LOL I can imagine, I know how that slippage feels from an extender. But I never tried to wear it in public, however the PF is trully designed for this. Glad you were able to diffuse the situation but is this something that happens constantly with that device? I was looking into it but now idk.....
Always tie a string to your extenders! Anchor it at the belt. Over hours an extender can lose intensity and if it looses enough you run the risk of the device falling to the ground. 2 things that all extender users should do, always toe a string to the device so if it comes loose it does not fall, next, check tension every now and again to be sure all is nice and secure.
iGrowSteady;739111 said:
@DLD – Yep, great advice of course! You’d think with the trouble \ time it takes to use one, even if you have it down to a science, this would be natural. I guess I’m lucky enough that it doesn’t happen often. Even when it did, when I had it less sciency and all that, I was always able to get somewhere to redo things before anything would fall down my pants.

Yeah, I have only heard of this happening a half dozen times, not a usual situation. But, it can be embarrassing when it does happen.
iGrowSteady;739111 said:
@rocky1243 – Yep, there’s no mistaking that sinking feeling, or rather that pulling feeling, when you’re coming undone \ out of your device XYorZ… Private is just a nuisance, public is a friggin crisis! But yeah, I’m hard mister cool or calm and collected, but just at this point in my life and with my goals \ motivations, I didn’t make a big deal.

Now to answer your question, the PF is a good bit on the pricey side for sure. BUT, they helped me out in two big ways… One is that when a part goes to shit, and they do, they’re pretty good with replacements. (Considering the price, that’s a great thing.) However the second best thing about the PF, and any device like it, is because of it’s passivity, it got me back on track in a big way when it came to PEing.

The post search function is a bit wonky on MOS; which is to say it’s hard to go through your post history or someone else’s, last I checked at least. But I’ve been here for years now and have had PE on the brain for that time as well. I went back and fourth, stopped and started, all that shit. Well when I finally invested in the PF, having a passive device dedicated to PE, that started me down the road of consistency, something anyone here will tell you is a game changer.

Now using it alone I don’t think it’ll do much, despite their own hype naturally. However, coupled with other exercises or devices that you may have put off doing or buying, it’ll be hard not to see changes in the positive, small or big. Mine aren’t earth shattering by any means, and it’s taken years, but I’m definitely bigger than I was, LXG, and find a renewed confidence in my dick that I didn’t have before. I have yet to really enjoy that confidence with the fairer gender, but that’s a whole other thing!

So how’s that for an answer!? The short is, their condom \ sleeve sucks ass, so I had to go aftermarket and use those blue silicone sleeves that are FAR easier to work with. They don’t last forever, especially if you use it daily, as they break down and either lose elasticity and or begin to breach, so along with that if you’re not hard enough and or have a good seal, chances are you will have decompression and then slippage.

@Big Schwanz Acht – Ha, honestly, if I was caught dead to rights by the people I was with or strangers, I’d probably shrug it off and not say anything, make a joke, or come up with a lie… I’ve thought about saying it’s something related to an injury of some sort, but haven’t quite refined the details yet.

@DLD – Yep, great advice of course! You’d think with the trouble \ time it takes to use one, even if you have it down to a science, this would be natural. I guess I’m lucky enough that it doesn’t happen often. Even when it did, when I had it less sciency and all that, I was always able to get somewhere to redo things before anything would fall down my pants.

I appreciate your thorough review, Ive been contemplating the PF after the failed attempt to wear the size genetics in public. The PF just seems to be more geared towards all day stretching, but yeah it is a little scary that even this device failed you because I wouldve thought it would be pretty much fail safe. It looks like it is way easier to conceal than an extender and thats what is most attractive to me other than the fact that since it hold with a suction cup you dont need to be taking it off every hour, however I wear skinny jeans which would probably be out of the question even with this device.
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I have not been brave enough to wear the SG in public yet but just the other day I was wearing it while cooking and the family was gathered around the kitchen as usual when I felt it start to lose grip. I had to calmly hold it and excuse myself to the bathroom. The wife knew what was going on but the others were none the wiser.
Lookn4girth;739537 said:
I have not been brave enough to wear the SG in public yet but just the other day I was wearing it while cooking and the family was gathered around the kitchen as usual when I felt it start to lose grip. I had to calmly hold it and excuse myself to the bathroom. The wife knew what was going on but the others were none the wiser.

lol, close one! Tie a string to it and attach to a belt loop and it will never drop.
doublelongdaddy;739712 said:
lol, close one! Tie a string to it and attach to a belt loop and it will never drop.

Loose gym shorts with no belt loop, I will come up with a remedy for the problem
Big Schwanz Acht;739899 said:
'safety pin' ~ Mcgyver

Safety pins never seemed so safe to me :)

iGrowSteady;741061 said:
@DLD – Oh for sure, but when it’s happening you can either make it a thing or not.

What do you mean my Brother?
iGrowSteady;744169 said:
@DLD - Geeze, where the frig does the time go?! So I meant that you can either make it all awkward, freak out, or just deal and move on. This is the closest example I've come to getting "caught." I just have to come up with some canned or prepared responses instead of; "Oh, that's something."

Oh, I got you! Those brain cells just not working the way they used to! :)
iGrowSteady;744703 said:
@DLD - Dude who the hell knows anymore... And I'm not even that old!

I am old and I also use Cannabis so these are definitely getting rid of those pesky brain cells :) Got too many as it is!
There was a time when I was using the SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender extender back in 2013. My elder sister came visiting. Something happened and she called me to her room. I was having the SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender on me. It was very visible in my trousers. She saw the bulge. I was very embarrassed. That's why I take off my bandage whenever I'm stepping out. I can't allow that happen anymore.
I used size Dr a few times took the dog out for a walk one morning no problems! about 30mins I was having a chat with a couple of old ladies (dogs playing) and fuck me Something started to burn! Foreskin I think… right there and then I just had to turn my back put my hands downs my trouser and rip the lot off… I stuck it in my pocket said excuse me and walked off I’ve avoided them ever since!
Hence I just wrap now 😂
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