Hey Neutronstar,

happy to hear that I am not alone with that issue. I´m doing Penis Enlargement since 15 months, and seriously haven´t gained an inch, also using SG correctly I might add. However what i gained is a much better EQ (startet off almost impotent), rock hard especially since I stay away from �naked people movies� for 6 days a week :)

But i want to say I´m not ready to give up on the SG yet. To even use it without it being a motherfucking PAIN took quite a bit of testing of the different mods. I now have something i can deal with, but have to reattach it every 30 minutes + I can only go to a max of 90 minutes per session. I mostly end up using it once a day or so and right now i´m giving it a rest since i hurt myself again. Also I´m using autoxleeves since about a week and somehow now I´m at least getting very good flaccid gains. I think one reason i didn´t gain was due to turtleing and the sleeves prevent that, also i can wear them as long as i want + everywhere i go (compared to the SG) so I´m excited to see what happens.

Once I´m healed i will start to use SG again with a new personal mod + a sillicone sleeve especially for pumping lengh. Also when finances allow it I´ll buy the Vac Mod and see what happens.

I will let you know if it´s any good. Also I´d like to add that the first 6 months i used the Bathmate too, the first model. I now use Penomet which i think is the much better Pump, so if you like girth gains/pumping in general I´d suggest trying it. Good luck with telling your Fiance!

Jack The Stripper
Hey bro. Sounds like you're doing SG essentially right.

Tell ya what, why don't you read my SRT length routine thread in my sig and see if you find anything to add to your length work?

I do a Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) pump session to get loosened up expanded tissues and tunica, then do basic stretches, then strap on SG for high tension (or lock hang while at work) and use Uncle Jim's Wrap to heal extended for hours after.

The SG folks and several Mod mods and vets, I guess me included now, say you really need to do 4x1 hour sets or more in a row of just SG tension, to gain from SG alone. So maybe that's something that's frustrated you. When I gained the 2nd half of my first inch gained it was doing SG for hours at night.

Only way to go hours in SG is a comfortable attachment. I use Allergix's wrap method, described in my sig links.

Keep it up!
Hey mate how u doing.

Well when it come to SG i just dont know what to say no more . Usually i keep mine for about 1 hour or 2 sometime. only way to keep SG attach for 2 hours is when i first start in day the first 2 hours or the first 4 hours 2/2 and after goind down to 1 .

i was streching above the erect lenght size 1 inch and still dont know why i am dont gain :/ also i use full tension which everyone talks about it . i have added manual stretches 25 min a day and i will give it another 200 or 300 hours and after that if i dont see anything i will stop wasting my time with SG.


If you use full tension then that´s strange, I also go to at least the 3 bar of the marks at the rods. Here´s what I do maybe that helps a little: I start of slow so my dick gets used to the tension and is prepared for the lengh session, max 5 min. After that I turn the rods every 3-5 min so that they´re always at the lowest bar. I repeat that until I feel it´s pretty much maxed out. This prevents the usual pain if you go to fast and lets the dick adjust better to the pressure I think. In that process I definetly go beyond 1 inch expansion, most of the times I reach the max of the rods and even have to attach new ones sometimes. If you have worn the SG at the same pressure level without ever adjusting for one session or greater periods of time then this could have been your problem.

But in fact I believe the SG in the end is mostly a healing tool like the sleeves, just more uncomfortable and with more force. So wearing it after your manual sessions is probably a good idea. Since you also own the Bathmate I´d suggest doing the DLD 1 inch in 12 weeks lengh routine. Basically it´s manual basic stretches, then DLD Bathmate hardcore stretches (not sure if that´s the right name tought) and after that using SG to let it heal in that state like his SRT suggests.

What I forgot to mention is the following: what really pisses me off about the SG is the claims on their website of what it actually does, it said to help with peyronies... in my case it didn´t do shit regarding that. Also better EQ and bla bla... the better EQ I mentioned has of course nothing to do with the SG but Kegels, Girth excercises and of course staying away from �naked people movies�. The only thing the SG so far did for me is making my flaccid dick really rubber like after stretching sessions or in other words really used to stretching.

Jack The Stripper
Thanks for you experiences, good and not so good. I think that your own personal growth and useage of gear and exercises has become very refined. It show that we all need to be ready to make adjustments in our routine when things are not progressing as we wish. This is very important to bring to the attention of the Brotherhood, as simple as it may seem, having an answer to your question can mean gaining and not gaining. I love when a Brother brings a review and overlook of his time here, it allows us to get a great overview of your success and pitfalls. Thanks my Brother.
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Well I'm trying to help you bro. You sound dejected about length and I'm responding to that. My hearts going out to ya man. I put my suggested length routine into my sig. Go see brother, and tell me what you think there. Ask me questions there. Take up my challenge. I hate to see you give up when you might benefit from reworking vthings . I'm gonna post some of my thoughts there.
You sound like me when it comes to length gain. I found out that I unknowingly and unconsciously flex my kegel muscle in an extender and my gains were limited from it.

I then ran across this old thread by German Stallion that helped me tremendously and I use this concept when I pump, extend and do manual work. For the first time I could tell I was gaining from extending and manual work. Before that my main length growth came from continually doing reverse kegels while pumping and edging the pressure higher as more inner penis was coming out.

I believe there are 2 types of guys, the one who can tug on his dick hard and it gets bigger and the other that when he tugs on his dick hard his body fights it so much that it seems to almost lose length.

For the first guy the obvious answer is to tug the cock hard and it will grow, for the second guy they typically end up getting frustrated and giving up on length as it doesnt seem to work doing the 1st guys routine which is the main thought process. The other frustrating part is you start to think well maybe I am just not pulling hard enough and then try to pull harder which still does nothing. For these guys I would recommend a different approach as the one posted in the thread below.


Hope this helps you as much as it did me.

PS. This is my first post after scuba diving in cozumel for a week. Brain is slightly foggy.
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Hey Neutron,

it will work, thx for the threat jakb!!! Just tried it and remembered that I found that out on my on... problem was i´ve been pumping then and couldn´t use that state perfectly. Now i understand why the xsleeve gave me so much improvement in just a few days. Funny how i feel this pulling with almost no force at all like 10 times more than if i try to rip out my dick. I will only do this for lengh now... until I mastered this feeling/state there will be nothing else for lengh. After the first 20 minutes I´m very positive that I will finally gain lengh from this! THANK YOU!!!!! What do you think Neutron? had the same feeling?
Neutronstar;560203 said:
if there is one person who really has to be thanked is u. If it wasn't for u i will never had my hand on Bathmate or anything to gain girth and i really have to thx u again for being so life change for us :).

when it come to length i don't know what to say no more seriously. i been doing STR STRETCHES . but just started 2 weeks ago.

seems that i have lost faith on SG. and i am not just a fan of Bathmate but i am a hooligan fan of Bathmate.

:):):) Thank you my dear Brother!
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