
Mar 3, 2012
Seriously, everywhere I look people are complaining about, talking or commenting about the bathmate not giving gains or permanent gains. In almost two months I've gone from 7.75 inches in the pump maxed out at the highest pressure I could keep it, to pretty much the nozzle which is to my understanding 9? Or 9.5? (In the Hercules) girth has gone from at least a centimeter away from the walls to filling the tube to the point I'm almost stuck. After about 12-24 hours, I'm at almost 7.5\just shy of 8. I started at 6.5 inches about six and a half weeks ago. That's almost 3 inches in length in pressurized gain and at least an inch and a half out of the pump 12 hours after. Am I alone here or is anyone else just using the bathmate and getting their inches too? I'm doing about 15-30 minutes a day every day until I feel I should take a day off. I'm interested to know if anyone else has had as positive an experience as I?
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Many have and there are many threads in the BathMate forum to the same degree. BathMate is a great tool and practically everyone uses it as it brings such great gains. The ones who suffer without gaining there is always a reason why and if they come to the Brotherhood with that issue they will solve it.
Just seems like alot of guys aren't seeing much in results or have lots of problems with the device, I see it alot in other forums, and certainly here as well but there are some positive tales. I was just amazed I had almost gained the advertised 2 inches and wanted to hear from some other users if they'd made anything similar. I see a few threads but not so many, also I think my time off from serious PE may have given me an advantage as now I get to make my newbie gains all over again. Also a full Hercules might mean an x40 is in the future? Or should one stay with the current size to help cement gains at that volume?
I've been equally amazed with my X40 and Goliath models, (both modded), but haven't had quite the success that you have...I'm in my 28th month of very consistent and very intense routine. My beginning stats were 6.375" BPEL and 5.375" MSEG, I have an official measurement coming this Thursday but the last time I checked, (it was around 11/10 or so) I was 7.875" BPEL and 6.875" inch and a half for both and my flaccid hang ranges from 4.5" to 6.50" depending on weather/stress/whatever. My hope is for a solid 8" in erect length and I'm fine w/my girth, ultimately I think symmetrically that 9"X7" would look appropriate on my frame, (6'1" and 220#), if I dropped a few LB's then my fatpad would reduce and I'd 'show' a bit larger.
The BM products, (especially when modified) are second to none in my book, and I've recently incorporated The LM to assist in length gains (and I think it's helping, but Thursday will be the tell).
TL/DR: BM products rock!
That's what I'm talking about! An inch and a half, that's wild. Over at pegym, good looking loser, �other PE site� threads and other sites I've seen, alot of people talk about not seeing anything worth mentioning and I just found it hard to believe. But like DLD said, there are always reasons for the lack of growth. (Also love how he almost always responds to any thread) any thoughts on cementing gains? I've heard it's about however long you took to make them is how long you should expect to work to keep them? Or about six months.
Well I'm new to the bm club I'm currently on my second week I was going every day my that messed up my eq so I'm taking it down to 3-4 days a week.

As far as gains my flaccid is seriously 1/2x larger then when I started and it pretty much stays that way all the time now which surprises me because I have not been at it long. I'm also seeing great temp gains and some seem to be staying even without pumping. As for now I quit using my pf and I'm solely using the bm for pe along with stretching and jelqs and kg and rk. I'm praying I see results similar to yours I opted for the extreme model so once I'm conditioned more I'll have the tools at my disposal to really get some good newbie gains hopefully.

One question for you circumcised bm users. Most of us circumcised guys head is kinda rough feeling from the exposure directly to fabric like boxers etc. since starting the bm though it seems as though my head skin is very smooth and the color is even starting to change some like more pink. I'd imagine this is what a uncircumcised guys feels like obviously not quite just saying I'm most definately seeing a change. Anyone else see similar changes? Not complaining I actually am loving that I was just curious if this is common.
definitely noticed that as well, head seems darker in colour but I think that may just be because of the overall discoloration bathmate often causes. I used a bathmate years ago and it discolored my cock pretty noticeably but it faded after a few days or maybe a week or two. I think it's just the massive pump you get from the bathmate increasing the blood flow into the area causing a discoloration.
AndroDick;724163 said:
That's what I'm talking about! An inch and a half, that's wild. Over at pegym, good looking loser, �other PE site� threads and other sites I've seen, alot of people talk about not seeing anything worth mentioning and I just found it hard to believe. But like DLD said, there are always reasons for the lack of growth. (Also love how he almost always responds to any thread) any thoughts on cementing gains? I've heard it's about however long you took to make them is how long you should expect to work to keep them? Or about six months.

PEGym and the other forums have no clue on how to use the equipment they receive. If they took the time to come to the Brotherhood and see how to properly use their BathMate they would make great gains.
I've noticed that my foreskin has been restored, (somewhat) to where it now covers about 25% of my glans...I haven't noticed and textural changes, but I'm definitely a darker shade of tan/brown
That's kind of what I figured, they don't have any endorsements or any kind of affiliation with the products, which is kind of worrying. I see alot of confusion and not alot of practice unlike you see here. Which is why I post in this forum and not elsewhere. Also I've been here as long as I've been doing pe and the knowledge base is just immense. Also just find the environment alot better here, much more positive. Tldr: thanks DLD, would be an inch behind without this place!
AndroDick;724217 said:
That's kind of what I figured, they don't have any endorsements or any kind of affiliation with the products, which is kind of worrying. I see alot of confusion and not alot of practice unlike you see here. Which is why I post in this forum and not elsewhere. Also I've been here as long as I've been doing pe and the knowledge base is just immense. Also just find the environment alot better here, much more positive. Tldr: thanks DLD, would be an inch behind without this place!

I am happy you are here and getting the true information as it should be presented. Others forums have so much going on behind the scenes and their advice seems to coincide with this lack of transparency. We are not always on time with all things but at least every Brother here knows what happens behind the scenes as we make everything public. Transparency is so important in this business as too much can be twisted and used to feed greed instead of helping men.
Thought I would bump this thread just to say how I am having amazing results with my xx30. I literally wish I would have got this thing when it came out. I am geting pretty good length gains so far which I know are mixed with some newbie gains but they have stayed over all my off days and lasted for weeks now and contine to increase little by little. Girth I'm not sure if I have kept all the temp gains as of yet but I know it will come.
smitty2590;724745 said:
Thought I would bump this thread just to say how I am having amazing results with my xx30. I literally wish I would have got this thing when it came out. I am geting pretty good length gains so far which I know are mixed with some newbie gains but they have stayed over all my off days and lasted for weeks now and contine to increase little by little. Girth I'm not sure if I have kept all the temp gains as of yet but I know it will come.

Thanks Smitty, More men need this kind of encouragement. So many are gaining and they should be proud and let us know of the gains. It truly inspired thousands when gains are posted. Remember, millions of people visit this site every month and look towards these victories to give them confidence to succeed also. Always speak the good news or no one will know.
A little off topic, but I figured it was better to ask in an open thread than to start another that already exists somewhere, DLD, or anyone else who knows, bathmate helps a little with curvature correction, but to really attack a curve, I was thinking of either a sizegenetics, or a phallosan, but don't really know what would be best. Erect bends and stretching against the curve are my current practices. I know I could throw jelqing against the curve in as well, but the idea of a clinical device purpose built seems most appealing.
AndroDick;725294 said:
A little off topic, but I figured it was better to ask in an open thread than to start another that already exists somewhere, DLD, or anyone else who knows, bathmate helps a little with curvature correction, but to really attack a curve, I was thinking of either a sizegenetics, or a phallosan, but don't really know what would be best. Erect bends and stretching against the curve are my current practices. I know I could throw jelqing against the curve in as well, but the idea of a clinical device purpose built seems most appealing.

The Phallosan is a better choice than the SG in a few ways. You can where it 24 hours a day, even when you sleep. It is highly concealable and no one will be able to tell you have it on. It is very comfortable and there are many more positions available than a typical extender. Curvature would be corrected using either the Phallosan or the SG, both would do a similar job. I would also add in DLD Bends, these really help with curvature.
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