
Dec 28, 2004
Hi everyone:D

First of all sorry for my english....

I’m new on the board, but not new to Penis Enlargement… I have been Penis Enlargement’ing seriously for about 6 months now…

Penis Enlargement has become my life, and i will try do to what it takes to reach my goal: 8,86 none-bone-pressed-erected-length STANDING UP!! And 6,5 inch girth mid-shaft...

Qeastions down the page....

At the moment i’m about 6,9 (almost 7 =) ) BPenis EnlargementL while sitting down. Standing up i don’t really know, but it’s less, maybe only 6,4 or 6,5... But i have a slight upward curve, so i guess i cold have another 0,2 inch or more in both if i straightened it outh. (i DON’T use a flexible ruler)...
Note: my fat pad is really small, i have a very very low body fat.
My girth is about (WHEN I SQUEEZE THE PC MUSCLE) 5,6 (14,2-14,3 cm) at the middle.. +- a little... The head is about 5,8 (14,7 – 14,8 cm).... It all really depends on the quality of the erection and how hard i can squeeze the pc muscle. Is it a right way to measue while sqeezing the muscle ?? Cause i always do thath while jerking off or when i’m taking a girl... (if not, my middle girth is only about 5,3 + a little, and the head i don’t know... The same with length, it also gets bigger)
I’m VERY healthy, maybe a bit to less sleep sometimes but in excess of that i eat very healthy and overall have a healthy body..
I didn’t really measure before i started, but i guess i gained about 0,2 inc girth (more on the head) and only 0,2 inc lenght... (well i havn’t been stretchin either) in that 6 months of super hard work... I just can’t believe this, cause i really feel like i am bigger!!! Even though i dont fell like i gained.. Damn it’s wierd:S hehe.... LOL...

I startet doing some “supra slammers” i think they're called.... You force blod into you penis and squeze more blood into it, then hold for some time, release, get hard and repeat... Then i began clamping... And the last three months i had been doing wet jelqing for about 1 hour per workout.. When i first startet jelqing i alsp stretched for the first few weeks, but then i dropped it... I feel like it eat my girth
My current routine is about 1 hour wet jelqing, 60-80 % erected followed by some few (0-30 minutes) slow squash jelqing.... (damn you’re pumped after this:p)...
In the start i did it everyday, then every second, then wice a day every second.. (i had 2 months of vacation:p)... After that i think i did it almost everyday or maybe a few off days... Then i tried about two off days a week and now i’m working Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday The other days i’m bodybuilding...
I tried kinda lot, and i feel like the routine i’m doing now is working best for me, especially with the slow squash jelqing after the wet jelqing.... Off-onn days i guess is a good choice too, cause all the days i’m doing my workout i’m also together with a girl later on the day... (wich mean i’m pumped and up to 6” girth)... Now the girl has gotten used to that size, so i can’t stop pumping before taking her... This also means that i always shot after my workout to make sure i don’t get off to quickly together with her.. (you know, 1½ hour �naked people movies� to the workout and mentally only thinking at sex so you can keep an erection makes you a bit wild;)
With “all” these (3) off days, my erection has gotten MUCH better!!! And i really like that... But if anyone tell me everyday workout is best i surely do that....

My problem is that i don’t feel i get that pumped from my jelqing anymore I don’t know why, but it feels like my hands don’t glide as good while jelqing as they did when i started... I use LOTS of vaseline...

I know i’m working hard!! The front of my glans is blue and purple up to one or two days after jelqing... It’s blood that is assempled, you know... Like when you hit your shin with a bat or get kicked... I also get small dots of blood all around the penis and it of course gets dark. (purple), also a few hours later... In excess of that, i also have gotten a lot of stretcHydromaxark (after i began jelqing) on the skin covering the glans. (i’m uncut) and the stretcHydromaxarks even cracked!!!! (Damn it hurt when i was jeqling or having sex with that;) hehe....
My foreskin also gets swollen!! A LOT!!! It looks nasty as hell! It gets so big that i can hardly pull the foreskin back and it also takes a day before that’s normal... It gets seriously huge!!!
I also don’t fucking care about pain... Sorry guys, i know it’s a sign from the body, but that’s the way i am

Now to the questions... I made them like 1,2,3...... So it’s easy to see what you can answer and it’s easy for me and all others to see what you are answering to;)

1 ALCHOHOl: What effect does alchohol have on your gains? Cause i know from bodybuilding and running that it makes you go backwards with your training.. What i gained the last week or two from bodybuilding might be lost if i get very drunk... So, does it also have an effect on Penis Enlargement ??? I really think it have, but i’m not sure... I tried it a few times before, and i felt like i was way smaller the following days... That combined with bodybuilding is the reason why i havn’t gotten drunk and been to a party the last maybe 4+ months.. (and ‘im in my young days with opportunities for lots of parties and such with my friends)

And i would really love to drink at new years eve, so is there anything i can do so it won’t hurt my gains??? Maybe workout Wednesday and make Thursday and Friday as off days??? Any other good ideas?

2 DIET/FOOD: How much does it say what you put in your mouth?? Also here i feel like i don’t heal that good or i’m smaller if i don’t eat much during the day... Does it hurt you gains to eat less than you use so you get less fat or is it only temporary???
I eat very healthy, no cola, cake, candy and definiately not much fat... Insted i drink lots of milk, protein and so on.. I still get som fat though, and eat a bit fish almost everyday...
But will i heal faster/better if i eat more??? Again, like in bodybuilding...

3 STRETCHING: This is an important bastard!!! Will Stretcing help me gain ??? Cause i would really LOVE to gain lenght!!! Will it hurt my girth?? If not, how shall i do it?? What excercices and what routine??? Everyday??? Everyother??? The same days as my current routine???

4 PROTEIN: As i’m bodybuilding i like to eat whey protein as a supplement. This can only help or do nothing to my gains/healing right?

5 CONDOMS: I feel like my ding dong get small while wearing a condom, i use them pretty large so that's not the problem, but i don't think it can be good to have a condom press on your pumped ding dong when it gets smaller... Does it have any effect???

6 BODYBUILDING: What effect does bodybuilding have on Penis Enlargement? Cause now the body also have to heal the muscles, but it also produce a lot of testosterone when you are bodybuilding.. Will any of this have any effect??

7 PLEASE HELP ME MAKE A GOOD ROUTINE: I need to get a very good routine, so i can gain faster and gain in lenght too. If anyone will help me i would really appreciate it since this shit has become my life !!!

I might not be a gainer as it is right now, but i’m a fighter...
Welcome to MOS Fighter,

Thats one helluva massive first post you have, I just skimmed through it (whoever made it through that, I salute you :D)
But I can tell you from experience that i think once you've jelqed for a while you get to your max potential, you wont gain anymore girth without other girth work, but it still pumps you up....take the test, go a few days and jerk off every day then get drunk...that will jog your memory of your past size, and show you that it really does pump you up, and makes you hang.....I jelq everyday for that reason only...

And from all that Diet, alcohol stuff.....and the size of this post, that your worrying too much about other stuff, just live and Penis Enlargement.....

I mean damn if im not mistaken DLD smokes a couple packs of cigs a day,....

And I try to drink a few beer and eat double whoppers with bacon and cheese every day.....
they dont make the Burger King Steak burger in the states do they????.....mmmmm fried onions and barbecue sauce....
Yeah BK kicks ass :D

And now ive gone and made my post retardedly long :D
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