
Jun 8, 2015
I've been following the STR routine my own version but it goes like this...
-no underwear
-3 2hr set with phallosan
- bundle stretches at the start and in between sets (30-45 sec holds total 5-10mins by the end of the day)
-after everything is done,wrap to stay elongated.
-optimal nutrition

No I haven't been at this too long maybe a month and only a week religiously but I'm going to keep it up, only reason I stopped was because of retention and bruising but I figured that out now. Next month I'll move to medium tension. And I may also incorporate the size genetics (phallogenetics)

Current 5.5 inches want to be 8 how long should this take me with this routine followe religiously
Depends how much intensity you put into your workout after you start to plateau and also depends how consistent you are on your routine without skipping days.

I personally gained 1.5 inches in 8-10 months. If I continued going for length for another year or so I could have gained another 0.5" or 0.75". It'll take you roughly 3-4 years for 2.5 inches.
Popeye7;676388 said:
Size genetics clinical trial achieved v2inchs for some patients in six months, are these factitious results 3 to 4 years is crazy

Which would you believe. . . A clinical report or personal experience?
Btw, I think it depends on your commitment to your routine.
IMHO for fast length gains I'd say go with bundles either with the LM, SG or a hanger.
Bare in mind that my advice is aimed at a semi experienced PE guy. . . Newbies might hurt themselves.
Popeye7;676319 said:
I've been following the STR routine my own version but it goes like this...
-no underwear
-3 2hr set with phallosan
- bundle stretches at the start and in between sets (30-45 sec holds total 5-10mins by the end of the day)
-after everything is done,wrap to stay elongated.
-optimal nutrition

No I haven't been at this too long maybe a month and only a week religiously but I'm going to keep it up, only reason I stopped was because of retention and bruising but I figured that out now. Next month I'll move to medium tension. And I may also incorporate the size genetics (phallogenetics)

Current 5.5 inches want to be 8 how long should this take me with this routine followe religiously

Nobody can answer this question.It could take 1 year or 10 years.Just do PE,stay consistent and you will see the rate of your gains.
I started in 2009 maybe a bit before, i was 5.5 or something i have taken breaks days off n im 7.25 BPEL not pressing too hard,n i havent followed an established routine.

I spent 6 months doing the SRT stretchings,i have tried n done tons of exercises SSJ, JELQS,A STRETCHS,STRETCHINGS (crank rotary stretches). v stretches,SSJs whit a ""variation""erect stretchings,Lately i have using the LM n its been great..Going to continuw whit the LM until i pull all of my inner inches out!!

If i had followed the SRT religiously,Id be a hapier guy by now :cool:
Everyone is different but I can give you my experience. I gained 2" in length and 1/2 inch in 6 months. For me it was a huge commitment to Penis Enlargement. I trained everyday for much of the day. I think to make a massive gain like 2.5" it will take a great effort but it is possible.
What was your routine? Does mine look intense enough
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His routine was more intense than yours, but you gotta understand that mike is a obsessive compulsive that's why he has always exercised
Popeye7;676490 said:
What was your routine? Does mine look intense enough

Do not get excited poppeye.DLD is a very unique case if you ask me :) I don't see other man gaining 2" in 6 months.That's just amazing.PE is a marathon not a race.Remember that.Those 2.5" you want,you will need some solid years my friend.The only way you could gain that size in about a 10 months - 11 months -1 year is to follow the SRT step by step ,do PE 24/7 and be very dedicated.I don't try to bring you down,i just don't want to see you deppresed later on.A 2.5" gain is HUGE.There are guys here doing PE for 5-10 years and they didn't gained that size.Possible,yes,easy?No.

They key is to be consistent,dedicated,have a nice routine , and wait.
maybe an inch in 6 months is more reasonable..n is less stressing than getting frustrated because you cant get there,5.5 to 7 is a good thing..

Dont get discouraged once yu see gains your mind will change.:)
templnite;676537 said:
His routine was more intense than yours, but you gotta understand that mike is a obsessive compulsive that's why he has always exercised

Extremely OCD, I took advantage of every moment!
shortdick;676567 said:
maybe an inch in 6 months is more reasonable..n is less stressing than getting frustrated because you cant get there,5.5 to 7 is a good thing..

Dont get discouraged once yu see gains your mind will change.:)

Yes 1" in 6 months sounds very good and very achievable.
OK so you know how there's something called beginner gains, Right now because of my paralysis I can't go that intense because I can't do the exercises? So should I wait until I can exercise at the proper intensity to make gains very fast in comparison. Basically saved by beginner gains for the right moment to strike
I know that seems like a ridiculous question, I just don't want to be wasting my time if PE won't work because of paralyzed
Popeye7;676678 said:
I know that seems like a ridiculous question, I just don't want to be wasting my time if PE won't work because of paralyzed

As long as you can exercise if you do it in a correct way,you can get gains..well if you do follow the newbie routine literally i think gains are going to come..

i have never followed a routine for no more than six months n i have never tried the SRT...either the Newbie routine i tried the stretchings for 6 months but thats about it..

The funny thing is that i was 5.5 n now years later im 7.25 BPEL n getting bigger... i have tried a lot of exercises LMAO i have been inconsistent too..

If you have devices use them i think the SG is the one that can help you out a lot IMHO..
The noob gains happen with low intensity, and after you've been gaining for a little bit you'll need to try harder. It doesn't make a difference bro you'll gain, and by the time you're cured will be the right time for more intensity.
Popeye7;676675 said:
OK so you know how there's something called beginner gains, Right now because of my paralysis I can't go that intense because I can't do the exercises? So should I wait until I can exercise at the proper intensity to make gains very fast in comparison. Basically saved by beginner gains for the right moment to strike

I would wait to get better and i would start PE after that.
ChilDsh;676627 said:
Yes 1" in 6 months sounds very good and very achievable.

That is much more realistic. The gains I made were because I was PE'ing all the time. I was really obsessive about it and I had total privacy every day.
doublelongdaddy;677351 said:
That is much more realistic. The gains I made were because I was PE'ing all the time. I was really obsessive about it and I had total privacy every day.

yep being obsessive, disciplined, having total privacy is so fucking great whish i had all that:)
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