
May 24, 2009
Hey, whats going on gentlemen. As the title indicates this is my very 1st post. I have been doing a lot of the necessary reading & and researching of the forum that every newbie to Penis Enlargement should do. Not all but a awful lot! I will be keeping a pictorial of my progress from rook to vet lol... But in all seriousness, i'm not a jackass, i dont know it all, and im here for one thing thats to hear everyones experience on what has work, not work so i can achieve my goal. As of right now I havent measured my beginning length or girth but will be doing so as soon as i can get my hands on a ruler. I have not practice Penis Enlargement on a consistent basis, but have done it more than enough. So my penis isnt new to the stress Penis Enlargement can have on it. But if i had to give a timeline it would be something like, 2 weeks off and on stop for like 4-5 months start back up. I finally decided to dive head first lol.... and get it jumping. So I have attached some photos to give and idea of what im working wit. As for my goals. Thats simple so I hope. I what to focus mainly on girth. But hope to gain no more than an inch to a inch n a half in length. I feel that is all i need and i'm looking for. I much rather be thicker than longer, everyones different i know. So I will be doing the beginner or newbie workout along with pumping and clamping and using a progression of pe weights. I know some would say take i'm jumping the gun a should really take it slow and just focus on the newbie workout. I hear you all but like i stated i feel im good enough to do these things. But I feel i am more that ready to begin. I just wont abuse it and will be taking the advice supplied here and use it wisely.

My Routine will consist of:

1) 5 min warm up with warm washcloth
2) 5 min warm up with heating pad
*i like the way both combine relaxes my penis
3)Newbie stretches
4) 10 min jelq
5) 5 min massage
6) 10 min pumping - (I dont have a pump yet so i will just add 2 more
clamp sets)
7) 5 min massage - and jelq
8) 10 min clamp

9) 5min wrap with warm washcloth
10) newbie stretches
11) 5 min with heating pad

I plan on following this routine for 3 months and then focusing on more advance so to speak, workouts. Any feed back will be appreciated and brainstormed on thanks again.


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Welcome to MOS!

Good to see that guys are willing to RESEARCH beforehand, its very important and you do learn better when you search around the forums for stuff and thats not me being not helpful, just from past experiences on different forums.

Your size is really good mate, good flaccid size. Glans looks mean too o and I like the clamp, your my buddy because its red!

I would suggest you do a different routine .. something with abit more va va vooom as the French say! more kick to the ass in it.

Check out my routines in this section and also dlds newbie plan, but do feel free to see others in the routine section.

If girth is your goal baby than clamping is whats its all about, so get your ass into the clamping section and find the guide which is in one of those stickies, it says which.

You know, when you've been looking at dicks like I have for so long on here and that is in a way which isnt pleasure but I see them now more as POTENTIAL hahaha honestly, I can see potential in a dick like Simon Cowell can see potential in a singer or not!

If I were to sign a cock here, yours would be signed as it has great potential once you train it well.
Hey REDZ, I appreciate the kind remarks!! I have a couple of your threads save in a folder under strong like bull :). I think you guys are wonderful, and wish u continue to give input because it is guys out here who are very appreciative of the time and effort u put towards educating us newbies and vets alike. I notice that from time to time you have a couple of wise guys who get on here and try to destroy the confidence in those who enjoy Penis Enlargement. I'm not in the business of convincing people they should try Penis Enlargement. If you feel that you dont like a routine or dont believe in certain things then keep it to yourself or at least be much more dignified in your disagreement with whats being presented. I know at least for me im involved one to increase the size of my penis so i can please that special someone, and two because in please her it will please me. So the time and effort will have a big pay off in the end. I hope that maybe one day my effort may inspire someone else to take it seriously.

As for the routine i will look a little further into the routines in the clamping forum and begin putting one together. I just wanted to get an idea from someone who has been at it awhile as to which direction they might feel i should go in and you answer that, so thanks again. I will try and post as often as my time allows so im an active member in the forum. I know for me actually posting my pics was a big step for me because him downstairs is such a personal thing. Im not against gays or worried about my sexuality but i have always been shy about things like this but im a grown man and comfortable with myself and feel like im doing something of value by this, so it works for me. I really want a thick one you know :) I want mines to be like what DLD was after as thick as my wrist. So let it be written, so let it be done.
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Also REDZ or anyone else out there, i read that u use casagrande cream. I checked out the website but can u give me ur opinion on it? Is it a good investment, what are the pros and cons, and how will it assist in my Penis Enlargement goals?
Thanks Girth Hammer. Hope that u dont mind me calling u GH for short. I will keep it up trust me. Im also loving your signature cause thats so very true. I live for the moment but make sure that the decisions im making in the moment is helping shape my future. But I got a lot of ideas for improving my girth from u guys so please make sure u keep it up as well.
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Good to see someone entering the forum with a good head on their shoulders (and dick :) Holy!!). You are very very welcome here man. This is a good place for people like yourself, we are here to work hard and to achieve. Feel free to ask us anything!

Thanks BananaxBoy, and to bluetard117 I was having the same problem that u might be having in finding cable clamps in your local stores. I was researching one of the MOS forums and one of the gentlemen, I forgot exactly who stated it, but he posted that we might could find them at home depot. I went but none of the employee's seem to know what i was asking for. I was given the heads up about that as well in the post. So i did like he said and checked the end caps on the aisles and found them. The one i have is not a cable clamp but is called a cable cuff. They have a website just like cable clamp at When u go to the website scroll down to the very bottom of the page and u will find 4 photos. The one in the top left hand corner is what is on the end caps. Its the same thing just a different name. It was only a $1.37 cent for the medium one I got. So I hope that might be of some help to u, good luck.
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Have any one else used cable cuffs. BananaxBoy i checked out ur link progressive picture proof and u have a nice unit urself, my man! Do u do clamping as well, and if so what has been ur experience with it since u began.
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You can order online here

As for the Cosagrande cream .. it isnt needed but I find can help with post workout and thrombosed veins & bruises, but you dont need it. If you want to save the pennies than I suggest you go for the cheaper version at cosagrande which is around $15 for the small leech oil and is effective.

A thread is kicking around in the pe products section on cosagrande products.
tdtjrtnt;359066 said:
Have any one else used cable cuffs. BananaxBoy i checked out ur link progressive picture proof and u have a nice unit urself, my man! Do u do clamping as well, and if so what has been ur experience with it since u began.

well, i only used to mess around with clamps that odd time but recently I have been concentrating on girth more and i have been clamping more the past couple months. When done correctly it is a very effective tool and in your case I would suggest that you start. I have already seen an 1/8 of an inch in these couple months, if you check through my thread you will see my routines. If you really want to read up on some routines and safety, which i recomend, then check out the pioneer himself, REDZULU2003, check out some of his threads and pics cuz this guy really really knows what he is doing with a clamp. Mad props to you RED, and i hope this helps you out tdtjrtnt.

tdtjrtnt;359023 said:
Thanks Girth Hammer. Hope that u dont mind me calling u GH for short. I will keep it up trust me. Im also loving your signature cause thats so very true. I live for the moment but make sure that the decisions im making in the moment is helping shape my future. But I got a lot of ideas for improving my girth from u guys so please make sure u keep it up as well.

Dont mind being called GH:cool: just dont put a H in front if it cause Im 100% natural beef.:) Thanks for the sig love. I always am looking to help others so Im happy something I said helped you. Just out of curiosity What does your forum name mean??:(?:(
Hey guys i just added so more photos to my album. The first one is of me clamped and edging. The second photo is of my flacid about and 1 1/2 after clamping and warmed down.The rest are the day after clamping. I notice that if i use the heating pad usually set on medium while clamping, stretching, or while i jelq i get better results. I think it might help avoid injury cause it keeps the tissue elastic and soft, just my thoughts. Maybe someone can give me some input about that. I also am about to go to home depot or lowes and purchase the equipment to build my own jelq device. I think that would help in my girth goals, something cheap and different to add to the routine, plus my hands get tired a lot from jelqing. I herd it helps widen the chambers on the top and bottom. I already have this technique i do when i do manuals that focuses mainly on the side walls/chambers so ima see how the both compliment each other. Let me know what u guys think!


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I just had a discussion wit my uncle not to long ago (hes younger by the way :), funny aint it) but he is very interested in doing Penis Enlargement. I told him about MOS, and he said he would look into it. He's like so that ???? actually works, my only responsible answer to that was everyones different but if you look at the theory behind Penis Enlargement and put the effort behind it, then it most certainly should. But the problem most have just as with any thing really in life is that people start something but never see it to the finish and when they hear of people who have they dismiss it and say it doesnt work. I have a goal to work out my penis the same as i work out my body, and by approaching it from shall I say a wholistic point of view and health standpoint i think one should do well. I went over my goals with him. He was like so u can customize the workout the way u want it, and im like yeah. Then the debate on whats more important arose. I quickly nip that in the bud. I told him once again everyones different, for me my goal is to be from the bottom portion of my palm to the tip of my middle finger which is 8inches long and as wide and thick as my wrist. Im not to concerned about being 9,10,11 inches long. I think 8 inches is more than enough for me. I always have come from the school of thought that thickness and a firm erection is much more important than length. I think i have a pretty mean stroke if i shall say so myself :p, and because i workout on a regular bases and do a lot of mobility drills i have very good hips, so im able to move very well. I think the longer you are the more difficult changing speeds and angles can become. I think the classic 8x6 or 8x7 will do me just find. LMAO I wonder if just focusing on pumping and clamping along with the stretches from the newbie program will help yeild that inch to an inch n a half im looking for. I think the last time i did a bone press measurement i was just under 7 or right at 7 inches and i dont have no fat pad really. So do you guys think i can reach that length goal without buying the fast size extender or the LengthMaster. I have pretty big hands and when i clamp, just like DLD suggested in one of the you tube vids i caught have in my mind how big my penis gets and this vision of what it could be. I think at that length couple with that kind of thickness any female will be like :O and really wouldnt know if you werent 9,10 or etc... Again just my opinion comments are welcome.
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well i finally got my hands on a ruler today and took some measurements. I attached them to my signature. Now that i know what im working with my goals have been set, now its time to get it done. 2morrow i will be starting the program since i have finally gotten measured. I am stopping smoking, drinking, the whole 9 yards. I think by the end of my first or second month i will be changing my diet to a vegan diet so ill keep u guys updated on my progress.
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