
Aug 28, 2012
So today I woke up with a urinary tract infection. I've never had one before, and let me tell you, it is terrible. I thought I was going to vomit from the pain of urination when I first got up. My whole body hurts, and I have a fever of about 101. I started seeing blood in my urine as well, but I've diluted it so much by drinking a lot of fluids, so I'm not sure if it's still there. I called my doctor and asked him to call me in some antibiotics. Hopefully he will tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm pretty certain that this is Penis Enlargement related. But I think it was my mistake. I'm not totally sure though. Here's what happened. On Tuesday night, my fiancée and I had sex. I didn't clean myself or anything afterwards. Then I did a 30-minute stretch routine a few hours later. Before bed, I threw on some moisturizer. So I'm thinking the manipulation from the stretch routine after having sex, plus the further manipulation from the application of moisturizer helped to push bacteria into my urethra. Then, last night I did about 350 jelqs, followed again by the application of moisturizer before bed. This probably exacerbated the problem.

So I have a few questions. First, has anyone else ended up with a UTI after doing Penis Enlargement? Next, how long should I wait after it goes away to return to Penis Enlargement? Next, should I start washing myself before starting a Penis Enlargement session? And last, should I stop moisturizing? I'd really appreciate your input, because this really sucks. Thanks guys.
Weller;510040 said:
So today I woke up with a urinary tract infection. I've never had one before, and let me tell you, it is terrible. I thought I was going to vomit from the pain of urination when I first got up. My whole body hurts, and I have a fever of about 101. I started seeing blood in my urine as well, but I've diluted it so much by drinking a lot of fluids, so I'm not sure if it's still there. I called my doctor and asked him to call me in some antibiotics. Hopefully he will tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm pretty certain that this is Penis Enlargement related. But I think it was my mistake. I'm not totally sure though. Here's what happened. On Tuesday night, my fiancée and I had sex. I didn't clean myself or anything afterwards. Then I did a 30-minute stretch routine a few hours later. Before bed, I threw on some moisturizer. So I'm thinking the manipulation from the stretch routine after having sex, plus the further manipulation from the application of moisturizer helped to push bacteria into my urethra. Then, last night I did about 350 jelqs, followed again by the application of moisturizer before bed. This probably exacerbated the problem.

So I have a few questions. First, has anyone else ended up with a UTI after doing Penis Enlargement? Next, how long should I wait after it goes away to return to Penis Enlargement? Next, should I start washing myself before starting a Penis Enlargement session? And last, should I stop moisturizing? I'd really appreciate your input, because this really sucks. Thanks guys.

I have heard of one other person and it happened from not keeping his Bathmate clean. It seems so harmless not to wash up sometimes but it is important to resist this, keeping yourself and your equipment clean can protect you from an infection, as you have seen. There is no reason to wait to train, unless you are in pain. Don't become overly OCD on this, keep your hands clean and wash after a session. Use the moisturizer but only after you are clean.
Thanks, DLD. I'n definitely going to start washing before and after my routines. Much better to be safe than sorry.
Weller;510048 said:
Thanks, DLD. I'n definitely going to start washing before and after my routines. Much better to be safe than sorry.

You can always use an antibacterial moisturizer, that would solve the entire issue
Aha! I didn't even know antibacterial moisturizers existed. Do you know of any specific brand names? That would be great.

Anyway, it turned out to be a kidney infection, so even worse than I thought. So now I'm not sure if it was Penis Enlargement related, because it could have started up inside the kidney. Either way, I returned to training earlier tonight. I definitely took more precautions than I used to, so hopefully this doesn't recur.

Thanks again for your help!
Do you moisturize your penis? why?

From my own experience, some time ago, I was putting different products on my penis, oils like coconut oil, shea butter just to keep it moisturized and that way I was going to bed, after a week I started to get pimples on my penis. After that I have cut off everything. The only time when I still am using some kind of oil just for jelqs and after jelqing I always make sure to dry it and clean it. After sex I always clean at least my penis, I always bring water and some kind of towel with me in my car and otherwise I just take a shower. Antibacterial wipes are very handy.

Not sure if you went to sleep with the moisturizer on, but I wouldn't advice it, I usually take an extra shower right before sleep, just to go to sleep clean without any creams or whatever on my skin.

Antibacterial moisturizers brands are for example Clean, Exuviance, Bath and Body works

I wouldn't recommend any though as for me it's better to keep it natural as it is

and as for for Penis Enlargement routine, I would hold it for some time, until you get rid of the infection. I used baking soda once when I had urinary tract infection. But visiting a doctor is a good idea too :)
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MAXAMEYES;511292 said:
Read the ingredients, avoid anything with Triclosan.

What is this and why is it is bad?
What is triclosan?
Triclosan is an ingredient added to many consumer products to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. It may be found in products such as clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and toys. It also may be added to antibacterial soaps and body washes, toothpastes, and some cosmetics—products regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What is known about the safety of triclosan?
Triclosan is not currently known to be hazardous to humans. But several scientific studies have come out since the last time FDA reviewed this ingredient that merit further review.

Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation. However, data showing effects in animals don’t always predict effects in humans. Other studies in bacteria have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

In light of these studies, FDA is engaged in an ongoing scientific and regulatory review of this ingredient. FDA does not have sufficient safety evidence to recommend changing consumer use of products that contain triclosan at this time.

Does triclosan provide a benefit in consumer products?
For some consumer products, there is clear evidence that triclosan provides a benefit. In 1997, FDA reviewed extensive effectiveness data on triclosan in Colgate Total toothpaste. The evidence showed that triclosan in this product was effective in preventing gingivitis.

For other consumer products, FDA has not received evidence that the triclosan provides an extra benefit to health. At this time, the agency does not have evidence that triclosan in antibacterial soaps and body washes provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water.

What consumers should know:
Triclosan is not known to be hazardous to humans.
FDA does not have sufficient safety evidence to recommend changing consumer use of products that contain triclosan at this time.
In light of questions raised by recent animal studies of triclosan, FDA is reviewing all of the available evidence on this ingredient’s safety in consumer products. FDA will communicate the findings of its review to the public in winter 2012.
At this time, FDA does not have evidence that triclosan added to antibacterial soaps and body washes provides extra health benefits over soap and water. Consumers concerned about using hand and body soaps with triclosan should wash with regular soap and water.
Consumers can check product labels to find out whether products contain triclosan.
How can I tell if there is triclosan in a product that I am using?
Antibacterial soaps and body washes, and toothpastes are considered over-the-counter drugs. If an over-the-counter drug contains triclosan, it will be listed as an ingredient on the label, in the Drug Facts box. If a cosmetic contains triclosan, it will be included in the ingredient list on the product label.

From: http://www.fda.gov/forconsumers/consumerupdates/ucm205999.htm

Another message:

The new study, led by researchers at the University of California Davis, concluded that triclosan may hinder muscle function in both animals and humans. The study, published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, looked at the effects of triclosan in humans and found that it impairs human muscle contractions at the cellular level. Exposure to triclosan actually disrupted the cell communication that is necessary for muscles to function properly. This caused failure in both the heart and skeletal muscle cells.

Researchers also evaluated triclosan's effect on fish and mice and found that it inhibited normal muscle functioning in both. In the mice, triclosan exposure reduced proper heart function by as much as 25 percent while grip strength was reduced by as much as 18 percent. For the fish, minnows were exposed to concentrations of triclosan similar to those found in the wild for seven days. After exposure, the minnows were significantly worse swimmers than those who were not exposed to the chemical and were also less efficient in swimming tests that evaluated their proficiency at evading a predator.

From: http://www.mnn.com/health/healthy-spaces/blogs/more-bad-news-about-triclosan

The moisturizer from Clean is Tricoslan free, however a lot of products do contain this substance, but does such amount as 0,2 0,3% of Tricoslan actually do any harm? I don't know...
Yeah, I think I'm done with moisturizing. There wasn't much of a point to it when I was doing it anyway. I just figured it couldn't hurt to take extra care of my penis. Boy was I wrong! Anyway, the infection is gone, so I have resumed training. I'm now making sure that I disinfect the area before and after my routine. This was definitely an eye-opener for me. I never expected to end up with a kidney infection. Live and learn I guess.
I've had a UTI. Now I'm more sensitive to girls who get them it's the most awful feeling of pain inside your body.

I bet cramps must be like having someone rhytHydromaxically squeeze your balls. I'm glad i'm not a girl at times like that.

Go to the doctor and get well, take a couple weeks off of Penis Enlargement. Quit rubbing weird shit on your dick.
Is this a whistle blowers website?
Not per se.
They just give us average joes a clue about what "corporate America" and it's stooges in de guBathmateent dump into our lives on a regular basis.

Between what I've learned here and on other sites like Mercola.com, NRDCM, Sierra club.....
I have radically changed my approaches to and views on many, many things.
Yup, I have spent some time there now, pretty legit source.
I have heard of one other person and it happened from not keeping his Bathmate clean. It seems so harmless not to wash up sometimes but it is important to resist this, keeping yourself and your equipment clean can protect you from an infection, as you have seen. There is no reason to wait to train, unless you are in pain. Don't become overly OCD on this, keep your hands clean and wash after a session. Use the moisturizer but only after you are clean.

I remember I got an infection when I failed to clean my Silisleeves that I was using for the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger back in 2020. That infection itched like hell and it was very sweet when I scratched it.

The hydrocortisone cream cured it within 7 days.
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Hydrocortizon is a very powerful medication.
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