Can penis pumps cause erectile dysfunction?


Aug 3, 2023
I suffer from ED which I believe is mostly psychological for me due to a bad relationship. In addition to wanting not to make that issue worse or maybe even improve it, I'm also interested in growing my penis size permanently (as are we all, haha).

I've started to get sucked into the idea that penis pumps might be able to help grow my permanent size. Mostly interested in girth gains, but a little length gains wouldn't hurt my feelings either.

That said, I've also heard that people can become dependent on penis pumps to achieve erections, or that penis pumps can even make ED worse. This comment from RoryRabideau on a �other PE site� thread comes to mind:

Have any of you experienced ED as a result of your use of a Penis Pump? Have any of you who already had issues with ED had it get worse as a result of your use of a Penis Pump?
I felt like I already answered this, but okay pumps are generally safe and effective that being said, there are other treatments for ED as well.

If you’re young, I wouldn’t rely on pumping to get an erection. If you think about it too much of anything can be bad for you.

As you get older, your testosterone starts to diminish and you’ll need a way to maintain your current size that God has given to you and one way to do that is through penis pumping and other forms of penile exercises for both length and girth.

There’s also that chance, if you don’t know what you’re doing, when it comes to pumping you can damage your penis which leads to ED. There’s a chance that he didn’t know how to use his pump properly that’s something to consider.
I want to help you check these links out:

Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) Girth Program: Matters of Size | Male Enhancement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums
I’ve been using the Mytivac for 6 weeks and my eq has gotten better than it was. My nocturnal erections are more frequent and stronger than ever. I attribute this to the great advice given on this forum.
I’ve been using the Mytivac for 6 weeks and my eq has gotten better than it was. My nocturnal erections are more frequent and stronger than ever. I attribute this to the great advice given on this forum.
That's the beauty of the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System
Been an avid (manic) pumper for almost 10 years...just the sight of being bigger should overcome any EQ issues. I wake each morning with a raging boner, but I also take a vitamin V or C whenever I'm in a situation where I may have a sexual encounter (as insurance) and I'll get hard if the breeze blows just right, lol.
As an aside, quit giving all your power to your ex (she didn't ask for it or earn it), once you're swingin' down there your confidence will sky-rocket and she'll be a distant may even come to realize she did you a favor. Food for thought: if you were a woman with many men to choose from, who do you think she'd want to be with? Figure that puzzle out and become that guy (and once you're 'that guy', don't fall-back to being the 'other guy') Just my $0.02

Hey man, does the pumping make your erection more "squashy"? I seem to be losing a little bit of that natural rigidness by using the pump. I generally never go above 5 hg and when I go lighter I notice the "squashiness" isn't as bad. Plz lmk what you think.

I also have PIED, which is getting much better atm, so that may have a little to do with it. Still, I don't think that is EVERYTHING. I'm 95% certain the pump is actually doing some too.

I too am worried a little about pumping causing ED or ruining my erection quality.

Hey man, does the pumping make your erection more "squashy"? I seem to be losing a little bit of that natural rigidness by using the pump. I generally never go above 5 hg and when I go lighter I notice the "squashiness" isn't as bad. Plz lmk what you think.

I also have PIED, which is getting much better atm, so that may have a little to do with it. Still, I don't think that is EVERYTHING. I'm 95% certain the pump is actually doing some too.

I too am worried a little about pumping causing ED or ruining my erection quality.
No, my erections are rock hard. I had great eq to begin with but since I started pumping it’s gotten even better. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night with one it feels like I could cut stone with it.
I don’t know what PIED is. Please explain.
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No, my erections are rock hard. I had great eq to begin with but since I started pumping it’s gotten even better. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night with one it feels like I could cut stone with it.
I don’t know what PIED is. Please explain.
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Yes, that is exactly right. It is �naked people movies� Induced Erectile Dysfunction. In other words, if I don't watch �naked people movies� for around 60-90 days, I can start getting good erections. If I look at any �naked people movies� at all, I start losing them. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Do you think I am pumping too hard? How much pressure are you using? If you are getting even harder, what do you think my problem is?

Plz! I am eager to figure this out so I can start just enjoying the benefits and not dealing with side effects.

Is there a certain method you are using while pumping? Certain pressures etc.? Any other pimping tips you might have? Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Side note: this morning was the first morning in awhile I was actually able to pump erect, which was nice. Hopefully I can stay away from �naked people movies� so that my erections start getting better again.

Yes, that is exactly right. It is �naked people movies� Induced Erectile Dysfunction. In other words, if I don't watch �naked people movies� for around 60-90 days, I can start getting good erections. If I look at any �naked people movies� at all, I start losing them. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Do you think I am pumping too hard? How much pressure are you using? If you are getting even harder, what do you think my problem is?

Plz! I am eager to figure this out so I can start just enjoying the benefits and not dealing with side effects.

Is there a certain method you are using while pumping? Certain pressures etc.? Any other pimping tips you might have? Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Side note: this morning was the first morning in awhile I was actually able to pump erect, which was nice. Hopefully I can stay away from �naked people movies� so that my erections start getting better again.

Do you use a Bathmate pump or; a MityVac pump?
Also: If using a MityVac pump, do you pump with water or air?

I'm asking this because when I use a Bathmate pump, I have a harder time to keep the erection going outside the pump. But when I use an air pump I have no problems at all to keep the erection going outside the pump (I have a cheap air pump = to test the concept). I don't know the reason to this. Maybe it's the gators 🐊 fault in the Bathmate.
(I'm not doing girthwork now).

There can also be a mental blockage to the belief that you have; �naked people movies� Induced Erectile Dysfunction as well. Similarly to when you are taking a specific medication, and you read all the side effects. Almost immediately you can experience all these side effects (personal experience).

In a way: How you think about yourself, this are in fact getting actualized physically in our body.

How we live also impact our erection quality. Healthy body = good erection quality. Sleep patterns?, nutrition?, negatively anticipated stress?...and more are all impacting the erection quality and fullness.

I watch �naked people movies� and my erection quality is good. My erection quality is at it's peek, when I'm with a woman. It's harder to have a strong erection, when there is no woman around.
I use �naked people movies� to boost my erection somewhat when I'm alone and are doing edging and that kind of stuff. I also used �naked people movies� when I did girthwork with Bathmate pumps.

But I agree that, �naked people movies� Induced Erectile Dysfunction is a real thing. But I believe you need to overuse it, for it to be a problem.

What we focus on determine our reality.
I hope this helped you somewhat.
Yes, that is exactly right. It is �naked people movies� Induced Erectile Dysfunction. In other words, if I don't watch �naked people movies� for around 60-90 days, I can start getting good erections. If I look at any �naked people movies� at all, I start losing them. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Do you think I am pumping too hard? How much pressure are you using? If you are getting even harder, what do you think my problem is?

Plz! I am eager to figure this out so I can start just enjoying the benefits and not dealing with side effects.

Is there a certain method you are using while pumping? Certain pressures etc.? Any other pimping tips you might have? Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Side note: this morning was the first morning in awhile I was actually able to pump erect, which was nice. Hopefully I can stay away from �naked people movies� so that my erections start getting better again.

This is my pumping routine:
5 minute warm up with heating pad.
5 minutes in the Mytivac at 6hg.
5 minutes ssj.
5 minutes in the Mytivac at 7hg.
5 minutes ssj.
5 minutes in the Mytivac at 8 hg.
5 minutes ssj.
Put on the siliring for an hour. Take it off. Massage my penis for about 5 minutes to obtain 80% to 100% erection, put the siliring back on until I go to bed.
This is my pumping routine:
5 minute warm up with heating pad.
5 minutes in the Mytivac at 6hg.
5 minutes ssj.
5 minutes in the Mytivac at 7hg.
5 minutes ssj.
5 minutes in the Mytivac at 8 hg.
5 minutes ssj.
Put on the siliring for an hour. Take it off. Massage my penis for about 5 minutes to obtain 80% to 100% erection, put the siliring back on until I go to bed.
This looks to be a very solid routine. Have you expeimented with higher pressures for short bursts? I call it pulse-pumping, and the varying Hg (from 5 to 10 and 8 to 15 and hold at 10 and then back to 8...or just random based on how you feel and the amount of force you're able to withstand). Just a thought
�naked people movies� is a tough thing and we can't all be the same in temptation. When you feel weak let us know and we get you through it
This looks to be a very solid routine. Have you expeimented with higher pressures for short bursts? I call it pulse-pumping, and the varying Hg (from 5 to 10 and 8 to 15 and hold at 10 and then back to 8...or just random based on how you feel and the amount of force you're able to withstand). Just a thought
I haven’t tried the pulse pumping. I have gone up to 15hg though for about 5 to 10 seconds. This sounds interesting to try. Can you please explain exactly how to do this and for how long? I would really appreciate it.
I haven’t tried the pulse pumping. I have gone up to 15hg though for about 5 to 10 seconds. This sounds interesting to try. Can you please explain exactly how to do this and for how long? I would really appreciate it.
Similar to what you've experimented with, just with a bit longer duration at your max...1 -2 minutes. My goal was to always try and exceed my previous Hg by one or two values (but always paying close attention to any pain/blistering/etc).
Take for example today: AM in the shower starting at 5-7 Hg as a 'warm-up' for 5 minutes and then 10hg for 5 minutes, remove and jelq for a minute or two and then 10Hg to 15Hg for another 5 minutes.
PM on the couch (watching golf) I generously lubed-up with coconut oil and entered the cylinder at 5 Hg for 10 minutes and then 15Hg-20Hg 'pulsing' for another 45 minutes holding the highest pressure for several minutes and then releasing, rinse/repeat.

I've sized my cylinder to limit girth and thus limit water retention so the only place I have 'bloating' is just under the goes away w/jelqing and time.
Hope that helps
Similar to what you've experimented with, just with a bit longer duration at your max...1 -2 minutes. My goal was to always try and exceed my previous Hg by one or two values (but always paying close attention to any pain/blistering/etc).
Take for example today: AM in the shower starting at 5-7 Hg as a 'warm-up' for 5 minutes and then 10hg for 5 minutes, remove and jelq for a minute or two and then 10Hg to 15Hg for another 5 minutes.
PM on the couch (watching golf) I generously lubed-up with coconut oil and entered the cylinder at 5 Hg for 10 minutes and then 15Hg-20Hg 'pulsing' for another 45 minutes holding the highest pressure for several minutes and then releasing, rinse/repeat.

I've sized my cylinder to limit girth and thus limit water retention so the only place I have 'bloating' is just under the goes away w/jelqing and time.
Hope that helps
Here is what I have been doing the last couple of days for my pump sessions. 5 minute warm up with heating pad, enter the tube fully erect and pump to 7hg (I have a timer set for 5 minutes). A minute and a half in I'll pump up to 13hg for 30 seconds, release pressure back down to 7hg. Do this again with a minute and a half left on the timer, release back down to 7hg after 30 seconds. Then 5 minutes of ssj's. Second set I pump up to 8hg and at the same timing as the first set, I pump up to 14hg. Then 5 minutes of ssj's. Third set I pump up to 9hg and the same timing as above pump up to 15hg. Then finish off with 5 minutes of ssj's. After today's session I measured my base temp girth and it was at 5.75", mid shaft was almost 5.5" And of course wear the siliring until I go to bed.
This routine should yield you very good results...keeping up the intensity and always striving for a bit more. Nice work, look forward to reading about your successes
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This routine should yield you very good results...keeping up the intensity and always striving for a bit more. Nice work, look forward to reading about your successes
Thanks Barry
This is a very relevant subject, and needs a definite answer. So, what's the answer? It can be yes, and it can be no. This answer can also be comparative to, "Can free weights help me build muscles, but can they also hurt me?"

As many prior posts indicated, strategic uses of pumps will infact assist you in to gain and improve your penile health in the PE schemes. But at the same time, overzealous, desperate, and pumping blind will result in penile injury. There are many discussions on how to use the pumps correctly, but the rule of thumb is:
  • Make sure the pumps have a gauging device, be detached or attached between the cylinder, on the cyclinder, in-line, or on the pumping unit.
  • Know your starting pressure baseline, know your effective pressure baseline (3inHg), recognize the magical baseline (5inHg), and the upper pressure baseline (anything above 5inHg and below 10inHg). Remember that your normal average erectile internal pressure is around 3inHg. At 10inHg, you're entering 3 times greater than your intended natural erectile pressure. Going above 10inHg is entering into the danger zone.
  • DO RECOGNIZE that even at 4inHg, you can hurt yourself let alone oing into 10inHg.
  • At 10inHg to 12inHg, this is the upper pumping zone. This is also black magic growth zone. Those who are true pumping veterans know that entering into the high pressure zone will enter a very high chance to injurying themselves, but they can also gain a unique anti-plateau gain.
  • Pain IS NOT welcome. If you experience pain along the entire penile shaft while pumping, it's not gain. It's a sign of danger.
  • Discomfort is welcome. You'll feel a dull sensation when the vacuum pressure is expanding your penis from the outside. However, you have to work hard to maintain full erection, or at the least, use kegel exercises to get as much blood volume into the penile shaft as possible during pumping. This is to equalize the internal and external pressure for optimal expansion.
  • Use SSJ (Slow Squash Jelq) and reverse jelq to reduce and remove fluid retention. Fluid builds up in the epidermal layer of your penile shaft, which can cause heavy discomfort.
  • Always, always, always, creep up from the lower baseline. Never ever be a warrior and pump like a mad man straight up to the upper pressure. Once hit 3inHg, creep up slowly. Your penis will sound the alarm the moment you encounter something odd.
  • Pressure against your penile base can cause pain on your dorsal nerve and blood vessels. Too much pressure against your dorsal nerve and blood vessels can injure your penis, causing your healthy penis to suffer ED.
Do look into the pumping for newbies and ask questions. Lots and lots of questions. We are here to help as a brotherhood in PE. There is no such thing as a stupid or irrelevant question.
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