
Aug 10, 2006
My m8s 16 turning 17 soon, and he has just begun a course of anabolic steroids testosterone and will within a month be starting a course of Human Growth Hormone. Is it likely that this will aid the development of his penis? Would it aid any Penis Enlargement efforts he might undertake, perhaps using the chemical Penis Enlargement method descibed in these forums, where a vasolidator is used regulary with a potnesiator PABA which he is also about to use to treat an injury on his penis. Would regular sex be a good thing? He has a grilfriend of almost a year and has potensial to have sex as often as he wants. Or would some restright be needed to allow any penis gorwth to take place?

He is also going to be taking durgs to lower his prolactin and estorgen levels, the cabergoline should privde an almost zero refractory time after ejaculation(damn his girls gonna be sore) and the arimidex should prevent any bone plate fusal thus this cycle of drugs will improove his adult hieght quite dramtically is he cycle the gorwth hormone for long enuough.

What are your thoughts on his effort?
Is he under a physician's care? If not he WILL wind up in serious trouble. This is not creatine, it is VERY serious. There's no real way to tell what it will do to his development because there isn't much info on it. There WILL be changes but whether they are positive or negative remains to be seen. You should do your best to talk him out of it if this is self-medication.
I just hope he knows what he is doing. If he is trying to grow his penis by taking steroids he is nuts. If he is doing it to gain mass, I hope he eats right and trains like an animal or his gains will disapear faster than they appeared when he cycles off.
He is a bodybuilder however, only been training 1 year and yes he is under doctor supervision, by an endocrinologist. Does anyone know enough about biology/physiology to tell me if these drugs will aid Penis Enlargement effort, if so, i woulld advise him, with whatever advise you guys can give me. Perhaps popping a viagra b4 he goes bed, this might mimic the actions of naturla penis gorwth, where a series of strogn erections promote rmapants gorwth and him being at an adolescent age with pubertal hormones artificially enhanced to inhuman levels, woulding popping viagra do any damage.
Another question if regualr adoloescent kids where to take a lil viagra b4 bed would it perhaps trigger growth?
I find it a little odd that you seem to know so much about this "m8" of yours. Are you his "Penis Enlargement Coach" too? ?:(
I caught him at it lol, i was like bruv whats that fing hangin off your dick?
in any case dlds gotta be around, what ya fink big D?
It may help him with Penis Enlargement... since he's still growing the hormones can definitely potentiate gains from manual Penis Enlargement. He's under a doctor's care so if his endocrine system gets screwed up, it's on the doctor...
Dude, wtf ??!!

I have spent years researching AAS sides and i must say i'm quite informed at a deep level on steroid health impact on Humans.

The first thing that will happen to "your friend" is his bone plates will shut down and he will no longer grow in height. Not even mentioning liver toxins, kidney impairment, heart growth ( BAD ), jaundice, Carpet tunnel syndrome, abnormal bone formation and irregular bone growth as in the jaw, elbows, fingers etc all growing unevenly and deforming the body just from the growth hormone alone. T-cells die ( they protect us from cancer ) etc etc etc and this is just a bit of the trouble you/he/anyone might find ahead.

I am NOT AGAINST AAS, i plan on using them myself some time but i will never agree to a person who isn't even finished growing ( tall wise ) to take them. That is certainly bad news if he goes ahead with it. Please tell him to do some research on growth hormone and testosterone supplementation side effects and he will see for himself how he will pay dearly with his own health by taking this "shortcut".

To start with he will have a very hard time gaining muscle naturaly after he starts on steroids. There is no way back once you go "in" the chemical road.


I have much to add (post it later today) as my son is just hitting puberty and I have been researching a lot of information around this topic.
What would someone say to that: fearing his son might have growth inhibited potentioal, cuz his dad was small framed. At what age would you introduce HGH, as a sure plan that, he would grow, where his father lacked. ?:(
8InchMIKE said:
Dude, wtf ??!!

I have spent years researching AAS sides and i must say i'm quite informed at a deep level on steroid health impact on Humans.

The first thing that will happen to "your friend" is his bone plates will shut down and he will no longer grow in height. Not even mentioning liver toxins, kidney impairment, heart growth ( BAD ), jaundice, Carpet tunnel syndrome, abnormal bone formation and irregular bone growth as in the jaw, elbows, fingers etc all growing unevenly and deforming the body just from the growth hormone alone. T-cells die ( they protect us from cancer ) etc etc etc and this is just a bit of the trouble you/he/anyone might find ahead.

I am NOT AGAINST AAS, i plan on using them myself some time but i will never agree to a person who isn't even finished growing ( tall wise ) to take them. That is certainly bad news if he goes ahead with it. Please tell him to do some research on growth hormone and testosterone supplementation side effects and he will see for himself how he will pay dearly with his own health by taking this "shortcut".

To start with he will have a very hard time gaining muscle naturaly after he starts on steroids. There is no way back once you go "in" the chemical road.


The sides that you list are all possible but in most cases do not exert themselves (i've known enough high school athletes on steroids). I agree that the guy is way too young to be injecting hormoes into his body but HE IS UNDER A DOCTOR'S CARE. As far as bone plates closing... that is due to estrogen and the guy will be taking an aromatase inhibitor so i doubt that his growth plates will close down real quick.
blackice said:
What would someone say to that: fearing his son might have growth inhibited potentioal, cuz his dad was small framed. At what age would you introduce HGH, as a sure plan that, he would grow, where his father lacked. ?:(

To difficult to determine, at this point, as far as science is concerned. Genetic engineering in living things, a process that now only exists pre-birth, would be the only possible way to correct or change things like bone structure, height, hair color, eyes color, sex, etc. After birth, although there are ways to change our bodies on a small scale (ie, penis size, muscle mass even dying your hair) can not change the make up of our DNA. Someday, maybe, but some would see that as playing God...the very thing that inhibits scientific progress.
na I'm not so worried about height, I will always look like a kid, but to be honest the size of my hands dude! I seriously g-fucked in this department, in some of my classes, a majority of the girls hands are mysize, some even bigger. We all know how important that shit is for girls, but to be truthful, It really doesn't bothr me that much, I would be fearfull to have a kid and know his hands are gonna be smaller than mine, if thats the case.... I probably shouldn't have kids. To bad theirs not a way to make them bigger, ya heard! To be honest, I know about growth hormones, by that time, its science. It's just to bad for me!
blackice said:
na I'm not so worried about height, I will always look like a kid, but to be honest the size of my hands dude! I seriously g-fucked in this department, in some of my classes, a majority of the girls hands are mysize, some even bigger. We all know how important that shit is for girls, but to be truthful, It really doesn't bothr me that much, I would be fearfull to have a kid and know his hands are gonna be smaller than mine, if thats the case.... I probably shouldn't have kids. To bad theirs not a way to make them bigger, ya heard! To be honest, I know about growth hormones, by that time, its science. It's just to bad for me!
That's a ridiculous limiting belief. I have really small hands, too, and it doesn't affect my life at all. I pull hot girls all the time and I don't think my hands have gotten any attention in my entire life.
smileyguy said:
My m8s 16 turning 17 soon, and he has just begun a course of anabolic steroids testosterone and will within a month be starting a course of Human Growth Hormone. Is it likely that this will aid the development of his penis? Would it aid any Penis Enlargement efforts he might undertake, perhaps using the chemical Penis Enlargement method descibed in these forums, where a vasolidator is used regulary with a potnesiator PABA which he is also about to use to treat an injury on his penis. Would regular sex be a good thing? He has a grilfriend of almost a year and has potensial to have sex as often as he wants. Or would some restright be needed to allow any penis gorwth to take place?

He is also going to be taking durgs to lower his prolactin and estorgen levels, the cabergoline should privde an almost zero refractory time after ejaculation(damn his girls gonna be sore) and the arimidex should prevent any bone plate fusal thus this cycle of drugs will improove his adult hieght quite dramtically is he cycle the gorwth hormone for long enuough.

What are your thoughts on his effort?

I was wondering if Pe exercises limit natural potnesial growth, if sothen maybe it's best to see what growth can be achived with the hgh and test then cycle again using pe exercises? But is regualr sex good for penis growth? If you prolong orgasm regularily?
sikdogg said:
The sides that you list are all possible but in most cases do not exert themselves (i've known enough high school athletes on steroids). I agree that the guy is way too young to be injecting hormoes into his body but HE IS UNDER A DOCTOR'S CARE. As far as bone plates closing... that is due to estrogen and the guy will be taking an aromatase inhibitor so i doubt that his growth plates will close down real quick.

Look sikdog i know what you are trying to say here, i find steroids safe when used properly, the problem is that MOST DUDES DO NOT DO IT PROPenis EnlargementRLY.
We all know ower share of kids that have done this stupid thing or that stupid thing. I just can't help to feel that the even the tinyest of possibilities that these effects do exert themselves is enought to raise a red flag on some kid injecting HGH and AAS into his body hopping nothing goes wrong. Would you advise it to a family member of yours with a clear conscience?

Winny was removed from the Brasilien market after some doc prescribed it to a 8yo kid who stoped growing and will never ever grow again cause the bone plates shut down. It is banned still. One in a million? yes. Could it be your kid? also yes.

I'm no priest and no saint but kids??!!! Please stay away...

P.s. Doctor or no doctor, i stand by this. Doctors don't know the very first thing when it comes to steroids, growth hormones and dyuretics and other stuff applied to muscle hypertrophy or shedding fat. My own father is an MD and he DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE how the whole thing works. Granted it's not his area of expertize but in all those years studying he had a 6 month course on AAS in almost 16 years of med school.


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I find it hard to believe that you could find a doctor who would be willing to monitor a 16 year old boy taking aas/growth for bodybuilding purposes.
prince Albert said:
I find it hard to believe that you could find a doctor who would be willing to monitor a 16 year old boy taking aas/growth for bodybuilding purposes.


Only two cases that i can think of:

1- Hormone replacement therapy for chemical inbalances.
2- Muscle wasting desiese of some kind.
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