
  1. Stenchler

    Newbie Here: Just Saying Hi and Excited to Learn!

    Hey everyone! I'm thrilled to be joining this amazing community of individuals passionate about penis enlargement. My name is Eric, and I'm here to learn, share, and grow (pun intended) with all of you. I've always been fascinated by the human body and its capabilities, so when I stumbled upon...
  2. S


    Hi brothers! I'm a newbie and never tried PE. I found MOS and got this DLD's newbie routine. I'm gonna start as soon as possible and try to stay focused! I'm still young (19 yo) and I guess my body is still developing and with PE programs I hope I can get even bigger! My measurings are: -Lenght...
  3. R

    Penis injury from from pumping to intense ?

    Hello I overdid it with the bathmate , i was pomping with too much pressure. My penis went into turtle mode for 3 days, after a couple of more days when my penis seemed normal. I started pomping agian and i felt a sharp pain in the dorsal vein near the glans I felt a suttle pop I must say i...
  4. R

    process of gaining PE

    Can somebody explain me why the process of gaining due to jelqing/stretching takes so long (at least fot me) building muscle in the gym seems much faster I have been jeqling for a couple of months now and see only little gains in girth. my penis mesurements are 5,5 lenght 4,4 girth. I do PE...
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