pumping size question

If you're asking the different between erection size before pumping versus the erected size after pumping?

Mine is 5.15 inch at the glans and 5.25 at the mid shaft before pumping.

After pumping, 5.5 at the glans and 5.75 at mid shaft.

This is without fluid retention. If with light amount of fluid retention:

After pumping, 5.5 in at the glans, and 6.25 in at the mid shaft. This is where my wife screams in pleasure. This is my main objective in reaching.
Wow pretty impressive on the expansion after pumping. I don't see those type of gains anymore after pumping and am wondering if I've hit a plateau. I started my pumping journey Feb 1st of this year looking to mainly focus on girth. My starting size was 6.5" NBP and 7.25" BP with 4.75" Girth. After almost 3mon I am still at same length maybe 1/8" longer depending on the day but girth I'm at 5.25" mid shaft and 5.5"" base shaft prior to pumping. After pumping I'm only at 5.375 mid shaft and 5.675 base shaft. My routine is warm up with stretches 9 different angles of stretching for 30sec. each. Than go into my 3x5x5x5 min. Pumping routine. I pump roughly5 to 6 days a week depending on how fatigue my member is feeling. I'm limited on time because I'm still doing this incognito without my wife knowing. Just a little more about my self I am into self care and have pretty good blood flow do to my fitness routine so knock on would no ED yet at age 40. Any advise is appreciated. Thanks Gentlemen
@Casual, This is a marathon, no way have you plateaued yet. Trust the process, I have another thread about telling wifey you are doing this for EQ and she doesn't need to know about PE. She will even thank you for pumping after you read it.

As far as pumping, water pumping changed my life, I would give it a year. So far I am about 1/2 in girth after one year but I only started water pumping half way through my year.

Once you play around with C-ring options, I have many posts on that, you will find your perfect balance.
Wow pretty impressive on the expansion after pumping. I don't see those type of gains anymore after pumping and am wondering if I've hit a plateau. I started my pumping journey Feb 1st of this year looking to mainly focus on girth. My starting size was 6.5" NBP and 7.25" BP with 4.75" Girth. After almost 3mon I am still at same length maybe 1/8" longer depending on the day but girth I'm at 5.25" mid shaft and 5.5"" base shaft prior to pumping. After pumping I'm only at 5.375 mid shaft and 5.675 base shaft. My routine is warm up with stretches 9 different angles of stretching for 30sec. each. Than go into my 3x5x5x5 min. Pumping routine. I pump roughly5 to 6 days a week depending on how fatigue my member is feeling. I'm limited on time because I'm still doing this incognito without my wife knowing. Just a little more about my self I am into self care and have pretty good blood flow do to my fitness routine so knock on would no ED yet at age 40. Any advise is appreciated. Thanks Gentlemen
Have you tried Water pumping? My experience is that it is safer and you can progress to higher vaccum without a problem.
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I figured it would be a marathon at this point. I recieved my rapid newbe gains and it gave me the false sense of reality of the hard work that is yet to come. I'm definitely in it for the long hall though. I'm sure my wife's suspicions are growing more as she has definitely noticed the size increase but probably doesn't know how to approach the situation, but it definitely has here singing a different toon just like it did pre kids.

I do half water pumping and half air. This is all dependent on the circumstances at hand with pumping incognito. I do get better results for sure with water pumping and no adema. All though my adema is very little to none with air pumping now.

@bemorethanbig, I'll will definitely read your thread on how to approach my partner on pumping for EQ, going incognito is definitely getting more and more difficult trying to hide.
It took a couple of talks with wifey, she just needs to understand that you are becoming a better man and have to play differently to be the lion you are.
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How goes it Gents. I just wanted to provide a little update on my PE journey and possibly get a little input. It's been 7months for me now and I've changed a few things up. I purchased a new pump with a gauge about a month after my last post and that has been a game changer. Im taking sildenafil 25MG to help with PE and erection quality. I just started with a traction device 2 days ago so still trying to work that in to my PE schedule, M-F 6hrs a day and rest on the weekends, this i took from DLD's play book on healing while you extended rather than turtling up, makes sense. If i gain some length while im at it than a bonus for me. Feel free to give your input.
Since I purchased my new pump with a Guage I discovered I was only expanding to half of my potential. I am currently pumping up to 15HG,
5min. Pump
1min. SSJ
5min. Pump
1min. SSJ
5min. Pump
1min. SSJ
Sundays rest

Here is why this routine. I Geeked out on alot of DLD' s post, listening to your body and experimenting to see what worked best for me. I love doing SSJ but dam I get a ton of bruising and adema if I go to long and hard, not saying that pumping doesn't do the same but lets be truthful, pumping is a little less physical work.

Now to the gains. With a week off recently to check to see what I have cemented, I am currently sitting at BG: is still 5-1/2", MSG: 5-3/8" length is BP: 7-1/4" NBP: 6-1/2

But for my pumping gains after my routine:
BG and MSG are at 6" and sometimes just a tad bigger just coming of rest day, and my length BP/ NBP is 1/4 longer. When I'm In the pump on my last rep my D stretches to over 7-5/8" mind blowing.

Wife is screaming a hole new tune these days. Watching her lose control have been my new biggest fantasy's coming true.

What do you guys think about those gains? I know it's not much after the last post but I'm still gaining. I hope that by adding the traction device will help with stretching of the tunica and help with the gains.

I did also have the talk with my wife so I do not have to go full incognito and I said it was for my ED I was starting to notice. She was good with it and is not complaining. She just only thinks I do it before the deed though.
I'm not sure where you were on the pressure baselines, but do be careful going up into the 15inHg. That is reaching the upper unsafe limit. Some brothers go past it, but those brothers already built a major resistance due to tissue density.

From what I can see, the bruising is definitely caused by the long high pressure pumping and SSJ simply displays the hidden manifestation of the internal damages. You can rise it to 15inHg, but through a dynamic pressure of moderate (probably at 10inHg) for 60 seconds, then high for only 30 seconds. Prolong period at high pressure simply cause tissues to tear too quickly, flagging the body to introduce intense preservation mode by not allowing the penis to growth any more. Do be careful. Spend more time on SSJ than pumping, or balance it out.
I'm not sure where you were on the pressure baselines, but do be careful going up into the 15inHg. That is reaching the upper unsafe limit. Some brothers go past it, but those brothers already built a major resistance due to tissue density.

From what I can see, the bruising is definitely caused by the long high pressure pumping and SSJ simply displays the hidden manifestation of the internal damages. You can rise it to 15inHg, but through a dynamic pressure of moderate (probably at 10inHg) for 60 seconds, then high for only 30 seconds. Prolong period at high pressure simply cause tissues to tear too quickly, flagging the body to introduce intense preservation mode by not allowing the penis to growth any more. Do be careful. Spend more time on SSJ than pumping, or balance it out.
Excellent advice!đź‘Ť
I did also have the talk with my wife so I do not have to go full incognito and I said it was for my ED I was starting to notice. She was good with it and is not complaining. She just only thinks I do it before the deed though.
You are a hero bro for this way to tell wifey about it.

About 15Hg: (with water pumping- for those reading, this is important to note!)

For the first 3 months I was going up to that, I have since tamed myself for two reasons. Once I started going passed 12Hg (300) I was not noticing any proper gains in the tube and only created more Edema. Once I started going to 12 Hg conisistantly, your body will then that 15Hg is way too much. If I go to 15 Hg now, it feels like it is WAY too much. So I recommend going to 12 Hg for health reasons and because you are taking a risk without needed to.
It's like going down a mountain with less braking, yeah you might get there a bit faster but why risk it if you are just enjoying the ride, pushing a bit more only gets you there a few seconds quicker.
With your current routine, lower the Hg, trust the process and you are on your way to be as big as when you pump.
Thanks for the advice guys. It's awsome to be able to have a brotherhood like this that can help coach along the way. I will definitely lower the pressure down to 10inHG and up the amount of time I am doing SSJ. I guess I got a little overzealous. Definitely Don't want to reck my D either. What are your thoughts though on adding the extender to help with the healing in the elongated state to allow more blood. My main goal is girth so I won't be using the extender as it's intended for lengthening but to keep it extended to a longer than normal flaccid length.
I have added ADS to my routine on days I don't Pump, or 2-4 hours before I pump on pump days.

You will find very positive results with extender or ADS. I think you just need to try it for 12-18 weeks and see.
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