Allow me to reintroduce myself :)


Apr 25, 2017
Hi Everyone! Good Day!

My profile name is SmallShortDaddy lol and that is for a good reason.
I am not necessarily a newbie here because I was a frequent user of MOS three years ago when I was 19. I was stuck with manual training because I was broke and living with my parents while attending college. My progress was severely hindered due to this along with my motivation. I eventually stopped PE because of unknown reasons. I have no idea as to why I stopped, but it steadily declined over the course of a couple of months as a result of procrastination.
Fast forward a couple of years, after meeting the love of my life, my quest for PE was triggered! I am now motivated than EVER to gain a larger size! Now I have a steady income, so I was able to purchase a lot of equipment that will guide me towards my goal! I did not have this facility as a broke 19-year-old... but now I DO! AND I AM READY TO GAIN.

My current stats are nothing to write home about. My BPEL is about 5inch and my current EG is about 4.25!

My GOAL is not that crazy, I simply want to get it to a BPEL of 6.5inch and an EG of 5inch. Nothing too crazy and I believe this is realistic.

My current equipment

Bathmate Hydromax
Cable Cuffs for clamping

I am still trying to learn how to use all this equipment so that I can maximize gains.

I still have not gotten accustomed to the bathmate, so I'll be experimenting with this to see how I can get the most amount of expansion.
I still have not tried the extender. I have a lot of trouble with it due to my small flaccid size.
I have been getting accustomed to the ADS and I am able to wear it for around 4 hours a day now( been trying this exclusively for about 3 days). Will focus on bringing this to about 8 hours.
I have also been getting accustomed to hanging. Been hanging light weights for around 20 minutes every other day or so.

I still have not started a proper routine because I want to spend about two weeks learning how to effectively use the equipment. Once I have become fully comfortable with the gear, I will start a proper routine,
As for manuals, I plan on doing only manual stretching combined with slow squash jelqs while doing the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine.

Well that is about it! Will be starting a workout log!!

How long do you think it will take for me to get to 6.5 inches in length and 5 inches in girth? Granted that I fully commit and give it my all??

Thanks for coming out and re-introducing yourself I’m always pleased to see brothers coming back to the brotherhood. You have a great deal of equipment that can make this growth happen very quickly. I have a routine already written out that would utilize what you have with some slight changes. Send me an email so I can send you the routine and we can start from there. My email is
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