
Feb 20, 2011
My purpose for this thread is not to brag but to motivate my brothers to practice with more effort and consistency. I have already posted these updates in my progress log but people don't seem to look in the members forum as much.

I started pe around the first of march 2011. I ordered a Bathmate in February and started with Dld newbie routine. I made some great temporary girth gains that probably cured any doubts about pe. I think i gained a quarter inch in bpel the first few months and the same in girth. I started at around 130 in the Bathmate and progressed to 150 pretty quickly.

Then my gains seemed to stop. I was doing lots of stretches. Two or three sets alot of days. I was getting more frustrated by the day. I decided to focus on length until i got closer to the goal although i did not really know what that was. In one of my older post i said 6.5 would make me happy. Now Im thinking between 7.5 and 8. More on this later.

So my length gains stopped and i was growing frustrated. Money is usually pretty tight around here but i decided to buy a device. I was between the LengthMaster and the size genetics extender. After a ton of research i decided on the Sg on the idea i could wear it at work. This is not the case i will soon learn but its ok.

I got the Sg in may or June i think. I made an ultimatum. One month. Go all out. If i did not see 1/4 gain i was done. I admit i was disappointed with my lack of effort but looking back i shouldn't have been. I was using the old velcro strap that was pretty uncomfortable. I would still manage 3 or 4 hours most days.

At the end of the month i had only gained a bit more than 1/8 inch. I wasn't happy but i had gained. I will continue with my journey of penis enlightenment!

To be continued.......
Ok now back to the story.

It was actually July when i got the Sg. I was around 160 in the Bathmate at this time.

I started to lose some weight the next month or so. This allowed me to get up to 170 in the Bathmate and the next few months i gained another 1/8 inch. Then i got the lm. It was amazing. I couldn't figure it out but i used it for a few weeks off and on. It provided a good stretch but was just to painful. It was in November when i got it. I was still extending as much as i could stand but a new job was taking most my time. I incorporated uncle Jim wrap during the day.

I gained a little in that time. From October to December it was about another 1/8 inch. That brings the total gained to a half inch in 10 months. I was again discouraged by the slow gains but i was making gains so i stick with it. Also supra had been talking about the vlc for a few months and i finally got one. This was a game changer!

The vlc is great. I can extend as long as i want now with no pain. Work was still taking its toll on my time but that would soon change. The down economy got me like so many others. Well when life gives you lemons..... Stretch your Cock! From early January through the end of my first year i had plenty of time.

I had started using the Bathmate again. Every night i would do 10 min or so in the shower. I was usually getting 3 or more hours in with the Sg vlc combo. It is about a month and a half till my anniversary date and i get a huge surprise. I measure. I've got a 1/8 inch gain!

Wow that puts me at 3/4 total. The one inch mark is so close now but i know if i want it by the year i will have to be very dedicated.

February i started hanging with the vlc. 5 lbs first then went to 7.5 then back down. I had almost stopped pumping but was getting lots of time extending. I had gained around 30 lbs by December and was only pumping to around 160 again. I started to shed weight around this time and my length was 165 again in the Bathmate.

In mid February i added manual stretches back in and continued hanging experimenting with the lm and vlc. This is when i got a nasty bruise so i had to take a few days off. Now i was back to pumping almost every night extending for about 4-6 hours a day doing lm work someday and hanging other.

March. My eq is Shit. Not from pe so much as from getting a FleshLight. Damn that thing is good. Anyways i finally get a decent erection a few days into the month. Damn right 1/4 inch gain. Total of 1 inch

I transformed my penis from 5.75 to 6.75 in one year! Hell ya! To read my log and see the routine better....
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Great to read stuff like this and shows how it can be made very possible with dedication, belief and hard work. Well done.
I once said i would be happy with 6.5. Now Im over that and i want more. I've been thinking 7.5-8 inches. Now Im starting to think about 7 inch nbpel. That would put me at 8.25-8.5 at my current weight.

I know it has grown. It is over an inch longer. I had a awesome erection last night and was real close to 7. Im not claiming it because it wasn't there but its close. Eq was alot better than on my official measurement. The problem is i don't see it as being big or even bigger.
With this way of thinking i will be actively seeking gains the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong i like pe but it is a way to achieve a goal and not something i plan to spend my entire life doing. I hope to be done in a year. I have to change my distorted view of my penis or i won't stop until Im 10 inches and i don't want that.

Anyways i hope this gives someone the motivation needed to gain that first inch. It can be done.

I have to thank Dld supra red Ron at tlc. There are so many good ones here. Really i thank the community as a whole. We feed of each other and learn from everyone mistakes and victories. I am glad to have legends here that have vast knowledge. I am glad for the newbies (most of them) that can learn.

Just one more inch to go :cool:
Congratulations Rebel2011!!!

Great work and dedication showing a strong mind.Shows others that small gains over time add up to our goals.Inspiring!Thanks.
REDZULU2003;475818 said:
Great to read stuff like this and shows how it can be made very possible with dedication, belief and hard work. Well done.
This is awesome!

Heading to the member section now to your thread.

Awesome Gains! Dont slow down man!
Dickleaker;475821 said:
Congratulations Rebel2011!!!

Great work and dedication showing a strong mind.Shows others that small gains over time add up to our goals.Inspiring!Thanks.

Ditto!!! Nice work Rebel!

Just one tenth of one millimeter every day would be almost a inch and a half in a year :D Just because you can't see it from day to day (or week to week and barely month to month) does not mean that you are not "growing" very significantly. LOL

Way to show the Brothers out there what happens with dedication!

Thanks guys! It means alot to have y'all 4 post comments like that. I mean seriously. Red the legendary master of girth. Dickleaker i have always looked to for knowledge. Tom is new but Damn ;). Girth hammer....I've read tons of your old post. You should hang out more. It would be good to have ya back.

There are a few things we have in common. Each of us can objectively read information. Take what is important and chunk the Bs (most of mos is the good stuff). We can make a logical plan of attack and we can execute that plan with determination and skillful thought.

If more people would plan and think like the 4 of you we would have many more "dld's" around here. It is a true honor to hear those words! Thanks guys
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