Hello! New Joiner, 6 months of PE


It's been a month since I've started using the LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and I'm happy to confirm that I've achieved some results already. Regained approx. 0.5" inches in length since my last update. No changes in girth. Sharing some insights into my LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging journey so far:

Lengthmaster application
Took a bit of time for me to adjust to the Lengthmaster and understand how to use it properly but eventually worked through it. First lesson I learned was to make sure my wrapping was on point, especially if you're uncircumsized. Any loose wrapping could risk your foreskin being pushed back up from its retracted position when you stretch.
Have also experimented with positioning the chamber on the base & the mid-shaft to get a better feel for what works better. Stretching at the base was slightly painful at first as my skin was being stretched rather than reaching deep into the inner penis. Meanwhile attaching approx. an inch above the base felt less painful and allowed for more rotations. Otherwise have heard mixed feedback for both options having benefits.
Other key points ->
- Making sure my THERABAND is tightly wrapped with no creases or gaps to ensure there is no slippage
- Using a light bandage wrap so I'm able to stretch deep into the inner penis instead of stretching skin
- Using the black tape (which was included in my LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging package) to help with friction
- Have added extra padding to the base of the chamber (hard to explain but there's a slight portion of padding that doesn't cover over the edge and feels like a sharp corner piercing the underside of my shaft when clamped), but am still able to achieve a deep penis stretch

Lengthmaster routine
Followed the newbie routine as demonstrated in @huge-girth videos. Routine consisted of upward stretches, downward stretches and left/right stretches, bundling in left & right rotations. Avg. 30 sec holds. Upon finishing my 1st routine out of 2 I pop into my Phallosan Plus for elongation. After each week of Lengthmaster usage, it becomes easier to achieve a full 360 rotation without feeling pain from stretching skin. Simply conditioning the penis to become more flexible. After maybe my 4th week, I've eventually progressed into a routine consisting of downward stretches based on another video I saw with a sitting-down variation (allows for better pulling force) and BTC stretches. Avg. 30-60 sec holds. These were my two winners for length gain.
After I attempted BTC (non-bundled) for the first time, I felt an intense soreness in my ligs for probably a whole 24hrs. Used both stretches again the following day using 180 degree stretches, eventually building up to 360 degree stretches, and I can almost always feel an intense stretch in my ligs and inner penis every time. Following this routine for a week was when I noticed my new gains.

Excited to see what else I can accomplish with Lenghtmaster, however I'm just noticing a small blister on the topside of my shaft at the base, so might rest a little.

Other side notes:

- Upon starting my Lengthmaster routines, I simply perform rotations (no stretches) from left to right which I find helps the skin to warm up and makes it easier to reach a full rotation quicker

- For my Phallosan Plus, I've been able to add more length to the golden bars which at times helps with the deep penis stretch sensation following a Lengthmaster workout, and perhaps has accelerated growth as well

- Started to implement ball & lig stretches into my PE routines, I've been attempting these stretches during my MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY sessions and tend to use the stretch where balls are pulled up & penis is pulled down, but open to any feedback regarding this
- Started to implement ball & lig stretches into my PE routines, I've been attempting these stretches during my MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY sessions and tend to use the stretch where balls are pulled up & penis is pulled down, but open to any feedback regarding this
Awesome. Do you start with this? so you get warm up , healing and stretch all at the same time, Under 30 min is recommended. I do this during manual stretches
Incredible! Great routine and awesome information
Awesome. Do you start with this? so you get warm up , healing and stretch all at the same time, Under 30 min is recommended. I do this during manual stretches
Lately I've been using ball & lig stretches during my warm down sessions with MOS, but ideally I'd like do these stretches during my warm up as well. The mornings are freezing cold at this time of year where I'm from, so when I'm doing a warm up session early in the day its more difficult trying to get the scrotum skin to relax and not shrivel, meaning its harder to get a solid stretch compared to when I'm stretching in the afternoon.

Additionally, I'd agree it's still best practice to do some basic manual stretches in front of my MOS when warming up/down. I aim to do this at the beginning of my PE sessions before jumping into some more intense exercises.
So proud of you for using the ball and lig stretch. Don't worry about that tightness is will fade into a massive cock
Ok so lately these past few days I've been experiencing quite some skin irritation around the base of my penis & lower shaft. I've only noticed this while my penis has been wrapped for elongation. Normally I would begin to itch after a fair few hours of wrapping but now I start to feel it after the first 1-2 hours (have also observed slight redness).

Just trying to figure out what the issue might be, even when my wrapping method has been fairly consistent. I tend to use my silicone penis sleeve or a bandage, usually both if I feel as though I'm more prone to turtling. All of these methods have worked to keep me elongated for long.

Have also utilized the hydrocortisone cream since using Lengthmaster. I try to apply it after my first intense stretching session for the day, but most of the time I just use it whenever the itching issue arises. Perhaps it could be a matter of when is the right time to apply the cream? Or how often should I use the cream? Any other recommendations on how to combat the issue would be great (like) Just hoping to not remove my wraps sooner than required whenever my skin gets irritated. Then again, I did shave over the weekend so this may have some kind of impact lol

Aside from this, overall progress has been ok! Haven't seen any newer gains as of yet but I've aimed to keep consistent with Lengthmastering. At times, I have been able to rotate as far as 1.5 full rotations from 1 full turn, but only going to the max in shorter holds to ease into it and prevent injury (can also feel the difference in flexibility when I perform a manual bundle). No major changes to my LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging routine but just keeping note of when I feel less intensity during my current stretches, which I would try to resolve by either stretching harder or twisting further.
Ok so lately these past few days I've been experiencing quite some skin irritation around the base of my penis & lower shaft. I've only noticed this while my penis has been wrapped for elongation. Normally I would begin to itch after a fair few hours of wrapping but now I start to feel it after the first 1-2 hours (have also observed slight redness).

Just trying to figure out what the issue might be, even when my wrapping method has been fairly consistent. I tend to use my silicone penis sleeve or a bandage, usually both if I feel as though I'm more prone to turtling. All of these methods have worked to keep me elongated for long.
You might suffering hear rash. It's quite common for sensitive skin. Beside heat rash, you can also suffer from allergy from the materials. Try to wrap it around your thighs to test for heat rash and allergy effects.

Also wrap based on length of time. If you notice the heat rash occurs in 2 hours, wrap for 1 hour on, 1 hour off.

Have also utilized the hydrocortisone cream since using Lengthmaster. I try to apply it after my first intense stretching session for the day, but most of the time I just use it whenever the itching issue arises. Perhaps it could be a matter of when is the right time to apply the cream?
You can use it after each complete routine. However try not to use it more than 3 times a day.

Or how often should I use the cream? Any other recommendations on how to combat the issue would be great (like) Just hoping to not remove my wraps sooner than required whenever my skin gets irritated. Then again, I did shave over the weekend so this may have some kind of impact lol
Max is three times a day as you will be using it long term. However use it after each complete session.

Aside from this, overall progress has been ok! Haven't seen any newer gains as of yet but I've aimed to keep consistent with Lengthmastering. At times, I have been able to rotate as far as 1.5 full rotations from 1 full turn, but only going to the max in shorter holds to ease into it and prevent injury (can also feel the difference in flexibility when I perform a manual bundle). No major changes to my LM routine but just keeping note of when I feel less intensity during my current stretches, which I would try to resolve by either stretching harder or twisting further.
Done patient and evaluate for gains after 3 months and then 6 months. What you may not see in 3 months, you may see explosive growth in 6 months.
Hi checking in after a small hiatus, haven't been online in a while as I've been travelling overseas over the past month. Trying to do PE while travelling with others (especially in sweltering heat) hasn't been easy. I've barely been able to fit in time for PE and have only managed to do manual streches to a small extent. Therefore, have yet to see any further results.

Thankfully, I'm back home and have picked up from where I left off, using a combination of Lengthmaster, MOSRED etc.

Think I just wanted to reach out and see how else I can fasten my length growths. As far as my LM routine goes, I've continued to use downward stretches and BTC stretches over 2x 20min sessions, aiming for 60sec holds for added intensity. However, I don't seem to be feeling the same type of soreness in my inner penis/ligs like I previously did prior to making my last length gains (like a long lasting sensation). So I'm curious as to whether my routine is slowly working towards new growth or if I should start to change up by routine a bit.

For one, I'm able to rotate as far as 1.5 full turns and have occasionally hit 2 full rotations as well, thats if my penis is well stretched enough (clamp is closer to the glands than the base). Otherwise, I'm not sure if its too soon to be introducing new stretches/techniques. Third idea I have is to clamp a bit lower (maybe mid-shift or close to base) to tackle the ligs a bit more, even though I won't be able to rotate as far. Or else, should I continue with the same techniques to keep pushing into more rotations? I'm sure everyone's bodies react differently when using one single method but keen to hear any other suggestions.

Sidenote, the skin irritation mentioned in my last post has disappeared, couldn't imagine what has caused it but potentially an overexposure to LED light? (too close or too long idk) but I feel better. I find vasoline is also a good option pre-wrapping if I feel like I've overdoing hydrocortisone.
Think I just wanted to reach out and see how else I can fasten my length growths. As far as my LM routine goes, I've continued to use downward stretches and BTC stretches over 2x 20min sessions, aiming for 60sec holds for added intensity. However, I don't seem to be feeling the same type of soreness in my inner penis/ligs like I previously did prior to making my last length gains (like a long lasting sensation). So I'm curious as to whether my routine is slowly working towards new growth or if I should start to change up by routine a bit.
Try to break it down to 3x10-minute sessions each. You're place your glans under too much pressure burden. You may see your glans reduces in size or higher bruising. Just something to be aware of. Allow the glans to get some blood back by releasing the plates. You may not have to undo your wrapping, but make sure to massage or roll the wrapping between your palms rigorously to get the blood to flow to your glans. Any pooling blood greater than 10 minutes in the glans can build blood clots, which we try to stay far, far, FAR away from. I'm just being a sounding board for safety.

For one, I'm able to rotate as far as 1.5 full turns and have occasionally hit 2 full rotations as well, thats if my penis is well stretched enough (clamp is closer to the glands than the base).
Nice! Rotational twist is an indicator that your penile shaft shifts gear to a malleable willingness to enable your penile shaft to break down with micro tears and promote elongation growth. I'm at 2.5 and nearly at 2.75. But when I'm doing BTC, I only use 2 full rotations. When I pull straight down for the starting and sending minutes for warm up and cool down, I do full rotations. If you need more info on this, I can provide more insights.

Otherwise, I'm not sure if its too soon to be introducing new stretches/techniques.
If you know you can go into new routine sets to select other approaches, switch. You can do this on a monthly basis if you like, or you can switch out every 6 week to 8 weeks. Never too soon to keep the penis guessing.

Third idea I have is to clamp a bit lower (maybe mid-shift or close to base) to tackle the ligs a bit more, even though I won't be able to rotate as far. Or else, should I continue with the same techniques to keep pushing into more rotations? I'm sure everyone's bodies react differently when using one single method but keen to hear any other suggestions.
If you want your penis to do a high mast raise and not point out or down, you can simply focus on the entire penile shaft pulling. If you want the extra segment to show but at the sacrifice of your supporting ligaments, yes, strap it closer to the mid or lower part of the penile shaft and stress the ligaments and muscles out. It's merely aesthetic reasons for the penis to point straight up for younger bucks. Us older guys only care about the size of the penis.

Same techniques applied. The rotation will be less, around half to 1 full rotation. You don't have to do rotations if you don't want to. It's all about the traction pull to stress the ligaments and muscles behind the cheeks and straight down. I stress mine by slighly pull to one side for 1 minute, then the other, while pulling straight down or straight back. This adds the element of muscle tissue stressors whie placing the ligaments under stresses.

Sidenote, the skin irritation mentioned in my last post has disappeared, couldn't imagine what has caused it but potentially an overexposure to LED light? (too close or too long idk) but I feel better. I find vasoline is also a good option pre-wrapping if I feel like I've overdoing hydrocortisone.
Yes, too close to the LED when your skin is getting used to the lights can be a factor. Too much heat causing heat rash as well. But using Vasoline for pre-wrapping, that's interesting. Any issues with slippage?
Why use vaseline?
I'm a manual stretcher, I use RED + NIR during this process for 30 min a day and then the 5 x 5 x 3. I have been using RED + NIR on my body for 6 months now , practically 4 to 5 times a week. No issues at all. If I am just using it for just warm up, All I need is 10 min. If I am doing stretches then I add this to the routine

Having balls exposed to RED light has been clinically proven to be OK or beneficial. No reports I have seen of anything negative. But it's your body so you can cover it with cloth as needed.

RED + NIR for the most part MAX a day is usually up to 30 min but trust your body in what it wants. That does not mean that 30 min is better that just means that the MAX for the most part is 30 min a day. I am just saying that most studies, in general, have been all under 30 min for Red Light.

Also, every Red light is different so find the distance and time that works best for you.

Last, I don't do Bathmate, I use something similar to mityvac, if you have gotten injured, I recommend using a pump and gauge so you know how much pressure you are at. I like knowing my Hg.
Sad to read about your thrombosis man! Hope it didn't left any harm on the long run. What were your first steps dealing with it? Maybe there is already a thread
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If you want your penis to do a high mast raise and not point out or down, you can simply focus on the entire penile shaft pulling. If you want the extra segment to show but at the sacrifice of your supporting ligaments, yes, strap it closer to the mid or lower part of the penile shaft and stress the ligaments and muscles out. It's merely aesthetic reasons for the penis to point straight up for younger bucks. Us older guys only care about the size of the penis.

Same techniques applied. The rotation will be less, around half to 1 full rotation. You don't have to do rotations if you don't want to. It's all about the traction pull to stress the ligaments and muscles behind the cheeks and straight down. I stress mine by slighly pull to one side for 1 minute, then the other, while pulling straight down or straight back. This adds the element of muscle tissue stressors whie placing the ligaments under stresses.
Brilliant ideas! I could try out a slight pull to either side during BTC & straight down, and perhaps try out some upward stretches as well. Might be a good time to experiment new stretches at least each month. Think I'll get a solid understanding of what works and what doesn't once I start feeling that long-lasting soreness again.

Also agree that it's a good idea to allow for blood circulation during my PE workouts, especially during those random times that I get hard. I normally loosen the plates to let the blood flow, then I'll screw myself in again and continue from there.
Why use vaseline?
I probably should've elaborated on this more. When I was first going through a heat rash episode I read somewhere that vaseline could be used as a short term fix for skin irritation. So I experimented a little bit and found out that I managed to stay wrapped for a bit extra longer (only applied vaseline around the base of my penis). I also figured this could be a fair option whenever I was using hydrocortisone but was trying not to overdo the daily recommended usage (as previously mentioned in one of the last posts). So yes it might be an option to consider if your skin feels dry and irritable, however I wouldn't settle with vaseline as a long-term solution for PE usage and would rather prioritise hydrocortisone. Keeping in mind, there tends to be a bit more slippage after applying vaseline.
It's great to see you made some progress after the DHT-blocker experience. I am starting to get into PE and read everything I can. However, I'm into hair loss as well.

So what medication did you take, it was finasteride? I read some studies, and it can actually shrink the penis size, but it's extremely rare. Still, maybe you should look into topical finasteride, here is a guide to achieve the right dose without systemic leakage. Not sure if I can post links, but here you go: Topical Finasteride: The Best Dosage for Maximizing Regrowth and Minimizing Side Effects.

Maybe it will help!
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Also, I would suggest you get some blood work done and check hormonal levels (total test, free test, DHT, estradiol, etc). If you block DHT with medication you should have enough free testosterone for androgenic activity. I highly suspect your penis didn't shrink in size, but the quality of your erection is lower. Check this guy on youtube, it talks specifically about this subject.
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It's great to see you made some progress after the DHT-blocker experience. I am starting to get into PE and read everything I can. However, I'm into hair loss as well.

So what medication did you take, it was finasteride? I read some studies, and it can actually shrink the penis size, but it's extremely rare. Still, maybe you should look into topical finasteride, here is a guide to achieve the right dose without systemic leakage. Not sure if I can post links, but here you go: Topical Finasteride: The Best Dosage for Maximizing Regrowth and Minimizing Side Effects.

Maybe it will help!
Hey thanks for reaching out! I've only taken Saw Palmetto as an oral treatment before I first noticed that I lost size. I'd say I've used the treatment for approx. a month and then stopped, but then a month later that's when I first noticed shrinkage as well as losing my ability to gain a full erection. Did some research into it afterwards and it seems as though the side effects are very similar to Finasteride etc. even though Saw Palmetto is kind of presented as a more 'natural' supplement and can be easily bought from a pharmacy. Totally understand that penile shrinkage is said to be rare after consumption but it's definitely hard to dismiss the fact that this is what caused my shrinkage issues to begin with.

Tbh I'm quite apprehensive about topical treatments to this day, even though they're said to have lower risks compared to oral treatments, think this might be to do with topical hair loss treatment still being able to travel into the bloodstream (correct me if I'm wrong here not 100% sure about the science). At this stage, hair regrowth is probably my second-most highest priority next to PE but I've just taken a break from any kind of chemical treatment altogether. Have previously looked into PRP, dermarolling etc.
While we're at it, I do have a MOSRED that I use daily for PE, might come in handy hey

Also, I would suggest you get some blood work done and check hormonal levels (total test, free test, DHT, estradiol, etc). If you block DHT with medication you should have enough free testosterone for androgenic activity. I highly suspect your penis didn't shrink in size, but the quality of your erection is lower. Check this guy on youtube, it talks specifically about this subject.
I remember when I first looked into treating ED I visited a series of doctors and underwent several consultations, blood tests, testicular scans etc. and they assured me that my blood & testosterone levels appeared normal. Yes, this was positive news but there was nothing any of the doctors could do to address the fact that I lost size (they pretty much told me to wait for a long time for the effects to wear off... well looking back that never really solved anything lol). It was the most disheartening news ever but thankfully afterwards I happened to discover PE and how it's benefited guys going through ED (or not).

So yeah, that's a bit of my background story but appreciate the info shared! Wishing you the best of luck with your PE & hair loss journey!
Hey thanks for reaching out! I've only taken Saw Palmetto as an oral treatment before I first noticed that I lost size. I'd say I've used the treatment for approx. a month and then stopped, but then a month later that's when I first noticed shrinkage as well as losing my ability to gain a full erection. Did some research into it afterwards and it seems as though the side effects are very similar to Finasteride etc. even though Saw Palmetto is kind of presented as a more 'natural' supplement and can be easily bought from a pharmacy. Totally understand that penile shrinkage is said to be rare after consumption but it's definitely hard to dismiss the fact that this is what caused my shrinkage issues to begin with.

Tbh I'm quite apprehensive about topical treatments to this day, even though they're said to have lower risks compared to oral treatments, think this might be to do with topical hair loss treatment still being able to travel into the bloodstream (correct me if I'm wrong here not 100% sure about the science). At this stage, hair regrowth is probably my second-most highest priority next to PE but I've just taken a break from any kind of chemical treatment altogether. Have previously looked into PRP, dermarolling etc.
While we're at it, I do have a MOSRED that I use daily for PE, might come in handy hey

I remember when I first looked into treating ED I visited a series of doctors and underwent several consultations, blood tests, testicular scans etc. and they assured me that my blood & testosterone levels appeared normal. Yes, this was positive news but there was nothing any of the doctors could do to address the fact that I lost size (they pretty much told me to wait for a long time for the effects to wear off... well looking back that never really solved anything lol). It was the most disheartening news ever but thankfully afterwards I happened to discover PE and how it's benefited guys going through ED (or not).

So yeah, that's a bit of my background story but appreciate the info shared! Wishing you the best of luck with your PE & hair loss journey!
You could also save up and get implants. My Brother had the same issue and had a transplant and it's holding strong for 2 years now
@kppaaaaa Okay brother, I got to check up on you. How's your progression coming along? I want to check up on the brother starting on their recent journies and making sure all is well. Always know that we are here to support you all the way to grow. If you need help with the discipline, let us know. We'll take time to check up on you more frequently to keep you focused on your course.
So important to keep men going by bumping their thread. @huge-girth was on this and it truly helped the brotherhood. I wonder where he is.
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