
Jan 23, 2015
Hello just looking for some advice...been using the bathmate X30 for almost a full year and I have to report I have gained 3/4 inch both ways length and girth but I have hit some sort of plateau. I can't seem to get any bigger. I was 6 inches length and 5.2 girth and now I'm 6.75 x 6 ...I don't think I have maxed out the X30 pump yet ...I use the pump 4 days a week for 15-20 min and i will usually jelq a bit befor I pump.Any idea why I can't move forward?
You gotta bring up the intensity. Do things differently. Just like the biceps. If you lift the same weight you eventually won't grow anymore. I suggest you do some more jelqing on the front end of your workouts, get a wine vac mod going to increase you pressures, do the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) SSJ protocol, clamp and edge after and possibly add in some manual stretching before, after or in a separate workout. You could also try to do the BM hardcore stretches. This could be a good way to break your plateau and start bringing some gains.

Took me three years to gain a little more than you did in a year by doing much less. Time to get busy and get intense. Bring up the intensity slowly. Don't add all that shit above all at once. Just pic one you like and run it for 8-16 weeks and start adding other stuff. Seems like you take well to PE, so I'm sure you will be successful and be 8x6 in no time. Good luck. And cheers.
Thank for the advice....my routine is ..I stretch for about 1/2 hour I have a special homemade strap I built and been using 5 lbs weight.I make sure I work it all the way around. Then I take my shower and jelq as a warm up and then apply the bathmate for 15-20 min. After that I put a cock ring for a couple hours.Hows that sound for a good over all work out?
hornet023;632815 said:
Thank for the advice....my routine is ..I stretch for about 1/2 hour I have a special homemade strap I built and been using 5 lbs weight.I make sure I work it all the way around. Then I take my shower and jelq as a warm up and then apply the bathmate for 15-20 min. After that I put a cock ring for a couple hours.Hows that sound for a good over all work out?

It sounds good for the most part but I have some suggestions that will really help you. First of all you can get much more of this your bathmate by following the 5 X 5 X 3 routine. This routine can be found in the SRT thread. The reason this works so well is that is it allows for great tissue expansion and it avoids fluid retention. it can be done with thejelq or the SlowSquashJelq. It would be smart to do for yourself now that you have reached a plateau. When we reach a plateau it becomes important to change up the exercises, have more intensity, for add in something new.
doublelongdaddy;632836 said:
It sounds good for the most part but I have some suggestions that will really help you. First of all you can get much more of this your bathmate by following the 5 X 5 X 3 routine. This routine can be found in the SRT thread. The reason this works so well is that is it allows for great tissue expansion and it avoids fluid retention. it can be done with thejelq or the SlowSquashJelq. It would be smart to do for yourself now that you have reached a plateau. When we reach a plateau it becomes important to change up the exercises, have more intensity, for add in something new.

I think maybe every month we should switch exercises, working one month 5x5x3 (SSJ) and one month 5x5x3 (jelq, mini slammers), I know I'm gonna work that way for two months, then we'll see what's gonna happen
switching exercises monthly,well that can be possible whit the bathmate...
Those are some nice gains for just jelqs and a bathmate. My first thought is try a session morning and night and try a loose ring all day. Retains the pump and gives you a nice hang. Otherwise a few things I might tell myself to do in your position...

I'm a bit of a broken record with this but you could try edging with a cock ring. I'm assuming you watch �naked people movies� to some degree, so it wouldn't be anything extraordinary to turn that into a plateau busting routine.

I'd absolutely recommend caution if the most intense work you do is jelqs and bathmate. Start with five minutes on, five minutes off, for a half hour. As you get used to it try upping the percentage of time on. I go anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes on and 5 off. I go longer occasionally, but more than 20 at a time is injury zone.

For length it's just time to start the manual work. Do a few stretches every time you go to the bathroom and try out a set daily length routine. The dld newbie routine has done wonders for many. I'd say at least give that a try.

And do a bazillion kegals. Kegals are the special sauce on the big Mac of pe. It's not the beef, but it will make the whole thing a whole lot better. If you change nothing else, try kegals for a week. Maybe 500 a day. They make all the difference.

And of course you should go about this step by step. Don't do a half hour edging session, bathmate session, dld routine, and several minutes of stretches when you go to the bathroom. You'll kill your junk. The options are limitless. Just try the search bar and see what's out there.
Perestroyka;632930 said:
I think maybe every month we should switch exercises, working one month 5x5x3 (SSJ) and one month 5x5x3 (jelq, mini slammers), I know I'm gonna work that way for two months, then we'll see what's gonna happen

Mixing things up can be a great way to keep the penis growing. The penis will become used to any one exercise but when we keep the penis guessing by switching things up we can see some great gains. I would say stick with a routine until gains slow before jumping into another.
Hello just looking for some advice...been using the bathmate X30 for almost a full year and I have to report I have gained 3/4 inch both ways length and girth but I have hit some sort of plateau. I can't seem to get any bigger. I was 6 inches length and 5.2 girth and now I'm 6.75 x 6 ...I don't think I have maxed out the X30 pump yet ...I use the pump 4 days a week for 15-20 min and i will usually jelq a bit befor I pump.Any idea why I can't move forward?

When you are pumping, you must increase pressure as you progress further. I see many people say they hit a plateau with pumping. That's because those people pump at same level of pressure.

The MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System is the best pump because, it comes with a gauge. You can see what pressure you are using.
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