
Oct 12, 2015
Hi all, I'm new here but not new to PE.

I got shafted using the Bathmate (pun intended) and the hemosiderin dicoloration is shocking! Never had a permanent problem with a regular pump but the Bathmate really messed up my dick visually :(

So far I've rubbed DMSO on the dark areas with cotton followed by Apple Cider Vinegar Rubbed on straight after, about 5 times a day, letting it air dry in between. I'm one week into treatment and apart from burning off a mole/wart that I didn't realise was there, it has only lightened minimally and seems to have stopped getting any lighter.

Has anyone actually completely removed Bathmate induced discoloration with Apple Cider Vinegar and/or DMSO yet? As in 100% removal without resorting to extreme measures like chemically burning your dick bit by bit using wart remover as per Filmfreaks thread?
Hey MaxR, Welcome to MoS .. :)

The number of times per day you're doing that is shocking. What strength (dilution) of the DMSO are you using? You're on the right track but you can overdo DMSO. It only increases permeabilities so the cells can respirate, and hopefully remodel, more easily. (And adds methylated sulfur to help that). But the cells have a maximum rate of function, even on boosters. Another matter is you need white cell volume through the area to do a lot of the heavy lifting on that and your mix has essentially no control over that. To get that higher you try adding a light heat several times per day (as long as the method of it isn't introducing toxins to the DMSO carrier) , and increase your incidences of erection cycles and massage. Also obviously any additional girth stuff you do during any of this can be counterproductive.

On its own, it can take a couple of years to remove most of such discoloration. One week is no time at all. It can take several weeks to even finish seeing the deeper discoloration that you've already caused. The fastest you should expect is two months, and more like six months probably. Again, unless your mix is very dilute, you might be hampering progress by using it too often. And if it's dilute enough to not be a problem (on skin that sensitive) then it might be too dilute to work properly and you'd get better results with a stronger mix but less applications.

You might like alternating the ACV with nano colloidal iodine. Info about its use with DMSO is all over the web, wont duplicate it here.

Also, the BathMate is historically less likely to cause such discoloration as other advanced girthing methods. What was your routine? ..
Thanks Asanon for the very informative reply!

I'm basically using 99% DMSO diluted 50/50 with the ACV. I do have Lugols Iodine on hand but will have a google of Nano Colloidal Iodine tonight. I've also started to include hot face towel wraps because I gathered that it'll open up the pores and help everything seep in a little deeper...

My routine pre water pumping involved air pumping, manual stretching, Size Genetics stretching and jelqs all spread over a couple of years... the routines evolved over time. During this period of PE I never really had any long term Deep Dick Discoloration, only Post Workout Discoloration from air pumping which was alleviated using rice filled socks thrown in the microwave and used as a heat massage.

The Deep Dick Discoloration only happened recently after just over two months of using the bath mate, which I was using in the shower with hot water for daily 10 minute sessions with rest days on weekends to "keep it clean" for use (spot/bruise free).

I also occasionally performed keggels while inside the bathmate for the last 5 minutes of the routine. This was done with incremental length times of holding the keggel: for example 10 seconds tensed, 10 seconds relaxed and extending the duration longer and longer.

The onset of Deep Dick Discoloration seemed to be very sudden and I can't work out what was different to make it happen. I'm simply putting it down to the continued pressure induced cell bleeding reaching an accumulation thresh-hold and just becoming very obvious in the space of a few days.

I'd love to work out if this is how it happens for most people? Whether it was very gradual or if it appeared all of a sudden (and specifically with which technique/tool)...
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What sucks is that I reached a point where I was sun baking in the sun, really admiring my firm, good looking vascular cock then this happens.

All the hard work and results that were achieved became instantly fouled up... like a punishment from the god of penis vanity!
templnite;669834 said:
^Did you get ddd by dry pumping?

No, never had any Deep Dick Discoloration issues from dry pumping or stretching.

I'm thinking the increased intensity of daily water pumping might be a contributing factor because previously with air pumping I had more rest days... I would always wait till the Post Workout Discoloration went away before pumping again.
Didn't do your firegoat rolls huh? Well at least you have acv with dmso. I feel like its not to be blamed on water as that medium delivers better vacuum, but on intensity which the bathmate has plenty
templnite;669836 said:
Didn't do your firegoat rolls huh? Well at least you have acv with dmso. I feel like its not to be blamed on water as that medium delivers better vacuum, but on intensity which the bathmate has plenty

By intensity of workouts, I meant more often. Should have used the term frequency...

As for water vs air, water definitely controls pressure and expansion on the cock differently to air. It works two ways: The vacuum sucks blood outwards yet the mass of the water presses back against it, so it bleeds out into the skin and accumulates. Perhaps this is why it ends up being more violent compared to air only... air compresses easier so doesn't "push back" on the cock as much under vacuum.

Either way, there was nothing about Firegoat Rolls in the water pump manual, which is what most noobs to water pumping, (myself included) use as directions for use when they first begin to use it!

Prevention through knowledge would have been so nice but I understand that it might freak people out and get in the way of sales which is a shame really.

The info on this site should be essential inclusions in any product instruction manual.
I still think its a pressure thing bro. When I had my air pump I got discoloration sometimes, but that one has nowhere near the power of my xtreme. My manual does say to do five minutes then massage then five minutes, and so on. To watch out for blotches/bruising.
I think FilmFreak deserves a lot of credit on his process of correcting color, the best I have ever seen. Worth looking into his methods.

Here is his progress thread: FILMFREAK progress
doublelongdaddy;669906 said:
I think FilmFreak deserves a lot of credit on his process of correcting color, the best I have ever seen. Worth looking into his methods.

Here is his progress thread: FILMFREAK progress

Yeah his progress is worth looking at and make sure to scan what product he used, he mentions it in the first page.
kyomoto;669933 said:
Yeah his progress is worth looking at and make sure to scan what product he used, he mentions it in the first page.

He made changes as he went on, the whole thread is worthy of a read through to those who are suffering with discoloration.
Ive had really bad discoloration from bm usage, it has gotten better though recently, and i beleive its actually because ive taken up pumping again. What i changed is i have resorted to longer but lighter sessions, with the goal of creating a small amount of water retention to get my skin a bit squishy. After the bm ive done some jelqing and It seems like this have helped to "flush out" most of my discoloration, although i have some left after aproximately 6 months of doing this routine.
fatburger;670761 said:
Ive had really bad discoloration from bm usage, it has gotten better though recently, and i beleive its actually because ive taken up pumping again. What i changed is i have resorted to longer but lighter sessions, with the goal of creating a small amount of water retention to get my skin a bit squishy. After the bm ive done some jelqing and It seems like this have helped to "flush out" most of my discoloration, although i have some left after aproximately 6 months of doing this routine.

Long sessions in the BathMate will result in discoloration. The main reason I came up with the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) workout was to combat this and water retention. Basically it is 5 minutes in the BathMate and 5 minutes SlowSquashJelq and repeat 3 times. These shorter sessions with the SSJ worked in help avoid all of the pitfalls of pumping.
I've now decided to continue with the Bathmate for maintenance while dealing with this discoloration. Basically half the pressure and half the time of what I used to do, with the reasoning being that (just as fatburger mentioned), it may help bring in new blood into the area and perhaps flush out the hemosiderin. Also to prevent gains loss.

As for the current status of the discoloration, it has faded slightly from DMSO and Apple Cider Vinegar use, however the way it's working is basically very gentle peeling/epidermal regeneration on the surface so the deep discoloration is still there. The skin is also becoming patchy in places (I think this is proof of it working).

It has lightened back to pink where some sort of mole, skin tag or wart got burned off in the process. It didn't burn deep, yet the circle where it used to be is now pink/light skin.

Another funny thing is that at some point, my dick rested against my balls while soaked in DSMO+ACV and now there is a lighter patch and tigher skin on that spot which also points to the fact that epidermal regeneration has occured... (and I'll have to treat my whole ball sack as a result!)

And now for the exciting bit: After taking all of the above into consideration I am going to perform the next experiment to quicken up the process, and I know this may excite you DLD. MAGIC ERASER (or the equivalent that I was able to find locally: Balbo - Power Pad)

These micro abrasion pads are supposed to be used with water but I am going one step further. I have ordered a dropper of Retinol (extremely gentle form of Retin-A) and will be dipping the pads in Retinol then sanding my dick!

I'm just waiting for the Retinol to arrive. To Be Continued...
^Way to take charge man high five!
MaxRichards;671179 said:
I've now decided to continue with the Bathmate for maintenance while dealing with this discoloration. Basically half the pressure and half the time of what I used to do, with the reasoning being that (just as fatburger mentioned), it may help bring in new blood into the area and perhaps flush out the hemosiderin. Also to prevent gains loss.

As for the current status of the discoloration, it has faded slightly from DMSO and Apple Cider Vinegar use, however the way it's working is basically very gentle peeling/epidermal regeneration on the surface so the deep discoloration is still there. The skin is also becoming patchy in places (I think this is proof of it working).

It has lightened back to pink where some sort of mole, skin tag or wart got burned off in the process. It didn't burn deep, yet the circle where it used to be is now pink/light skin.

Another funny thing is that at some point, my dick rested against my balls while soaked in DSMO+ACV and now there is a lighter patch and tigher skin on that spot which also points to the fact that epidermal regeneration has occured... (and I'll have to treat my whole ball sack as a result!)

And now for the exciting bit: After taking all of the above into consideration I am going to perform the next experiment to quicken up the process, and I know this may excite you DLD. MAGIC ERASER (or the equivalent that I was able to find locally: Balbo - Power Pad)

These micro abrasion pads are supposed to be used with water but I am going one step further. I have ordered a dropper of Retinol (extremely gentle form of Retin-A) and will be dipping the pads in Retinol then sanding my dick!

I'm just waiting for the Retinol to arrive. To Be Continued...

I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes with adding the power pad and retinol to your discoloration correction program. In theory it seems like it could work. Will be fun to see if it does.
MaxRichards;671179 said:
And now for the exciting bit: After taking all of the above into consideration I am going to perform the next experiment to quicken up the process, and I know this may excite you DLD. MAGIC ERASER (or the equivalent that I was able to find locally: Balbo - Power Pad)

These micro abrasion pads are supposed to be used with water but I am going one step further. I have ordered a dropper of Retinol (extremely gentle form of Retin-A) and will be dipping the pads in Retinol then sanding my dick!

I'm just waiting for the Retinol to arrive. To Be Continued...

If this works for you we will make our own version of the Magic Eraser! I am excited about your experimentation!
Hey MaxR, Welcome to MoS .. :)

The number of times per day you're doing that is shocking. What strength (dilution) of the DMSO are you using? You're on the right track but you can overdo DMSO. It only increases permeabilities so the cells can respirate, and hopefully remodel, more easily. (And adds methylated sulfur to help that). But the cells have a maximum rate of function, even on boosters. Another matter is you need white cell volume through the area to do a lot of the heavy lifting on that and your mix has essentially no control over that. To get that higher you try adding a light heat several times per day (as long as the method of it isn't introducing toxins to the DMSO carrier) , and increase your incidences of erection cycles and massage. Also obviously any additional girth stuff you do during any of this can be counterproductive.

On its own, it can take a couple of years to remove most of such discoloration. One week is no time at all. It can take several weeks to even finish seeing the deeper discoloration that you've already caused. The fastest you should expect is two months, and more like six months probably. Again, unless your mix is very dilute, you might be hampering progress by using it too often. And if it's dilute enough to not be a problem (on skin that sensitive) then it might be too dilute to work properly and you'd get better results with a stronger mix but less applications.

You might like alternating the ACV with nano colloidal iodine. Info about its use with DMSO is all over the web, wont duplicate it here.

Also, the BathMate is historically less likely to cause such discoloration as other advanced girthing methods. What was your routine? ..

Longer time brother. What are your stats now?
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