath, both modded with The VacuVin) and if you employ the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) (where you pump for 5 minutes at your max, then jelq any retention away for a few and then back in The BM for 5, etc.) the FR will be minimal to non-existent. The reason these are superior to pumping with air is that the density of water is much greater and it imparts the forces more evenly.

TL/DR yes, they work (especially when you mod them)
Thanks for your input! You said the BM products have been "extremely effective" for you. Can you elaborate? Measurable gains after ceasing using the BM? Just as an example. You suggested pumping for 5, then jelq for a few minutes to elimininate "FR"? Not sure what FR is, but I suspect swelling? Then you said "TL/DR yes....Not sure what that means. I would also like to ask you...are you doing this all in a bath tub? As I asked in my original post, is there no way to use the BM with just warm water and not having to jump in and out of the tub?
I have to give my thumbs up for the BM as well. I have the X30 Xtreme and I have experienced some great results. You do not have to use it in the tub or shower, simply fill it with water from the sink and place a towel or something on the floor to catch any water that may spill and you are good to go. I do it that way 99% of the time. The expansion I get from the BM is far better than I ever achieved with an air pump. You are also able to do BM hardcore stretches with the BM as the suction is superior to an air pump. IMO, I do not think that you would be disappointed with the BM. There are a lot of guys here that use them and may be along shortly to give you some input
Lookn4girth;741922 said:
I have to give my thumbs up for the BM as well. I have the X30 Xtreme and I have experienced some great results. You do not have to use it in the tub or shower, simply fill it with water from the sink and place a towel or something on the floor to catch any water that may spill and you are good to go. I do it that way 99% of the time. The expansion I get from the BM is far better than I ever achieved with an air pump. You are also able to do BM hardcore stretches with the BM as the suction is superior to an air pump. IMO, I do not think that you would be disappointed with the BM. There are a lot of guys here that use them and may be along shortly to give you some input
I would look forward to the input. Enough of it and I'll place my order. Now, how to incorporate the BM with stretching and using an ALD (all day stretcher). I mean, if you've pumped yourself up to huge proportions, what's the point of putting on a sleeve which then constricts your penis so that you can maintain a stretch for long periods? After all, you just pumped it up, now you're putting on a sleeve that will constrict or "compress" what you've just finished expanding? Is this clear? As for the input and testimonials? I'm all ears! Oh, and thank you for sharing your being able to use the BM without being in a tub. Seems much more practical to me.

sorry for all the 'acronym-speak'...TL/DR=too long, didn't read and you're correct on the FR, which stands for fluid retention.

As for my routine, it's ever-evolving/changing but the one consistent component for almost 3 years has been using my's my progress thread and you can see for yourself:

For some reason girth came easily for me and I struggled more with trying to gain enough length to look symmetrical, (from my perspective, I think another 1" in length would attain that balance).

TL/DR so far I've gone from 6.375" bone pressed erect length to 8" and 5.375" in mid-shaft girth to 7"
Fillerup;741926 said:
I would look forward to the input. Enough of it and I'll place my order. Now, how to incorporate the BM with stretching and using an ALD (all day stretcher). I mean, if you've pumped yourself up to huge proportions, what's the point of putting on a sleeve which then constricts your penis so that you can maintain a stretch for long periods? After all, you just pumped it up, now you're putting on a sleeve that will constrict or "compress" what you've just finished expanding? Is this clear? As for the input and testimonials? I'm all ears! Oh, and thank you for sharing your being able to use the BM without being in a tub. Seems much more practical to me.


I am not sure how others do it but I start my day with some manual stretching while taking my morning shower. After the shower I put on my PF and wear it for at least 8 to 10 hours. I take it off only for bathroom breaks and do some light stretching and then place it back on to the opposite side. Later in the afternoon, I will do my length session with the LM. I follow that up with my BM session and usually place a cock ring on for about 30 minutes to an hour. The idea behind keeping the penis elongated after a session is to allow it to heal in the elongated position and is found in the SRT thread. Since doing this routine I have noticed my girth improving along with my flaccid hang being better. I hope this helps a little
Big Schwanz Acht;741934 said:
sorry for all the 'acronym-speak'...TL/DR=too long, didn't read and you're correct on the FR, which stands for fluid retention.

As for my routine, it's ever-evolving/changing but the one consistent component for almost 3 years has been using my's my progress thread and you can see for yourself:

For some reason girth came easily for me and I struggled more with trying to gain enough length to look symmetrical, (from my perspective, I think another 1" in length would attain that balance).

TL/DR so far I've gone from 6.375" bone pressed erect length to 8" and 5.375" in mid-shaft girth to 7"

Man, those are some pretty impressive gains, particularly in girth. I've managaed to get to 8.4" BPEL (9" BPFSL), and about 6" EG. But 7" EG is a huge increase. I do have a couple of questions, if I may? Is your girth, at 7", permanent? That is, if you did not use the BM, or jelq or any kind of girth work, would you, after say 2 or 3 weeks, still be at 7" EG? I know from my past experience, going back many years (decades) I could pump up to probably 7" girth, but it was always temporary. Give it a week or two, and I was right back where I started. So, that's my first question. Second is: Do you incorporate any other girth exercises into your routine? Jelq? Compression squeezes? Clamping? If so, how would you know how much the BM is contributing to your increases? As I said, I'm thinking of ordering the X40, but I'm also planning on continuing jelqing and clamping. At the same time, I've just ordered the Lengthmaster, and am wondering how to incorporate all of these exercises/devices together into a solid program. I welcome your comments as well as those from other seasoned vets out there.
I think the most consecutive days I've taken off in the last 3 years was 5, so I wouldn't know how much, if any, I'd lose. My plan is to get to 9" BPEL and re-evaluate, so I may never know :) My X40, Goliath and LM are the only PE tools that I own/incorporate and I'd give 100% credit to my modded Bathmates for the girth (and probably 75% of the length) that I've gained. The game-changer for me was when I added the almost feel like your dick will explode
Big Schwanz Acht;741956 said:
I think the most consecutive days I've taken off in the last 3 years was 5, so I wouldn't know how much, if any, I'd lose. My plan is to get to 9" BPEL and re-evaluate, so I may never know :) My X40, Goliath and LM are the only PE tools that I own/incorporate and I'd give 100% credit to my modded Bathmates for the girth (and probably 75% of the length) that I've gained. The game-changer for me was when I added the almost feel like your dick will explode

What exactly is a "VacuVin?" also, you said "it almost feels like your dick will explode." careful...It just might!
know your limit, stay within it :) For some reason my d!ck can take a beating (literally, lol) so everyone should pay attention to their own thresholds to prevent injury (I've had a drop or two of blood from over-doing it, so knowing your body is key).
Like Ark posted, the VacuVin is designed to extract air from a partially full bottle of wine to help prevent oxidation and throw-off the flavor...some sick-minded PE aficionado (aka genius) discovered that the mod gave The BM Super-Powers!
Big Schwanz Acht;741974 said:
know your limit, stay within it :) For some reason my d!ck can take a beating (literally, lol) so everyone should pay attention to their own thresholds to prevent injury (I've had a drop or two of blood from over-doing it, so knowing your body is key).
Like Ark posted, the VacuVin is designed to extract air from a partially full bottle of wine to help prevent oxidation and throw-off the flavor...some sick-minded PE aficionado (aka genius) discovered that the mod gave The BM Super-Powers!
I've got 2 of those in my kitchen drawer! I don't make wine anymore, but still buy a bottle now and then and now we've come to a whole new use for the product LOL! But I should mention I've done some extreme pumping in the past, using an electric pump that could, quite literally, blow your penis up if you cranked the pressure up too high. It was an industrial air pump with hose that attached to the cylinder. I don't have it any more, but I can tell you it would reach really high levels of vacuum in a matter of seconds. Couldn't use it with water, though, unless death by electrocution is on your bucket list.. No way you could get that kind of pressure from a vacuvin. But like you said, know your limits. I've ordered my X40, which claims to have 35% more vacuum than it's predecessor. Is this not sufficient? And by the way, just how long does it take to reach max pressure with these pumps? I've not used a pump in a long time, and am still a little sceptical as to their efficacy, but I'm thinking with the water, it might reduce fluid buildup and actually really stretch the penile tissues (if, in my opinion, used in conjunction with jelq, compression squeezes etc.). I'll have a better idea when it arrives, in a week or so I expect. I'll be getting the lengthmaster at about the same time and the Phallogauge ADS as well. It's a pretty good combination of equipment and I'm optimistic that gains are in store in the months to come. Thanks guys for your input. VacuVin, huh? Who would have thought LOL...

The BathMate rocks! I wish I had one when I was growing up :) Great reviews here in this thread and many others. It is a great buy Fillerup!
If you employ the 5X5X3 you'll keep the FR to a for how long it takes the BM to get up to pressure? I guess it takes about as much time for you to fill it up, enter it and start drawing water out with The VacuVin (I don't bother with trying to compress it against my body any more, I just enter and grab The VV). You'll begin to feel the pressure after the first few pumps, and that's where I progress a bit slower until I hit max...wait a minute or two and increase...rinse/repeat as much as you can tolerate
I remember when using a VacuVin in my wine bottles, it would pump air out very quickly, but only so far. After a point, usually reached in in under 10 seconds, any further pumping seemed to have no effect. But of course, using it in a wine bottle and in a penile expanding cylinder are two different things, right? I am uncertain as to the meaning of your statement, "If you employ the 5X5X3 you'll keep the FR to a minimum..." What do you mean by 5X5X3? It could mean 3 times 5-minute sessions. And if so, what are you doing during the break? Massage? Jelq? etc. And is "FR" referring to fluid retention?
Fillerup;742101 said:
I remember when using a VacuVin in my wine bottles, it would pump air out very quickly, but only so far. After a point, usually reached in in under 10 seconds, any further pumping seemed to have no effect. But of course, using it in a wine bottle and in a penile expanding cylinder are two different things, right? I am uncertain as to the meaning of your statement, "If you employ the 5X5X3 you'll keep the FR to a minimum..." What do you mean by 5X5X3? It could mean 3 times 5-minute sessions. And if so, what are you doing during the break? Massage? Jelq? etc. And is "FR" referring to fluid retention?

Correct FR is fluid retention. For the 5×5×3
5 minutes BM 5 minutes SSJ's × 3 rounds.
Mike3209;742104 said:
Correct FR is fluid retention. For the 5×5×3
5 minutes BM 5 minutes SSJ's × 3 rounds.

those are the magic numbers! If anyone remains consistent on this routine they have no choice but to grow!
doublelongdaddy;742138 said:
those are the magic numbers! If anyone remains consistent on this routine they have no choice but to grow!

It is my intention to begin my girth routine with 10 minutes of Jelq/compression squeezes etc. Then 5 minutes in the BM, then several minutes of more compression squeezes or maybe even clamping, then repeat. I'm confident this will have me thoroughly engorged. But afterwards, I want to put on my ADS (the Phalloguage, which hasn't arrived in the mail yet). I'm wondering if this will be counterproductive. After all, you spend all this effort expanding your penis, then follow it with something that compresses it in order to stretch. The Phalloguage wraps around the first couple inches behind the head, so maybe not so bad. But if you were using, say, the Phallosan, then you have a constrictive sleeve all the way down the length of your penis. How do you incorporate all these into one system that does not, in essence, contradict itself? Plus, if I were to, say, try the Phallosan, it would be difficult to find the correct sleeve size, because after the BM, size would be quite different than before. Just my thoughts, before all my stuff arrives in the mail.


Fillerup;742184 said:
It is my intention to begin my girth routine with 10 minutes of Jelq/compression squeezes etc. Then 5 minutes in the BM, then several minutes of more compression squeezes or maybe even clamping, then repeat. I'm confident this will have me thoroughly engorged. But afterwards, I want to put on my ADS (the Phalloguage, which hasn't arrived in the mail yet). I'm wondering if this will be counterproductive. After all, you spend all this effort expanding your penis, then follow it with something that compresses it in order to stretch. The Phalloguage wraps around the first couple inches behind the head, so maybe not so bad. But if you were using, say, the Phallosan, then you have a constrictive sleeve all the way down the length of your penis. How do you incorporate all these into one system that does not, in essence, contradict itself? Plus, if I were to, say, try the Phallosan, it would be difficult to find the correct sleeve size, because after the BM, size would be quite different than before. Just my thoughts, before all my stuff arrives in the mail.



Flip it around and get length work in before girth. Once you have become engorged with girth work it makes it much more difficult to get a decent stretch without using a ton of intensity. If you want to do girth before length give yourself at least 4 hours in-between to wait on the expansion to go down. I always did length through the dat and girth work at night. AT the time I was with a woman and I did girth work before sex so I would be at my thickest.
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