
Staff member
Jun 3, 2003
For all the noobies that weren't around MoS many years ago, allot of people use to come to MoS and bash DLD because they didn't believe his size or his gain claims. These were some of the same people that use to boast Bibs size gains. After all these years, has Bib ever posted any pictures, video or any reputable person verify it?

Peter Rubin a reputable writer for GQ magazine did an article on DLD and flew to his house to verify his size claims. See an excerpt from the article below….

"I became less and less embarrassed and more and more proud as time went on," he says. "I'm still uncomfortable about showing you my penis, but talking about it is easier."

His remarks underscore one of the real reasons I came to visit: verification. After all, pictures can always be doctored; proving your story is increasingly difficult in an age of Photoshop-spawned trompe l'oeil suspicion. Mike was OK with the arrangement, if a little nervous. When he opened the door to greet me, he had said, "Sorry if I'm a little woozy. I took a Viagra before you came so you can get a good measurement."

Three hours later, there's nothing left to talk about. "Moment of truth," he says now with a grin. "Let me just get ready." He walks into the bathroom with Jen. Waiting in the adjacent kitchen, I try not to listen to their soft rustlings. "How do they do this in �naked people movies� movies?" Mike calls out.

A moment passes. He calls me in. He's not satisfied with the partial erection he's managed to raise. He grabs a handful of Vaseline, Jen faces the wall and drops her thong, and I exit with haste. Another moment passes. And another.

"OK -- hurry!"

He is sitting on the toilet, shirt off, shorts around his ankles, red-faced. His right hand holds a ruler and his left ... well, his left hand seems to be choking some otherworldly tentacle. The thing's the size of a paper towel roll, but looks perfectly healthy.

"Check the ruler," he says in a faintly strangled tone. Leaning forward gingerly, I confirm that his bone-pressed penis is indeed 10 and a half inches.

As the blood drains back to the rest of his body, Mike twists his penis over and points to the stretch mark. And, sure enough, it is there, and it is nearly 5 inches long, pink and angry, a symbol of everything a man can aspire to.

The Full Original Story Here
Bib is one that I would love to see proof of but there are some others too that have made huge claims with little to no evidence of the gains made. I remember in my case many have disputed my claims, pictures and videos saying they are fake or edited in some way. The saving grace for me was the authentication by Peter Ruben and GQ Magazine and from there the many media outlets that ran the story. I can tell you this much, not one man in the world has been in as many media outlets with good reviews in this business than me. I just wonder why the same pressure was not applied to people like Bib who claim enormous gains without proof.

I knew going into GQ magazine would prove to the world my size and there would be no disputing it but people still have. �other PE site� had a thread going at one point that tried to tie Peter Ruben to me as a personal friend. Today that is so in the past and I did what I always have done, won:)
I could be wrong but I think your one of the reasons why he hasn't because as soon as you did all the haters came out on force. I don't really doubt bib if he was putting as much time into hanging as he says. Most of the big gainers seem to have gained because of their obsession with making gains and their dedication, time spent every day and their consistent effort. There was a thread on �other PE site� started not to long ago which detailed all the big gainers history. Most of them did very long routines daily.

It's people like them that lets others know what's possible and what must be done to make huge gains over the years. I wish I had more time to pe myself, like I did in college... Damn my laziness, but my saving Grace is tenacity coupled with consistency. I have the rest of my life to get where I want to be and it truly is a marathon and not a sprint.
All Questions about that are blocked by most vets as BIB is untouchable(in other forums..)

His posts are great and he seems legit but we wont know if he really is.

I dont know how much he earns with his hangers and if its worth for him to lie or fake it.

Any photographic measurement can be faked anyway. Fake rulers etc.
So any photo is never 100% proof.
Only with many measurable objects(tools, electronics etc.) in video and photo beside the ruler and dick its 100% proof for me.
dickerschwanz;586965 said:
Any photographic measurement can be faked anyway. Fake rulers etc.

One of the main reasons I was game for an independent party to measure me, I knew pictures and video would never get my gains across, going to GQ and allowing them to come to my home and measure me is what set me apart from the rest of the big gain claimers. I would think that Bib would allow this and he was given opportunity in the GQ interview but now one was willing to be measured but myself. I think I did it more for the belief it would bring to our art more than anything else.

Untouchable in this game means out of touch, I want to be as close to my Brothers as possible and having undisputed evidence was a huge step in the progress of our plight.
Well i dont care if Bib gained as much as he claimed but one thing is for sure. I bought 3 hangers from him, and gained plenty of length following his advices, yeah he takes the time to answer personally every single guy that makes a hanging diary on his forum.I also have before after pictures showing some nice gains, but i will keep those until i have met my final goals.

On the other side because of the hate towards DLD while i was on Thunderss i never really visited or red much on MOS.Until my gains stopped i over trained with clamping etc.

Then i decided to try MOS's methods and i am having gains again.As well as currently i am having girth expansion that i never imagined with the Bathmate x40 extreme + manual routine following the SRT principles and DMSO + PABA.
So for me both Bib and MOS provided great value and i am thankful both.
dickerschwanz- Only with many measurable objects(tools, electronics etc.) in video and photo beside the ruler and dick its 100% proof for me.

These days if someone were more dedicated to being a fake than taking the same dedication to -not- being one, there are technologies readily available which could invalidate almost any object test .. namely "3D Printing" .. even in multiple simultaneous materials .. and web services available using it that are specifically dedicated to making one-off projects for individuals.

With that, someone could make a copy of commonly-known objects .. but at something like a 4/5ths scale (making, say, an 8 inch long remote control into a considerably smaller 6 inch long exact copy) that would then be presumed by the viewer as being normal-sized (8 inches) and therefore giving a false comparison.

I mention this not to democratize it but to warn the board against something which is being wrongly presumed .. that objects will be a true measurement. Years ago, maybe .. but not anymore.

Ultimately what's more important though than peeping some dude's dick .. or getting in the mud to argue about it .. is following good methods from reputable experts. That's why any serious person is here.

It's not the stone age of PE anymore, it's increasingly a specific science and it works if you'll work it. All it takes is learning and dedication. If someone can't apply themselves to that, if they'd rather lie about their state than learn how to better it, that's on them.

And to throw out one more point: using other people's gains, real or false, as a bencHydromaxark is a three-edged sword.

-It can be a positive motivator for good.. hopefully it's that..

-It can be a target that is, in the near-term, a bridge too far .. making you feel bad if your perfectly ok gains aren't going 'fast enough' or 'never will'..

-It can persuade you to gain too much, (a shocking and real eventuality versus people who'd lie about doing PE, or illiterately pontificate about how PE 'can't be done'). Small bumps in size numbers are a big jump in size. Your original target concept might be more than you actually want. Go up a bit at a time and, if possible, use it to see what you, and others, think .. before (without any feedback) you go further than you might need, or even want, to by blindly pursuing someone else's path.. make your own path.

Also on image comparisons, remember that �naked people movies� often uses trick lenses and angles, and tiny chicks with tiny hands and bodies, to give false impressions of a huge size. You're looking at your own penis from 3 feet away compared to the far larger mass of your chest and stomach and hips. Obviously no dick is going to be 3 feet long and 40 to 55 inches around, so comparing it to how it looks against your body (or lost in your hair or fat pad, etc) can give a false impression of 'smallness'. Chicks look at, and deal with, your penis from point-blank range. Big difference. Rarely those �naked people movies� guys go above 7.5 by 5.3 and that's a really easy target at MoS.

(mentioning Bib)

That reminds me of something I meant to ask a few weeks ago in some other thread ... is LOT (loss of tug) still 'a thing' .. or has its purpose been essentially superseded by the more versatile Reverse Kegel?

DLD- Untouchable in this game means out of touch, I want to be as close to my Brothers as possible

Hear, Hear! :)
So basically the answer to this thread is no lol.
Asanon;586993 said:
Also on image comparisons, remember that �naked people movies� often uses trick lenses and angles, and tiny chicks with tiny hands and bodies, to give false impressions of a huge size. You're looking at your own penis from 3 feet away compared to the far larger mass of your chest and stomach and hips. Obviously no dick is going to be 3 feet long and 40 to 55 inches around, so comparing it to how it looks against your body (or lost in your hair or fat pad, etc) can give a false impression of 'smallness'. Chicks look at, and deal with, your penis from point-blank range. Big difference. Rarely those �naked people movies� guys go above 7.5 by 5.3 and that's a really easy target at MoS.

I remember DLD did a study on this. There are allot of tricks used in �naked people movies�. Usually they use wide angle lenses to make asses look fatter/rounder which in turn makes cocks look bigger.
He is a family man and married to the same woman for many years and he is very devoted to her. She is the reason he started hanging and the reason he quit. She doesn't want him posting pics of his penis on the net for anyone to see. Not just anyone is alright with posting pics of their dick on the net or having a guy from a magazine come to their home and watch them measure it. I admire D for doing this, not just anyone can. Most guys couldn't get it hard. He has helped and continues to help countless guys everyday, including myself. Like longstretch said considering the amount of time he put in to hanging he definitely could have made those gains.
One of the main reasons I was game for an independent party to measure me, I knew pictures and video would never get my gains across, going to GQ and allowing them to come to my home and measure me is what set me apart from the rest of the big gain claimers. I would think that Bib would allow this and he was given opportunity in the GQ interview but now one was willing to be measured but myself. I think I did it more for the belief it would bring to our art more than anything else.

Untouchable in this game means out of touch, I want to be as close to my Brothers as possible and having undisputed evidence was a huge step in the progress of our plight.

In other words, you are the only one who proved to everyone that your gains are real and this is how you managed to stand out of the crowd who claimed to have made big gains. I hope to show picture measurement of my girth size once I get to about 6.5 inches in girth.
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