
Feb 27, 2017
Please do not Dismiss me as a Newbie as I have been on This website around 3 Maybe 4 Years now (Not an Account Holder until recent)

Wanted to Thank the Brotherhood as the knowledge within this forum is Extremely powerful to Men worldwide.

I Never measured before so do not really have starting stats but cannot have been anymore than 6x5.5 I Started Clamping a few years ago and literally went over the top clamping 5-7 times a day and was taken over by it and believe this is what caused little to no gains whatsoever.

However Now, what I have noticed recently is that when I clamp ONCE in the Morning for around 20/30 Minutes the Girth has been consistently growing.

Brief Description of what i do;

About 5-10 Minutes Clamping while dry edging/Jelqing and then I clamp down till 3 Notches and Clamp Bend for around 20-30 Seconds, i do this around 2-3 times in 15 Minutes, after the Last Bend I push the clamp down one more and let my Cock Subside for 5/7 Minutes. When I take the clamp off I use 2-3 Hair Bands and use these as (ADC)

I go to Work for 11 Hours, come home and get in the Bath (Day Done)

On occasion i might get in from work and use the Bathmate XX40 for 15 Minutes but this is on random days (I Believe this Helps cement Clamping Gains)

Nothing More than this in my Routine and I am Consecutively between 6.125-6.25 Mid Girth and 7-7.25 Base girth on a Normal day and Day off.

Just wanted to share this with you all because honestly this Community is Amazing and is very inspirational.

Thank you Brothers.
Awesome man. Have heard more than a few times from guys who get great results combining clamping with Bathmate. Just make sure the harder work is done with the clamping and you use the Bathmate as a follow up. You are right on your observation that over training/over fatiguing the penis can be detrimental and slow, or even hinder gains.
Damnnn StillWantMore you are still around, the Amount of Info I have seen you provide is exactly why I decided to Post. I Only Clamp Once a Day and try to make it as intense as I can within 20/30 Minutes in the Morning before work, When I Bend It gives the greatest expansion and i notice the more my top Vein appears it seems to be a Positive PI during clamping.

I Might use the Bathmate maybe 1/2 times a week depending on how I feel after work and I Believe it does really cement clamping Gains, I have read so many posts about bathmate then clamping but from past experience I noticed a lot of fluid and no real meat expansion haha.

The 11/12 Hours gap between clamping in the morning and using the Bathmate on a night really has shown great results.

I Really appreciate your Comment Man thank you, People like you, DLD, Big Girtha, TNT and RedZulu is the Reason I finally signed up and Post.

I have been doing pe for 3 months with a b athamate and clamp routine and haven't gained yet am I expecting too much too soon
Thanks SWM i Will check it out,
Diesel you have Been doing PE for 3 Months and started with Clamping and Bathmate? What is your Routine? (Clamping is Advanced PE so I would be very careful)
I think you started a Little too Advanced to be honest Diesel, I would lay off a little and look at the Starter routines for a couple of Months and then go back to Clamping when you are More conditioned :)
Clamping is the only thing that gives me big pumps and my clamped girth has been steadily increasing
DieselHead;733452 said:
My routine is 5 days a week the routine consists of dlds 5x5x3 bathmate girth blasters followed with ten minutes of clamped edging

What kind of expansion are you seeing post-workout?
I'm now seeing close to .75 my clamped girth is steadily increasing
DieselHead;733551 said:
I'm now seeing close to .75 my clamped girth is steadily increasing

WOW, that is excellent! You are going to see some great gains!
Hey DLD, got something I would like to run by you.

My Routine:
When I Clamp I will usually get the Clamp on one Click when I'm Semi erect and Will build up an erection, after around 2/3 Minutes I Click the Clamp down 2 More times, my erection gets Harder every time I click and after around 2/3 Minutes I clamp down another 2 times till 4 teeth are showing on the clamp, I Build up till around 7 Minutes and then Click the clamp down one more time but I Bend immediately after (My Top Vein being Prominent is a Good PI for me and i Know my Limits with Clamped Bends - The Expansion is Crazy)

I release the Clamp to 6 Teeth showing and do this 2/3 Times equalling around 21 Minutes Clamped and 3 Sets of Bends, I forgot to mention i Bend for no Longer than 20/30 Seconds each time and on my Last Bend I will click the Clamp down one last time so my Penis is Engorged and pretty Solid, I Let it Subside for around 7/9 Minutes equalling a Total of 30 ish Minutes Clamped Time every day.

Now I do this nearly every day and take a rest day as and when each week.

What I think is Beneficial to my gains is the fact that I will also use the Bathmate XX40 on random occasions maybe Once or twice a week so my Penis does not become accustomed to it although may Cement Clamping efforts.

One More thing that I do that I Believe has really allowed my Penis to gain consecutively and this is very interesting as I have experienced is this --

I Hang BTC Maybe Once every two weeks for 2 Sets equalling around 43/45 Minutes total, I Use a Sock Hanger I made myself and use 11lb, Believe me this puts Tension on my Penis and because of the time between Hanging it shocks my Penis every time in the fact that I can feel the Lig stretch and this has effected my Girth Exceptionally.

But Because I Clamp near enough every day for Half an hour it Allows my Penis to grow Consecutively.

Also Wanted to thank you for this Amazing Community.

Thank you Bro
Well, I am not a pro of clamping and Stillwantmore will most likely help here. What I can offer is what I do know. Keeping the penis in a state of always guessing is a very good tactic. The penis can become accustomed to any given tool or exercise and at that point more intensity is needed. Eventually you will get to the point that no more intensity is possible at which point the routine should be switched up for a while, until the penis is ready for another circuit using an older method. So I would see this a circuit training.
Thank you for your Reply yeah I know what you Mean with the circuit training.

Is Girth Fluctuation Normal though I mean I have been measuring every other week for the Past 2 Month and Noticed consecutively I am pretty much always 6.125 but When I Hang which is maybe once every two weeks for 45 Minutes and measure the day after Im at around 6 maybe 5 7/8.

It does take a little longer to get an erection maybe due to fatigue from not being used to hanging but when i finally get erect it seems as Hard as Normal?

Then obviously when I start clamping again it stays at between 6.125-6.25 even on Days off.

I dont know whether its due to fatigue even though I feel as Hard or whether its Normal to fluctuate like that?
I have seen fluctuations of around 1/4" in girth when training it in the past. I wouldn't stress over it. There can be factors like tissue fatigue and since you pump, fluid retention in the skin. Not sure why you hang so infrequently, why bother? You're not likely to gain anything from it doing it like you are.
stillwantmore2;733774 said:
I have seen fluctuations of around 1/4" in girth when training it in the past. I wouldn't stress over it. There can be factors like tissue fatigue and since you pump, fluid retention in the skin. Not sure why you hang so infrequently, why bother? You're not likely to gain anything from it doing it like you are.

Thanks SWM, I dont hang in respect to gain length because im looking for Major Girth haha, I do it because hanging alone can give girth gains but doing it every two weeks is like an extreme stretch and a shock to the penis because I mainly Clamp bend and the odd time i Hang it has had a positive effect and complemented my Clamping efforts but the fluctuation is something I have wondered about.

I hope this makes some sense?

Also How do I edit the signature on my profile?
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To edit the signature. Look up at the top of the forum screen on the upper right under "Settings". Click there, then over on the left side of the screen "Edit Signature".
stillwantmore2;733813 said:
To edit the signature. Look up at the top of the forum screen on the upper right under "Settings". Click there, then over on the left side of the screen "Edit Signature".

I should make a tutorial all these things, signatures, videos, posting pictures, etc. I will try to put something together over the weekend.
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