i can see you are extra concern man.go to an urologist.tell him what are the option.about some surgery.i can inform you really well.but surgery is the last option for the enlargement.visit an urologist and then an endocrinologist.check out your testosterone levels.it ounds to me that you have some micropenis or something like that.you can change things.realize the problem and try to figure out the way.the way could be soemething like the above
1)go to an urologist and talk about your problem and about Penis Enlargement.
2)he will propably go to tell you that it isnt working and that it is dangerous
3)tell him that stretching is like the extenders that doctors give to the patients after a penis enlargement surgery to gain the "main" length from there and that the extenders can be used for non surgical enlargement.
4)go to check you testosterone levels(and DHT LEVELS apart)and the full amount of testosterone(these can be done with a blood examination
5)go to the urologist again and talk about this(or you could go to the urologist after the examinations.maybe you have really low testosterone so when you were in puberty your penis didnt grow well.
6)aks about a therapy with DHT supplement and extender and go to an endocrinologist to aks about a presciption.
7)you could combine DHT supplement with the extender +10 minutes jelqing per day+multivitamins
8)check you testosterones levels every 3 weeks.you dont want to be dangerously high for safety reasons.
9)doctors may say you that DHT supplements work only when puberty but if you have low dht in your blood and maybe some kind of micropenis it can't make you any harm a little dht more.
10)someone a doctor that will care about your problem and will take responsibility to help you.
11)try these things and if you dont gain 1" in length with 0.3" in girth i will cut my foreskin and i will eat it roasted.
confusedman said:
i can see you are extra concern man.go to an urologist.tell him what are the option.about some surgery.i can inform you really well.but surgery is the last option for the enlargement.visit an urologist and then an endocrinologist.check out your testosterone levels.it sounds to me that you have some micropenis or something like that.you can change things.realize the problem and try to figure out the way.the way could be something like the above
1)go to an urologist and talk about your problem and about Penis Enlargement.
2)he will propably go to tell you that it isnt working and that it is dangerous
3)tell him that stretching is like the extenders that doctors give to the patients after a penis enlargement surgery to gain the "main" length from there and that the extenders can be used for non surgical enlargement.
4)go to check you testosterone levels(and DHT LEVELS apart)and the full amount of testosterone(these can be done with a blood examination
5)go to the urologist again and talk about this(or you could go to the urologist after the examinations.maybe you have really low testosterone so when you were in puberty your penis didnt grow well.
6)aks about a therapy with DHT supplement and extender and go to an endocrinologist to aks about a presciption.
7)you could combine DHT supplement with the extender +10 minutes jelqing per day+multivitamins
8)check you testosterones levels every 3 weeks.you dont want to be dangerously high for safety reasons.
9)doctors may say you that DHT supplements work only when puberty but if you have low dht in your blood and maybe some kind of micropenis it can't make you any harm a little dht more.
10)find a doctor who will care about your problem and will take responsibility to help you.
11)try these things and if you dont gain 1" in length with 0.3" in girth in 12-16 months i will cut my foreskin and i will eat it roasted.
He's right. There are studies on using topical DHT to treat micropenis, and it's a very successful treatment. If you're physiologically undeveloped for your genetics, then you will have much more success with Penis Enlargement and gain much more than the normal person. DHT will probably be the extra boost for you.
I started at 4 and a half inches erect , i am currently 6 inches , i was so small it was hard for me to jelq , i had nothing to work with , but the shit works . keep at it you have nothing to lose .... you already have a small penis lol
Before you go wailing to a doctor, which wouldn't be the end of the world, they first off are most likely gonna say that Penis Enlargement does not work, we all are gonna tell you it does.

1) have you checked your LOT?

2)Leaving it in the extended state is pretty crucial ( go with the grip, it already comes with a cool and way comfortable ads system).

3)If your doing to much girth, it might be over working your penis. Also if your working on girth, you honestly aren't gonna see only temporary gains till atleast 6months, but they will come.

Thats about it! still with it, you sound young, you do have time, just have to put in the correct work.
Don't worry, this is all in your head. I'm in a similar position i have ~ 4.75 inch erect. Just stay positive and motivated. Be focused on Penis Enlargementing and try watching a video called the The Secret. It's how you can ask the universe anything you wish.

well mine isn't 4 inches or smaller but I'm still pretty much under average. It's anywhere from 4.6 to 4.8 inches non bone pressed and when I press it right othe bone it's around 5.3 inches sometimes up to 5.5 inches if I'm like maximum aroused.

Length would be good however right now girth is my main concern, since my girth is only 4.1 inches and on top of that my penis is kind of "flat" (shaped like an oval) and not round, so when viewed from the top it looks fine but when viewed from the sides it looks reallllllly thin.

so far I've been dry jelqing and stretching any time my pants are off (like when I'm showering, or going to the bathroom, or changing my clothes) but I haven't noticed any gains to my errect size. My flaccid size seems to be a little bit "meatier" but I could give a rats ass about flaccid size since I'm a grower and not a shower any way.
A penis is ment to be small, see how it grows and then ignoring its former hard glory becomes soft and shrinks again?
A penis is ment to be small, see how it grows and then ignoring its former hard glory becomes soft and shrinks again?

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