
May 18, 2004
Exactly what the title says. Been clamping for a month str8, no results. Clamped for 3 days a week 60 mins a session when school started, no gains. Dld's girth gains.......jelqing, minimal gains. I dont think my penis is affected by girth workouts. ONly length.
I know how you feel. But I haven't seen a girth gain for about 8+ months :p. I think some guys just need to put more time into girth. Have you tried an everyday or every other day kind of schedule without fail? I think something like that would help both you and I but I just can't find the time lately :blush:. I'd really like to see some girth slapped on my guy too before Christmas, would be the best present of all. But other than upping the frequency of your workouts I can only see upping the intensity of your current one's until you see gains. Good luck!
You could always try 2X a day which is what I do. It keeps the tunica very fatigued and I've noticed very good results...
The only way I have seen girth gains is a nearly every-day schedule. I take one day off per week at most. I also do at least a 40 minute session.
I think doing girth only a few times a week lets the chambers retract to the normal size. If ya keep expanding them everyday then they should keep getting bigger. Just my thoughts.
I agree that you should go more often than 3X a week, try 5-6. Also, I think that maybe you should stick with your program for a minimum of 2-3 months. You have tried everything in the process of the last few months and haven't stuck with ANYthing. Try being consistent and remember, ya gotta believe!
try slow dry 1 min jelques,do em in every angle u can think of it works for me.Also after one of these types of milking,try to to edge and hot wrap afterwards
quijjiboo said:
You could always try 2X a day which is what I do. It keeps the tunica very fatigued and I've noticed very good results...

have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and have seen very nice results as well, do it after school and after work or before bed...nice stuff indeed.

20min 2x times a day. :)
Yo, bro I've only been clamping for like 2-3 weeks and ive seen .25-.5 inches in gain. Mainly in the past few days I finally found a routine that i feel good doing. Keep in mind I dont do any length work. So no stretching or anything. I start off looking at some �naked people movies� getting hard, and then i'll clamp it with the cable clamp for 1 min or so. I cant keep my dick erect for that long for some reason so I have to do lots of reps basically of clamping. Ill flex my PC muscle sometimes while in the clamp basically anything to make my penis feel a bit strained. Ill do this for like 15 min or so. Now since using the cable clamp I figured out how to use my hand effectivly as a clamp. So Ill get an erection 100% grab near the base and push up till about midshaft. Now assuming you're clamping with your right hand i take my left index and thumb and squeeze on the right knucles of my index and thumb which helps me keep a nice tight grip. Kinda feel it out see if you can push up more or not. At this point my girth is higher than it ever is. Its pretty much like an intese supra slammer. Ill hold this for 30 seconds or so. I'll do a few of these and after I feel like I've done enough clamping I move on to Jelqs. Ill usually hit up about 500 jelqs are 90-100% erection 5 sets of 100. After that usually im so worked up i have to release the beasts, but sometimes I have enough will power not to. The main thing really is Im finally starting to get comforatble with Penis Enlargementing. I should have figured it out before hand. Ive been lifting weights and working out for years now, and when I first started it took me a few years to really learn my body, know what works and what doesnt. Also I dont even follow any plan when I lift. I have a goal of like say 8-10 reps, if i hit it fine, if not I dont. My ultimate goal is to work muscles until failure, becuase thats how you grow. So I bascially do what I need to do to make my body grow. Same thing with Penis Enlargement. I dont follow any rep sceme or clamp for so long etc etc. Really the goal is just to learn your penis, you can feel and know when its been worked enough. Train hard, but dont go overboard. Sorry this turned into a nonorganized rant. If anyone wants me to be more clear and organized about my girth routine just let me know.
First 2-3 weeks of clamping i was only doing 1 20 minute session a day. Then I begun upping it slightly to 40 mins. By august 30th, i went back to school and didn't really clamp for a week. FOr the last 2 weeks, I've been doing 3 60 minute sessions a week. I dont really have time for anything else. I know for a fact that I'm not doing enough to expect results. But From august 3rd - August 29th I was clamping as a noob and didn't see results. 2 months before that I saw very few results in the girth department but around .75 in length. Maybe I should quit bitching and do a month long hardcore girth routine in the winter.
TimBo755 said:
have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and have seen very nice results as well, do it after school and after work or before bed...nice stuff indeed.

20min 2x times a day. :)
That's awesome! Do you notice that the tunica is very fatigued for every workout? It seems very easy to expand with this frequent training, not to mention it's nice to be pumped 24/7 hehe
uhh yeah, never take time off of girth routines..just a word from the wise..or those who have experienced it already. Take maybe 1 day a week off from girth, you say you don't have time because of school? Try to do clamping after school then again before bed, I always seem to find time this way and I have school, part-time job and girlfriend.. trust me 2x sets of 20min works, quijjiboo told me about this before too..
TimBo755 said:
uhh yeah, never take time off of girth routines..just a word from the wise..or those who have experienced it already. Take maybe 1 day a week off from girth, you say you don't have time because of school? Try to do clamping after school then again before bed, I always seem to find time this way and I have school, part-time job and girlfriend.. trust me 2x sets of 20min works, quijjiboo told me about this before too..

quijjiboo, i notice a lot more discoloration, other than that everything is pretty much the same..though the expansion came right when I started doing this.. I tried everything imaginable other than sets and POOF .2 gain in like 3 days, so im still cementing that gain..
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