
Sep 4, 2010
I'll be writing this review in multiple parts for two reasons: 1) Because I find most people don't want to read through endless paragraphs, and 2) I expect that the more I use the Extender over time, the better insight I'll be able to offer as part of a review.

So in this first part, let's talk about the ordering and shipping process...

I always get a little antsy ordering "adult" products over the internet. I also get a little concerned when the company is located overseas. So when I ordered the Extender on a Sunday night and had not received a confirmation email by lunch time on Monday, I was starting to get anxious. I called SizeGenetics' toll-free number and a very helpful gentlemen (whom I will refer to as Nigel) confirmed my order number and told me it had been processed for shipping. I don't know if his name was Nigel, but all Brits sound like they should be called Nigel. I ended the call by saying "cheers", just to make him feel like we had an international bonding moment.

On Tuesday, I received the discreetly labeled package. The speed of shipping from the UK to the Midwest here in the States blew my mind. For all intents and purposes, it was over night (and that included going through Customs, who decided they would open and inspect the package). And yes, I realize this was the perfect opportunity to insert a pun about having "my package" checked out.

The package itself included the SizeGenetics box (which I'll discuss later), the PenisHealth DVD (which I'll discuss later) , and a 30 day supply of Male Extra pills. I'll talk more about the Male Extra pills in one of my subsequent posts, but I've been taking them for a week and one thing that has been going on pretty regularly since I started is that I am waking up in the morning with an erection. I'm 42 years old, and haven't experienced "morning wood" in quite some time. Whether this is due to the Male Extra pills, the Penis Enlargement exercises, or a combination of the two, I don't know. I guess if I continue to experience morning erections after I have completed the 30 day supply, I'll have my answer.

In review part 2, I'll talk about the contents of the Extender box and the construction of the product. Hopefully, you'll find it to be complimentary to DLD's video rather than a straight-up repeat of it.
Nice review thus far and I myself have been pleased with the shipping speed.
Excellent stuff! Great review and I look forward to the rest:) This will make a great companion to the video.
The box and its contents

The SizeGenetics Extender comes in a very handsome case that measures about 6 inches square by 2 inches tall (16cm & 5cm, respectively for those of you on the metric system). The case is looks like black leather, though I suspect it is vinyl, and has a chrome "crown" emblem on top and a locking chrome latch on the front. It looks quite classy and could probably be mistaken for an electric razor case, grooming kit, or male jewelry box. It is something you won't be embarrassed to have sitting out.

Inside the box, you have the ring base, a number of lengthening rods, a plastic head support, rubber head strap, "keys" to tighten the lengthening rods in place (if necessary) and a foam rubber ring to protect you from the rubber head strap. The inside of the box is nicely molded with slots for base and each of the metal parts. It would have been nice had there been some molding or some other way to secure the head support, strap, and foam rubber ring -- instead, they just lie freely in the box. That little addition would have taken the SizeGenetics case from "classy" to "world-class".

I was frustrated that there did not appear to be any sort of manual included -- until I discovered that the top part of the case has a removable firm foam rubber molding that hid the instructional DVD (this is separate from the PenisHealth DVD). I tried playing around with the Extender prior to watching the DVD. I don't recommend this, as the DVD makes it very clear how the Extender should be used.

The included lengthening rods come in the following sizes: 2 inch (5cm) x 4, 1 inch (2.5cm) x 2, and .5 inch (1.25cm) x2. They can be used in conjunction with one another to create varying lengths in half inch increments. With all of the lengthening rods in play, the Extender should accommodate a penis up to 9 inches (23cm), give or take.

The base ring and lengthening rods all seem very well constructed. It is important to note, however, that the interior circumference of the base ring is approximately 5 inches. This shouldn't be an issue for most of us, given that we'll be using it in a flaccid (and stretched) state, but I wouldn't recommend using the Extender right after a Bathmate session or if you already have a lot of girth, as the knurled extension knobs will likely pinch your skin. I found this out the hard way after a Bathmate session. On a completely unrelated note, back in college, one of my friends was nicknamed "tuna can" due to his penis shape -- well below average in the length department, but his girth would have kept him from using the Extender. But back to the review...

The rubber head strap has bumps on the penis-facing side. I'm not sure if these are for comfort, grip or a combination of the two. The strap also has a number of notches on each side so that you can adjust the tightness in very fine increments. I've read some complaints from other MOS users about the strap breaking, and I would be curious to hear where it broke so that I can look for any signs of wear on mine as I use it. I'm actually more concerned about the foam rubber penis protection ring that is included. You wear this around your shaft, just behind the head, so that the rubber strap doesn't rip your skin off. I could see this thing wearing out fairly quickly, but I think an Ace bandage would make an adequate substitute.

On the whole, this is a remarkably well constructed and packaged piece of machinery. My wife, who is a nurse, even commented that she thought it looked "medical grade". I'm not sure what that means, but it sounded like a compliment.

In part 3 of the review, I'll discuss that pack-ins (PenisHealth DVD and a little more on the Male Extra Pills) and a summary of my impressions after a week and a half of usage. I will also see about posting some pictures of the inside of the box to suppliment my descriptions above.
Excellent posts! I am going to Blog this as you add to your review.
Initial Impressions on Wearing the Extender

I'll admit, there's something cool about taking the individual Extender components out of their box and assembling it to the desired length. I kinda feel like Scaramanga in "The Man with the Golden Gun" as he assembled his pistol. As for the mechanics of putting it on, here is my advice: First attach the appropriate extension rods to the base (you'll determine this through a little trial and error) and slide the ring over your penis. It's generally a good idea to be standing next to a flat surface (like your bathroom counter), so that you can rest the rods on it, freeing both of your hands for the rest of the setup.

My next step is to put the foam rubber ring over and just behind the head of my penis. I then insert the left side of the head support strap into the head support -- just one "click" -- and then put the head support on the extension rods. I compress the rods on their springs so that my head is resting on the head support, then while simultaneously stretching my penis and compressing the rods with my left hand, I insert the head support strap in the right side of the head support (making sure that the rubber strap is well positioned on top of the foam rubber protection ring) and pull it a couple of "clicks". I then alternate tightening each side by a couple of clicks until I feel like I'm securely in place. If you are left-handed, you may want to reverse the sides described above.

The first time or two, it might seem a little tricky attaching the Extender but, like changing a diaper, pretty soon you'll have it down and will be able to strap it on in no time. In fact, you may even want to show of your new skill to your friends and neighbors.

You increase the tension on the Extender by turning the knurled knobs toward your penis. This is what threw me before I watched the video. I was playing with the extender (off my penis) and couldn't figure out why the "righty / tighty, lefty / loosey" rule wasn't working). The Extender can be positioned straight out, down (which stretches the tendons) or up (which stretches the tunica). I find that while I may be comfortable with a given tension in one position, I can really feel the stretch when I move it to a different position. So it's probably a good idea to mix it up during your session. You'll also find that as your penis relaxes / stretches during a session that you can increase the tension (or even move up by a half inch in rod length).

One of my main questions with the Extender was when I would be able to wear it -- and that would be largely based on how discreet it is. First, I would not wear it while sleeping for a couple of reasons: 1) I toss and turn a fair bit, and I think that would set me up for an injury; and 2) I find that the lack of circulation to my penis head requires me to take an Extender break every 30-45 minutes. Lots of physical activity is an enemy to your penis while wearing the Extender, with pinching against the knobs being the primary source of pain. Basically, I wouldn't wear the Extender during any activity that has a lot of motion: running the 100M hurdles, riding a bike, climbing a ladder, cattle roping, etc.

I found that if you're trying to be discreet, the Extender works best under loose fitting shorts or sweat pants, and ideally aimed downward. If you had a job that involved standing (i.e., manufacturing) and/or wearing coveralls, you could probably wear the Extender at work (though bathroom breaks might be a bit awkward). I could also see the Extender working really well for truck drivers. For those of us with office jobs, we'll have to limit the use to at home. With the exception of wearing coveralls, you will probably not be able to discretely wear the Extender in an upward position (as it will extend past your waistband if you are longer than 6 inche or so), so it's best to plan for a time when you can have your penis out in the open if you are looking to stretch your tunica.

Once again, my review has gone on longer than I expected -- but I hope you all are finding it useful. In my next post, I will get around to the previously promised pack-ins and some pictures.
Pack-ins and initial impressions

The first pack-in is the PenisHealth DVD. I have not done a side-by-side comparison of this video with the one offered by DLD, but it is pretty solid. You can view all of the Penis Enlargement exercises individually, broken down by stage (beginner, intermediate, etc.), or as part of the recommended routines. I don't know what more to say about it, other than I think it's a good resource and I'm pleased to see it included with the Extender.

The next pack in are the Male Extra pills, of which you are given a 30 day supply. The box claims that the ingredients in this pills will give you "Rock-solid hardness, throbbing blood flow to the penis, outstanding control and stamina, fast recovery for extra sessions, big impressive ejaculations, more powerful intense orgasms, and all-night staying power". Sounds like it's more powerful than Cialis or Viagra, doesn't it? Well, after two weeks of usage, I found these claims to be over-stated. Yes, I'm waking up in the morning with an erection, but not a Cialis-caliber erection (which I can hang a 45 lb weight plate on). I have seen no change in the quality of my orgasms nor the amount of ejaculate.

The two primary ingredients are L-arginine (500mg) and pomegranate (500mg). If you went to Walgreens, you could get a two month supply of those two supplements at those doses for around $15 (provided they have one of their regular "buy one, get one free" sales going on). If you order Male Extra pills direct from the official website, they charge $75/month. I'm pretty sure I could find the other 500mg of herbal ingredients for quite a bit less than that. However, SizeGenetics threw them in for free and I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. That said, I'm not going to rush out to buy more.

But ultimately this review is for the SizeGenetics Extender, not the pack-ins. And I think it's a damn fine piece of machinery. I've seen other posters state that they have had the tightening rods break or their head strap tear. I don't know if these are isolated incidents. I hope so. I have found in two weeks of using the Extender that I am stretching out a half an inch longer than when I first got it. I have been using the Extender in conjunction with DLD's beginner routine and the Bathmate, and I give all three credit for the gains I've made so far.

Personally, I find the claim that the Extender was "originally $425!" to be a little dubious. I think most of us are wise enough to see that this is a marketing technique. I mean, who among us would actually pay $425 for this device? Probably none of us. Some might even find $165 to be too high a price, but let me ask you this: how much would you pay to add a couple of inches to your penis? What is it worth to you for the confidence those couple of inches will give you? What is it worth to see the impact it has on your wife/girlfriend/lover? When you put it in those terms, I feel the SizeGenetics Extender and the Bathmate were very worthy purchases.

I'll continue to post to this topic over the next few months to share my results. Also, I took a few pictures of the box (inside and out) as well as the head strap and comfort ring, but I see that I cannot upload pictures directly to the MoS website. I'm not going to put these pictures on my personal Photobucket page, but I will get around to creating another account -- and when I do, I'll post the pics. Or if DLD wants to host the space for the pics, I can email them to him.
Me too. Such an excellent review you deserve excellent results!
I haven't taken any measurements lately, but I can tell you this. When I first got the extender, I'd begin my sessions with the inch + half inch extenders on the base. After 30-45 minutes I'd take a break and then use the two inch extender. Now I start with the two inch extender and switch up to the two inch + half inch after my break.

This is where a log would have really come in handy. I know I started doing manual stretching exercises (DLD's beginner routine) on 8/14/10 with a BPenis EnlargementL of 5.5 inches. I'll have to see the dates on which I ordered the Bathmate and the Extender. On the Bathmate, I used to max out at 140mm and now I'm hitting 160mm. So, my non-scientific estimate is that I've put on somewhere between a half inch and .75 inches in the last 7 weeks. A couple of things to note here are that I have been doing the Extender, Bathmate, and manual stretching -- so my gains are based on a combination of all three. I also expect that Penis Enlargement is kind of like dieting -- the initial results come faster and then it takes long term dedication to get to your desired state. So I don't expect that I'll keep putting on a half inch ever couple of months.
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Excellent News! Congratulations. It is the men who put thought, effort and belief in the work they do that will reap the benefits of Penis Enlargement.
Sorry for the delay on the pics. Here they are...

Extender Box - a look at the closed box. As I indicated above, it's very classy looking.

Extender Inside - very nice molded slots to hold the extender and rods.

Extender Strap and Ring - this is what the non-lasso strap looks like, along with the foam rubber protection ring

Extender Box 2 - this is where I see an opportunity. If there were molding to hold the head support, protection ring, and strap, this would be extremely slick. As it is, you kind of have to do your best to get it all to fit nicely.


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    Extender Inside.JPG
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    Extender Strap and Ring.JPG
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    Extender Box.JPG
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    Extender Box 2.JPG
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Such a beautiful kit, they do such a great job with the presentation!
Did you notice that you can pull out the cover of the inside of the lid to find their DVD?
I did not realize it until I went on their website to find some instructions, and saw it on the website.
tester8888;402844 said:
Did you notice that you can pull out the cover of the inside of the lid to find their DVD?
I did not realize it until I went on their website to find some instructions, and saw it on the website.

This also happened to me when I first bought my first SG back in 2008
2 Discs come with the SizeGenetics there is a disc that is obvious, it is in with the kit. But behind the inner box there is a 2nd disc.
Excellent News! Congratulations. It is the men who put thought, effort and belief in the work they do that will reap the benefits of Penis Enlargement.
The SizeGenetics is a good tool but as you to grow. Be gentle with it as the break easily
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