
Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
i was just on an extender site , and it was talking on how manual stretching is only good for quick gains of up to half an inch, becaus your ligaments get tough very quickly .
so they said after that initial gain you would basicly be working out hard for peanuts.
they claim that the reall way to make gains is thru tention for an extended period of time!

i just wanted to know what you guys think is the best way to make length gains!

i believe the site was penile stretching techniques!
Using an extender is very different from stretching using manuals. A manual stretch brings great intensity for a short time which helps break down tissue and lengthens the ligaments. An extender plays a much different role, it brings long periods of medium intensity which brings tunica gains and flaccid gains. The best way to use an extender is as part of a manual routine so you make gains across the board. Check out this THREAD on using equipment wisely...very insightful.
Using an extender is very different from stretching using manuals. A manual stretch brings great intensity for a short time which helps break down tissue and lengthens the ligaments. An extender plays a much different role, it brings long periods of medium intensity which brings tunica gains and flaccid gains. The best way to use an extender is as part of a manual routine so you make gains across the board. Check out this THREAD on using equipment wisely...very insightful.

I Agree with DLD,
As i use the SS extender and it is a good supplement to manual stretching,Keyword "Supplement"As dld and others always say nothing beats a good manual routine,
Plus those sites are just trying to get the average No Nothing Noob to buy there shit,Expert Penis Enlargement VET's know that penile equipment is just for moving gains along.:)

I had seen a nice length gain in the beginning when I was using manual stretches and the sizegentics extender. Then that stupid strap broke. I tried different DIY ways of getting it to work right again, but they just did not work. So I have gone a couple of weeks without using my extender properly. Though I have not taken any measurements (that will be on the 24th), I can't not subjectively say I have any length gains recently. I broke down yesterday and ordered another strap.
So I guess I will let the way I spent my money cast my vote of confidence in an extender at this point in time.
tester8888;405136 said:
I had seen a nice length gain in the beginning when I was using manual stretches and the sizegentics extender. Then that stupid strap broke. I tried different DIY ways of getting it to work right again, but they just did not work. So I have gone a couple of weeks without using my extender properly. Though I have not taken any measurements (that will be on the 24th), I can't not subjectively say I have any length gains recently. I broke down yesterday and ordered another strap.
So I guess I will let the way I spent my money cast my vote of confidence in an extender at this point in time.!!!-(SAVE-600!!!!)

Seen this?
Yeah, I tried a couple of those things, but it just did not feel like it was working as well. So, I broke down and ordered it. Of course, the fact I just got a check from my insurance company for storm damage to my house, makes me feel like I have some disposable income in the bank, so decided to seize the moment, LOL.
Tester, I thought that velcro would have worked well for you. I have a strap and I use the velcro as I can get a better grip and it is so comfortable. I dont have to worry about the strap slipping from one of the nubs that it clicks into. I guess it doesnt work for everyone but for 5 bucks, it works better for me and I have about 5 feet of it...

To the original poster, I use the extender an hour or two a day and I do the newbie stretches and and the Bathmate everyday for about 20 minutes. I am still gaining. I gained good the first month or so by only manual stretching and then after I saw gains, I added the others. I suggest both or all three if affordable. Why not hit every angle. I will use this routine until I dont get any further gains at all and then I will switch to sock stretches and maybe a LengthMaster...
tubesnake;405145 said:
Tester, I thought that velcro would have worked well for you. I have a strap and I use the velcro as I can get a better grip and it is so comfortable. I dont have to worry about the strap slipping from one of the nubs that it clicks into. I guess it doesnt work for everyone but for 5 bucks, it works better for me and I have about 5 feet of it...

To the original poster, I use the extender an hour or two a day and I do the newbie stretches and and the Bathmate everyday for about 20 minutes. I am still gaining. I gained good the first month or so by only manual stretching and then after I saw gains, I added the others. I suggest both or all three if affordable. Why not hit every angle. I will use this routine until I dont get any further gains at all and then I will switch to sock stretches and maybe a LengthMaster...

It may have been my velcro. We have a salvation army thrift store right across from walmart. So I went in there first, and found some velcro on the 50 cent wall. You know what they say, you get what you pay for. I should be an expert on that at 35 y/o. LOL
I don't think anything beats a good hard manual stretch. Brief and high intensity!
jekyllnhyde360;405074 said:
i was just on an extender site , and it was talking on how manual stretching is only good for quick gains of up to half an inch, becaus your ligaments get tough very quickly .
so they said after that initial gain you would basicly be working out hard for peanuts.
they claim that the reall way to make gains is thru tention for an extended period of time!

i just wanted to know what you guys think is the best way to make length gains!

i believe the site was penile stretching techniques!

Well your question actually tells me the probability is high that the site is biased towards extenders and would therefore be more conservative to manuel work.
My opinion on are extenders really better than manual stretching is that no they are not and yes they are. Its in two parts. Firstly, extenders no matter what the manufactuer is or what they claim CANNOT generate the amount of force a human limb can i.e. arm or leg if you do the various methods dld uses.

This is obviously going to generate more intensity in the workout and devices such as the power assist and lately the LengthMaster allow the user to take full advantage of manual exercise potential.

Manual stretching is for me, more for intensity and short durations. You can and should really apply intense stretches when engaging with manual work or when using the power assist\LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. The user cannot keep high intensity going for long periods, fatigue sets in and the set gives out plus going too long tooth and nail is counterproductive and can cause injury.

Now where does extenders fit in? They are the bridge or the gap after and between manual sessions, if thats how the user designs the routine. So one would use extenders afterwards for X amount of hours to take advantage of the already stretched out tissues & ligaments from the manual work. Extenders cant generate the same force as already mentioned than manual stretching but they can produce a tension high enough to maintain a prolonged stretch overtime which helps grow new tissue and hence more size to the penis. Essentially enabling the penis to regrow and build into its new shape and size.

What does all this mean? Well extenders can be used alone and have been with users making good gains and so this means the tension is high enough for the elongation to produce gains, so why manual work? well this is user choice but it can be said doing this in combo would produce more satisfying results as extenders & manual work will go in synergy with each other, as the high intensity manual work really hammers and weakens the tissue's the extenders than continue the thumb screws and maintain force, albeit less but with LONGER duration and its this less tension but longer duration which allows it to work so well.

My advice is use both methods in combination to see the most significant gains. Those guys at the extender forums are ignorant to the potential in manual work with them making bold statements like quick gains of up to half an inch and ligaments becoming strong quickly.

Please checkout our article section and the thread on ligaments by myself, which is written from medical sources. You will note that the ligaments do not heal like many think they do, it takes months, sometimes they don't heal fully at all which is what we want with penis enlargement. This myth about the ligaments to the penis becoming super strong from stretching is bollocks and born out of bad knowledge and practice.

Regarding working hard for peanuts afterwards, again poor knowledge from them because even with only extender usage you would hit a plateau one day and need to alter something in order to keep gaining. The body resists change, it hates to change and will do everything it can to prevent modification and as such over time we apply more intensity but with extra rest to account for the workload.

Keep us informed
What Red says about Ligament healing is true. I worked the streets as a Paramedic for 10 years. During that time I injured by back through repetitive stress injury. I got down, very, very bad. 2 years ago, was actually walking with a cane at times. I just Knew it was a disc. Luckily, I went to a neurosurgeon that was also credentialed in orthopedic and sports medicine. He identified the cause of my pain and disability as a Ligament injury. He reminded me of something I had long forgot from my anatomy class. The ligaments have NO circulation. Anything and everything that they get for healing, nourisHydromaxent, etc. comes from the circulation that occurs around them. The healing of a Ligament, can take a very, very long time. For me, it took 14 months, and some invasive therapy. Now, that being said, the ligaments of the spine are Much larger and more involved than those of the penis. But, to re-enforce what he said about Ligament healing--it can take time.
just my 2 cents
tef1;405184 said:
I don't think anything beats a good hard manual stretch. Brief and high intensity!

The idea of course is to do multiple stretches over a time. A total of 30 minutes for example.
Red , i just want to say thank you . that was an exellent discription of the diffrences between the two different types of execises! im very great that you chimed in!
i have a question for you , im presently doing a routien that involes early morning stretching , followed directly by 15 minutes of the Bathmate, and then i wear a tension cord for 4 hours (kind of like an extender but its a cord that attaches to the sock)!
now my question is after i do the stretching should i continue to use the Bathmate or should i go directly into wearing the high tension cord ! the reason i ask is becaus after i use the Bathmate im semi erect so i dont stretch as far as i do when i dont use the Bathmate!
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Hi_I_AM_neW19;405180 said:
The combination is the best....

Short and sweet and totally true.
jekyllnhyde360;405242 said:
Red , i just want to say thank you . that was an exellent discription of the diffrences between the two different types of execises! im very great that you chimed in!
i have a question for you , im presently doing a routien that involes early morning stretching , followed directly by 15 minutes of the Bathmate, and then i wear a tension cord for 4 hours (kind of like an extender but its a cord that attaches to the sock)!
now my question is after i do the stretching should i continue to use the Bathmate or should i go directly into wearing the high tension cord ! the reason i ask is becaus after i use the Bathmate im semi erect so i dont stretch as far as i do when i dont use the Bathmate!

Your welcome. I would go with the high tension cord afterwards because you mention after a Bathmate session you dont have as much stretching potential, so the cord seems best.
boom there it is , thats whats up . thanks for the input always appreciated!
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