
Oct 29, 2011
I'm directing these questions mainly to DLD but appreciate any other insight that others may have. I've been doing Penis Enlargement for nearly 2 years now and made some good initial gains with the newbie routine, 1/2 inch in girth, and almost 3/4 inch in BPenis EnlargementL. I've been doing an SRT based routine for about the last9 months and have stalled in my gains. (No new gains in 9 months)

My first question is this: When I jelq my left CC expands nicely but I cant get the right CC to expand the same. I have a slight curve about and inch from the base and it just feels like the right CC is smaller than the left. It's not painful and I cannot recall any trauma or injury to it. It feels firmer than the left so I am thinking plaque build up? or am I mistaken. I've read (and started) about jelqing and erect bending against the curve but just wondered if anyone had insight or suggestion that may help. I'll post a pic if it helps. I feel this may be behind my plateau as I'm very consistent with my routine.

And second, I get fluid retention quite easily, it goes away within a day but is it a sign of too much intensity. I get it with Bathmate, jelqing, SG and UJW. I feel like I'm not getting the internal expansion and just puffing my dick up like a balloon. I get it at low pressure or high, short or long sets. Should I just keep an eye on the build up and keep up the intensity, will it become less of an issue over time as I reach new levels of conditioning? Are some more prone to it than others?

A lot in there I know but appreciate any input.
Hey Ram.

Are you doing SSJs either seperately or in between Bathmate short sets?

SSJs bent to right will put tunica expansion pressure on that right CC and tunica. Like squeezing a ballon... only from the two ends. SSJs bent left might kinda stretch that right CC/tunica opposite direction.

One of the medical uses of both hydropumps and SG type extenders is to correct curvatures. Keep them in your routine.

Might want to adjust routine to do Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) combo of pump then SSJs, pump, SSJs, pump, SSJs thene a regular jelq session.. The lower pumped time plus the SSjs and follow up jelqs might help reduce Fluid retention.

Up the intensity somewhere to restart gaining. One way is SRT as you know.

Am length: Bathmate 5x5x3 as a super warmup to loosen and expand tunica, masterbate to O, 30+ minute manual stretch routine heavy on btc and rotaries, SG high tension hour or 4+, then low tension ads all day using low tension SG or biker lock or autoxleeve
Pm girth: Bathmate 5x5x3, jelq and SSJs session, clamp, then cockring all night in bed.

Basic SRT routine using what you have so you go from strength to strength of your pe forms and tools all day.

Also perhaps make use of orgasm for length opportunity after? Read bottom thread in my sig on that.

The FR is a symptom of Bathmate use. Actually any hydropump will give you FR, especially once you're upping the pressure in extended setssions. The squeezing of SSJs and jelqs is designed to give you expansion while helping fight that FR. Dld designed the 5x5x3 routine to get gains while minimizing FR and discoloration from pumping. Check the link in my sig on that. Its all right there.

Keep going and growing bro.
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Ramrod360;555414 said:
My first question is this: When I jelq my left CC expands nicely but I cant get the right CC to expand the same. I have a slight curve about and inch from the base and it just feels like the right CC is smaller than the left. It's not painful and I cannot recall any trauma or injury to it. It feels firmer than the left so I am thinking plaque build up? or am I mistaken. I've read (and started) about jelqing and erect bending against the curve but just wondered if anyone had insight or suggestion that may help. I'll post a pic if it helps. I feel this may be behind my plateau as I'm very consistent with my routine.

And second, I get fluid retention quite easily, it goes away within a day but is it a sign of too much intensity. I get it with Bathmate, jelqing, SG and UJW. I feel like I'm not getting the internal expansion and just puffing my dick up like a balloon. I get it at low pressure or high, short or long sets. Should I just keep an eye on the build up and keep up the intensity, will it become less of an issue over time as I reach new levels of conditioning? Are some more prone to it than others?

A lot in there I know but appreciate any input.

First is the unevenness you are seeing in the Corpus Cavernousum on the right side, this needs to be addresses specifically with exercise to even out. In this case, being a side issue I suggest the tried and true DLD Bends, very quick with correction. Next, the retention you are seeing, what is your exact pump/girth routine?
LoveHerDeeply;555428 said:
Hey Ram.

Are you doing SSJs either seperately or in between Bathmate short sets?

SSJs bent to right will put tunica expansion pressure on that right CC and tunica. Like squeezing a ballon... only from the two ends. SSJs bent left might kinda stretch that right CC/tunica opposite direction.

One of the medical uses of both hydropumps and SG type extenders is to correct curvatures. Keep them in your routine.

Might want to adjust routine to do 5x5x3 combo of pump then SSJs, pump, SSJs, pump, SSJs thene a regular jelq session.. The lower pumped time plus the SSjs and follow up jelqs might help reduce Fluid retention.

Up the intensity somewhere to restart gaining. One way is SRT as you know.

Am length: Bathmate 5x5x3 as a super warmup to loosen and expand tunica, masterbate to O, 30+ minute manual stretch routine heavy on btc and rotaries, SG high tension hour or 4+, then low tension ads all day using low tension SG or biker lock or autoxleeve
Pm girth: Bathmate 5x5x3, jelq and SSJs session, clamp, then cockring all night in bed.

Basic SRT routine using what you have so you go from strength to strength of your pe forms and tools all day.

Also perhaps make use of orgasm for length opportunity after? Read bottom thread in my sig on that.

The FR is a symptom of Bathmate use. Actually any hydropump will give you FR, especially once you're upping the pressure in extended setssions. The squeezing of SSJs and jelqs is designed to give you expansion while helping fight that FR. Dld designed the 5x5x3 routine to get gains while minimizing FR and discoloration from pumping. Check the link in my sig on that. Its all right there.

Keep going and growing bro.

Hey LHD,
Thanks for the reply, some good points you raised there. I've re-read a lot of the SRT thread again and am picking up little bits here and there to work on.
Appreciate the input.
doublelongdaddy;555472 said:
First is the unevenness you are seeing in the Corpus Cavernousum on the right side, this needs to be addresses specifically with exercise to even out. In this case, being a side issue I suggest the tried and true DLD Bends, very quick with correction. Next, the retention you are seeing, what is your exact pump/girth routine?

Thanks for the reply DLD, my girth routine consists of basically the 5x5x3 . After a warm up and light stretching I'll pump with Bathmate, ssj and then jelq. 5 mins of each at about 80-90% pressure. I don't think its an abnormal amount of fluid build up, it's just frustrating me. I've finally got UJW nailed after many failed attempts and it may be the same with this, just finding whats right. I agree with the bends and from now on I'll always jelq against the curve too. I may have been expecting too much too soon. As with all of this stuff, its perseverance I guess. I really appreciate your input and other advice.
Just thought I'd give a quick update. I've given the Bathmate a rest for a while. I've had a bit of a breakthrough in my plateau after changing up my routine a bit. I've gone back to just manuals but using Blue Whales Mother of all Lig stretch, __________ stretch and BTC left and right stretches. Must just be a change in intensity or angles but I'm feeling the stretch and elasticity come back and although its too soon to see gains, my dick feels like it did when I first started the Newbie routine. I'm just using SSJ's (against the curve) and Iso compression squeezes and getting good expansion with very little fluid retention. I guess I just needed to find what works for me. I'll keep updating and I have some before pics so I'll post those when I see my new gains. And I WILL see new gains. My routine is based around/similar to Newbiefor9's routine if anyone wants to check it out. Thanks to DLD, LHD and Newbiefor9 for your help.

Cheers, and BIG DICKS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!
Good to hear, brother. Thanks.

Makes sense if you want to change output must change input. I'm glad you found something to reset your gains. Can't wait for your measuring day to hear what's going on. Mine was illuminating.
Thanks. Keep it up! LOL, I like that line. Gonna make that my sign off. Lol
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I notice I have fluid retention if I get going up in pressure too fast with a longer duration of time.
So for myself i start a medium pressure of pump for 8 minutes. I let the pressure creep down as the pump wants.
Then I do my next set as 8 minutes and increase the pressure say from 170 to 180.
My last set I increase to 180 or more and then I do the wine pump mod to increase it even more for at least 10 minutes.
And usually I don't have much fluid retention after that and no pain. So just find a good ramp up in pressure for three sets total and your FR will be gone most days
yonni3998;559256 said:
I notice I have fluid retention if I get going up in pressure too fast with a longer duration of time.
So for myself i start a medium pressure of pump for 8 minutes. I let the pressure creep down as the pump wants.
Then I do my next set as 8 minutes and increase the pressure say from 170 to 180.
My last set I increase to 180 or more and then I do the wine pump mod to increase it even more for at least 10 minutes.
And usually I don't have much fluid retention after that and no pain. So just find a good ramp up in pressure for three sets total and your FR will be gone most days

That needs to be engrained into every Brother that uses a Bathmate, Penomet or Hydromax! Five minute sets at high pressure followed by 5 minute sets of Slow Squash Jelqing will bring the greatest expansion possible, period. And, this expansion will not be fluid, it will be good, honest, real tissue expansion. If you have not yet looked over the Mega-Routine SRT please do so, it gives lessons and guidance in the fastest expansion, elongation and healing possible.
yonni3998;559256 said:
I notice I have fluid retention if I get going up in pressure too fast with a longer duration of time.
So for myself i start a medium pressure of pump for 8 minutes. I let the pressure creep down as the pump wants.
Then I do my next set as 8 minutes and increase the pressure say from 170 to 180.
My last set I increase to 180 or more and then I do the wine pump mod to increase it even more for at least 10 minutes.
And usually I don't have much fluid retention after that and no pain. So just find a good ramp up in pressure for three sets total and your FR will be gone most days

Thanks Yonni,
I think you've nailed my problem on the head. From more reading I've done on here I've found other strategies for pumping. I'm going to try that approach with low pressure gradually increasing to higher and see how I go. I don't want to abandon the Bathmate as I realize it's potential. I appreciate your input bro.
doublelongdaddy;559278 said:
That needs to be engrained into every Brother that uses a Bathmate, Penomet or Hydromax! Five minute sets at high pressure followed by 5 minute sets of Slow Squash Jelqing will bring the greatest expansion possible, period. And, this expansion will not be fluid, it will be good, honest, real tissue expansion. If you have not yet looked over the Mega-Routine SRT please do so, it gives lessons and guidance in the fastest expansion, elongation and healing possible.

Thanks DLD, always appreciate your advice. I aint giving up on this. Just a learning curve on my journey.
LoveHerDeeply;559174 said:
Good to hear, brother. Thanks.

Makes sense if you want to change output must change input. I'm glad you found something to reset your gains. Can't wait for your measuring day to hear what's going on. Mine was illuminating.
Thanks. Keep it up! LOL, I like that line. Gonna make that my sign off. Lol

Thanks LHD, I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Just finished a Bathmate session starting low and gradually upping the pressure with each new set. I did my length work first then did 3min sets at 150, 160, 170, 180, 190,190(max) I only did 3min sets to start with and I will increase by 1 min every week until I reach 6 min sets. The best part, very little fluid build up. There was some but I'd guess 70 - 80% less. I had between 2-5 min rests where I just massaged and did a few light 30 sec SSJ's. I'm so stoked. Penis Enlargement has stopped feeling like a chore and I'm excited by it again. Thanks to all who gave me advice, I'll keep you posted.

This shit is just TITS!!!!!
I am actually very grateful for having read this thread. It has helped me significantly in my pumping routines. It has helped me hit new numbers with the length in the pump.
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jakb;559371 said:
I am actually very grateful for having read this thread. It has helped me significantly in my pumping routines. It has helped me hit new numbers with the length in the pump.

Awesome jakb, that's the beauty of this whole forum, all learning from each other.
Thanks for the reply DLD, my girth routine consists of basically the 5x5x3 . After a warm up and light stretching I'll pump with Bathmate, ssj and then jelq. 5 mins of each at about 80-90% pressure. I don't think its an abnormal amount of fluid build up, it's just frustrating me. I've finally got UJW nailed after many failed attempts and it may be the same with this, just finding whats right. I agree with the bends and from now on I'll always jelq against the curve too. I may have been expecting too much too soon. As with all of this stuff, its perseverance I guess. I really appreciate your input and other advice.

Make PE a daily ritual in your life. This is the best approach to get to your dream size. Flee from short term goals. What are your current measurements?
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Make PE a daily ritual in your life. This is the best approach to get to your dream size. Flee from short term goals. What are your current measurements?
Agree 👍
Make PE a daily ritual in your life. This is the best approach to get to your dream size. Flee from short term goals. What are your current measurements?
Agree as well. This is the reason you need big goals. If you are at 5 inches BPEL, set a goal BIG enough to propel you to it.
Agree as well. This is the reason you need big goals. If you are at 5 inches BPEL, set a goal BIG enough to propel you to it.

I don't pay attention to my mind shaft anymore when measuring girth. Inpay more attention to right beneath the glans because, that is the hardest and last part of the penis that will make permanent gains. I want right beneath the glans to be 7 inches thick and the only way to achieve this is to make PE a life style.
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