
Mar 20, 2013
Hi i am 6.25in Long and 5.25 in Girth, Has been using Bathmate, And the Extender, Only that everyday for 6 months and have not seen any good results, can anyone give me advice? DO i have to do Penis Enlargement for results? Do i have to warm up before putting the extender? or do i have to train less. I train 6 days, Only rest sundays. Please give me advice or a Routine because i am getting tired and very frustrated of seeing no results.. View attachment 26963


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What is your exact routine? It is hard to advise without knowing specifics, thank you.
I use The Penis extender for 6-8 Hpurs a day, And always Use Bathmate between 15-25 minutes at night, 6 Days a week. No Penis Enlargement. Nothing more, Thanks for the reply and expect a response from the expert, :)
Are you using the penis extender correctly? Not that i want to put you down or anything, but i only use the extender for 1 hour a day and i've noticed gains along with my jelquing and stretching routine.
Hi, Thanks forf the reply! I dont know how to explain how to use it.. But i try to pull the most possible.. Maybe i can show a picture to show how i use it, maybe i should start doing exercises.. tell me if that can help! thanks
No adding bars.. How i meausure the tension used??
i try to extend at the most possible, Thanks!
Hi thanks for the reply! I will start Penis Enlargement today.. What is SG amd UJS?? i buyed the cock ring, how much time i have to use the ring? Thanks again
Ok i will do that..Thanks for all the info! Do you recommend suplements too?? i was thinking in buying the MAX SIZE pills, do they work?
Get l-arginine and gensing and up your intensity!!!!! Wear the SG for 12 hours and Bathmate 60 min a day split up. Add in manuel stretches and girth workouts throughout the day with a big forty minute workout before bed manuelly. Do this and see gains promise!!!
the notches you see on the base rods indicate the tension setting...the notch closest to the base indicates 1500g with 1200 being the middle and 900 being the most distal...hope this helps...also try wearing it comfortably before uping the tension. for me the SG was a STEEP learning curve. I almost gave it up but finally figured a way to stay in it and am finally adding rods to keep the tension between 1200 and 900g. i think this is a good way to use it...set it at 900 then when your penis stretches adjust the screws to regain 900g....repeat...but it takes time.
Well I got great gains using only the extender, I only knew about this method before, then got a little more joining my routine exercises the manuals. My advice if you want to make real gains with the use of the extender are: search gradually get used with a voltage maxima, then gradually increase the hours of use until you reach at least 12 hours a day! guarantee and the intervals of rest with a good massage to your pau.Se possible to initiate sessions with heating pad or hot towel kind of heat. now I'm more focused on thick so I have done nothing to make the length more than a year . I kept my earnings gains with the key to the extender is patience, use 12 hours a day, observe the withdrawal period otherwise you will be one to give up the use of the extender without having won, I also made use of supplements like ginkgo biloba 80mg and chestnut india to increase blood flow and strengthen the veins and arteries and capillaries, think helped the 2 twice daily tablet cada.Veja in my posts can be something that can help more.
Well I got great gains using only the extender, I only knew about this method before, then got a little more joining my routine exercises the manuals. My advice if you want to make real gains with the use of the extender are: search gradually get used with a voltage maxima, then gradually increase the hours of use until you reach at least 12 hours a day! guarantee and the intervals of rest with a good massage to your pau.Se possible to initiate sessions with heating pad or hot towel kind of heat. now I'm more focused on thick so I have done nothing to make the length more than a year . I kept my earnings gains with the key to the extender is patience, use 12 hours a day, observe the withdrawal period otherwise you will be one to give up the use of the extender without having won, I also made use of supplements like ginkgo biloba 80mg and chestnut india to increase blood flow and strengthen the veins and arteries and capillaries, think helped the 2 twice daily tablet cada.Veja in my posts can be something that can help more.
View attachment 26993The key is discipline that my picture is proof, long hours and months of usage, voltage and maximum supportable course respecting the time to take the extender and get used to gradually increase the tension and length of use. I guarantee that within 3 months you will have already won.


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erick7777;539420 said:
I use The Penis extender for 6-8 Hpurs a day, And always Use Bathmate between 15-25 minutes at night, 6 Days a week. No Penis Enlargement. Nothing more, Thanks for the reply and expect a response from the expert, :)

OK, first of all you are making a valiant effort and I feel bad that you are not seeing that which you desire. Lets look at you routine and figure what we can do to adjust it, making it productive and fruitful. 8 hours in an extender is a good practice in theory but it is how we spend this time that really matters. Intensity needs to be as such that after 30-45 minutes, you NEED to remove it and return circulation because of the intensity of that time. So I am looking for you to get to a point of stretch that brings an intensity that causes the need to take off. This is first for the reason of breaking down tissue and causing the actual enlargement but also to take advantage of the times you are in between sets. This time, lets say 3-5 minutes, can really be quantitative in gaining size when a quick set of manual, angular stretches are performed. These serve to make additional gains from angles you may not be hitting with the extender and also, help return good circulation. This way of training, as advocated by SRT, is indeed a productive method of rapid gains. We should also mention that you Extender can also be used to HEAL. The times you are not training, you can wear the SizeGenetics at a lower tension to heal. In your current routine of 8 hours a day I would suggest a reduction in time...maybe 4 hours a day, but use my method of instruction above. This will take less time but will bring gains more rapidly.

Next, lets look at the girth work. The Bathmate is a great tool for adding girth quickly but it should be noted that the methods contained in SRT use the hydropumps at their best by the enforcement of super-sets. Your 20 minutes spent in the Bathmate is not the wisest use. For a greater understanding of what I am posting please read the entirety of SRT but, training for 30 minutes in girth work can be most beneficial when the time is broken down into super-sets. In this case, using the Bathmate for 5 minutes then using the Slow Squash Jelq for 5 minutes and then repeating this 3 times has brought girth gains faster than any other method to date.

I feel that if you make these changes you will see gains as quickly as a week. Change over, start to practice and post to me next Sunday and I guaranty there will be gains!
doublelongdaddy;539826 said:
OK, first of all you are making a valiant effort and I feel bad that you are not seeing that which you desire. Lets look at you routine and figure what we can do to adjust it, making it productive and fruitful. 8 hours in an extender is a good practice in theory but it is how we spend this time that really matters. Intensity needs to be as such that after 30-45 minutes, you NEED to remove it and return circulation because of the intensity of that time. So I am looking for you to get to a point of stretch that brings an intensity that causes the need to take off. This is first for the reason of breaking down tissue and causing the actual enlargement but also to take advantage of the times you are in between sets. This of course only if he will only use the extender uploaded some more exercises, more in any case the plateau will emerge, in my case I had to go on increasing the hours of use then was finally coming 12 hours or more to dia.Se he most will use some other tactics together, I believe that less use time more with a good tension will give a good result. This time, lets say 3-5 minutes, can really be quantitative in gaining size when a quick set of manual, angular stretches are performed. These serve to make additional gains from angles you may not be hitting with the extender and also, help return good circulation. This way of training, as advocated by SRT, is indeed a productive method of rapid gains. We should also mention that you Extender can also be used to HEAL. The times you are not training, you can wear the SizeGenetics at a lower tension to heal. In your current routine of 8 hours a day I would suggest a reduction in time...maybe 4 hours a day, but use my method of instruction above. This will take less time but will bring gains more rapidly.

Next, lets look at the girth work. The Bathmate is a great tool for adding girth quickly but it should be noted that the methods contained in SRT use the hydropumps at their best by the enforcement of super-sets. Your 20 minutes spent in the Bathmate is not the wisest use. For a greater understanding of what I am posting please read the entirety of SRT but, training for 30 minutes in girth work can be most beneficial when the time is broken down into super-sets. In this case, using the Bathmate for 5 minutes then using the Slow Squash Jelq for 5 minutes and then repeating this 3 times has brought girth gains faster than any other method to date.

I feel that if you make these changes you will see gains as quickly as a week. Change over, start to practice and post to me next Sunday and I guaranty there will be gains!
This of course only if he will only use the extender uploaded some more exercises, more in any case the plateau will emerge, in my case I had to go on increasing the hours of use then was finally coming 12 hours or more to dia.Se he most will use some other tactics together, believe quea routine proposed by dld use less with a good tension will give a good result.
Hi i am 6.25in Long and 5.25 in Girth, Has been using Bathmate, And the Extender, Only that everyday for 6 months and have not seen any good results, can anyone give me advice? DO i have to do Penis Enlargement for results? Do i have to warm up before putting the extender? or do i have to train less. I train 6 days, Only rest sundays. Please give me advice or a Routine because i am getting tired and very frustrated of seeing no results.. View attachment 26963

I suggest you buy the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and switch over to doing only bundled stretches with it. Stop girth work for now and focus on using only the LengthMaster doing bundled stretches only. The gains you seek will come if you can do this.
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